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Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Research Funding and Strategic Initiatives


In December 2022 the Council of the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences approved a three-year funding timeline to support Framework development. Funds were available in two tranches: Phase 1 (2022-2023) and Phase 2 (2023-2025).

Phase 1 (2022-2023) focused on supporting themes to further develop their networks and define their objectives, with the School providing funding for:

  • Convening workshops/meetings: support for thematic groups to convene workshops/meetings, to build dialogue and collaborations and to define objectives and activities proposed for Phase 2.
  • Mapping and visualising research interests: support for a School-led project to develop an interactive mapping tool to visualise research interests and networks, providing a persistent resource to support collaboration and new research directions. About the HSS Interactive Mapping Tool for Networks and Research Collaborations 
  • Research communications: additional resource across the School for communications (3 posts at School-level), working with Departments and Faculties to raise the profile of research in the School, including by supporting the development of the Framework themes by showcasing existing and emerging research.
  • Research assistance and administration support: funding for research assistance to support the development of thematic objectives; the School Office will provide coordination support in organising events etc.

For Phase 2 (2023-2025) thematic groups (or sub-groups) prepared workplans for ongoing work in 2023-4 and 2024-5. These were reviewed by the Framework's Steering Group (the School's Social Sciences Research Strategy Group), and taken to the Council of the School for final approval in June 2023. Details of the application process are available here

Investment in the Research Framework will benefit Faculties and Departments through developing areas of research activity and through increased connectivity in shared research priorities. In due course, it is anticipated that grant capture or other income associated with Research Framework activity will provide a financial benefit to participating Departments.

The HSS Research Framework fund is not currently accepting applications (February 2024).