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Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Research Funding and Strategic Initiatives

Introduction to the Research Funding Landscape

Funding for AHSS researchers broadly divides into two types: Fellowships and Grants


Fellowships provide funding to pursue individual research and will cover the cost of either the PI's salary (up to 1.0 fTE) or teaching replacement. The intention is to release the PI from teaching and administrative duties to complete a piece of work.


Grants support projects where the PI leads a team of researchers. It is generally expected that the PI of a grant will continue to manage regular employment duties and will dedicate only part of their time to the management of the grant project and its team.

Internal Application Process

For all funding applications, check with your Departmental Research Grant Administrator regarding internal deadlines and sign-off procedures. Don't forget that the Research Operations Office operates an internal deadline in advance of the funder deadline. Check the internal deadline using the Application Deadline Calculator.


Research funding comes in many forms: if you're unsure what you're looking for, Explore the Funding Landscape (above) may be a good starting point. For all applications, the timeline below gives a general outline of the major steps involved.


*Click on the image below for downloadable PDF.

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Guidance for College Employees

If you're a College employee, please check the specific guidance provided.

To begin:

  • the CTO needs to discuss her/his application plans with the planned host Faculty as well as the College (Bursar and Senior Tutor) as early as possible and seek approvals;

  • the Faculty needs to approve the funding application following standard University and Faculty policies in order for application to be approved and submitted by Research Operations Office (ROO).

ROO Internal Deadlines

The Research Operations Office operates internal deadlines for submitting applications to external funders: 

  • Departments are required to give the Research Office a minimum of 4 weeks’ notice of their intention to submit to a particular scheme

  • Departments must send the Research Office their full proposal no less than 7 working days in advance of the funder deadline

  • Small applications: Departments to send the Research Office the full proposal no less than 2 working days in advance of the funder deadline (unless any of the exceptions apply, in which case the 7- working days rule must be followed). For more information and a deadline calculator see the Research Office website

Useful Links

A powerful search tool to help you find exactly the funding opportunities and news articles that interest you.