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Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Research Funding and Strategic Initiatives

The AHSS Research and Impact Facilitation Bulletin provides updates on the latest funding opportunities and training events available to researchers interested in applying for a research grant.  The Bulletin is sent out to researchers via Chairs of Faculties, Departmental Administrators, and RGAs.  

The most recent bulletins can be found below and you can sign up here to receive the Bulletin directly.


Archived Bulletins

AHSS Bulletin August 2024

AHSS Research and Impact Facilitation Bulletin 

August 2024


If you want to discuss funding opportunities or you are working on an application for research funding and would like feedback on a draft, please do contact the School’s Research Facilitators – Anna Cieslik (UK Funding) and Elizabeth Penner (EU/International Funding).  For Impact related queries please contact Lucy Sheerman (Impact Facilitator). 

You can find more information on the AHSS Research Website, search our External Funding Deadline Calendar and look at Previous Bulletins.  We are also now on Twitter! Follow us for updates on funding calls and information sessions. 


UK Research Council Funding


EU / International Funding


Charity Council Funding


Internal Funding




Core Research Challenges in Digital Twinning for Crisis Resilience

Summary: This funding opportunity is led by EPSRC jointly with UKRI’s Building a Secure and Resilient World Strategic theme, as part of our contribution to developing the national capability in digital twinning, focusing on addressing challenges related to national security and resilience.

We live in increasingly volatile times and the UK faces a broad range of risks with a constantly evolving threat picture, including threats to our critical national infrastructure and essential services. These risks, both non-malicious (accidents, natural hazards) and malicious (threats from harmful actors), are captured in the National Risk Register (NRR) (PDF, 2.5Mb).

While complete mitigation is impossible, there are substantial benefits to be realised in terms of human welfare, economic and environmental impact, protection of essential services and many other areas if risks are effectively identified, planned for, and impacts mitigated. In all cases, a timely and coordinated response from government and agencies is critical in minimising direct and indirect effects. Digital twinning is an approach that can be used to assist decision makers.

A digital twin is an advanced form of cyber-physical infrastructure enabling a two-way data flow between a physical asset, system or process and its digital representation. Digital twinning can link systems of different organisations and locations, through controlled information sharing, enabling safe scenario-based testing, and support coordination.

Award: Up to £4,375,000 fEC, funded at 80%
Funder Deadline: 05 September 2024
Research Facilitation ContactDr Anna Cieslik


Restricted Call: UKRI cross research council responsive mode pilot scheme: round 2

 Full details for this round are not yet available, as the call is expected to open on 2nd September 2024. However, due to the tight timeframe between the call opening and the funder deadline, we are circulating our process now. Please note that because the funder has only pre-announced the call, details may change, and we will communicate such changes as necessary.
UKRI has pre-announced the Cross-research council responsive mode pilot scheme: Round 2. This scheme will fund around 36 awards for projects advancing breakthrough interdisciplinary ideas that transcend, combine or significantly span disciplines and research council remits. UKRI will fund awards of between £200,000 and £1,200,000 each for projects that last up to 2 years from either individual applicants or teams from a single organisation or across a number of organisations. UKRI have produced a 20 minute video which aims to provide potential applicants to the scheme with a better understanding of interdisciplinary research as it relates to the Cross Research Council Responsive Mode scheme, what good interdisciplinary research looks like, and what assessors will be looking for in applications.
UKRI will hold a webinar dedicated to informing prospective applicants across the UKRI research community on UKRI-supported facilities and services on offer across the research councils at 10am on 4 July 2024. UKRI will also hold webinars for this scheme to provide more information about the funding opportunity and a chance to ask questions at 10am on 5th September, and 2pm on 11th September. Please click the links to register. In addition, the University of Cambridge's Research Funding Team will hold an information session for this scheme in mid-July 2024. More details will follow about this event in due course.  
UKRI have also provided a helpful document of generalised feedback on outline applications from last year’s round, which may be useful in preparing your application.
Please see the full scheme guidance for further information. 
University Internal selection:
 The University of Cambridge can only submit a maximum of 20 applications as the lead organisation. Therefore, this call will be managed according to the University’s restricted calls procedure. If you are leading on a bid to this scheme, please complete the online selection form by 9th September, 2024
You will need the following documents and information to complete the Form:

  • Basic details about the project including the interdisciplinary interface that best aligns with your proposal and a list of internal and external collaborators
  • Head of Department Support Letter confirming their support for the project and that the lead department is happy to host the project.
  • Project Summary (max 850 words) which addresses the three assessment criteria listed below 

Internal Assessment Criteria: 
The assessment of internal applications will focus on the following core funder criteria: 

  • Vision: the proposed work is timely, has high potential to deliver ground-breaking outcomes, advance current understanding and generate new knowledge, thinking, concepts, techniques, methods or technologies or discoveries only achieved through interdisciplinary research and disruptive ideas.
  • Approach: the proposed work is clearly interdisciplinary in a way that explores new types of, and approaches to interdisciplinary research, involves all disciplines required in the co-creation and design, reciprocally benefits all the disciplines involved and addresses and overcomes the challenges of interdisciplinary research.
  • Applicant and Team Capability to Deliver: the proposed work includes a project team with the skills and expertise in the disciplines required for the delivery of the project.

If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 

Award: Between £200,000 and £1,200,000.
Funder Deadline:  Please note, For ease of reference, internal deadlines are marked in red

  • Internal deadline for applicants to submit MS Form: 9th September, 2024
  • Funder deadline for submission of outline applications: 19th November, 2024
  • Funder deadline for submission of full applications: 3rd July, 2025

Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


UK future internet NetworkPlus: Outline

Summary: The UK future internet NetworkPlus will bring together the research community, policy makers and wider stakeholders to enable the UK to be an active leader in the development of the internet and an intelligent customer of internet technologies in the 2030s and 2040s. It must take a strategic and forward-looking approach, in line with UKRI’s mission to convene, catalyse and invest in close collaboration with others to build a thriving, inclusive research and innovation system that connects discovery to prosperity and public good.

This funding opportunity seeks to improve outcomes for people and places across the UK. Where we refer to government or policymakers, this should be taken to include government or policymakers at the national level, as well as those in devolved administrations, regions and local authorities

Projects must start 1 July 2025.

Webinar for potential applicants
UKRI will hold a webinar on 9 July 2024 1:30pm to 3pm UK time. This will provide more information about the funding opportunity and a chance to ask questions. A recording of the webinar will also be made available.

Watch the webinar on Zoom.

Award: Up to £6.5 million fEC, funded at 80%.
Funder Deadline: 10 September 2024, outline stage
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Health Inequalities in the Food System

Summary: Apply for funding to research dietary health inequalities in the UK food system, taking a food systems approach to design and deliver place-based, solution focused interventions.

This theme includes:

  • understanding the factors that affect access to, and affordability of, a healthy balanced diet in deprived communities
  • understanding the dietary choices of those in low-income groups, including individuals within the same family or social circle, and the relationship to dietary quality, nutritional status, and health outcomes
  • understanding the lived experiences and social or cultural norms of low-income groups and how the cost-of-living crisis has exacerbated the challenges faced by deprived communities for example, affordability, cooking and storage facilities, food preparation skills, time, and resource
  • understanding the factors influencing the allocation of food within low-income households and implications for physical and mental health outcomes
  • understanding how the food system (from sustainable production through to consumption) and food environments influence food availability, food choices and health outcomes in low-income groups. The latter includes physical food environments, out of home eating, and online food environments
  • understanding how the consumption of commonly-eaten products, including for example, convenience and fast-foods, impacts on physical and mental health and wellbeing, nutritional status, gut health, gut-brain signalling, satiety, emotional wellbeing

Award: Up to £1,875,000 fEC, funded at 80%. Project duration is three years.
Funder Deadline: 10 September 2024, outline stage
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


AHRC Responsive Mode: Standard Research Grant - round five 

Summary: We’re looking for individual researchers with proposals for well-defined collaborative research projects. However, you may include elements of individual research if you can show how this will add value.

Collaborations can involve:

  • a single institution or a combination of institutions
  • researchers working in different research areas
  • disciplines within the arts and humanities, or between an arts and humanities discipline and another subject area. In such collaborations the arts and humanities element of the project should lead in shaping the research questions, methods and so on
  • researchers working in other sectors
  • researchers based abroad

The proposed collaboration should be appropriate for the specific needs of the research project.

We expect the project lead and any project co-leads to devote an average of at least four hours per week to the project.

Award: Between £300,000 and £1,500,00 fEC funded at 80% for projects up to five years in duration.
Funder Deadline: 24 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


UKRI Digital Research Technical Professional Skills NetworkPlus

Summary: The aim of this funding opportunity is to support a small number of Digital Research Technical Professional (RTP) Skills NetworkPlus grant awards, led by project leads (termed digital RTP champions), which will equitably bring together disciplines, sectors, and domains together to:

  • address cross-cutting challenges related to digital RTP skills and careers
  • provide leadership and coordinate collaborations
  • seed better ways of working together
  • catalyse learning, capability and capacity for digital RTPs

The NetworkPlus awards will explore key challenges and interventions related to skills and careers that are faced by digital RTP communities across the UK research and innovation landscape, including, for example:

  • visible career pathways, structures and offers, including entry routes, and nature of employment contracts
  • people and skills capacity to support innovative research
  • mechanisms and structures to support movement of people and skills across and between research, disciplines and industry
  • recognition of the value of staff delivering and supporting the delivery and use of digital research infrastructures

For the purposes of this funding opportunity, digital RTP is intended to be an inclusive umbrella term which includes hundreds of job titles such as data scientists, research software engineers, computational researchers, systems administrators, and technical support for digital research infrastructures.

Award: Up to £2 million funded at 80% for projects 48 months in duration. Projects must start by 1 April 2025.
Funder Deadline: 02 October 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Design Accelerators: round three

Summary: Design Accelerators are small scale, reactive projects that are designed to support engagement between design research and innovation projects and diverse private, public and third sector organisations, local communities, and the general public.

Design Accelerators should intend to:

  • demonstrate how the design research and innovation at universities throughout the country is vital for their local communities’ successful transition to net zero and a green economy
  • speed up the implementation of outputs by developing them with key local stakeholders
  • increase the diversity of voices and actors consulted in and contributing to addressing the climate crisis

The duration of these awards is up to nine months.

Projects must start by 1 February 2025.

Award: Between £35,000 and £65,000.
Funder Deadline: 03 October 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Expression of Interest: Research Skills Strategy Leadership Hub

Summary: Apply for funding to deliver a new strategic leadership hub that supports the development and delivery of research skills training and capacity building (TCB) provision in the social sciences. The hub will provide both leadership across the social science community and innovate in the way research skills TCB is both conceived and delivered.

The new strategic leadership hub will:

  • lead the development, availability and accessibility of training, ensuring it reflects needs across career stages and remains relevant and future-proofed, through collaboration with TCB providers
  • create the mechanisms, partnerships and networks to coordinate research skills TCB delivered by ESRC’s existing and new investments (including specialist investments already funded to deliver a programme of TCB), and identify and address any gaps in TCB provision
  • design and build an accessible and inclusive IT infrastructure to coordinate and make available TCB provision
  • work with the social science community to promote the importance of research skills development, and to improve provision, access and uptake
  • phase activity to expand delivery and impact beyond the academic social science community to other disciplines and sectors

Award: £5 million over five years.
Funder Deadline: 09 October 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


AHRC Curiosity Award

Summary: Curiosity awards support early-stage ambitious and novel fundamental research which has the potential to act as a springboard towards new and exciting research agendas.

The funding opportunity celebrates the full diversity of the arts and humanities. It is flexible, and applications are welcomed from teams, networks, and solo researchers.

Projects can be single discipline, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary. The majority of the disciplinary focus of the project must fall within our subject remit; see section seven of the AHRC research funding guide for our remit coverage. Practice-based and practice-led research is supported by this funding opportunity.

Award: Up to £100,000 funded at 80% fEC.
Deadline: 30 October 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


AHRC Catalyst Award

Summary: Catalyst awards support researchers without prior experience of leading a significant research project to accelerate their trajectory as independent researchers, unlocking their potential and building leadership and convenor experience through the delivery of ambitious or complex projects.

The scheme takes a people-centred approach with funding available to support the development of researchers and their research ideas. It is flexible, and applications are welcomed from teams, networks and solo researchers.

Development is at the core of this scheme; projects must clearly articulate how the funding will contribute to the development of all those involved through the way that the project has been designed and will be managed, with appropriate support structures in place.

Award: Between £100,000 and £300,000 funded at 80% fEC.
Deadline: 30 October 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Pre-announcement: Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) partnership 2024

Summary: The DUT partnership focuses on three critical urban sectors (and their interrelationships) which are laid out in its roadmap as Transition Pathways

Since urban transition issues are intrinsically interconnected, proposals that address topics from more than one Transition Pathway are encouraged. However, each proposal needs to choose one topic in a Transition Pathway that is closest to their subject as a guide. The proposal will be evaluated against the scope of its main Transition Pathway. Crosscutting characteristics will be considered in the assessment.

To make our cities more liveable, inclusive and climate-neutral, the focus is set on 15-minute neighbourhoods that recognise different urban contexts. The focus lies on knowledge creation, transferability and implementation. Multiple, diverging pathways are necessary for reaching sustainable mobility and transport in different contexts, applying place-sensitive approaches.

This funding opportunity aims to motivate efforts to extend beyond typical scenarios, encouraging projects that enhance experimentation and practical application. It seeks to address challenging obstacles in implementing the 15-minute City concept, and related fields of policy for urban mobility transitions.

It underscores the need to acknowledge diverse starting points for cities and adaptability among various social groups. It emphasises the significance of considering lifestyles, inclusiveness, social cohesion and social justice within the proposed ideas and proposals.

Award: £400,000.
Deadline: 14 November 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


AHRC Collaborate with Researchers in Luxembourg: round three

Summary: This funding opportunity funds work with researchers in Luxembourg. Collaborative work is governed by an agreement between UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR).

You can submit collaborative research proposals in any area of arts and humanities within the remit of both Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and FNR.

Award: Between £300,000 and £1.5 million fEC for the UK hosted element of the project. AHRC will fund 80% fEC. The maximum duration of this award is five years.
Funder Deadline: 10 December 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


UKRI-NSF-SBE agency lead: round three

Summary: Submit a collaborative research grant application within the remit of Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and US National Science Foundation, Social, Behavioural and Economic Sciences Directorate (NSF-SBE).

Projects should aim to:

  • enable arts and humanities researchers to establish or enhance effective working relationships with fellow researchers (both within and beyond the arts and humanities, and within and beyond the UK), as well as practitioners, and the wide range of individuals and organisations who may benefit from their research
  • provide opportunities for less experienced researchers to develop their expertise and their careers by working collaboratively with senior researchers on well-defined projects and by leading projects themselves
  • maximise the value of research outcomes by promoting their communication and dissemination with individuals and organisations outside academia and, where appropriate, to facilitate the knowledge transfer of those outcomes to both the research community and other contexts where they will make a difference

We’re looking for researchers with applications for well-defined collaborative research projects. However, you may include elements of individual research if you can show how this will add value.

Award: Between £300,000 and £1.5 million fEC for the UK hosted element of the project. AHRC will fund 80% fEC. The maximum duration of this award is five years.
Funder Deadline: 10 December 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


AHRC Working with Brazilian Researchers

Summary: Apply for funding to work with overseas researchers in the State of São Paulo, Brazil.

Submit a collaborative research grant application within the remit of Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and State of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).

Projects should aim to:

  • enable arts and humanities researchers to establish or enhance effective working relationships with fellow researchers (both within and beyond the arts and humanities, and within and beyond the UK), as well as practitioners, and the wide range of individuals and organisations who may benefit from their research
  • provide opportunities for less experienced researchers to develop their expertise and their careers by working collaboratively with senior researchers on well-defined projects and by leading projects themselves
  • maximise the value of research outcomes by promoting their communication and dissemination with individuals and organisations outside academia and, where appropriate, to facilitate the knowledge transfer of those outcomes to both the research community and other contexts where they will make a difference

We’re looking for researchers with applications for well-defined collaborative research projects. However, you may include elements of individual research if you can show how this will add value.

Award: Between £300,000 and £1.5 million fEC for the UK hosted element of the project. AHRC will fund 80% fEC. The maximum duration of this award is five years.
Funder Deadline: 10 December 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


Synthesising research on envisioning governance systems that work: Stream two 

Summary: ESRC, AHRC, SSHRC and CIHR have partnered on this funding opportunity to support research that will foster a deeper understanding of the state of knowledge about the global challenge of envisioning governance systems that work. 

Stream two
Stream two is reserved for applications jointly submitted by two applicants, one based in Canada and the other in the UK, who are associated with eligible institutions in their respective countries. Up to 27 projects may be jointly funded by SSHRC, ESRC and AHRC. Projects are not required to cover both AHRC and ESRC remits but must be relevant to at least one council’s remit.

The resulting knowledge syntheses will:

  • identify roles that the academic, public, private and not-for-profit sectors could play in promoting more inclusive and equitable societies
  • inform the development of effective tools and technologies, robust policies, and sustainable practices required to support the path toward a diverse and inclusive future for all

Knowledge syntheses are comprehensive analyses of literature and other forms of knowledge on a particular question or issue. All types of knowledge synthesis approaches, tools and protocols, such as scoping reviews, systematic reviews and narrative syntheses, are encouraged under this funding opportunity.

Knowledge synthesis grants are not intended to support original research. Rather, they are intended to support the synthesis of existing research knowledge and identify knowledge gaps. This funding opportunity is particularly focused on the state of research produced over the past 10 years.

Award: Funding is available for one-year projects. The UK-Canada teams can apply for up to C$ 30,000 from SSHRC and ESRC or AHRC. Budgets cannot exceed a maximum 60% and 40% split across the two agencies (for example, 18,000 Canadian dollars (CA$) and £10,517 or £7,011 and CA$ 12,000). ESRC or AHRC will fund 80% of the UK budget’s full economic cost.
Funder Deadline: 12 December 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Pre-Announcement: Locally Unlocking Culture through Inclusive Access (LUCIA)

Summary: This Locally Unlocking Culture through Inclusive Access (LUCIA) programme aims to empower communities across the UK to have the agency and opportunity to enable growth and address equitable access to culture. It will do this by funding partnerships which amplify seldom heard voices; which respect diverse cultural identities; and which facilitate creative expression, in order that innovative solutions can be found to widen community participation in culture across the UK.

The LUCIA programme objectives are:

  • to develop collaborative research networks to actively engage local communities in widening access to cultural expression
  • to understand local cultural complexities, barriers and enablers, with a view to improving wellbeing in communities throughout the UK
  • to converge data and learning from a range of local and regional models to inform the spread and adoption of collaborative cultural policy across the UK

The programme will fund networks comprised of community practitioners, researchers and policymakers for 12 months, to explore opportunities for widening cultural access and expression within UK communities.

It is expected that each network will engage with their research organisation’s public engagement team throughout the application process, to ensure that public engagement is prioritised throughout activities planned.

Applications should demonstrate equitable co-creation and co-production with community partners and people with expertise by experience, and clearly identify any barriers to access for those participants.

Award: Up to £100,000 FEC funded at 80%. Project duration is up to 12 months. Projects must begin by 1 April 2026.
Funder Deadline: 10 April 2025
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Horizon Europe Update: UK Eligibility Update

Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023 (and previous years)
Successful UK applicants to calls under the Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023 (and previous years) will be funded under the UKRI Guarantee Funding. This Guarantee Funding has recently been extended to cover successful applications made by UK-based businesses and researchers to calls under the Horizon Europe 2021, 2022 or 2023 work programmes. 
Horizon Europe 2024 Work Programme Calls
Successful UK applicants will be funded by the EU, under the Horizon Europe Programme.
Updates on Association: Please visit the Research Operation Office’s EU pages


Horizon Europe Main Work Programme

This PDF offers further details on calls relevant to SAHSS.  This list is not exhaustive so please refer the Horizon Europe Portal for full details. UKRO also have some very useful Factsheets that outline the thematic clusters that make up the three pillars of research support offered.
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner
Highlighted notices:

Resilient and secure urban planning and new tools for EU territorial entities
his topic requires the effective contribution of SSH disciplines and the involvement of SSH experts, institutions as well as the inclusion of relevant SSH expertise, in order to produce meaningful and significant effects enhancing the societal impact of the related innovation activities.
Main keywords: Social sciences and Humanities
Deadline: 20 November 2024

Combating hate speech online and offline
The successful proposal is expected to reinforce hate crime training and capacity building for Police Authorities and other relevant security practitioners, in particular to enhance their tools and methods for lawful detection, reporting and data/evidence collection and analysis of the hate speech related activities that are considered as crime or could lead to a crime. Activities proposed within this topic should address, in a balanced way, both technological and societal dimensions of the issue under consideration. This topic requires the effective contribution of SSH disciplines and the involvement of SSH experts, institutions as well as the inclusion of relevant SSH expertise, in order to produce meaningful and significant effects enhancing the societal impact of the related innovation activities.
Main keywords: Law, Sociology, Education, Communication studies
20 November 2024

A European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage – Innovative tools for digitisation and analysis of dynamic processes, objects and complex combined data 
This topic aims at developing and implementing a set of innovative tools and methods on the European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage (ECCCH) for digitisation and analysis of dynamic processes, objects and complex combined data. Concrete applications of these tools and methods should be provided for at least the following uses:

  • Digitising dynamic objects, processes and practices
  • Monitoring the evolving status of cultural heritage objects over time
  • Interacting with, cross-mixing and re-mixing different data types

Main keywords: Cultural heritage, Media studies
22 January 2025


HSS-relevant topics in the Work Programme 2023-2025

This document is designed to help potential proposers find SSH-related topics across the different parts of Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023-25.

To assist SSH researchers in identifying funding opportunities, the European Commission (EC) has established a search engine within its online Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal. Certain topics with substantial SSH aspects have been “flagged” by the EC as SSH-relevant, and the search engine offers the option to quickly search for the specific priority ‘Socio-economic science and humanities’. It also allows for keyword and full-text search. 


MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships

Summary: The objective of PFs is to support researchers’ careers and foster excellence in research. The Postdoctoral Fellowships action targets researchers holding a PhD who wish to carry out their research activities abroad, acquire new skills and develop their careers. PFs help researchers gain experience in other countries, disciplines and non-academic sectors.

There are 2 types of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

  1. European Postdoctoral Fellowships. They are open to researchers moving within Europe or coming to Europe from another part of the world to pursue their research career. These fellowships take place in an EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country and can last between 1 and 2 years. Researchers of any nationality can apply.
  2. Global Postdoctoral Fellowships. They fund the mobility of researchers outside Europe. The fellowship lasts between 2 to 3 years, of which the first 1 to 2 years will be spent in a non-associated Third Country, followed by a mandatory return phase of 1 year to an organisation based in an EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country. Only nationals or long-term residents of the EU Member States or Horizon Europe Associated Countries can apply.

Both types of fellowships may also include short-term secondments anywhere in the world during the fellowship (except during the return phase of a Global Fellowship).

In an effort to build bridges between the academic and non-academic sector, researchers can receive additional support to carry out a placement of up to 6 months in a non-academic organisation based in an EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country. This placement needs to take place at the end of their fellowship.

Award: The Fellowship provides support in the form of a living allowance; mobility allowance; family and long-term leave and special needs allowances; research, training and networking activities; management and indirect costs.
Funder Deadline: 11 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


Proof of Concept Grant

Summary: The ERC Proof of Concept Grants aim at facilitating exploration of the commercial and social innovation potential of ERC funded research, by funding further work (i.e. activities which were not scheduled to be funded by the original ERC frontier research grant) to verify the innovation potential of ideas arising from ERC funded projects. Proof of Concept Grants are therefore on offer only to Principal Investigators whose proposals draw substantially on their ERC funded research.
Award: up to € 150,000 for a period of 18 months.
Funder Deadline: 17 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


ERC Starting Grant

Summary: ERC grants support projects carried out by an individual researcher who can employ researchers of any nationality as team members. It is also possible to have one or more team members located in a non-European country. Researchers of any nationality with 2-7 years of experience since completion of PhD, a scientific track record showing great promise and an excellent research proposal can apply.
Award: € 1.5 million for a period of 5 years (pro-rata for project of shorter duration). An additional € 1 million can be requested to cover start-up costs, the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities.
Funder Deadline: 15 October 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


ERC Synergy Grant

Summary: The aim is to provide support for a small group of two to four Principal Investigators to jointly address ambitious research problems that could not be addressed by the individual Principal Investigators and their teams working alone. Synergy projects should enable substantial advances at the frontiers of knowledge, stemming, for example, from the cross-fertilization of scientific fields, from new productive lines of enquiry, or new methods and techniques, including unconventional approaches and investigations at the interface between established disciplines. The transformative research funded by Synergy Grants should have the potential of becoming a benchmark on a global scale.

Award: A maximum of € 10 million for a period of 6 years (pro rata for projects of shorter duration). An additional € 4 million can be requested in the proposal in total to cover eligible 'start-up' costs for Principal Investigators moving to the EU or an Associated Country from elsewhere as a consequence of receiving an ERC grant and/or the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities.
Deadline: 06 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


ERC Consolidator Grant

Summary: The ERC Consolidator Grant is for researchers of any nationality with 7-12 years of experience since completion of their PhD. This programme is for PIs who will consolidate their own independent research team or programme. PIs must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their research proposal.
Award: up to € 2 million for a period of 5 years. An additional € 1 million can be requested to cover start-up costs, the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities.
Deadline: 14 January 2025


British Academy Talent Development Awards

Summary: The aim of the scheme is to promote the building of skills and capacities for current and future generations, including in core areas like quantitative skills, interdisciplinarity, data science, digital humanities and languages. This scheme promotes the acquisition and advancement of skills in relevant areas by UK-based researchers, supporting innovative research methods, be that through skills development, collaboration or dissemination. The overarching aims of the scheme are to invest in UK talent and skills, and as a result, to contribute to the development and delivery of high quality regional, national and international research by:

  • raising the quality of advanced quantitative skills and/or data science skills used in research, including digital methods;
  • creating new opportunities for knowledge and skills to exchange across disciplines and sectors; and
  • promoting language learning and the transferable skills that language learning provides.

Award: The maximum grant is £10,000. The awards are for a minimum period of 6 months and up to a maximum period of 12 months, starting from no earlier than 1 March 2024 and no later than 31 March 2024.
Funder Deadline: 11 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


British Academy Knowledge Frontiers: International Interdisciplinary Research Projects 2025

Summary: The purpose of each project will be to develop new international interdisciplinary research in the humanities and social sciences to further our understanding of just transitions. Research may be problem-focused, creatively innovative and exploratory, and should bring together relevant disciplines in both the humanities and social sciences, where appropriate, for maximum impact/effect. The Academy requires all applications to fundamentally involve and integrate both the humanities and the social sciences.

The aim of this call is to support international collaborations between researchers in the UK and elsewhere on internationally focused research projects of an interdisciplinary nature that go beyond the day-to-day matters that this theme might engender, and instead focus on the deeper and more long-term issues of just transitions. The Academy sees this broad scope as essential in bringing together the range of disciplines across the humanities and social sciences which are required for an award under this programme.

The Academy envisages that the awards made through the Programme will:

  • By such understandings of Just Transitions bring to bear a deeper, more nuanced, and historically aware thinking to the topic;
  • Identify the contributions that could be made to international and national knowledge exchange, practice and policy development in this area and what lessons can be learnt to navigate any future landscape(s);
  • Develop ways of communicating and collaborating in cross-disciplinary and multilingual working in partnership with colleagues internationally.

Projects must begin in March/April 2025.

Award: Awards of 24 months in duration and up to £300,000 are available and funded at 80% FEC.
Funder Deadline: 18 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


British Academy Global Innovation Fellowships: The German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) 2024

Summary: The objective of the Global Innovation Fellowships is to provide opportunities to UK-based early- and mid-career researchers from across the humanities and social sciences to develop their skills, networks and careers in the creative and cultural, public, private and policy sectors to address challenges that require innovative approaches and solutions. Through the Global Innovation Fellowships, researchers in the SHAPE community will be supported to create new and deeper links beyond academia, so enabling knowledge mobilisation and translation, as well as individual skills development. 

The aim is to have a mutually beneficial partnership between the fellowship award holder and DGAP with each able to take advantage of fresh perspectives and expand their networks and reach. It will enable the award holder to strengthen and create new links across policy and academia, enabling knowledge mobilisation and translation, and the opportunity to develop new approaches and solutions to policy challenges through providing a different perspective.

Applications are invited in any of the following areas:

  • Technology and International Affairs.
  • Global Order and Disorder
  • Eastern and South-eastern Europe.
  • Sustainability, Nature & Climate.

Award: Up to £150,000 for 12 months in duration (with Full Economic Costing at 80%).
Funder Deadline: 25 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


Wellcome Trust Early-Career Awards

Summary: This scheme provides funding for early-career researchers from any discipline who are ready to develop their research identity. The researcher will deliver shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. By the end of the aware, they will be ready to lead their own independent research programme. Project duration is usually 5 years, but may be less for some disciplines and longer if held on a part-time basis.
Award: £400,000
Deadline: 01 October 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships

Summary: The British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship offers outstanding early career researchers the opportunity to strengthen their experience of research and teaching in an academic environment. This scheme aims to help develop the award holder’s curriculum vitae and boost their prospects of obtaining a permanent academic post. The primary emphasis is on the completion of a significant piece of publishable research, and the integration of the award holder into the community of established scholars within their field.

There is no University-level selection for this call, but Departments and Faculties are encouraged to nominate excellent applicants only, as unsuccessful applicants are not able to reapply. 

Applicants: please refer to your host Department/Faculty for their application procedures.

Award: The scheme is covered under the Full Economic Costing (FEC) regime. Currently, the Academy funds 80% of salary costs, directly allocated and indirect costs under FEC. The Fellowship is tenable for three years, starting Autumn 2025 in a UK-based university or higher education institution.
Deadline: 02 October 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Leverhulme Trust Visiting Professorships

Summary: For UK institutions to invite an eminent senior professor from overseas, to bring genuinely novel expertise and enhance the skills and knowledge of academic staff and students in an underrepresented area in the UK. Priority will be given to new or recent collaborations and visits with a variety of activities beyond research.
Award: Between £10,000 and £150,000.
Deadline: 03 October 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Nuffield Foundation Racial Diversity UK Fund

Summary: This programme is funded by an endowment that supports work relating to the Commonwealth. This means our interest is in the future of UK society as shaped by its colonial past; specifically, by the migration of people from former British colonies to the UK, and the accompanying dynamics of racialisation, resources and power which have produced the UK’s distinct racial diversity and its patterns of racial discrimination and inequality. Within this context we take a broad view of racial diversity as covering all racial or ethnic groups living in the UK, including White populations. 

What we will fund 

The Racial Diversity UK programme aims to be broad in its reach, interested in questions of socio-economic equality, senses of place, belonging and identity, barriers to and opportunities for inclusion, demographic trajectories, and the interrelationship between these themes. Research may also address how the UK compares internationally. Race and ethnicity should be the central focus from which any intersectionality with class, disability, gender, place and other dynamics would be explored.

We expect the research we fund to:

  • Contribute to understanding, public debate, policy and/or practice on tackling racial inequalities, discrimination and disadvantage.
  • Map pathways towards a UK that is comfortable with and reaping the benefits of its growing racial diversity.

Where proposals to Racial Diversity UK overlap with the Foundation’s continuing interests in educationjustice or welfare, we encourage applicants to contact us early to discuss which of our funding streams your application fits best with. Broadly, we expect Racial Diversity UK to consider funding research where racial diversity, disparity or discrimination is the primary lens through which social well-being is explored, or where their role in shaping communities or places is foregrounded.

Award: Up to £750,000.
Deadline: 14 October 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Nuffield Foundation - Research, Development and Analysis Fund

Summary: This scheme supports projects that improve the design and operation of social policy, especially in domains of education, welfare and justice. Preference is given to projects that:

  • identify and explain the social and economic determinants of opportunity and risk across the life span, focusing in particular on early childhood adversity, transitions from adolescence to young adulthood, and social and economic well-being in adulthood and later life;
  • improve well-being for society as a whole, while ameliorating negative outcomes and informing the foundations of and pathways towards a just and inclusive society;
  • support the development of workable evidence-based solutions for policy and practice over the medium term.

Projects normally have a duration between six months to three years.

Award: Up to £750,000, but most awards are worth between £50,000 and £300,000.
Deadline: 14 October 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


British Academy Visiting Fellowships

Summary: Visiting Fellowships illustrate the British Academy’s profound and on-going commitment to international engagement. The aim of this programme is to ensure that the UK remains an attractive, welcoming, and productive research environment for academics globally. Through this programme, the Academy aims to:

  • Enhance and build new links between scholars from around the globe and in the UK;
  • Foster opportunities and encourage the development of new and future partnerships for collaborative research into the humanities and social sciences
  • To enable academics from across the globe to undertake research and/or professional development with UK colleagues;
  • And strengthen the UK’s research bases in the humanities and the social sciences.

Visiting Fellowship duration is between three and six months.
Award: Maximum funding value is £40,000.
Deadline: 23 October 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


BA ODA Research Management Capacity Strengthening

Summary:The primary intended outcome of this programme is to enhance the capabilities of institutions in Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Malaysia, Philippines, South Africa, Turkey, Thailand, Vietnam and/or Least Developed Countries and UK-based institutions to overcome systemic barriers of working across borders and to embed the resulting best practise within the institutions to support sustained, equitable, international research collaboration. Emphasis is placed on activities that enable sustainable change that continues well beyond the life of the award in institutions, including the development and implementation of policy frameworks or training programmes, for both UK and overseas institutions bearing in mind that these are likely to need to reach beyond research offices. It is understood that needs of partner institutions might differ, and projects should reflect this.

Awards are expected to involve significant time devoted to dialogue and communication between the institutions involved so that links can be built and enhanced, ways of working can be adapted, and best practice can be reached for all those involved in supporting future research projects. The Academy views the involvement of financial, HR and legal functions within institutions as key to the success of any award given the significant challenges that these areas can cause in the running of international research projects. Awards that are only aiming to bring together respective research offices will be considered insufficient and not be supported.

Awards of 18-24 months in duration are available. Projects must begin in March 2025.

Award: Up to £50,000. Funding can be used to support networking, workshop and other event-related costs, as well as travel and related expenses. Staffing costs are eligible up to £7,500 per institution involved, with a maximum of £30,000 that can be utilised for this purpose.
Deadline: 30 October 2024
Research Facilitation ContactDr Elizabeth Penner


British Academy Small Research Grants

Summary: All applications should demonstrate that Academy funds are sought for a clearly defined, discrete piece of research, which will have an identifiable outcome on completion of the Academy-funded component of the research.
Award: Up to £10,000 for projects between 1 and 24 months in duration.
Funder Deadline: 06 November 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


British Academy ODA Global Innovation Fellowships

Summary:The objective of the ODA (Official Development Assistance) Global Innovation Fellowships is to provide opportunities to UK-based early- and mid-career researchers from across the humanities and social sciences to develop their skills, networks and careers in the creative and cultural, public, private and policy sectors to address challenges that require innovative approaches and solutions. Through the ODA Global Innovation Fellowships, researchers in the SHAPE community will be supported to create new and deeper links beyond academia, so enabling knowledge mobilisation and translation, as well as individual skills development.

Applications are invited in any of the following areas:

  • Environment, sustainability and nature
  • Transformative technologies
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Cities and urbanisation
  • Global order, geopolitics and international affairs

Award: These Fellowships are offered as awards for up to £150,000 for 12 months in duration (with Full Economic Costing at 80%).
Funder Deadline: 06 November 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


British Academy Senior Research Fellowships
Summary: The BA/Leverhulme Senior Research Fellowships are intended to enable established scholars, needing relief from teaching and administration, to have the time to bring to completion a significant piece of research, through sustained period of leave for one year.
Award: These awards are not covered under the Full Economic Costing (FEC) regime. The only costs payable will be the salary of a replacement lecturer, who should normally be at an early career stage and appointed at the usual starting salary for first-time appointments, together with associated employers’ costs of NI and USS (and London Allowance where applicable); and limited research expenses up to a maximum of £5,000.
Deadline: 13 November 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Wellcome Trust Career Development Awards

Summary: This scheme provides funding for mid-career researchers from any discipline who have the potential to be international research leaders. They will develop their research capabilities, drive innovative programmes of work and deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing.
Award: Provides a salary for the grantholder (if required) and research expenses. Please request for level and duration of funding that's justifiable for your proposed research.
Funder Deadline: 26 November 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


British Academy Innovation Fellowship Scheme 2024-2025 -- Route B: Policy led

Summary: The Innovation Fellowships scheme will provide funding and support for established early-career and mid-career researchers in the Humanities and Social Sciences to partner with organisations and business in the creative, cultural, public, private and policy sectors, to address challenges that require innovative approaches and solutions. Through the Innovation Fellowships, our researchers in the SHAPE community will be supported to create new and deeper links beyond academia, so enabling knowledge mobilisation and translation, as well as individual skills development.

The Academy and the FCDO invite applications for Fellowships in any of the following areas:

  1. India
  2. The politics of energy transition and climate change in Africa
  3. The role of technology in shaping citizen-state relations in Africa

Award: Up to £120,000 for a period of 12 months. Awards are expected to commence no earlier than 1 January 2025 and no later than 31 March 2025. 
Funder Deadline: 27 November 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Global Innovation Fellowships: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Summary: The objective of the Global Innovation Fellowships is to provide opportunities to UK-based early- and mid-career researchers from across the humanities and social sciences to develop their skills, networks and careers in the creative and cultural, public, private and policy sectors to address challenges that require innovative approaches and solutions. Through the Global Innovation Fellowships, researchers in the SHAPE community will be supported to create new and deeper links beyond academia, so enabling knowledge mobilisation and translation, as well as individual skills development.

The aim is to have a mutually beneficial partnership between the fellowship award holder and Carnegie with each able to take advantage of fresh perspectives and expand their networks and reach. It will enable the award holder to strengthen and create new links across policy and academia, enabling knowledge mobilisation and translation, and the opportunity to develop new approaches and solutions to policy challenges through providing a different perspective. 

Applications are invited in any of the following five areas:

  • Sustainability, Climate and Geopolitics.
  • Technology and International Affairs.
  • Democracy, Conflict & Governance.
  • Global Order and Institutions.
  • Nuclear Policy.
  • Political Economy and Trade.

Award: Global Innovation Fellowships are expected to commence by September 2025. An earlier start date of March or April 2025 may be possible, in this case the applicant will need to explain how they will plan and manage their relocation on this faster timeline. The Academy is offering up to two one-year fellowships hosted in Carnegie’s offices in the USA (Washington DC or California). These are offered as awards for up to £150,000 for 12 months in duration (with Full Economic Costing at 80%). 
Funder Deadline: 27 November 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Wellcome Trust Discovery Awards

Summary: This scheme provides funding for established researchers and teams from any discipline who want to pursue bold and creative research ideas to deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. The award usually lasts for 8 years, but may be less for some disciplines, such as humanities and social science.
Award: Limit not specified. It is expected that the PI requests an amount that is appropriate to the project.
Funder Deadline: 03 December 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Large Grant Contribution Fund

Summary: Research grant applications for funding over £1 million for AHSS subject areas can request financial contributions from this fund. Funding may be requested for activities that are complementary to the external funding and contributions from Departments / Schools / Non-school institutions. Activities that add value in the following areas are particularly encouraged: widening participation and inclusion; improving partnerships locally / nationally / internationally; capacity and capability building; working with less advantaged partners. Leveraging funding for existing grant awards is not in the remit of this fund. All applications must include one or more external partners and only applications led by Cambridge PIs are eligible.
Award: Up to 10% of the award value. PI buyout and equipment are not eligible costs for request.
Deadline: Minimum 4 weeks before funder deadline.
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik and


REF Impact Funding

Summary: Internal funding is available from the Research Strategy Office to support the development of the University’s REF impact submission. It is expected that successful applications will fund impact activities that may feed into potential impact case studies only where no other monies are available. Applications will be reviewed by the Impact and Knowledge Exchange Team. 

Submissions may include (but are not restricted to):

  • Support for gathering feedback from public engagement activities
  • Economic health monitoring
  • Surveying/engaging with research users to evaluate impact
  • Independent evaluation of impacts
  • Resource to collate citations in policy documents

Award: Up to £10,000.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Please contact your relevant member of the Impact and Knowledge Exchange Team.


All Council Harmonised IAA Impact Starter Fund Call 2024-2025

Summary:Impact Starter funding will be available on a rolling basis to fund short-term projects of up to three months duration. Projects are expected to be short, cost-effective ways of kick-starting impact creation from research findings. The Impact Starter Fund will only consider projects that do not qualify for other IAA funding calls
Award: Varies
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Lucy Sheerman


Funding for Cross-Department Events during Postdoc Appreciation Week 

Summary: We have a small pot of funding available to support events hosted in the Postdoc Centres during Postdoc Appreciation Week (16 - 20 September 2024) with soft drinks and nibbles.

The events must:

  • be aimed at postdocs from more than one department
  • be hosted in one of the three Postdoc Centres (Mill Lane, Eddington, Biomedical Campus)
  • celebrate postdocs and their contributions to the University in some way..

Award: Fund covers cost of soft drinks and nibbles for an event
Deadline: 16 August 2024


Cambridge Africa ALBORADA Fund

Summary: The Cambridge-Africa programme is pleased to announce that the call for proposals to the ALBORADA Research Fund is now open.
Applications are invited from pairs of researchers (post-doctoral level and above) from the University of Cambridge (or an affiliated institute) and African universities or research institutes, across all disciplines, to initiate and/or strengthen research collaborations. Please note that the African applicant can be based in any African country and the awards are no longer restricted to African researchers from sub-Saharan Africa.
The Cambridge-Africa ALBORADA Research Fund competitively awards grants for:

  • research costs (such as reagents, fieldwork and equipment)
  • research-related travel between Cambridge and Africa
  • conducting research training activities in Africa (e.g. workshops/courses)

Award: Between £1,000 and £20,000
Deadline: 12 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact:


Public Engagement Starter Fund

Summary: Do you have a novel research-driven idea that could engage the public? Small grants of up to £2,000 are available from the University of Cambridge. Projects can take ona variety of forms, such as live events, media, exhibitions and installations, or education resources connecting pupils and teachers with research.

Award: Up to £2,000
Deadline: 15 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact:


AHRC IAA Knowledge Exchange and Impact Projects Funding

Summary: The University of Cambridge has been awarded a one-year extension to its Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) by the AHRC to strengthen engagement with users and accelerate the translation of research outputs into impactful outcomes. This includes facilitating the impact agenda by building upon existing collaborations with industry, policymakers, and third sector organisations, as well as forging new partnerships when beneficial. The emphasis of this call is on deepening established external non-academic collaborations to achieve greater and more profound impact.
The overall purpose of this fund is to support ‘on the ground’ impact and knowledge exchange activities. Awards will be made available to fund work that will significantly increase the probability of the ideas and findings generated by the research having a non-academic impact on the private, public, and third sectors. Collaborative, innovative, and co-funded projects are encouraged.

Award: Up to £30,000 covering 100% of directly incurred costs only.
Deadline: 20 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Lucy Sheerman, AHRC IAA Coordinator,


Social Science Impact Fund

Summary: The Social Science Impact Fund aims to support the transfer of social science research and expertise to non-academic partners and collaborators. Social Science research areas can be found here. This funding is specifically aimed at undertaking knowledge exchange opportunities and activities in collaboration with an external partner. 

Applicants should focus on the development or deepening of partnerships and collaborations. Social Science knowledge exchange and impact can be labour intensive, requiring the PI to invest significant time and energy into projects and activities. We encourage all social scientists to consider ways in which working with the most appropriate collaborators can ensure success by bringing in the relevant expertise, networks, and experience. 

Award: Up to £30,000 for a project duration of 12 months maximum.
Deadline: 20 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Tina Basi,


Novel Applications of AI for Research and Innovation

Summary: In collaboration with the Cambridge Centre for Data Driven Discovery, the Accelerate Programme for Scientific Discovery are offering small grants for Cambridge University researchers pursuing innovative applications of AI in research or real-world contexts.

Funding of up to £25,000 is available to support a variety of activities, including research, events, workshops, teaching, or software development, with a focus on interdisciplinary collaboration. Applications are open to PhD students and research staff at the University of Cambridge. Find out more and apply by 18 September.

Award: Up to £25,000
Deadline: 18 September 2024


Keynes Fund

Summary: The Fund supports research on the sources and consequences of failure of market efficiency, particularly but not exclusively as a result of Agency costs. In particular, research into: capital market mispricing; the design of incentive systems and mechanisms to reduce the incidence and significance of institutional or general economic failure as well as into responsive public policies.

The scope of work to be funded shall include interactions between the financial markets and the real economy. The Managers of the Fund encourage research based on empirical observation of the behaviour of market participants, drawing as appropriate on relevant work in the other social sciences, biology and history.

They shall also encourage academics to extend the frontiers of traditional economics in order to raise Cambridge's profile in the critical area between economic theory, best private sector practice and public policy, with a bias towards promoting long-term thinking, dampened pro-cyclicality, improved economic growth and reduced income/wealth disparities. The Keynes Fund provides resources to the Cambridge research community for high-quality projects consistent with these themes. The key features on which projects will be assessed are: quality, impact and positive strong externalities for the Cambridge research environment, especially with regard to the promotion of young talent in the Cambridge Ph.D. programme, or among Post-docs..

Award: There are two categories of award: Standard and Large. A Standard Grant is up to £50,000. A Large Grant is above £50,000.
Deadline: 27 September 2024


Cambridge-LMU Strategic Partnership: Call for Proposals in Teaching and Research

Summary: The University of Cambridge and the LMU Munich are delighted to announce the first call of the second funding period 2025-2029.
The overall aim of the partnership is to explore and support an array of activities that will continue to cement a meaningful and productive partnership between two of Europe’s leading universities. The partnership, and this call, covers all disciplines.
The deadline is 20 October for projects of 1-2 years’ duration, to begin on 1 January 2025

Award: Between €10,000 and €40,000.
Deadline: 20 October 2024
Contact: Ingrid Hobbis, Strategic Partnerships Office,


CRASSH Events & Initiatives Funding

Summary: CRASSH offers support to postgraduate students, postdocs, and academic staff employed by the University of Cambridge or one of its Colleges to run a wide range of events and creative initiatives. We invite you to apply for funding and logistical support for any activity that will foster the exchange of ideas across disciplines and cultures, forge new collaborations between researchers and other participants, bring academic research to wider publics, or explore the connections between research and artistic practice.
Funding of up to £1000 is available for one-day events, £2000 for two-day events, and £1000 for other kinds of initiative. In-kind logistical support will be provided in the form of assistance with the planning and running of events, administration, and publicity. Events and initiatives will be selected for support by a cross-School panel. Successful proposals will form part of CRASSH’s dynamic programme for 2024-2025.

Award: Up to £1000 is available for one-day events, £2000 for two-day events, and £1000 for other kinds of initiative.
Deadline: 21 October 2024


Accelerate Programme AI Clinic

Have you thought about using AI in your research but aren’t sure how to get started? Or are you already using AI and have run into challenges with implementation? Our AI Clinic is here to help.
The Accelerate Programme, based in the Department of Computer Science and Technology runs an AI Clinic to support all staff and students with using AI in their research. No matter your level of experience with AI, we invite you to come and talk to our team who can offer free advice and support. We support projects at all stages - from ideation, grant writing and data gathering, through to software issues and publication. Get in touch via our form or to connect with a member of our team of experts.


UK Parliamentary Knowledge Exchange Newsletter

The UK Parliament Knowledge Exchange Unit support the exchange of information and expertise between researchers and the UK Parliament. Working with higher education and beyond, we facilitate and strengthen this exchange of knowledge in a variety of ways.
Resources and support offered:

  • A first point of contact for any researcher wishing to work with or find out more about UK Parliament.
  • Online training through our series of webinars for researchers and knowledge mobilisers.
  • Weekly round-up email of opportunities for the research community to engage with UK Parliament.
  • @UKParl_Research Twitter feed, bringing together opportunities, information and advice for researchers and a platform to interact with teams across UK Parliament.
  • Online resources about why and how to engage with UK Parliament.
  • Facilitation of academic fellowships and other placement opportunities. 


Webinar on ERC Work Programme 2025

12 September 2024, 14:00 to 15:30 UK time

The European Research Council will host a webinar providing information on the ERC 2025 Work Programme.

The webinar will explain what the new funding opportunities are, the budget allocations, the timescales for submission, and other eligibility conditions.

Angela Liberatore and José Labastida from the ERC Executive Agency will present the plans for 2025 and answer questions.

The event can be accessed via a YouTube link which will be posted on the ERC website shortly.


ERC Starting Grant Webinar

12 September 2024, 14:00 to 15:30 UK time

The British Academy will be holding its next webinar on Thursday 12 September, 14:00-15:30 (BST) for UK-based researchers in the humanities and social sciences who are interested in applying for European Research Council (ERC) grants. The webinar will focus on the ERC Starting Grants 2024 call, which opened on 10 July and has a deadline of 15 October 2024. The webinar will be led by Professor Patrick Haggard FBA and British Academy Fellows who have experience with ERC Grants and panels.

The aim of the webinar is to provide participants with a deeper understanding of the proposal and evaluation format and the key issues they are required to address in planning, writing and costing a proposal.

There is an opportunity to have your B1 draft proposal reviewed by the panel. Please note, that if selected, your B1 proposal will be discussed during the webinar (names and personal details will be removed). The webinar will not be recorded. If you would like to submit a B1 draft proposal to be considered for feedback during the webinar, please register your interest and send them to Maria Suchcitz ( no later than 30 August 2024, 12:00 pm BST (midday).

If you would like to attend the webinar without submitting a B1 proposal, please contact Maria Suchcitz ( by Wednesday 11 September 2024, 12:00 pm BST (midday) to register.


Celebrating Research Culture at Cambridge

Calling all researchers!
Do you work with a great research group, or a great PI? You can nominate them for the 2024 Research Culture Celebration, to be held on 30 September at Kettle’s Yard. Categories include: leadership, concern for professional development, recognition and reward, wellbeing management and support, and inclusive practice. Find out more
Want to tell us more about your own research journey? Your Research, Your Voice asks researchers to respond to a short writing prompt on an aspect of their experience and earn a £5, £10 or £20 voucher to thank them for their time. It is open to postdocs and to PIs. Find out more
These initiatives are part of the project Action Research on Research Culture (ARRC), an international research project led by the University of Cambridge that is testing practical approaches to improving research culture, with the aim of producing guidance and resources that can be used by institutions across the sector. Learn more about the project’s work

AHSS Bulletin July 2024


AHSS Research and Impact Facilitation Bulletin

July 2024


If you want to discuss funding opportunities or you are working on an application for research funding and would like feedback on a draft, please do contact the School’s Research Facilitators – Anna Cieslik (UK Funding) and Elizabeth Penner (EU/International Funding).  For Impact related queries please contact Lucy Sheerman (Impact Facilitator).


You can find more information on the AHSS Research Website, search our External Funding Deadline Calendar and look at Previous Bulletins.  We are also now on Twitter! Follow us for updates on funding calls and information sessions.


UK Research Council Funding


EU Funding

Charity Funding


Internal Funding


Training / Other

Social sciences, Humanities and Arts for People and the Economy (SHAPE) Catalyst, round two

Summary: We are looking for individuals or teams with innovative, ambitious ideas from arts, humanities and social sciences disciplines that can scale and sustain economic or non-economic impact through the commercialisation of research.

Applications must be for a minimum of six months and a maximum of 12 months.

Award: £62,000 funded at 80% FEC
Funder Deadline: 22 July 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


Pre-announcement: The UK-Brazil global talent exchange funding opportunity pilot

Summary: The aim of the scheme is to facilitate collaborations with the potential to create new knowledge, understanding, technologies, products and services to enrich and improve lives in the UK, Brazil and around the world. The scheme will support researchers based in UK and Brazil to establish and develop collaborative partnerships around a specific jointly defined research project that could serve as the backbone for high quality applications for future funding.

Proposals must be led by an eligible project lead (PL) in the UK but are expected to be co-created, co-designed and co-delivered through equitable partnerships with researchers based in Brazil, who should be included on the application as project co-lead (international) (PcL(I)), to deliver mutual and tangible benefits. The involvement of a project co-lead (international) based in Brazil is mandatory.

The duration of this award is a minimum three months and maximum six months.

Projects must start on or after 1 November 2024.

Award: Up to £20,000 fEC.
Funder Deadline: 20 August 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


Restricted Call: UKRI cross research council responsive mode pilot scheme: round 2

 Full details for this round are not yet available, as the call is expected to open on 2nd September 2024. However, due to the tight timeframe between the call opening and the funder deadline, we are circulating our process now. Please note that because the funder has only pre-announced the call, details may change, and we will communicate such changes as necessary.
UKRI has pre-announced the Cross-research council responsive mode pilot scheme: Round 2. This scheme will fund around 36 awards for projects advancing breakthrough interdisciplinary ideas that transcend, combine or significantly span disciplines and research council remits. UKRI will fund awards of between £200,000 and £1,200,000 each for projects that last up to 2 years from either individual applicants or teams from a single organisation or across a number of organisations. UKRI have produced a 20 minute video which aims to provide potential applicants to the scheme with a better understanding of interdisciplinary research as it relates to the Cross Research Council Responsive Mode scheme, what good interdisciplinary research looks like, and what assessors will be looking for in applications.
UKRI will hold a webinar dedicated to informing prospective applicants across the UKRI research community on UKRI-supported facilities and services on offer across the research councils at 10am on 4 July 2024. UKRI will also hold webinars for this scheme to provide more information about the funding opportunity and a chance to ask questions at 10am on 5th September, and 2pm on 11th September. Please click the links to register. In addition, the University of Cambridge's Research Funding Team will hold an information session for this scheme in mid-July 2024. More details will follow about this event in due course.  
UKRI have also provided a helpful document of generalised feedback on outline applications from last year’s round, which may be useful in preparing your application.
Please see the full scheme guidance for further information. 
University Internal selection:
The University of Cambridge can only submit a maximum of 20 applications as the lead organisation. Therefore, this call will be managed according to the University’s restricted calls procedure. If you are leading on a bid to this scheme, please complete the online selection form by 9th September, 2024
You will need the following documents and information to complete the Form:

  • Basic details about the project including the interdisciplinary interface that best aligns with your proposal and a list of internal and external collaborators
  • Head of Department Support Letter confirming their support for the project and that the lead department is happy to host the project.
  • Project Summary (max 850 words) which addresses the three assessment criteria listed below 

Internal Assessment Criteria: 
The assessment of internal applications will focus on the following core funder criteria: 

  • Vision: the proposed work is timely, has high potential to deliver ground-breaking outcomes, advance current understanding and generate new knowledge, thinking, concepts, techniques, methods or technologies or discoveries only achieved through interdisciplinary research and disruptive ideas.
  • Approach: the proposed work is clearly interdisciplinary in a way that explores new types of, and approaches to interdisciplinary research, involves all disciplines required in the co-creation and design, reciprocally benefits all the disciplines involved and addresses and overcomes the challenges of interdisciplinary research.
  • Applicant and Team Capability to Deliver: the proposed work includes a project team with the skills and expertise in the disciplines required for the delivery of the project.

If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 

Award: Between £200,000 and £1,200,000.
Funder Deadline:  Please note, For ease of reference, internal deadlines are marked in red

  • Internal deadline for applicants to submit MS Form: 9th September, 2024
  • Funder deadline for submission of outline applications: 19th November, 2024
  • Funder deadline for submission of full applications: 3rd July, 2025

Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


UK future internet NetworkPlus: Outline

Summary: The UK future internet NetworkPlus will bring together the research community, policy makers and wider stakeholders to enable the UK to be an active leader in the development of the internet and an intelligent customer of internet technologies in the 2030s and 2040s. It must take a strategic and forward-looking approach, in line with UKRI’s mission to convene, catalyse and invest in close collaboration with others to build a thriving, inclusive research and innovation system that connects discovery to prosperity and public good.

This funding opportunity seeks to improve outcomes for people and places across the UK. Where we refer to government or policymakers, this should be taken to include government or policymakers at the national level, as well as those in devolved administrations, regions and local authorities

Projects must start 1 July 2025.

Webinar for potential applicants
UKRI will hold a webinar on 9 July 2024 1:30pm to 3pm UK time. This will provide more information about the funding opportunity and a chance to ask questions. A recording of the webinar will also be made available.

Watch the webinar on Zoom.

Award: Up to £6.5 million fEC, funded at 80%.
Funder Deadline: 10 September 2024, outline stage
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


AHRC Responsive Mode: Standard Research Grant - round five 

Summary: We’re looking for individual researchers with proposals for well-defined collaborative research projects. However, you may include elements of individual research if you can show how this will add value.

Collaborations can involve:

  • a single institution or a combination of institutions
  • researchers working in different research areas
  • disciplines within the arts and humanities, or between an arts and humanities discipline and another subject area. In such collaborations the arts and humanities element of the project should lead in shaping the research questions, methods and so on
  • researchers working in other sectors
  • researchers based abroad

The proposed collaboration should be appropriate for the specific needs of the research project.

We expect the project lead and any project co-leads to devote an average of at least four hours per week to the project.

Award: Between £300,000 and £1,500,00 fEC funded at 80% for projects up to five years in duration.
Funder Deadline: 24 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Design Accelerators: round three

Summary: Design Accelerators are small scale, reactive projects that are designed to support engagement between design research and innovation projects and diverse private, public and third sector organisations, local communities, and the general public.

Design Accelerators should intend to:

  • demonstrate how the design research and innovation at universities throughout the country is vital for their local communities’ successful transition to net zero and a green economy
  • speed up the implementation of outputs by developing them with key local stakeholders
  • increase the diversity of voices and actors consulted in and contributing to addressing the climate crisis

The duration of these awards is up to nine months.

Projects must start by 1 February 2025.

Award: Between £35,000 and £65,000.
Funder Deadline: 03 October 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Synthesising research on envisioning governance systems that work: Stream two 

Summary: ESRC, AHRC, SSHRC and CIHR have partnered on this funding opportunity to support research that will foster a deeper understanding of the state of knowledge about the global challenge of envisioning governance systems that work. 

Stream two
Stream two is reserved for applications jointly submitted by two applicants, one based in Canada and the other in the UK, who are associated with eligible institutions in their respective countries. Up to 27 projects may be jointly funded by SSHRC, ESRC and AHRC. Projects are not required to cover both AHRC and ESRC remits but must be relevant to at least one council’s remit.

The resulting knowledge syntheses will:

  • identify roles that the academic, public, private and not-for-profit sectors could play in promoting more inclusive and equitable societies
  • inform the development of effective tools and technologies, robust policies, and sustainable practices required to support the path toward a diverse and inclusive future for all

Knowledge syntheses are comprehensive analyses of literature and other forms of knowledge on a particular question or issue. All types of knowledge synthesis approaches, tools and protocols, such as scoping reviews, systematic reviews and narrative syntheses, are encouraged under this funding opportunity.

Knowledge synthesis grants are not intended to support original research. Rather, they are intended to support the synthesis of existing research knowledge and identify knowledge gaps. This funding opportunity is particularly focused on the state of research produced over the past 10 years.

Award: Funding is available for one-year projects. The UK-Canada teams can apply for up to C$ 30,000 from SSHRC and ESRC or AHRC. Budgets cannot exceed a maximum 60% and 40% split across the two agencies (for example, 18,000 Canadian dollars (CA$) and £10,517 or £7,011 and CA$ 12,000). ESRC or AHRC will fund 80% of the UK budget’s full economic cost.
Funder Deadline: 12 December 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Horizon Europe Update: UK Eligibility Update

Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023 (and previous years)
Successful UK applicants to calls under the Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023 (and previous years) will be funded under the UKRI Guarantee Funding. This Guarantee Funding has recently been extended to cover successful applications made by UK-based businesses and researchers to calls under the Horizon Europe 2021, 2022 or 2023 work programmes. 
Horizon Europe 2024 Work Programme Calls
Successful UK applicants will be funded by the EU, under the Horizon Europe Programme.
Updates on Association: Please visit the Research Operation Office’s EU pages


Horizon Europe Main Work Programme

This PDF offers further details on calls relevant to SAHSS.  This list is not exhaustive so please refer the Horizon Europe Portal for full details. UKRO also have some very useful Factsheets that outline the thematic clusters that make up the three pillars of research support offered.
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner
Highlighted notices:
Policies and governance shaping the future transport and mobility systems 
A ’social optimum’ balance should be included to developing research knowledge within new governance models from several perspectives (e.g. socio-economic, environmental, health, accessibility, gender and inclusion, safety and security aspects). This topic requires the effective contribution of SSH disciplines and the involvement of SSH experts, institutions as well as the inclusion of relevant SSH expertise, in order to produce meaningful and significant effects enhancing the societal impact of the related research.

Main keywords: Sociology, Economics, Political Science, Law, Gender studies
Deadline: 05 September 2024

Radicalisation and gender
In order to improve understandings of radicalization and gender we need to study how and why gender norms appear as an increasingly contested area of politics with strong mobilizing power. What role gender norms and equality policies play in stabilizing and destabilizing social and political order, and how ideas and norms about gender equality make people react, mobilize and engage politically, at present, in the past and in the future. Proposals should recognise not only the cultural, social and economic diversity of the milieus, but as mentioned above also be gender sensitive. This topic requires the effective contribution of SSH disciplines and the involvement of SSH experts, institutions as well as the inclusion of relevant SSH expertise, in order to produce meaningful and significant effects enhancing the societal impact of the related innovation activities.

Main keywords: Political Science, Social and Cultural studies, Economics, Ethics, Gender studies
20 November 2024

A European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage – Innovative tools for documenting, interlinking and organising data 
This topic aims at developing and implementing a set of innovative tools and methods on the European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage (ECCCH) for high-quality interactions with visitors and cultural heritage objects. Concrete applications of these tools and methods should be provided for at least the following uses:

  • Creating, sharing and re-using interactive content
  • Analysing, designing and testing interactions with visitors

Main keywords: Cultural heritage, Graphic and audio-visual arts, Cultural and creative industries, Sociology
22 January 2025


HSS-relevant topics in the Work Programme 2023-2025

This document is designed to help potential proposers find SSH-related topics across the different parts of Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023-25.

To assist SSH researchers in identifying funding opportunities, the European Commission (EC) has established a search engine within its online Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal. Certain topics with substantial SSH aspects have been “flagged” by the EC as SSH-relevant, and the search engine offers the option to quickly search for the specific priority ‘Socio-economic science and humanities’. It also allows for keyword and full-text search. 


ERC Advanced Grant

Summary: The ERC Advanced Grant is for established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements in the last 10 years. PIs should be exceptional leaders in terms of originality and significance of their research contributions.
Award: € 2.5 million for a period of 5 years. An additional € 1 million can be requested to cover start-up costs, the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities.
Funder Deadline: 29 August 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships

Summary: The objective of PFs is to support researchers’ careers and foster excellence in research. The Postdoctoral Fellowships action targets researchers holding a PhD who wish to carry out their research activities abroad, acquire new skills and develop their careers. PFs help researchers gain experience in other countries, disciplines and non-academic sectors.

There are 2 types of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

  1. European Postdoctoral Fellowships. They are open to researchers moving within Europe or coming to Europe from another part of the world to pursue their research career. These fellowships take place in an EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country and can last between 1 and 2 years. Researchers of any nationality can apply.
  2. Global Postdoctoral Fellowships. They fund the mobility of researchers outside Europe. The fellowship lasts between 2 to 3 years, of which the first 1 to 2 years will be spent in a non-associated Third Country, followed by a mandatory return phase of 1 year to an organisation based in an EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country. Only nationals or long-term residents of the EU Member States or Horizon Europe Associated Countries can apply.

Both types of fellowships may also include short-term secondments anywhere in the world during the fellowship (except during the return phase of a Global Fellowship).

In an effort to build bridges between the academic and non-academic sector, researchers can receive additional support to carry out a placement of up to 6 months in a non-academic organisation based in an EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country. This placement needs to take place at the end of their fellowship.

Award: The Fellowship provides support in the form of a living allowance; mobility allowance; family and long-term leave and special needs allowances; research, training and networking activities; management and indirect costs.
Funder Deadline: 11 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


Proof of Concept Grant

Summary: The ERC Proof of Concept Grants aim at facilitating exploration of the commercial and social innovation potential of ERC funded research, by funding further work (i.e. activities which were not scheduled to be funded by the original ERC frontier research grant) to verify the innovation potential of ideas arising from ERC funded projects. Proof of Concept Grants are therefore on offer only to Principal Investigators whose proposals draw substantially on their ERC funded research.
Award: up to € 150,000 for a period of 18 months.
Funder Deadline: 17 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


ERC Starting Grant

Summary: ERC grants support projects carried out by an individual researcher who can employ researchers of any nationality as team members. It is also possible to have one or more team members located in a non-European country. Researchers of any nationality with 2-7 years of experience since completion of PhD, a scientific track record showing great promise and an excellent research proposal can apply.
Award: € 1.5 million for a period of 5 years (pro-rata for project of shorter duration). An additional € 1 million can be requested to cover start-up costs, the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities.
Funder Deadline: 15 October 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


ERC Consolidator Grant

Summary: The ERC Consolidator Grant is for researchers of any nationality with 7-12 years of experience since completion of their PhD. This programme is for PIs who will consolidate their own independent research team or programme. PIs must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their research proposal.
Award: up to € 2 million for a period of 5 years. An additional € 1 million can be requested to cover start-up costs, the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities.
Deadline: 14 January 2025
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


International Alliance of Research Universities Early-Career Collaboration Grants

Summary: This International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU) Early-Career Collaboration Grants Scheme is for early-career academics and provides funds to cover the costs of a short-term research visit at another IARU university.
Current early-career researchers, i.e. those who are no longer postdoctoral researchers but who are still within 10 years of submitting their PhD, at any IARU university can apply. All applicants must be employed by an IARU university at the time the visit is planned to take place, and grants are intended for those on permanent contracts. The host university does not need to already be involved in the applicant’s research.

Award: Up to $5,000 USD. Visits can be planned for any time between 1 October 2024 and 1 October 2025. If the planned visit does not take place within this timeframe, the awardee will forfeit their award.
Funder Deadline: 15 July 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship

Summary: The awards support outstanding individual researchers and outstanding communicators who will promote public engagement and understanding of the humanities and social sciences. Applicants will be asked in their proposal to set out specific plans for the dissemination of their research to a broad audience, in addition to publication in the usual academic press and journals. Awards will be judged both on the excellence of the research proposed and on the capacity of the applicant to communicate with a broad audience. Applicants are invited to indicate ways in which their proposed programme will contribute to advances in understanding, including public understanding, in their subject area and to the identification of appropriate strategic priorities in the social sciences and humanities.
Award: These Fellowships are covered under the Full Economic Costing (FEC) regime, but the Academy’s contribution to the salary of the Mid-Career Fellow will be capped at an upper limit of £80,000. It is not expected that the total value of an award will exceed £152,000 (BA contribution to FEC). Awards can be held over a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 12 months.
Funder Deadline: 21 August 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


British Academy Global Professorships

Summary: The Academy views the Global Professorships as an opportunity for established researchers to undertake high-risk, curiosity-driven research in the humanities and social sciences in a UK research institution. The Global Professorships are awards for individuals in an institutional setting. Applications must be for new, coherent and cutting-edge projects. The Global Professorships are expected to add significant value to the UK host institutions and vice versa, and thus the projects must be significant, leading to novel and innovative collaborations.

With the Global Professorships, the Academy is looking to support academics that are proposing ambitious, beyond the state-of-the-art applications that break new ground. The Academy views the Global Professorships as an opportunity to apply to undertake high-risk, curiosity-driven research in the humanities and social sciences that enables the award-holders and their UK host institutions to achieve a step change in their respective research programmes.

The Academy wishes to encourage applications from historically and/or structurally disadvantaged groups and female researchers.

Internal Selection
The British Academy does not expect more than 4 applications per institution in this round. Therefore, this call will be managed according to the University’s restricted calls procedure.
The first round of the internal selection process for this scheme is coordinated via School offices. The Research Strategy Office coordinates the selection at the University level. Departments/Faculties in CSAH and CSHSS interested in supporting an applicant to this scheme are asked to send the following documents to the School via  by 22nd August 2024:

  • Head of Department support letter confirming their support
  • Applicant’s CV (up to 4 pages, including publications)
  • Proposal details (up to 700 words)
  • Reasons for choosing the University of Cambridge as the UK host institution (up to 300 words)

Please contact Dr Anna Cieslik ( if you have any questions.

Award: £900,000 per award. Project duration is four years. The starting date must not be before 26 March 2025 – 30 September 2025.
Deadline: 22 August 2024, Schools Office restricted call.
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


British Academy Talent Development Awards

Summary: The aim of the scheme is to promote the building of skills and capacities for current and future generations, including in core areas like quantitative skills, interdisciplinarity, data science, digital humanities and languages. This scheme promotes the acquisition and advancement of skills in relevant areas by UK-based researchers, supporting innovative research methods, be that through skills development, collaboration or dissemination. The overarching aims of the scheme are to invest in UK talent and skills, and as a result, to contribute to the development and delivery of high quality regional, national and international research by:

  • raising the quality of advanced quantitative skills and/or data science skills used in research, including digital methods;
  • creating new opportunities for knowledge and skills to exchange across disciplines and sectors; and
  • promoting language learning and the transferable skills that language learning provides.

Award: The maximum grant is £10,000. The awards are for a minimum period of 6 months and up to a maximum period of 12 months, starting from no earlier than 1 March 2024 and no later than 31 March 2024.
Funder Deadline: 11 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


British Academy Knowledge Frontiers: International Interdisciplinary Research Projects 2025

Summary: The purpose of each project will be to develop new international interdisciplinary research in the humanities and social sciences to further our understanding of just transitions. Research may be problem-focused, creatively innovative and exploratory, and should bring together relevant disciplines in both the humanities and social sciences, where appropriate, for maximum impact/effect. The Academy requires all applications to fundamentally involve and integrate both the humanities and the social sciences.

The aim of this call is to support international collaborations between researchers in the UK and elsewhere on internationally focused research projects of an interdisciplinary nature that go beyond the day-to-day matters that this theme might engender, and instead focus on the deeper and more long-term issues of just transitions. The Academy sees this broad scope as essential in bringing together the range of disciplines across the humanities and social sciences which are required for an award under this programme.

The Academy envisages that the awards made through the Programme will:

  • By such understandings of Just Transitions bring to bear a deeper, more nuanced, and historically aware thinking to the topic;
  • Identify the contributions that could be made to international and national knowledge exchange, practice and policy development in this area and what lessons can be learnt to navigate any future landscape(s);
  • Develop ways of communicating and collaborating in cross-disciplinary and multilingual working in partnership with colleagues internationally.

Projects must begin in March/April 2025.

Award: Awards of 24 months in duration and up to £300,000 are available and funded at 80% FEC.
Funder Deadline: 18 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


British Academy Global Innovation Fellowships: The German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) 2024

Summary: The objective of the Global Innovation Fellowships is to provide opportunities to UK-based early- and mid-career researchers from across the humanities and social sciences to develop their skills, networks and careers in the creative and cultural, public, private and policy sectors to address challenges that require innovative approaches and solutions. Through the Global Innovation Fellowships, researchers in the SHAPE community will be supported to create new and deeper links beyond academia, so enabling knowledge mobilisation and translation, as well as individual skills development. 

The aim is to have a mutually beneficial partnership between the fellowship award holder and DGAP with each able to take advantage of fresh perspectives and expand their networks and reach. It will enable the award holder to strengthen and create new links across policy and academia, enabling knowledge mobilisation and translation, and the opportunity to develop new approaches and solutions to policy challenges through providing a different perspective.

Applications are invited in any of the following areas:

  • Technology and International Affairs.
  • Global Order and Disorder
  • Eastern and South-eastern Europe.
  • Sustainability, Nature & Climate.

Award: Up to £150,000 for 12 months in duration (with Full Economic Costing at 80%).
Funder Deadline: 25 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


Wellcome Trust Early-Career Awards

Summary: This scheme provides funding for early-career researchers from any discipline who are ready to develop their research identity. The researcher will deliver shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. By the end of the aware, they will be ready to lead their own independent research programme. Project duration is usually 5 years, but may be less for some disciplines and longer if held on a part-time basis.
Award: £400,000
Deadline: 01 October 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships

Summary: The British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship offers outstanding early career researchers the opportunity to strengthen their experience of research and teaching in an academic environment. This scheme aims to help develop the award holder’s curriculum vitae and boost their prospects of obtaining a permanent academic post. The primary emphasis is on the completion of a significant piece of publishable research, and the integration of the award holder into the community of established scholars within their field.

There is no University-level selection for this call, but Departments and Faculties are encouraged to nominate excellent applicants only, as unsuccessful applicants are not able to reapply. 

Applicants: please refer to your host Department/Faculty for their application procedures.

Award: The scheme is covered under the Full Economic Costing (FEC) regime. Currently, the Academy funds 80% of salary costs, directly allocated and indirect costs under FEC. The Fellowship is tenable for three years, starting Autumn 2025 in a UK-based university or higher education institution.
Deadline: 02 October 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Leverhulme Trust Visiting Professorships

Summary: For UK institutions to invite an eminent senior professor from overseas, to bring genuinely novel expertise and enhance the skills and knowledge of academic staff and students in an underrepresented area in the UK. Priority will be given to new or recent collaborations and visits with a variety of activities beyond research.
Award: Between £10,000 and £150,000.
Deadline: 03 October 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Nuffield Foundation Racial Diversity UK Fund

Summary: This programme is funded by an endowment that supports work relating to the Commonwealth. This means our interest is in the future of UK society as shaped by its colonial past; specifically, by the migration of people from former British colonies to the UK, and the accompanying dynamics of racialisation, resources and power which have produced the UK’s distinct racial diversity and its patterns of racial discrimination and inequality. Within this context we take a broad view of racial diversity as covering all racial or ethnic groups living in the UK, including White populations. 

What we will fund 

The Racial Diversity UK programme aims to be broad in its reach, interested in questions of socio-economic equality, senses of place, belonging and identity, barriers to and opportunities for inclusion, demographic trajectories, and the interrelationship between these themes. Research may also address how the UK compares internationally. Race and ethnicity should be the central focus from which any intersectionality with class, disability, gender, place and other dynamics would be explored.

We expect the research we fund to:

  • Contribute to understanding, public debate, policy and/or practice on tackling racial inequalities, discrimination and disadvantage.
  • Map pathways towards a UK that is comfortable with and reaping the benefits of its growing racial diversity.

Where proposals to Racial Diversity UK overlap with the Foundation’s continuing interests in educationjustice or welfare, we encourage applicants to contact us early to discuss which of our funding streams your application fits best with. Broadly, we expect Racial Diversity UK to consider funding research where racial diversity, disparity or discrimination is the primary lens through which social well-being is explored, or where their role in shaping communities or places is foregrounded.

Award: Up to £750,000.
Deadline: 14 October 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Nuffield Foundation - Research, Development and Analysis Fund

Summary: This scheme supports projects that improve the design and operation of social policy, especially in domains of education, welfare and justice. Preference is given to projects that:

  • identify and explain the social and economic determinants of opportunity and risk across the life span, focusing in particular on early childhood adversity, transitions from adolescence to young adulthood, and social and economic well-being in adulthood and later life;
  • improve well-being for society as a whole, while ameliorating negative outcomes and informing the foundations of and pathways towards a just and inclusive society;
  • support the development of workable evidence-based solutions for policy and practice over the medium term.

Projects normally have a duration between six months to three years.

Award: Up to £750,000, but most awards are worth between £50,000 and £300,000.
Deadline: 14 October 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


British Academy Visiting Fellowships

Summary: Visiting Fellowships illustrate the British Academy’s profound and on-going commitment to international engagement. The aim of this programme is to ensure that the UK remains an attractive, welcoming, and productive research environment for academics globally. Through this programme, the Academy aims to:

  • Enhance and build new links between scholars from around the globe and in the UK;
  • Foster opportunities and encourage the development of new and future partnerships for collaborative research into the humanities and social sciences
  • To enable academics from across the globe to undertake research and/or professional development with UK colleagues;
  • And strengthen the UK’s research bases in the humanities and the social sciences.

Visiting Fellowship duration is between three and six months.
Award: Maximum funding value is £40,000.
Deadline: 23 October 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


BA ODA Research Management Capacity Strengthening

Summary:The primary intended outcome of this programme is to enhance the capabilities of institutions in Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Malaysia, Philippines, South Africa, Turkey, Thailand, Vietnam and/or Least Developed Countries and UK-based institutions to overcome systemic barriers of working across borders and to embed the resulting best practise within the institutions to support sustained, equitable, international research collaboration. Emphasis is placed on activities that enable sustainable change that continues well beyond the life of the award in institutions, including the development and implementation of policy frameworks or training programmes, for both UK and overseas institutions bearing in mind that these are likely to need to reach beyond research offices. It is understood that needs of partner institutions might differ, and projects should reflect this.

Awards are expected to involve significant time devoted to dialogue and communication between the institutions involved so that links can be built and enhanced, ways of working can be adapted, and best practice can be reached for all those involved in supporting future research projects. The Academy views the involvement of financial, HR and legal functions within institutions as key to the success of any award given the significant challenges that these areas can cause in the running of international research projects. Awards that are only aiming to bring together respective research offices will be considered insufficient and not be supported.

Awards of 18-24 months in duration are available. Projects must begin in March 2025.

Award: Up to £50,000. Funding can be used to support networking, workshop and other event-related costs, as well as travel and related expenses. Staffing costs are eligible up to £7,500 per institution involved, with a maximum of £30,000 that can be utilised for this purpose.
Deadline: 30 October 2024
Research Facilitation ContactDr Elizabeth Penner


British Academy Small Research Grants

Summary: All applications should demonstrate that Academy funds are sought for a clearly defined, discrete piece of research, which will have an identifiable outcome on completion of the Academy-funded component of the research.
Award: Up to £10,000 for projects between 1 and 24 months in duration.
Funder Deadline: 06 November 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


British Academy Senior Research Fellowships
Summary: The BA/Leverhulme Senior Research Fellowships are intended to enable established scholars, needing relief from teaching and administration, to have the time to bring to completion a significant piece of research, through sustained period of leave for one year.
Award: These awards are not covered under the Full Economic Costing (FEC) regime. The only costs payable will be the salary of a replacement lecturer, who should normally be at an early career stage and appointed at the usual starting salary for first-time appointments, together with associated employers’ costs of NI and USS (and London Allowance where applicable); and limited research expenses up to a maximum of £5,000.
Deadline: 13 November 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Wellcome Trust Career Development Awards

Summary: This scheme provides funding for mid-career researchers from any discipline who have the potential to be international research leaders. They will develop their research capabilities, drive innovative programmes of work and deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing.
Award: Provides a salary for the grantholder (if required) and research expenses. Please request for level and duration of funding that's justifiable for your proposed research.
Funder Deadline: 26 November 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Wellcome Trust Discovery Awards

Summary: This scheme provides funding for established researchers and teams from any discipline who want to pursue bold and creative research ideas to deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. The award usually lasts for 8 years, but may be less for some disciplines, such as humanities and social science.
Award: Limit not specified. It is expected that the PI requests an amount that is appropriate to the project.
Funder Deadline: 03 December 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Large Grant Contribution Fund

Summary: Research grant applications for funding over £1 million for AHSS subject areas can request financial contributions from this fund. Funding may be requested for activities that are complementary to the external funding and contributions from Departments / Schools / Non-school institutions. Activities that add value in the following areas are particularly encouraged: widening participation and inclusion; improving partnerships locally / nationally / internationally; capacity and capability building; working with less advantaged partners. Leveraging funding for existing grant awards is not in the remit of this fund. All applications must include one or more external partners and only applications led by Cambridge PIs are eligible.
Award: Up to 10% of the award value. PI buyout and equipment are not eligible costs for request.
Deadline: Minimum 4 weeks before funder deadline.
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik and


REF Impact Funding

Summary: Internal funding is available from the Research Strategy Office to support the development of the University’s REF impact submission. It is expected that successful applications will fund impact activities that may feed into potential impact case studies only where no other monies are available. Applications will be reviewed by the Impact and Knowledge Exchange Team. 

Submissions may include (but are not restricted to):

  • Support for gathering feedback from public engagement activities
  • Economic health monitoring
  • Surveying/engaging with research users to evaluate impact
  • Independent evaluation of impacts
  • Resource to collate citations in policy documents

Award: Up to £10,000.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Please contact your relevant member of the Impact and Knowledge Exchange Team.


All-Council Rapid Response Impact Acceleration Account Call

Summary: The All-Council Rapid Response Impact Acceleration Account Call is now open to support a wide range of impact activities when researchers are confronted by time-sensitive opportunities or need to test new ideas quickly. This call supports interdisciplinary projects, open to PIs and ECRs with PIs as co-applicants.

Proposed projects must support ‘on the ground’ impact and knowledge exchange activities, which enable researchers at all levels to engage with the public, private and third sectors, and provides a sustainable support structure within the University to promote wider and more effective engagement with external non-academic organisations.Project can be up to three months in duration.

Award: Up to £15,000 per application.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Lucy Sheerman


AHRC IAA Knowledge Exchange Fellowship Scheme

Summary: The AHRC IAA Knowledge Exchange Fellowship Scheme promotes strategic partnerships with non-HEI organisations across the arts and humanities at the University of Cambridge. The fund supports partnership building with specific organisations such as (but not limited to) museums, theatres, social enterprises, NGOs, and government departments. Funds are available for a range of activities including teaching replacement costs, costs for incoming fellowships from the partner organisation, postdoctoral or administrative support, travel and subsistence expenses, and workshops. The scheme aims to allow researchers to create new partnerships with external entities more generally, collaboratively shape research agendas, contribute to future research funding applications (including match-funding for studentships in the DTPs), and further facilitate impact generating activities.

Award: Up to £20,000 cover 100% of directly incurred costs.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Lucy Sheerman


Novel Applications of AI for Research and Innovation

Summary: In collaboration with the Cambridge Centre for Data Driven Discovery, the Accelerate Programme for Scientific Discovery are offering small grants for Cambridge University researchers pursuing innovative applications of AI in research or real-world contexts.

Funding of up to £25,000 is available to support a variety of activities, including research, events, workshops, teaching, or software development, with a focus on interdisciplinary collaboration. Applications are open to PhD students and research staff at the University of Cambridge. Find out more and apply by 18 September.

Award: Up to £25,000
Deadline: 18 September 2024


Accelerate Programme AI Clinic

Have you thought about using AI in your research but aren’t sure how to get started? Or are you already using AI and have run into challenges with implementation? Our AI Clinic is here to help.
The Accelerate Programme, based in the Department of Computer Science and Technology runs an AI Clinic to support all staff and students with using AI in their research. No matter your level of experience with AI, we invite you to come and talk to our team who can offer free advice and support. We support projects at all stages - from ideation, grant writing and data gathering, through to software issues and publication. Get in touch via our form or to connect with a member of our team of experts.


MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024 Call Information Webinar: Session 1

The webinars are aimed at researchers and other staff in UK academic and non-academic organisations, including industries and SMEs, who are interested in the 2024 MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship Call as a host organisation or potential supervisor. It is also intended for researchers from the UK, across Europe and beyond who intend to apply with a UK host institution.


MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024 Call Information Webinar: Session 2

The webinars are aimed at researchers and other staff in UK academic and non-academic organisations, including industries and SMEs, who are interested in the 2024 MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship Call as a host organisation or potential supervisor. It is also intended for researchers from the UK, across Europe and beyond who intend to apply with a UK host institution.


ERC Advanced Grant Webinar

05 July 2024, 14:00 to 15:30, Online

The British Academy will be holding its next webinar on Friday 5 July, 14:00-15:30 for UK-based researchers in the humanities and social sciences interested in applying for European Research Council (ERC) grants. The webinar will focus on the ERC Advanced Grants 2024 call, which is opening on 29 May and has a deadline of 29 August 2024.

The webinar will be led by Professor Simon Goldhill FBA and British Academy Fellows who have experience with ERC Grants and panels.

The aim of the webinar is to provide participants with a deeper understanding of the proposal and evaluation format and the key issues they are required to address in planning, writing and costing a proposal.

There is an opportunity to have your extended synopsis (B1) proposal draft reviewed by the panel. Please note, that if selected, your B1 proposal will be discussed during the webinar (names and personal details will be removed). The webinar will not be recorded.

If you would like to submit a B1 draft proposal to be considered for feedback during the webinar, please register your interest and send them to Barbora Krasova ( no later than 20 June 2024, 12:00 (BST).

If you would like to attend the webinar, without submitting a B1 proposal, please contact Anya Kintsurashvili ( by Thursday 4 July 2024, 12:00 (BST) to register.


Celebrating Research Culture at Cambridge

Calling all researchers!
Do you work with a great research group, or a great PI? You can nominate them for the 2024 Research Culture Celebration, to be held on 30 September at Kettle’s Yard. Categories include: leadership, concern for professional development, recognition and reward, wellbeing management and support, and inclusive practice. Find out more
Want to tell us more about your own research journey? Your Research, Your Voice asks researchers to respond to a short writing prompt on an aspect of their experience and earn a £5, £10 or £20 voucher to thank them for their time. It is open to postdocs and to PIs. Find out more
These initiatives are part of the project Action Research on Research Culture (ARRC), an international research project led by the University of Cambridge that is testing practical approaches to improving research culture, with the aim of producing guidance and resources that can be used by institutions across the sector. Learn more about the project’s work


AHSS Bulletin June 2024


AHSS Research and Impact Facilitation Bulletin

June 2023


If you want to discuss funding opportunities or you are working on an application for research funding and would like feedback on a draft, please do contact the School’s Research Facilitators – Anna Cieslik (UK Funding) and Elizabeth Penner (EU/International Funding).  For Impact related queries please contact Lucy Sheerman (Impact Facilitator).


You can find more information on the AHSS Research Website, search our External Funding Deadline Calendar and look at Previous Bulletins.  We are also now on Twitter! Follow us for updates on funding calls and information sessions.


UK Research Council Funding


EU Funding


Charity Funding

Internal Funding


ESRC New Investigator Grant

(internal selection deadline Midday, Friday 21 Jun 2024)
The ESRC have announced their New Investigator Grant scheme. This scheme is suitable for early career researchers who have yet to make the transition to be an independent researcher. Proposals are welcome in any topic which falls within ESRC’s remit, including projects at the “interface with the wider sciences”, provided that social sciences accounts for at least 50% of the proposed research. The ESRC will award grants of between £100-350K (covered at 80%fEC).
University Internal selection
The ESRC expect the University to run an internal selection process to ensure that we submit only bids from outstanding individuals with the potential to become the research leaders of the future. The University may only submit a limited number of applications. To meet these requirements, this call will be overseen by a cross-school Committee, as decided by University’s Research Policy Committee.
There are three internal calls every year (October, March, and June).  Only applicants whose proposals have been approved through the internal selection process will be allowed to proceed with submission of their applications to ESRC.
Interested applicants should submit an online application.   
You will be required to upload the following:

  • Your research project proposal (template provided
  • A letter of support from your Head of Department

This letter is very important to the success of the application as it is needed to confirm the details of the departmental support and the applicant’s eligibility. The letter must also specify a department/faculty based mentor, and a reviewer, both of whom have agreed to provide feedback on the full proposal, should the applicant be selected to proceed. The reviewer may be from within or outside the applicant’s department/faculty. Please note that naming a reviewer is an internal requirement, and the reviewer will not be named on the full application to ESRC. The mentor and the named reviewer will be expected to provide feedback on the full proposal prior to submission to ESRC. This will be coordinated by the School Research Facilitator.

  • An X5 PDF report

The report should show the preliminary costing for the project, including the cost of the applicant’s salary and research assistance (if required). The X5 should not be submitted for ROO approval at this stage; the costing is for indicative purposes only, to inform the internal selection. It will be possible to modify it after the internal selection.
If you have any questions, please write to



Support Knowledge Exchange for European Humanities Research

Summary: The knowledge exchange facilitator’s role is to strengthen the overall cohesion of the HERA Crisis joint research programme and coordinate knowledge exchange efforts and activities at the programme level including organising kick off and closing programme conferences.

As the knowledge exchange facilitator, you are expected to be an internationally well-positioned researcher with relevant expertise and knowledge of the programme themes and supported by a research assistant.

The knowledge exchange facilitator will create added value, increasing the impact of the programme, the projects funded within it and benefit the wider humanities network.

The knowledge exchange facilitator will be expected to regularly report to HERA governance structures about the recent activities and progress of the programme. This includes:

  • engaging with project monitoring and impact assessment activities not led by the knowledge exchange facilitator
  • attending meetings of the knowledge exchange group and HERA Network Board to discuss this progress
  • producing a final report for the HERA Network Board to approve.

Award: Between £400,000 and £500,000 fEC. The fixed duration of the award is three and a half years. The project must start 06 January 2025.
Funder Deadline: 09 July 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Maximising UK Adaption to Climate Change Research Projects

Summary: UKRI-Defra are co-funding Maximising UK Adaptation to Climate Change programme as part of the second phase of the programme to fund world leading strategic research projects to help improve the UK’s resilience to climate change impacts. The aim of the Maximising UK Adaptation to Climate Change programme is to build capacity, knowledge, and skills that will offer practical and scalable solutions to meet the UK’s challenges in the face of a changing climate and put the UK at the forefront of climate adaptation strategies at both local and national scales.
To date, research has focused on climate hazard, but needs to go further in terms of exposure, vulnerability and adaptive action in policy and practice. Building on the knowledge and legacy of the UK Climate Resilience Programme and other investments in this space, this programme will support research that is policy relevant and co-designed with key stakeholders. Research will help to identify priorities and support the development of policy and practice for adaptation, considering how and when to scale up from the local to national level. It will ultimately produce adaptation solutions for policy consideration that will improve UK resilience to climate impacts whilst benefitting people and the economy.
Applications are invited for high-impact transdisciplinary research to collaborate and facilitate two-way transfer of knowledge between research, policy and other end users to drive transformation of the UK to adapt to climate change, focusing on four themes:

  • theme one: societies’ exposure and vulnerability to extreme climate hazards
  • theme two: adaptation solutions
  • theme three: future resilience and decision making
  • theme four: enablers of adaptation

The research projects must be transdisciplinary, integrating all relevant disciplines, and closely involving policymakers and other stakeholders in co-design and co-delivery through a systems approach.
Award: The full economic cost (FEC) of your project can be up to £2 million. UKRI will fund 80% of the FEC with the following exceptions:

  • justified equipment would be funded at 50%
  • project co-leads from business, third sector, or government bodies that cannot fund their own participation can be costed for at 100% for eligible costs (for full details, please see ESRC guidance on the inclusion of UK business, third sector or government body project co-leads on applications), but must not exceed 30% of the overall cost of the grant (at 100% FEC)
  • up to £200,000 of the £2 million can be used to work with the Met Office and this will be funded at 100% FEC and paid directly to the Met Office from UKRI

Funder Deadline: 16 July 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


UKRI Metascience Research Grants

Summary:This funding opportunity, jointly funded by UKRI and Open Philanthropy, will support innovative and ambitious metascience research projects that use scientific methods to deepen our understanding of how different incentives, institutional structures, and funding practices within the R&D system influence scientific research outputs and career outcomes. This funding opportunity will support empirical research that is focused on generating actionable insights for decision makers, including those in government, funding bodies, and research organisations.
Award: The full economic cost (FEC) of your project can be up to £300,000 over a period of six to 24 months. UKRI will fund 80% of the FEC.
Funder Deadline: 16 July 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


AHRC Responsive Mode Pilot: Mission Awards Outline Stage

Summary: Mission is a pilot opportunity within AHRC’s responsive mode. The size of award offered, and the team convening approach required of project teams are novel for AHRC. We are looking for exceptional projects that embrace this new approach to significantly advance their chosen research agenda at a scale impossible without this funding.

We are looking to you to define your chosen research agenda and articulate the difference our funding can make. Projects can be single discipline, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, or transdisciplinary.

The approach your project team takes to leadership should be a shared one, with the balance of activity and management across the team and partner organisations allocated however you see fit. Collectively, you should have the skills, experience and knowledge to deliver a large scale project.

For this funding opportunity, applicant teams must demonstrate how they have adopted and will continue to implement the following principles throughout the development and delivery of their proposed research:

  • identify individuals with the appropriate expertise to collectively deliver the project
  • establish collective leadership, empowering team members to lead in their area of expertise
  • design inclusive governance practices and clear decision-making processes
  • identify ways to embed development for all, realised through the delivery of the project
  • engage in reflexive practice, enabling adaptive ways of working and continuous learning

The maximum duration of this award is four years.

Projects have a fixed start date of 1 May 2025. This date must be recorded on the outline application, and again on the full stage submission, if invited to complete.

Award: Between £2 million and £3 million funded at 80% FEC. Eligible costs related to international co-leads will be paid at 100% FEC.
Funder Deadline: 18 July 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


AHRC Responsive Mode: Curiosity Award, round four

Summary: Curiosity awards support early-stage ambitious and novel fundamental research which has the potential to act as a springboard towards new and exciting research agendas. 

The funding opportunity is intentionally flexible. An indicative list of examples of the activities we will fund are provided as follows. You are encouraged to request and justify costs for activities that best meet the aims of your project. This may include:

  • idea generation
  • seed corn funding
  • high risk and high potential concepts
  • novel research
  • networking activity
  • partnership building
  • knowledge exchange
  • public engagement
  • international collaboration
  • scoping and piloting, for example, early-stage proof of concept for ideas or change of direction
  • pivots in research focus at any career stage
  • mentoring for members of the research team

NB: this is not a prescriptive or exhaustive list.

Award: Up to £100,000 fEC funded at 80% for projects up to five years in duration.
Funder Deadline: 30 July 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Pre-announcement: The UK-Brazil global talent exchange funding opportunity pilot

Summary: The aim of the scheme is to facilitate collaborations with the potential to create new knowledge, understanding, technologies, products and services to enrich and improve lives in the UK, Brazil and around the world. The scheme will support researchers based in UK and Brazil to establish and develop collaborative partnerships around a specific jointly defined research project that could serve as the backbone for high quality applications for future funding.

Proposals must be led by an eligible project lead (PL) in the UK but are expected to be co-created, co-designed and co-delivered through equitable partnerships with researchers based in Brazil, who should be included on the application as project co-lead (international) (PcL(I)), to deliver mutual and tangible benefits. The involvement of a project co-lead (international) based in Brazil is mandatory.

The duration of this award is a minimum three months and maximum six months.

Projects must start on or after 1 November 2024.

Award: Up to £20,000 fEC.
Funder Deadline: 20 August 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


Design Exchange Partnerships: Design the Green Transition - round 3

Summary: Design Exchange Partnerships (DEPs) are three-way collaborative projects which seek to demonstrate tangible impact on local communities by stimulating the real-world application of high-quality arts and humanities-led design research to address challenges related to achieving green transition goals. DEPs aim to:

  • stimulate strategic partnerships that support career development and the development of hybrid skills
  • increase the diversity of voices and actors consulted in and contributing to addressing the climate crisis
  • enable the development of new products and services that have a positive impact in the real-world

For this round, we are focusing on the theme of more-than-human to develop solutions to address the UK’s green transition. While design is being used to transform the planet, often to great benefit, the consequences of design are not always positive for the environment.

More-than-human design refers to the idea of designing for impact beyond humans. It promotes the idea that to explore the future we face; we also need to consider the non-human centred world view.

We welcome broad interpretations of the theme of more-than-human, including but not limited to one or more of the following areas:

  • technology/AI
  • materials
  • the natural world
  • health and wellbeing
  • urban environments

Award: The full economic cost of your project can be up to £62,500 for six months or £125,000 for 12 months, plus 5% – 10% contribution from the non-academic partner organisation. AHRC will fund 80% of the full economic cost.
Funder Deadline: 12 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Pre-announcement: AHRC Responsive Mode: Standard Research Grant - round five 
(Call not yet open)

Summary: We’re looking for individual researchers with proposals for well-defined collaborative research projects. However, you may include elements of individual research if you can show how this will add value.

Collaborations can involve:

  • a single institution or a combination of institutions
  • researchers working in different research areas
  • disciplines within the arts and humanities, or between an arts and humanities discipline and another subject area. In such collaborations the arts and humanities element of the project should lead in shaping the research questions, methods and so on
  • researchers working in other sectors
  • researchers based abroad

The proposed collaboration should be appropriate for the specific needs of the research project.

We expect the project lead and any project co-leads to devote an average of at least four hours per week to the project.

Award: Between £300,000 and £1,500,00 fEC funded at 80% for projects up to five years in duration.
Funder Deadline: 14 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Pre-announcement: Design Accelerators round three

Summary: Design Accelerators are small scale, reactive projects that are designed to support engagement between design research and innovation projects and diverse private, public and third sector organisations, local communities, and the general public.

Design Accelerators should intend to:

  • demonstrate how the design research and innovation at universities throughout the country is vital for their local communities’ successful transition to net zero and a green economy
  • speed up the implementation of outputs by developing them with key local stakeholders
  • increase the diversity of voices and actors consulted in and contributing to addressing the climate crisis

The duration of these awards is up to nine months.

Projects must start by 1 February 2025.

Award: Between £35,000 and £65,000.
Funder Deadline: 03 October 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Horizon Europe Update: UK Eligibility Update

Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023 (and previous years)
Successful UK applicants to calls under the Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023 (and previous years) will be funded under the UKRI Guarantee Funding. This Guarantee Funding has recently been extended to cover successful applications made by UK-based businesses and researchers to calls under the Horizon Europe 2021, 2022 or 2023 work programmes. 
Horizon Europe 2024 Work Programme Calls
Successful UK applicants will be funded by the EU, under the Horizon Europe Programme.
Updates on Association: Please visit the Research Operation Office’s EU pages


Horizon Europe Main Work Programme

This PDF offers further details on calls relevant to SAHSS.  This list is not exhaustive so please refer the Horizon Europe Portal for full details. UKRO also have some very useful Factsheets that outline the thematic clusters that make up the three pillars of research support offered.
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner
Highlighted notices:
Supporting national, regional and local authorities across Europe to prepare for the transition towards climate neutrality within cities 
Deadline: 05 September 2024

Bringing together the national level with the engaged regional and local levels (multi-level governance)  HORIZON-MISS-2024-CLIMA-01-02
Deadline: 18 September 2024

A European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage – Innovative tools for high-value interactions with visitors and heritage objects
Deadline: 22 January 2025


ERC Advanced Grant

Summary: The ERC Advanced Grant is for established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements in the last 10 years. PIs should be exceptional leaders in terms of originality and significance of their research contributions.
Award: € 2.5 million for a period of 5 years. An additional € 1 million can be requested to cover start-up costs, the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities.
Funder Deadline: 29 August 2024, tentative deadline
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships

Summary: The objective of PFs is to support researchers’ careers and foster excellence in research. The Postdoctoral Fellowships action targets researchers holding a PhD who wish to carry out their research activities abroad, acquire new skills and develop their careers. PFs help researchers gain experience in other countries, disciplines and non-academic sectors.

There are 2 types of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

  1. European Postdoctoral Fellowships. They are open to researchers moving within Europe or coming to Europe from another part of the world to pursue their research career. These fellowships take place in an EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country and can last between 1 and 2 years. Researchers of any nationality can apply.
  2. Global Postdoctoral Fellowships. They fund the mobility of researchers outside Europe. The fellowship lasts between 2 to 3 years, of which the first 1 to 2 years will be spent in a non-associated Third Country, followed by a mandatory return phase of 1 year to an organisation based in an EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country. Only nationals or long-term residents of the EU Member States or Horizon Europe Associated Countries can apply.

Both types of fellowships may also include short-term secondments anywhere in the world during the fellowship (except during the return phase of a Global Fellowship).

In an effort to build bridges between the academic and non-academic sector, researchers can receive additional support to carry out a placement of up to 6 months in a non-academic organisation based in an EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country. This placement needs to take place at the end of their fellowship.

Award: The Fellowship provides support in the form of a living allowance; mobility allowance; family and long-term leave and special needs allowances; research, training and networking activities; management and indirect costs.
Funder Deadline: 11 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


Proof of Concept Grant

Summary: The ERC Proof of Concept Grants aim at facilitating exploration of the commercial and social innovation potential of ERC funded research, by funding further work (i.e. activities which were not scheduled to be funded by the original ERC frontier research grant) to verify the innovation potential of ideas arising from ERC funded projects. Proof of Concept Grants are therefore on offer only to Principal Investigators whose proposals draw substantially on their ERC funded research.
Award: up to € 150,000 for a period of 18 months.
Funder Deadline: 17 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


ERC Starting Grant

Summary: ERC grants support projects carried out by an individual researcher who can employ researchers of any nationality as team members. It is also possible to have one or more team members located in a non-European country. Researchers of any nationality with 2-7 years of experience since completion of PhD, a scientific track record showing great promise and an excellent research proposal can apply.
Award: € 1.5 million for a period of 5 years (pro-rata for project of shorter duration). An additional € 1 million can be requested to cover start-up costs, the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities.
Funder Deadline: TBA November 2024, tentative deadline
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


Wellcome Trust Career Development Awards

Summary: This scheme provides funding for mid-career researchers from any discipline who have the potential to be international research leaders. They will develop their research capabilities, drive innovative programmes of work and deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing.
Award: Provides a salary for the grantholder (if required) and research expenses. Please request for level and duration of funding that's justifiable for your proposed research.
Funder Deadline: 25 July 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Wellcome Trust Discovery Awards

Summary: This scheme provides funding for established researchers and teams from any discipline who want to pursue bold and creative research ideas to deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. The award usually lasts for 8 years, but may be less for some disciplines, such as humanities and social science.
Award: Limit not specified. It is expected that the PI requests an amount that is appropriate to the project.
Funder Deadline: 30 July 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship

Summary: The awards support outstanding individual researchers and outstanding communicators who will promote public engagement and understanding of the humanities and social sciences. Applicants will be asked in their proposal to set out specific plans for the dissemination of their research to a broad audience, in addition to publication in the usual academic press and journals. Awards will be judged both on the excellence of the research proposed and on the capacity of the applicant to communicate with a broad audience. Applicants are invited to indicate ways in which their proposed programme will contribute to advances in understanding, including public understanding, in their subject area and to the identification of appropriate strategic priorities in the social sciences and humanities.
Award: These Fellowships are covered under the Full Economic Costing (FEC) regime, but the Academy’s contribution to the salary of the Mid-Career Fellow will be capped at an upper limit of £80,000. It is not expected that the total value of an award will exceed £152,000 (BA contribution to FEC). Awards can be held over a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 12 months.
Funder Deadline: 21 August 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


British Academy Talent Development Awards

Summary: The aim of the scheme is to promote the building of skills and capacities for current and future generations, including in core areas like quantitative skills, interdisciplinarity, data science, digital humanities and languages. This scheme promotes the acquisition and advancement of skills in relevant areas by UK-based researchers, supporting innovative research methods, be that through skills development, collaboration or dissemination. The overarching aims of the scheme are to invest in UK talent and skills, and as a result, to contribute to the development and delivery of high quality regional, national and international research by:

  • raising the quality of advanced quantitative skills and/or data science skills used in research, including digital methods;
  • creating new opportunities for knowledge and skills to exchange across disciplines and sectors; and
  • promoting language learning and the transferable skills that language learning provides.

Award: The maximum grant is £10,000. The awards are for a minimum period of 6 months and up to a maximum period of 12 months, starting from no earlier than 1 March 2024 and no later than 31 March 2024.
Funder Deadline: 11 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


British Academy Knowledge Frontiers: International Interdisciplinary Research Projects 2025

Summary: The purpose of each project will be to develop new international interdisciplinary research in the humanities and social sciences to further our understanding of just transitions. Research may be problem-focused, creatively innovative and exploratory, and should bring together relevant disciplines in both the humanities and social sciences, where appropriate, for maximum impact/effect. The Academy requires all applications to fundamentally involve and integrate both the humanities and the social sciences.

The aim of this call is to support international collaborations between researchers in the UK and elsewhere on internationally focused research projects of an interdisciplinary nature that go beyond the day-to-day matters that this theme might engender, and instead focus on the deeper and more long-term issues of just transitions. The Academy sees this broad scope as essential in bringing together the range of disciplines across the humanities and social sciences which are required for an award under this programme.

The Academy envisages that the awards made through the Programme will:

  • By such understandings of Just Transitions bring to bear a deeper, more nuanced, and historically aware thinking to the topic;
  • Identify the contributions that could be made to international and national knowledge exchange, practice and policy development in this area and what lessons can be learnt to navigate any future landscape(s);
  • Develop ways of communicating and collaborating in cross-disciplinary and multilingual working in partnership with colleagues internationally.

Projects must begin in March/April 2025.

Award: Awards of 24 months in duration and up to £300,000 are available and funded at 80% FEC.
Funder Deadline: 18 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


British Academy Global Innovation Fellowships: The German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) 2024

Summary: The objective of the Global Innovation Fellowships is to provide opportunities to UK-based early- and mid-career researchers from across the humanities and social sciences to develop their skills, networks and careers in the creative and cultural, public, private and policy sectors to address challenges that require innovative approaches and solutions. Through the Global Innovation Fellowships, researchers in the SHAPE community will be supported to create new and deeper links beyond academia, so enabling knowledge mobilisation and translation, as well as individual skills development. 

The aim is to have a mutually beneficial partnership between the fellowship award holder and DGAP with each able to take advantage of fresh perspectives and expand their networks and reach. It will enable the award holder to strengthen and create new links across policy and academia, enabling knowledge mobilisation and translation, and the opportunity to develop new approaches and solutions to policy challenges through providing a different perspective.

Applications are invited in any of the following areas:

  • Technology and International Affairs.
  • Global Order and Disorder
  • Eastern and South-eastern Europe.
  • Sustainability, Nature & Climate.

Award: Up to £150,000 for 12 months in duration (with Full Economic Costing at 80%).
Funder Deadline: 25 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


Wellcome Trust Early-Career Awards

Summary: This scheme provides funding for early-career researchers from any discipline who are ready to develop their research identity. The researcher will deliver shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. By the end of the aware, they will be ready to lead their own independent research programme. Project duration is usually 5 years, but may be less for some disciplines and longer if held on a part-time basis.
Award: £400,000
Deadline: 01 October 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships

Summary: The British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship offers outstanding early career researchers the opportunity to strengthen their experience of research and teaching in an academic environment. This scheme aims to help develop the award holder’s curriculum vitae and boost their prospects of obtaining a permanent academic post. The primary emphasis is on the completion of a significant piece of publishable research, and the integration of the award holder into the community of established scholars within their field.
Award: The scheme is covered under the Full Economic Costing (FEC) regime. Currently, the Academy funds 80% of salary costs, directly allocated and indirect costs under FEC. The Fellowship is tenable for three years, starting Autumn 2025 in a UK-based university or higher education institution.
Deadline: 02 October 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Leverhulme Trust Visiting Professorships

Summary: For UK institutions to invite an eminent senior professor from overseas, to bring genuinely novel expertise and enhance the skills and knowledge of academic staff and students in an underrepresented area in the UK. Priority will be given to new or recent collaborations and visits with a variety of activities beyond research.
Award: Between £10,000 and £150,000.
Deadline: 03 October 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


British Academy Small Research Grants

Summary: All applications should demonstrate that Academy funds are sought for a clearly defined, discrete piece of research, which will have an identifiable outcome on completion of the Academy-funded component of the research.
Award: Up to £10,000 for projects between 1 and 24 months in duration.
Funder Deadline: 06 November 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


British Academy Senior Research Fellowships
Summary: The BA/Leverhulme Senior Research Fellowships are intended to enable established scholars, needing relief from teaching and administration, to have the time to bring to completion a significant piece of research, through sustained period of leave for one year.
Award: These awards are not covered under the Full Economic Costing (FEC) regime. The only costs payable will be the salary of a replacement lecturer, who should normally be at an early career stage and appointed at the usual starting salary for first-time appointments, together with associated employers’ costs of NI and USS (and London Allowance where applicable); and limited research expenses up to a maximum of £5,000.
Deadline: 13 November 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Large Grant Contribution Fund

Summary: Research grant applications for funding over £1 million for AHSS subject areas can request financial contributions from this fund. Funding may be requested for activities that are complementary to the external funding and contributions from Departments / Schools / Non-school institutions. Activities that add value in the following areas are particularly encouraged: widening participation and inclusion; improving partnerships locally / nationally / internationally; capacity and capability building; working with less advantaged partners. Leveraging funding for existing grant awards is not in the remit of this fund. All applications must include one or more external partners and only applications led by Cambridge PIs are eligible.
Award: Up to 10% of the award value. PI buyout and equipment are not eligible costs for request.
Deadline: Minimum 4 weeks before funder deadline.
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik and


REF Impact Funding

Summary: Internal funding is available from the Research Strategy Office to support the development of the University’s REF impact submission. It is expected that successful applications will fund impact activities that may feed into potential impact case studies only where no other monies are available. Applications will be reviewed by the Impact and Knowledge Exchange Team. 

Submissions may include (but are not restricted to):

  • Support for gathering feedback from public engagement activities
  • Economic health monitoring
  • Surveying/engaging with research users to evaluate impact
  • Independent evaluation of impacts
  • Resource to collate citations in policy documents

Award: Up to £10,000.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Please contact your relevant member of the Impact and Knowledge Exchange Team.


All-Council Rapid Response Impact Acceleration Account Call

Summary: The All-Council Rapid Response Impact Acceleration Account Call is now open to support a wide range of impact activities when researchers are confronted by time-sensitive opportunities or need to test new ideas quickly. This call supports interdisciplinary projects, open to PIs and ECRs with PIs as co-applicants.

Proposed projects must support ‘on the ground’ impact and knowledge exchange activities, which enable researchers at all levels to engage with the public, private and third sectors, and provides a sustainable support structure within the University to promote wider and more effective engagement with external non-academic organisations.Project can be up to three months in duration.

Award: Up to £15,000 per application.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Lucy Sheerman


AHRC IAA Knowledge Exchange Fellowship Scheme

Summary: The AHRC IAA Knowledge Exchange Fellowship Scheme promotes strategic partnerships with non-HEI organisations across the arts and humanities at the University of Cambridge. The fund supports partnership building with specific organisations such as (but not limited to) museums, theatres, social enterprises, NGOs, and government departments. Funds are available for a range of activities including teaching replacement costs, costs for incoming fellowships from the partner organisation, postdoctoral or administrative support, travel and subsistence expenses, and workshops. The scheme aims to allow researchers to create new partnerships with external entities more generally, collaboratively shape research agendas, contribute to future research funding applications (including match-funding for studentships in the DTPs), and further facilitate impact generating activities.

Award: Up to £20,000 cover 100% of directly incurred costs.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Lucy Sheerman


Cambridge Humanities Research Grants

Summary: The Cambridge Humanities Research Grants scheme (CHRG) supports research in the arts, humanities and social sciences across the University. The scheme welcomes applications from any independent researcher holding a current contract of employment at the point of application.

The Scheme is designed to enable researchers to conduct small-scale research activities, of the highest quality, that will enable them to bid successfully for larger-scale funding from external sponsors, and/or to generate publications, and/or to contribute materially in other ways towards the research objectives of their home institution.

Applications may be made at any time in the year, for the next available gathered field, with outcomes known approximately six weeks later. 

Award: varies depending on scheme between £1,500 and £20,000
Deadline: 17 June 2024


CSaP Policy Innovation Fund

Summary: CSaP is now inviting applications for our newly launched Policy Innovation Fund (PIF). In collaboration with the University's Research Strategy Office, PIF offers awards up to £10,000 for Cambridge researchers to work collaboratively with policy partners to develop and carry out innovative policy engagement activities.

Academics and researchers from any department or faculty at the University can apply for the PIF. Early Career Researchers (ECR) are also encouraged to apply. Project duration can be up to 9 months. 

Please refer carefully to the guidance notes and assessment criteria before applying. 

Applicants should submit the completed PIF application form, along with relevant documents via email to

CSaP is happy to provide further consultation and guidance in drafting the proposal. Additionally, researchers who would like to apply for PIF but do not have a Policy Partner can also reach out to CSaP. 

Award: Up to £10,000
Deadline: 05 July 2024
Contact: Kavya Neeba (


Horizon Europe Cluster 3 "Civil Security for Society" Info-day and Brokerage Event

12 June 2024 to 13 June 2024
Online and at Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre, Av. du Boulevard 17, 1210 Brussels, Belgium

This international information-day event will highlight research topics covered within the 2024 calls for proposals in Cluster 3.

The Horizon Europe “Civil Security for Society” calls for research and innovation funding opportunities to research institutions, universities, industries, SMEs, civil society organizations, and other security stakeholders.

Call 2024 destinations addressed by the event include:

  • Fighting Crime and Terrorism
  • Border Management
  • Resilient Infrastructure
  • Increased Cybersecurity
  • Disaster-Resilient Society
  • Support to Security Research and Innovation

Why participate?

  • Present, discuss and develop new project ideas at the international level
  • Acquire new cross-border contacts and initiate collaborations
  • Facilitate the setup of quality partnerships in view of the open Horizon Europe calls
  • Immerse in networking and consortium-building opportunities

How can you benefit from this event?

  • Get the latest information about 2024 calls for proposals
  • Publish and showcase your project idea in our dedicated flash presentation session
  • Discuss your proposal with experienced evaluators and gain valuable feedback in our Project Idea Check
  • Initiate and arrange promising pre-scheduled meetings at the event
  • Generate fresh leads and meet new contacts in a time and cost-efficient way

Advancing Educational Practice Programme

The deadline for applications is 12pm Monday 24 June.

The Advancing Educational Practice Programme (AEPP) enables you to extend your understanding of teaching and learning and to develop your practice as an educator at Cambridge. You will explore theories of learning, develop a personal philosophy of teaching and learning, and enquire into approaches to curriculum design, feedback and assessment. Full details can be found in the Programme Handbook.

AEPP is accredited by Advance HE at Descriptor 2; successful completion of the programme will confer on you Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy.

There is no course fee.

AEPP is designed for Cambridge colleagues with substantive teaching and learning support responsibilities. This may include early-career lecturers, College Teaching Officers, early-career researchers with substantial teaching responsibilities, and academic-related or support staff with roles involving substantial teaching or learning support. It may be of particular interest to academics on the Teaching & Scholarship Academic Career Pathway.

The nine-month programme is organised into a series of workshops, each of which is complemented by directed reading alongside formative assignments.

Apply for the 2024-25 programme


CSaP Policy Engagement for AHSS Researchers

27 June 2024. 12:00 - 14:00, Syndics Room at 17 Mill Lane

The Centre for Science and Policy is hosting a workshop on how researchers in the fields of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences can effectively engage with the policymaking process. Through a combination of talks and activities for participants, the workshop will equip participants with an overview of how researchers can impact the policy process and how different government departments and parliamentary committees engage with research, and thereby help academics in their future policy engagement activities, grant applications or career progression.
If you are interested in attending, please fill out the following registration form.
Register Here.



MSCA Doctoral Networks Call Information Webinar, Session 1

02 July 2024, 10:00 to 12:00, Online

The UK Research Office (UKRO), in its capacity as UK National Contact Point for the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), is holding two information webinars for organisations and individuals interested in applying to the 2024 MSCA Doctoral Networks Call (call deadline 27 November 2024).

The MSCA Doctoral Networks Call

The Doctoral Networks scheme provides funding to a consortium of universities, research institutions, research infrastructures, businesses including SMEs, and other socio-economic actors to develop a doctoral programme in a research and innovation area. The consortium is free to identify the area in which the research and training programme is needed and can include partners from all over the world.

Doctoral Networks sets out to develop entrepreneurial, innovative doctoral candidates, by equipping the researchers with the right combination of research-related and transferable competencies. The Doctoral Network ultimately aims to enhance the recruited researchers’ long-term career perspectives, both within and outside academia.

Aim of the event

The webinars will provide attendees with a comprehensive overview over the 2024 MSCA Doctoral Networks Call. They will cover all the information needed to submit a successful application to this call, including the MSCA eligibility criteria, available budget, and submission and evaluation rules, as well as practical guidance on writing a proposal.

The call will close on 27 November 2024


MSCA Doctoral Networks Call Information Webinar, Session 2

03 July 2024, 10:00 to 12:00, Online

The UK Research Office (UKRO), in its capacity as UK National Contact Point for the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), is holding two information webinars for organisations and individuals interested in applying to the 2024 MSCA Doctoral Networks Call (call deadline 27 November 2024).

The MSCA Doctoral Networks Call

The Doctoral Networks scheme provides funding to a consortium of universities, research institutions, research infrastructures, businesses including SMEs, and other socio-economic actors to develop a doctoral programme in a research and innovation area. The consortium is free to identify the area in which the research and training programme is needed and can include partners from all over the world.

Doctoral Networks sets out to develop entrepreneurial, innovative doctoral candidates, by equipping the researchers with the right combination of research-related and transferable competencies. The Doctoral Network ultimately aims to enhance the recruited researchers’ long-term career perspectives, both within and outside academia.

Aim of the event

The webinars will provide attendees with a comprehensive overview over the 2024 MSCA Doctoral Networks Call. They will cover all the information needed to submit a successful application to this call, including the MSCA eligibility criteria, available budget, and submission and evaluation rules, as well as practical guidance on writing a proposal.

The call will close on 27 November 2024


ERC Advanced Grant Webinar

05 July 2024, 14:00 to 15:30, Online

The British Academy will be holding its next webinar on Friday 5 July, 14:00-15:30 for UK-based researchers in the humanities and social sciences interested in applying for European Research Council (ERC) grants. The webinar will focus on the ERC Advanced Grants 2024 call, which is opening on 29 May and has a deadline of 29 August 2024.

The webinar will be led by Professor Simon Goldhill FBA and British Academy Fellows who have experience with ERC Grants and panels.

The aim of the webinar is to provide participants with a deeper understanding of the proposal and evaluation format and the key issues they are required to address in planning, writing and costing a proposal.

There is an opportunity to have your extended synopsis (B1) proposal draft reviewed by the panel. Please note, that if selected, your B1 proposal will be discussed during the webinar (names and personal details will be removed). The webinar will not be recorded.

If you would like to submit a B1 draft proposal to be considered for feedback during the webinar, please register your interest and send them to Barbora Krasova ( no later than 20 June 2024, 12:00 (BST).

If you would like to attend the webinar, without submitting a B1 proposal, please contact Anya Kintsurashvili ( by Thursday 4 July 2024, 12:00 (BST) to register.


Celebrating Research Culture at Cambridge

Calling all researchers!
Do you work with a great research group, or a great PI? You can nominate them for the 2024 Research Culture Celebration, to be held on 30 September at Kettle’s Yard. Categories include: leadership, concern for professional development, recognition and reward, wellbeing management and support, and inclusive practice. Find out more
Want to tell us more about your own research journey? Your Research, Your Voice asks researchers to respond to a short writing prompt on an aspect of their experience and earn a £5, £10 or £20 voucher to thank them for their time. It is open to postdocs and to PIs. Find out more
These initiatives are part of the project Action Research on Research Culture (ARRC), an international research project led by the University of Cambridge that is testing practical approaches to improving research culture, with the aim of producing guidance and resources that can be used by institutions across the sector. Learn more about the project’s work

AHSS Bulletin May 2024

AHSS Research and Impact Facilitation Bulletin

May 2024


If you want to discuss funding opportunities or you are working on an application for research funding and would like feedback on a draft, please do contact the School’s Research Facilitators – Anna Cieslik (UK Funding) and Elizabeth Penner (EU/International Funding).  For Impact related queries please contact Lucy Sheerman (Impact Facilitator).

You can find more information on the AHSS Research Website, search our External Funding Deadline Calendar and look at Previous Bulletins.  We are also now on Twitter! Follow us for updates on funding calls and information sessions.


UK Research Council Funding


EU Funding


Charity Funding

Internal Funding


Workshops & Events


AHRC Cultural Heritage Research Translated into Climate Change Policy

Summary: In the wake of man-made disasters, and the increasing risks posed to cultural heritage by climate change, the need for improved preparedness measures is a key priority for the global heritage community.

This scheme aims to:

  • ensure the formation and translation of cultural heritage research into policy and societal benefits, while also encouraging networking opportunities
  • as a broader programme, provide a transparent, long-term vision for UK cultural heritage and climate research to support more impactful and long-term interventions
  • expand the scope of the programme to explicitly consider the ways in which tangible and intangible cultural heritage can also build resilience and contribute to climate action
  • encourage and support  research that is co-designed and co-produced with the cultural heritage sector
  • encourage interdisciplinary collaboration, including co-production and co-design of research and knowledge with communities

Award: Between £45,000 and £60,000 funded at 80% fEC over six months. Projects must start on 02 September 2024 and be completed by 31 March 2025.
Funder Deadline: 20 June 2024
Research Facilitation ContactDr Anna Cieslik


AHRC Community-led Heritage Research and Skills Hub

Summary: Apply to lead a community-driven heritage research and skills hub. The hub will convene a consortium of heritage organisations (spokes) across the UK to undertake collections and heritage research driven by local communities. It will build capacity in research and digital skills within its partner organisations and support the development of networks for future research capability.

The hub will support the spoke projects; smaller and regional GLAM/Heritage organisations and specific community and interest groups to undertake collections and heritage research, interpretation and engagement. The hub will:

  • manage funding opportunities to select the spoke projects. Please note applications to the hub (if there is a competition for funds) need to be light touch, and well-supported in development by the hub team to limit the demands on spoke partners and community groups
  • have oversight of the spoke projects, coordinating activities, providing advice and support, creating a network
  • develop and deliver a communications and stakeholder engagement plan to promote the funding opportunities and engage relevant stakeholders within the projects and work of the hub
  • build research skills, digital skills and knowledge exchange within smaller GLAM/Heritage organisations and community groups
  • develop a monitoring, evaluation and learning plan (in conjunction with AHRC) in order to manage the monitoring and evaluation of the spoke projects and produce an end-of-project evaluation report and other evaluation material

The spokes will comprise a small network of heritage organisations that want to develop, build upon, and champion constructive approaches to inclusive community-driven cultural and heritage themes.

Award: Up to £1,000,000 funded at 80% fEC over three years.
Funder Deadline: 26 June 2024
Research Facilitation ContactDr Anna Cieslik


UKRI NSF-SBE Lead Agency, round 2

Summary: We're looking for individual researchers with proposals for well-defined collaborative research projects. However, you may include elements of individual research if you can show how this will add value.

Collaborations can involve:

  • a single institution or a combination of institutions
  • researchers working in different research areas
  • disciplines within the arts and humanities, or between an arts and humanities discipline and another subject area. In such collaborations the arts and humanities element of the project should lead in shaping the research questions, methods and so on
  • researchers working in other sectors
  • researchers based abroad

The proposed collaboration should be appropriate for the specific needs of the research project.

We expect the project lead and any project co-leads to devote an average of at least four hours per week to the project.

Award: Between £300,000 and £1.5 million fEC for the UK hosted element of the project. AHRC will fund 80% fEC. The maximum duration of this award is five years.
Funder Deadline: 27 June 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


AHRC Responsive Mode: Follow-on Funding for Impact and Engagement: round four

Summary: The proposed activities should enhance the value and wider benefit of your original research project, and have a signficant economic, social, cultural or policy impact. The follow-on funding for impact and engagement aims to:

  • explore unforeseen pathways to impact either within the lifespan of an AHRC research project or resulting from a completed research project
  • enhance the value and benefits of AHRC-funded research beyond academia
  • encourage and enable a range of interactions and creative engagements between arts and humanities research and a variety of user communities, including business, third sector and heritage sector, public policy, voluntary and community groups, or the general public

Award: Between £30,000 and £100,000 fEC funded at 80%. Project duration is up to 12 months.
Funder Deadline: 27 June 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


AHRC Responsive Mode: Standard Research Grant - round four

Summary: We’re looking for individual researchers with proposals for well-defined collaborative research projects. However, you may include elements of individual research if you can show how this will add value.

Collaborations can involve:

  • a single institution or a combination of institutions
  • researchers working in different research areas
  • disciplines within the arts and humanities, or between an arts and humanities discipline and another subject area. In such collaborations the arts and humanities element of the project should lead in shaping the research questions, methods and so on
  • researchers working in other sectors
  • researchers based abroad

The proposed collaboration should be appropriate for the specific needs of the research project.

We expect the project lead and any project co-leads to devote an average of at least four hours per week to the project.

Award: Between £300,000 and £1,500,00 fEC funded at 80% for projects up to five years in duration.
Funder Deadline: 27 June 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Collaborate with researchers in Luxembourg, round 2

Summary: This funding opportunity funds work with researchers in Luxembourg. Collaborative work is governed by an agreement between UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR).

You can submit collaborative research proposals in any area of arts and humanities within the remit of both Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and FNR.

Award: Between £300,000 and £1.5 million fEC for the UK hosted element of the project. AHRC will fund 80% fEC. The maximum duration of this award is five years.
Funder Deadline: 27 June 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


Working with Brazilian Researchers, round 2

Summary: You can apply to work with overseas researchers in the State of São Paulo, Brazil.

Collaborative work is governed by an agreement between UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and State of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).

Submit a collaborative research proposal in any area of the arts and humanities within the remit of Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and FAPESP.

Award: Between £300,000 and £1.5 million fEC for the UK hosted element of the project. AHRC will fund 80% fEC. The maximum duration of this award is five years.
Funder Deadline: 27 June 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


AHRC: BRAID Responsible AI Demonstrators

Summary: We acknowledge that multiple disciplines are needed to help develop AI responsibly, and therefore single-discipline teams are out of scope for this call. However, in keeping with BRAID and AHRC’s remit, we expect the majority of the core team to be in arts and humanities disciplines (such as Law, Philosophy and Design). Where other disciplines are involved, a detailed plan is required on how the disciplines will come together.

BRAID Demonstrator projects will seek to address real-world challenges facing sectors, businesses, communities and publics in the responsible development and application of AI technologies.

Designed to support human-centred and humane AI innovation, we anticipate this funding opportunity will attract proposals focused on ensuring the design, development, deployment and governance of AI systems to support a positive, inclusive future.

The AI ecosystem is a complex multi-stakeholder environment and, as such, we expect proposals to engage multiple stakeholders in genuine coproduction, with a clear and tractable plan to impact.

You may apply for a BRAID Demonstrator aligned to any one of the BRAID programme’s delivery themes, this should be identified in the application:

  • AI for Humane Innovation
  • AI for Inspired Innovation
  • AI for Equitable Innovation
  • AI for Resilient Innovation

Award: Between £900,000 and £1.1 million fEC. The duration of this award is 36 months. Projects must start 01 February 2025.
Funder Deadline: 27 June 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Support Knowledge Exchange for European Humanities Research

Summary: The knowledge exchange facilitator’s role is to strengthen the overall cohesion of the HERA Crisis joint research programme and coordinate knowledge exchange efforts and activities at the programme level including organising kick off and closing programme conferences.

As the knowledge exchange facilitator, you are expected to be an internationally well-positioned researcher with relevant expertise and knowledge of the programme themes and supported by a research assistant.

The knowledge exchange facilitator will create added value, increasing the impact of the programme, the projects funded within it and benefit the wider humanities network.

The knowledge exchange facilitator will be expected to regularly report to HERA governance structures about the recent activities and progress of the programme. This includes:

  • engaging with project monitoring and impact assessment activities not led by the knowledge exchange facilitator
  • attending meetings of the knowledge exchange group and HERA Network Board to discuss this progress
  • producing a final report for the HERA Network Board to approve.

Award: Between £400,000 and £500,000 fEC. The fixed duration of the award is three and a half years. The project must start 06 January 2025.
Funder Deadline: 09 July 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Maximising UK Adaption to Climate Change Research Projects

Summary: UKRI-Defra are co-funding Maximising UK Adaptation to Climate Change programme as part of the second phase of the programme to fund world leading strategic research projects to help improve the UK’s resilience to climate change impacts. The aim of the Maximising UK Adaptation to Climate Change programme is to build capacity, knowledge, and skills that will offer practical and scalable solutions to meet the UK’s challenges in the face of a changing climate and put the UK at the forefront of climate adaptation strategies at both local and national scales.
To date, research has focused on climate hazard, but needs to go further in terms of exposure, vulnerability and adaptive action in policy and practice. Building on the knowledge and legacy of the UK Climate Resilience Programme and other investments in this space, this programme will support research that is policy relevant and co-designed with key stakeholders. Research will help to identify priorities and support the development of policy and practice for adaptation, considering how and when to scale up from the local to national level. It will ultimately produce adaptation solutions for policy consideration that will improve UK resilience to climate impacts whilst benefitting people and the economy.
Applications are invited for high-impact transdisciplinary research to collaborate and facilitate two-way transfer of knowledge between research, policy and other end users to drive transformation of the UK to adapt to climate change, focusing on four themes:

  • theme one: societies’ exposure and vulnerability to extreme climate hazards
  • theme two: adaptation solutions
  • theme three: future resilience and decision making
  • theme four: enablers of adaptation

The research projects must be transdisciplinary, integrating all relevant disciplines, and closely involving policymakers and other stakeholders in co-design and co-delivery through a systems approach.
Award: The full economic cost (FEC) of your project can be up to £2 million. UKRI will fund 80% of the FEC with the following exceptions:

  • justified equipment would be funded at 50%
  • project co-leads from business, third sector, or government bodies that cannot fund their own participation can be costed for at 100% for eligible costs (for full details, please see ESRC guidance on the inclusion of UK business, third sector or government body project co-leads on applications), but must not exceed 30% of the overall cost of the grant (at 100% FEC)
  • up to £200,000 of the £2 million can be used to work with the Met Office and this will be funded at 100% FEC and paid directly to the Met Office from UKRI

Funder Deadline: 16 July 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


AHRC Responsive Mode: Curiosity Award, round four

Summary: Curiosity awards support early-stage ambitious and novel fundamental research which has the potential to act as a springboard towards new and exciting research agendas. 

The funding opportunity is intentionally flexible. An indicative list of examples of the activities we will fund are provided as follows. You are encouraged to request and justify costs for activities that best meet the aims of your project. This may include:

  • idea generation
  • seed corn funding
  • high risk and high potential concepts
  • novel research
  • networking activity
  • partnership building
  • knowledge exchange
  • public engagement
  • international collaboration
  • scoping and piloting, for example, early-stage proof of concept for ideas or change of direction
  • pivots in research focus at any career stage
  • mentoring for members of the research team

NB: this is not a prescriptive or exhaustive list.

Award: Up to £100,000 fEC funded at 80% for projects up to five years in duration.
Funder Deadline: 30 July 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Pre-announcement: Design Exchange Partnerships: Design the Green Transition - round 3

Summary: Design Exchange Partnerships (DEPs) are three-way collaborative projects which seek to demonstrate tangible impact on local communities by stimulating the real-world application of high-quality arts and humanities-led design research to address challenges related to achieving green transition goals. DEPs aim to:

  • stimulate strategic partnerships that support career development and the development of hybrid skills
  • increase the diversity of voices and actors consulted in and contributing to addressing the climate crisis
  • enable the development of new products and services that have a positive impact in the real-world

For this round, we are focusing on the theme of more-than-human to develop solutions to address the UK’s green transition. While design is being used to transform the planet, often to great benefit, the consequences of design are not always positive for the environment.

More-than-human design refers to the idea of designing for impact beyond humans. It promotes the idea that to explore the future we face; we also need to consider the non-human centred world view.

We welcome broad interpretations of the theme of more-than-human, including but not limited to one or more of the following areas:

  • technology/AI
  • materials
  • the natural world
  • health and wellbeing
  • urban environments

Award: The full economic cost of your project can be up to £62,500 for six months or £125,000 for 12 months, plus 5% – 10% contribution from the non-academic partner organisation. AHRC will fund 80% of the full economic cost.
Funder Deadline: 12 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Pre-announcement: AHRC Responsive Mode: Standard Research Grant - round five 
(Call not yet open)

Summary: We’re looking for individual researchers with proposals for well-defined collaborative research projects. However, you may include elements of individual research if you can show how this will add value.

Collaborations can involve:

  • a single institution or a combination of institutions
  • researchers working in different research areas
  • disciplines within the arts and humanities, or between an arts and humanities discipline and another subject area. In such collaborations the arts and humanities element of the project should lead in shaping the research questions, methods and so on
  • researchers working in other sectors
  • researchers based abroad

The proposed collaboration should be appropriate for the specific needs of the research project.

We expect the project lead and any project co-leads to devote an average of at least four hours per week to the project.

Award: Between £300,000 and £1,500,00 fEC funded at 80% for projects up to five years in duration.
Funder Deadline: 14 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Pre-announcement: UKRI Metascience Research Grants
(Call not yet open)

Summary:The Metascience Grants Programme will support projects using scientific methods to deepen our understanding of how different structures, incentives, and funding practices within the research and development (R&D) system shape scientific research outputs and career outcomes. Projects must have potential to inform science policy, R&D funding practices, or practice within research-performing organisations.
Award: TBC
Funder Deadline: TBC
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Horizon Europe Update: UK Eligibility Update

Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023 (and previous years)
Successful UK applicants to calls under the Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023 (and previous years) will be funded under the UKRI Guarantee Funding. This Guarantee Funding has recently been extended to cover successful applications made by UK-based businesses and researchers to calls under the Horizon Europe 2021, 2022 or 2023 work programmes. 
Horizon Europe 2024 Work Programme Calls
Successful UK applicants will be funded by the EU, under the Horizon Europe Programme.
Updates on Association: Please visit the Research Operation Office’s EU pages


Horizon Europe Main Work Programme

This PDF offers further details on calls relevant to SAHSS.  This list is not exhaustive so please refer the Horizon Europe Portal for full details. UKRO also have some very useful Factsheets that outline the thematic clusters that make up the three pillars of research support offered.
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner
Highlighted notices:
Policies and governance shaping the future transport and mobility systems 
Deadline: 05 September 2024

Demonstration of solutions specifically suited to rural areas and small/ medium size population local communities 
Deadline: 18 September 2024

Co-creating solutions for soil health in Living Labs
Deadline: 08 October 2024


ERC Advanced Grant

Summary: The ERC Advanced Grant is for established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements in the last 10 years. PIs should be exceptional leaders in terms of originality and significance of their research contributions.
Award: € 2.5 million for a period of 5 years. An additional € 1 million can be requested to cover start-up costs, the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities.
Funder Deadline: 29 August 2024, tentative deadline
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships

Summary: The objective of PFs is to support researchers’ careers and foster excellence in research. The Postdoctoral Fellowships action targets researchers holding a PhD who wish to carry out their research activities abroad, acquire new skills and develop their careers. PFs help researchers gain experience in other countries, disciplines and non-academic sectors.

There are 2 types of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

  1. European Postdoctoral Fellowships. They are open to researchers moving within Europe or coming to Europe from another part of the world to pursue their research career. These fellowships take place in an EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country and can last between 1 and 2 years. Researchers of any nationality can apply.
  2. Global Postdoctoral Fellowships. They fund the mobility of researchers outside Europe. The fellowship lasts between 2 to 3 years, of which the first 1 to 2 years will be spent in a non-associated Third Country, followed by a mandatory return phase of 1 year to an organisation based in an EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country. Only nationals or long-term residents of the EU Member States or Horizon Europe Associated Countries can apply.

Both types of fellowships may also include short-term secondments anywhere in the world during the fellowship (except during the return phase of a Global Fellowship).

In an effort to build bridges between the academic and non-academic sector, researchers can receive additional support to carry out a placement of up to 6 months in a non-academic organisation based in an EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country. This placement needs to take place at the end of their fellowship.

Award: The Fellowship provides support in the form of a living allowance; mobility allowance; family and long-term leave and special needs allowances; research, training and networking activities; management and indirect costs.
Funder Deadline: 11 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


Proof of Concept Grant

Summary: The ERC Proof of Concept Grants aim at facilitating exploration of the commercial and social innovation potential of ERC funded research, by funding further work (i.e. activities which were not scheduled to be funded by the original ERC frontier research grant) to verify the innovation potential of ideas arising from ERC funded projects. Proof of Concept Grants are therefore on offer only to Principal Investigators whose proposals draw substantially on their ERC funded research.
Award: up to € 150,000 for a period of 18 months.
Funder Deadline: 17 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


ERC Starting Grant

Summary: ERC grants support projects carried out by an individual researcher who can employ researchers of any nationality as team members. It is also possible to have one or more team members located in a non-European country. Researchers of any nationality with 2-7 years of experience since completion of PhD, a scientific track record showing great promise and an excellent research proposal can apply.
Award: € 1.5 million for a period of 5 years (pro-rata for project of shorter duration). An additional € 1 million can be requested to cover start-up costs, the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities.
Funder Deadline: TBA November 2024, tentative deadline
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


British Academy Small Grants

Summary: All applications should demonstrate that Academy funds are sought for a clearly defined, discrete piece of research, which will have an identifiable outcome on completion of the Academy-funded component of the research.
Award: Up to £10,000 for projects between 1 and 24 months in duration.
Funder Deadline: 05 June 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Leverhulme Trust Research Centres

Summary: For UK universities to set up a Leverhulme Research Centre for outstanding original research aspiring to achieve a step-change in scholarship

The Trust aims to encourage new approaches that may establish or reshape a field of study and so transform our understanding of a significant contemporary topic.

Given the Trust’s commitment to multiple existing research centres at Cambridge, the Trust is excluding Cambridge as a lead institution in the upcoming round of competition. *Cambridge may still partner in applications led by other universities.

Award: Up to £10,000,000 for 10 years.
Funder Deadline: 07 June 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Wellcome Trust Career Development Awards

Summary: This scheme provides funding for mid-career researchers from any discipline who have the potential to be international research leaders. They will develop their research capabilities, drive innovative programmes of work and deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing.
Award: Provides a salary for the grantholder (if required) and research expenses. Please request for level and duration of funding that's justifiable for your proposed research.
Funder Deadline: 25 July 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Wellcome Trust Discovery Awards

Summary: This scheme provides funding for established researchers and teams from any discipline who want to pursue bold and creative research ideas to deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. The award usually lasts for 8 years, but may be less for some disciplines, such as humanities and social science.
Award: Limit not specified. It is expected that the PI requests an amount that is appropriate to the project.
Funder Deadline: 30 July 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Large Grant Contribution Fund

Summary: Research grant applications for funding over £1 million for AHSS subject areas can request financial contributions from this fund. Funding may be requested for activities that are complementary to the external funding and contributions from Departments / Schools / Non-school institutions. Activities that add value in the following areas are particularly encouraged: widening participation and inclusion; improving partnerships locally / nationally / internationally; capacity and capability building; working with less advantaged partners. Leveraging funding for existing grant awards is not in the remit of this fund. All applications must include one or more external partners and only applications led by Cambridge PIs are eligible.
Award: Up to 10% of the award value. PI buyout and equipment are not eligible costs for request.
Deadline: Minimum 4 weeks before funder deadline.
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik and


REF Impact Funding

Summary: Internal funding is available from the Research Strategy Office to support the development of the University’s REF impact submission. It is expected that successful applications will fund impact activities that may feed into potential impact case studies only where no other monies are available. Applications will be reviewed by the Impact and Knowledge Exchange Team. 

Submissions may include (but are not restricted to):

  • Support for gathering feedback from public engagement activities
  • Economic health monitoring
  • Surveying/engaging with research users to evaluate impact
  • Independent evaluation of impacts
  • Resource to collate citations in policy documents

Award: Up to £10,000.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Please contact your relevant member of the Impact and Knowledge Exchange Team.


All-Council Rapid Response Impact Acceleration Account Call

Summary: The All-Council Rapid Response Impact Acceleration Account Call is now open to support a wide range of impact activities when researchers are confronted by time-sensitive opportunities or need to test new ideas quickly. This call supports interdisciplinary projects, open to PIs and ECRs with PIs as co-applicants.

Proposed projects must support ‘on the ground’ impact and knowledge exchange activities, which enable researchers at all levels to engage with the public, private and third sectors, and provides a sustainable support structure within the University to promote wider and more effective engagement with external non-academic organisations.Project can be up to three months in duration.

Award: Up to £15,000 per application.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Lucy Sheerman


AHRC IAA Knowledge Exchange Fellowship Scheme

Summary: The AHRC IAA Knowledge Exchange Fellowship Scheme promotes strategic partnerships with non-HEI organisations across the arts and humanities at the University of Cambridge. The fund supports partnership building with specific organisations such as (but not limited to) museums, theatres, social enterprises, NGOs, and government departments. Funds are available for a range of activities including teaching replacement costs, costs for incoming fellowships from the partner organisation, postdoctoral or administrative support, travel and subsistence expenses, and workshops. The scheme aims to allow researchers to create new partnerships with external entities more generally, collaboratively shape research agendas, contribute to future research funding applications (including match-funding for studentships in the DTPs), and further facilitate impact generating activities.

Award: Up to £20,000 cover 100% of directly incurred costs.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Lucy Sheerman


Research Network Funding 

Summary: The Research Networks programme offers funding of up to £1,500 per academic year, plus an in-kind contribution in the form of administrative assistance, a platform for virtual and hybrid sessions, and help with running in-person or online events. The programme is open to Cambridge University’s academic staff (UTOs/CTOs), postdocs and postgraduate students, working together with a common interdisciplinary research interest.
Networks generally run throughout the academic year (October to June), with a minimum length of one term. Experimental forms of engagement are encouraged and we are keen to support new ideas for a wide range of activities and to encourage new collaborative initiatives that reach across disciplinary boundaries, including those between the sciences and the humanities.
The convenors of Research Networks must come from more than one Cambridge University faculty or department and they must have an interdisciplinary question at their core. Some Networks go on to form the basis of collaborative publications or grant applications. 

Award: Up to £1,500
Deadline: 03 May 2024


Cambridge Humanities Research Grants

Summary: The Cambridge Humanities Research Grants scheme (CHRG) supports research in the arts, humanities and social sciences across the University. The scheme welcomes applications from any independent researcher holding a current contract of employment at the point of application.

The Scheme is designed to enable researchers to conduct small-scale research activities, of the highest quality, that will enable them to bid successfully for larger-scale funding from external sponsors, and/or to generate publications, and/or to contribute materially in other ways towards the research objectives of their home institution.

Applications may be made at any time in the year, for the next available gathered field, with outcomes known approximately six weeks later. 

Award: varies depending on scheme between £1,500 and £20,000
Deadline: 07 May 2024


You're a Postdoc. What's Next?

07 May 2024, 9:00 to 16:00, West Hub
You’re a Postdoc. What’s next?
Want to have an impact beyond publishing? Curious about career options outside of academia? Interested in a legit ‘side-hustle’ as you further your research? Then this event is for you!
Come and explore the benefits and value of taking your research into real-world applications. Hear from former and current postdocs who have furthered their impact through company creation, consultancy, public engagement and policy, licensing IP or industry collaboration. Also hear practical advice from experts on how to boost employability and develop your skills.
The aim is that you leave with a much deeper understanding of all the options available to you and are inspired to take that next step in your career.
Join us on Tuesday 07 May from 09:00 to 16:00 at the West Hub. Register for the event here.


MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 Call Information Webinar, Session 1

14 May 2024, 10:00 to 12:00, ZOOM
The UK Research Office (UKRO), in its capacity as UK National Contact Point (NCP) for the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), is holding two information webinars for organisations and individuals interested in applying to the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 call (deadline on 11 September 2024).

The webinars are aimed at researchers and other staff in UK academic and non-academic organisations, including industries and SMEs, who are interested in the 2024 MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship Call as a host organisation or potential supervisor. It is also intended for researchers from the UK, across Europe and beyond who intend to apply with a UK host institution.

The agenda for each webinar is to be confirmed shortly, however we strongly advise participants register for and attend both sessions.

The webinar is free to attend but registration is required.


MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 Call Information Webinar, Session 2

15 May 2024, 10:00 to 12:00, ZOOM
The UK Research Office (UKRO), in its capacity as UK National Contact Point (NCP) for the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), is holding two information webinars for organisations and individuals interested in applying to the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 call (deadline on 11 September 2024).

The webinars are aimed at researchers and other staff in UK academic and non-academic organisations, including industries and SMEs, who are interested in the 2024 MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship Call as a host organisation or potential supervisor. It is also intended for researchers from the UK, across Europe and beyond who intend to apply with a UK host institution.

The agenda for each webinar is to be confirmed shortly, however we strongly advise participants register for and attend both sessions.

The webinar is free to attend but registration is required.


Creative Cambridge Annual Conference 2024

16 May 2024, 10:00 to 18:00, Storey’s Field Centre
We have opened early registration for Creative Cambridge 2024. This year we'll return to Storey's Field Centre on 16th May for a day conference dedicated to Cambridge's cultural and creative industries. The conference attracts around a hundred academics, students, artists and creatives, creative industry and heritage professionals, creative industry start-ups, investors, policy makers, third sector arts orgs and more. As well as the chaired panel discussions, we  are open and have space for displays, table-top demos, and informal stand-up pitches.
Creative Cambridge Annual Conference 2024 Tickets, Thu 16 May 2024 at 10:00 | Eventbrite
Please can you help us to get the right people in the room again this year? 

  1. Can you forward this invite to anyone in your networks in any discipline who is interested in promoting collaboration in the cultural and creative industries, or looking to expand their own networks.
  2. If you would like to display any aspects of your own work (recently funded collabs, new academic or KE funding opportunities etc) to the Creative Cambridge participants, just let Emma Salgard Cunha know at <>.
  3. And of course, please join us for the day!


CSaP Policy Engagement for AHSS Researchers

27 June 2024. 12:00 - 14:00, Syndics Room at 17 Mill Lane

The Centre for Science and Policy is hosting a workshop on how researchers in the fields of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences can effectively engage with the policymaking process. Through a combination of talks and activities for participants, the workshop will equip participants with an overview of how researchers can impact the policy process and how different government departments and parliamentary committees engage with research, and thereby help academics in their future policy engagement activities, grant applications or career progression.
If you are interested in attending, please fill out the following registration form.
Register Here.



MSCA Doctoral Networks Call Information Webinar, Session 1

02 July 2024, 10:00 to 12:00, Online

The UK Research Office (UKRO), in its capacity as UK National Contact Point for the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), is holding two information webinars for organisations and individuals interested in applying to the 2024 MSCA Doctoral Networks Call (call deadline 27 November 2024).

The MSCA Doctoral Networks Call

The Doctoral Networks scheme provides funding to a consortium of universities, research institutions, research infrastructures, businesses including SMEs, and other socio-economic actors to develop a doctoral programme in a research and innovation area. The consortium is free to identify the area in which the research and training programme is needed and can include partners from all over the world.

Doctoral Networks sets out to develop entrepreneurial, innovative doctoral candidates, by equipping the researchers with the right combination of research-related and transferable competencies. The Doctoral Network ultimately aims to enhance the recruited researchers’ long-term career perspectives, both within and outside academia.

Aim of the event

The webinars will provide attendees with a comprehensive overview over the 2024 MSCA Doctoral Networks Call. They will cover all the information needed to submit a successful application to this call, including the MSCA eligibility criteria, available budget, and submission and evaluation rules, as well as practical guidance on writing a proposal.

The call will close on 27 November 2024


MSCA Doctoral Networks Call Information Webinar, Session 2

03 July 2024, 10:00 to 12:00, Online

The UK Research Office (UKRO), in its capacity as UK National Contact Point for the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), is holding two information webinars for organisations and individuals interested in applying to the 2024 MSCA Doctoral Networks Call (call deadline 27 November 2024).

The MSCA Doctoral Networks Call

The Doctoral Networks scheme provides funding to a consortium of universities, research institutions, research infrastructures, businesses including SMEs, and other socio-economic actors to develop a doctoral programme in a research and innovation area. The consortium is free to identify the area in which the research and training programme is needed and can include partners from all over the world.

Doctoral Networks sets out to develop entrepreneurial, innovative doctoral candidates, by equipping the researchers with the right combination of research-related and transferable competencies. The Doctoral Network ultimately aims to enhance the recruited researchers’ long-term career perspectives, both within and outside academia.

Aim of the event

The webinars will provide attendees with a comprehensive overview over the 2024 MSCA Doctoral Networks Call. They will cover all the information needed to submit a successful application to this call, including the MSCA eligibility criteria, available budget, and submission and evaluation rules, as well as practical guidance on writing a proposal.

The call will close on 27 November 2024


AHSS Bulletin April 2024

AHSS Research and Impact Facilitation Bulletin

April 2023

If you want to discuss funding opportunities or you are working on an application for research funding and would like feedback on a draft, please do contact the School’s Research Facilitators – Anna Cieslik (UK Funding) and Elizabeth Penner (EU/International Funding).  For Impact related queries please contact Lucy Sheerman (Impact Facilitator).

You can find more information on the AHSS Research Website, search our External Funding Deadline Calendar and look at Previous Bulletins.  We are also now on Twitter! Follow us for updates on funding calls and information sessions.

UK Research Council Funding

EU Funding

Charity Funding

Internal Funding

Training / Other


Apply for Research into Care Sector Labour Force Shortages

Summary: This call aims to address how new forms of technological development and digitisation have the potential to be transformative and mitigate labour shortages, while also considering that solutions often start from a perspective of technology rather than from the user. We are especially interested in comparison between countries and in learning from different innovative strategies and solutions to attract and retain staff.

To address these issues we want to fund research on three interrelated aspects of the labour force shortages in the LTC sector within the framework of demographic change, ageing and care of older people. These are: ‘Working situation’, ‘Role of AI’ and ‘Cross-national differences and similarities within different welfare systems‘. Proposals must address all three research topics, paying particular attention to cross-cutting issues of gender, ethnicity and social inclusion.

Proposals should include the perspective of care givers as well as those receiving care and we encourage involvement of industry and/or third sector project partners where appropriate. Overall, we are interested in research that goes beyond only the mapping of issues described and instead proposes practical solutions informing policymakers, the care sector and/or other related organisations.

Award: Up to £900,000 funded at 80% fEC for UK-based consortia. The coordinated funding scheme in Austria, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands fund its own national researchers. Please see the Guidelines for Applicants for further details. Project duration is a maximum of 36 months. 
Deadline: 14 May 2024
Research Facilitation ContactDr Elizabeth Penner

UKRI-Southeast Asia Collaboration on Infectious Diseases

Summary: To effectively tackle global infectious disease threats and challenges, including AMR and epidemic preparedness, a One Health approach is required to achieve sustainable change. Such approaches use integrated, interdisciplinary methodologies, recognising the interconnection between humans, animals (including wildlife, livestock, aquatic organism and companion animals), and environmental (including natural and built environment and climate change) factors, with the goal of improving outcomes for human health. This funding opportunity will consider applications focused on pathogens of relevance to the Southeast Asia region and with potential impact on human health, which may include viral, bacterial, fungal or parasitic threats, as appropriate to the two strategic themes.

This funding opportunity is aligned with the UKRI tackling infections strategic theme, for which infectious disease epidemics and AMR are priorities.

In this context, we will support research projects that fit within two strategic themes: "Antimicrobial Resistance" and "Epidemic Preparedness: Emerging and Zoonotic Infections"

Award: Up to £1,000,000 funded at 80% fEC. Project duration is a maximum of 36 months. Projects must start by 01 April 2025.
Deadline: 30 May 2024
Research Facilitation ContactDr Elizabeth Penner

AHRC Community-led Heritage Research and Skills Hub

Summary: Apply to lead a community-driven heritage research and skills hub. The hub will convene a consortium of heritage organisations (spokes) across the UK to undertake collections and heritage research driven by local communities. It will build capacity in research and digital skills within its partner organisations and support the development of networks for future research capability.

The hub will support the spoke projects; smaller and regional GLAM/Heritage organisations and specific community and interest groups to undertake collections and heritage research, interpretation and engagement. The hub will:

  • manage funding opportunities to select the spoke projects. Please note applications to the hub (if there is a competition for funds) need to be light touch, and well-supported in development by the hub team to limit the demands on spoke partners and community groups
  • have oversight of the spoke projects, coordinating activities, providing advice and support, creating a network
  • develop and deliver a communications and stakeholder engagement plan to promote the funding opportunities and engage relevant stakeholders within the projects and work of the hub
  • build research skills, digital skills and knowledge exchange within smaller GLAM/Heritage organisations and community groups
  • develop a monitoring, evaluation and learning plan (in conjunction with AHRC) in order to manage the monitoring and evaluation of the spoke projects and produce an end-of-project evaluation report and other evaluation material

The spokes will comprise a small network of heritage organisations that want to develop, build upon, and champion constructive approaches to inclusive community-driven cultural and heritage themes.

Award: Up to £1,000,000 funded at 80% fEC over three years.
Deadline: 26 June 2024
Research Facilitation ContactDr Anna Cieslik

UKRI NSF-SBE Lead Agency, round 2

Summary: We're looking for individual researchers with proposals for well-defined collaborative research projects. However, you may include elements of individual research if you can show how this will add value.

Collaborations can involve:

  • a single institution or a combination of institutions
  • researchers working in different research areas
  • disciplines within the arts and humanities, or between an arts and humanities discipline and another subject area. In such collaborations the arts and humanities element of the project should lead in shaping the research questions, methods and so on
  • researchers working in other sectors
  • researchers based abroad

The proposed collaboration should be appropriate for the specific needs of the research project.

We expect the project lead and any project co-leads to devote an average of at least four hours per week to the project.

Award: Between £300,000 and £1.5 million fEC for the UK hosted element of the project. AHRC will fund 80% fEC. The maximum duration of this award is five years.
Deadline: 27 June 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner

AHRC Responsive Mode: Follow-on Funding for Impact and Engagement: round four

Summary: The proposed activities should enhance the value and wider benefit of your original research project, and have a signficant economic, social, cultural or policy impact. The follow-on funding for impact and engagement aims to:

  • explore unforeseen pathways to impact either within the lifespan of an AHRC research project or resulting from a completed research project
  • enhance the value and benefits of AHRC-funded research beyond academia
  • encourage and enable a range of interactions and creative engagements between arts and humanities research and a variety of user communities, including business, third sector and heritage sector, public policy, voluntary and community groups, or the general public

Award: Between £30,000 and £100,000 fEC funded at 80%. Project duration is up to 12 months.
Deadline: 27 June 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

AHRC Responsive Mode: Standard Research Grant - round four

Summary: We’re looking for individual researchers with proposals for well-defined collaborative research projects. However, you may include elements of individual research if you can show how this will add value.

Collaborations can involve:

  • a single institution or a combination of institutions
  • researchers working in different research areas
  • disciplines within the arts and humanities, or between an arts and humanities discipline and another subject area. In such collaborations the arts and humanities element of the project should lead in shaping the research questions, methods and so on
  • researchers working in other sectors
  • researchers based abroad

The proposed collaboration should be appropriate for the specific needs of the research project.

We expect the project lead and any project co-leads to devote an average of at least four hours per week to the project.

Award: Between £300,000 and £1,500,00 fEC funded at 80% for projects up to five years in duration.
Deadline: 27 June 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Collaborate with researchers in Luxembourg, round 2

Summary: This funding opportunity funds work with researchers in Luxembourg. Collaborative work is governed by an agreement between UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR).

You can submit collaborative research proposals in any area of arts and humanities within the remit of both Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and FNR.

Award: Between £300,000 and £1.5 million fEC for the UK hosted element of the project. AHRC will fund 80% fEC. The maximum duration of this award is five years.
Deadline: 27 June 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner

Working with Brazilian Researchers, round 2

Summary: You can apply to work with overseas researchers in the State of São Paulo, Brazil.

Collaborative work is governed by an agreement between UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and State of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).

Submit a collaborative research proposal in any area of the arts and humanities within the remit of Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and FAPESP.

Award: Between £300,000 and £1.5 million fEC for the UK hosted element of the project. AHRC will fund 80% fEC. The maximum duration of this award is five years.
Deadline: 27 June 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner

Pre-announcement: BRAID Responsible AI Demonstrators

Summary: We acknowledge that multiple disciplines are needed to help develop AI responsibly, and therefore single-discipline teams are out of scope for this call. However, in keeping with BRAID and AHRC’s remit, we expect the majority of the core team to be in arts and humanities disciplines (such as Law, Philosophy and Design). Where other disciplines are involved, a detailed plan is required on how the disciplines will come together.

BRAID Demonstrator projects will seek to address real-world challenges facing sectors, businesses, communities and publics in the responsible development and application of AI technologies.

Designed to support human-centred and humane AI innovation, we anticipate this funding opportunity will attract proposals focused on ensuring the design, development, deployment and governance of AI systems to support a positive, inclusive future.

The AI ecosystem is a complex multi-stakeholder environment and, as such, we expect proposals to engage multiple stakeholders in genuine coproduction, with a clear and tractable plan to impact.

You may apply for a BRAID Demonstrator aligned to any one of the BRAID programme’s delivery themes, this should be identified in the application:

  • AI for Humane Innovation
  • AI for Inspired Innovation
  • AI for Equitable Innovation
  • AI for Resilient Innovation

Award: Between £900,000 and £1.1 million fEC. The duration of this award is 36 months. Projects must start 01 February 2025.
Deadline: 27 June 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Maximising UK Adaption to Climate Change Research Projects

Summary: UKRI-Defra are co-funding Maximising UK Adaptation to Climate Change programme as part of the second phase of the programme to fund world leading strategic research projects to help improve the UK’s resilience to climate change impacts. The aim of the Maximising UK Adaptation to Climate Change programme is to build capacity, knowledge, and skills that will offer practical and scalable solutions to meet the UK’s challenges in the face of a changing climate and put the UK at the forefront of climate adaptation strategies at both local and national scales.
To date, research has focused on climate hazard, but needs to go further in terms of exposure, vulnerability and adaptive action in policy and practice. Building on the knowledge and legacy of the UK Climate Resilience Programme and other investments in this space, this programme will support research that is policy relevant and co-designed with key stakeholders. Research will help to identify priorities and support the development of policy and practice for adaptation, considering how and when to scale up from the local to national level. It will ultimately produce adaptation solutions for policy consideration that will improve UK resilience to climate impacts whilst benefitting people and the economy.
Applications are invited for high-impact transdisciplinary research to collaborate and facilitate two-way transfer of knowledge between research, policy and other end users to drive transformation of the UK to adapt to climate change, focusing on four themes:

  • theme one: societies’ exposure and vulnerability to extreme climate hazards
  • theme two: adaptation solutions
  • theme three: future resilience and decision making
  • theme four: enablers of adaptation

The research projects must be transdisciplinary, integrating all relevant disciplines, and closely involving policymakers and other stakeholders in co-design and co-delivery through a systems approach.
Award: The full economic cost (FEC) of your project can be up to £2 million. UKRI will fund 80% of the FEC with the following exceptions:

  • justified equipment would be funded at 50%
  • project co-leads from business, third sector, or government bodies that cannot fund their own participation can be costed for at 100% for eligible costs (for full details, please see ESRC guidance on the inclusion of UK business, third sector or government body project co-leads on applications), but must not exceed 30% of the overall cost of the grant (at 100% FEC)
  • up to £200,000 of the £2 million can be used to work with the Met Office and this will be funded at 100% FEC and paid directly to the Met Office from UKRI

Deadline: 16 July 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Pre-announcement: Design Exchange Partnerships: Design the Green Transition - round 3

Summary: Design Exchange Partnerships (DEPs) are three-way collaborative projects which seek to demonstrate tangible impact on local communities by stimulating the real-world application of high-quality arts and humanities-led design research to address challenges related to achieving green transition goals. DEPs aim to:

  • stimulate strategic partnerships that support career development and the development of hybrid skills
  • increase the diversity of voices and actors consulted in and contributing to addressing the climate crisis
  • enable the development of new products and services that have a positive impact in the real-world

For this round, we are focusing on the theme of more-than-human to develop solutions to address the UK’s green transition. While design is being used to transform the planet, often to great benefit, the consequences of design are not always positive for the environment.

More-than-human design refers to the idea of designing for impact beyond humans. It promotes the idea that to explore the future we face; we also need to consider the non-human centred world view.

We welcome broad interpretations of the theme of more-than-human, including but not limited to one or more of the following areas:

  • technology/AI
  • materials
  • the natural world
  • health and wellbeing
  • urban environments

Award: The full economic cost of your project can be up to £62,500 for six months or £125,000 for 12 months, plus 5% – 10% contribution from the non-academic partner organisation. AHRC will fund 80% of the full economic cost.
Deadline: 12 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Pre-announcement: AHRC Responsive Mode: Standard Research Grant - round five 
(Call not yet open)

Summary: We’re looking for individual researchers with proposals for well-defined collaborative research projects. However, you may include elements of individual research if you can show how this will add value.

Collaborations can involve:

  • a single institution or a combination of institutions
  • researchers working in different research areas
  • disciplines within the arts and humanities, or between an arts and humanities discipline and another subject area. In such collaborations the arts and humanities element of the project should lead in shaping the research questions, methods and so on
  • researchers working in other sectors
  • researchers based abroad

The proposed collaboration should be appropriate for the specific needs of the research project.

We expect the project lead and any project co-leads to devote an average of at least four hours per week to the project.

Award: Between £300,000 and £1,500,00 fEC funded at 80% for projects up to five years in duration.
Deadline: 14 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Horizon Europe Update: UK Eligibility Update

Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023 (and previous years)
Successful UK applicants to calls under the Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023 (and previous years) will be funded under the UKRI Guarantee Funding. This Guarantee Funding has recently been extended to cover successful applications made by UK-based businesses and researchers to calls under the Horizon Europe 2021, 2022 or 2023 work programmes. 
Horizon Europe 2024 Work Programme Calls
Successful UK applicants will be funded by the EU, under the Horizon Europe Programme.
Updates on Association: Please visit the Research Operation Office’s EU pages

Horizon Europe Main Work Programme

This PDF offers further details on calls relevant to SAHSS.  This list is not exhaustive so please refer the Horizon Europe Portal for full details. UKRO also have some very useful Factsheets that outline the thematic clusters that make up the three pillars of research support offered.
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner
Highlighted notices:
Radicalisation and gender
Deadline: 20 November 2024

Combating hate speech online and offline

Deadline: 20 November 2024

Tracing of cryptocurrencies transactions related to criminal purposes
Deadline: 20 November 2024

Proof of Concept Grant

Summary: The ERC Proof of Concept Grants aim at facilitating exploration of the commercial and social innovation potential of ERC funded research, by funding further work (i.e. activities which were not scheduled to be funded by the original ERC frontier research grant) to verify the innovation potential of ideas arising from ERC funded projects. Proof of Concept Grants are therefore on offer only to Principal Investigators whose proposals draw substantially on their ERC funded research.
Award: up to € 150,000 for a period of 18 months.
Deadline: 17 September 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner

ERC Advanced Grant

Summary: The ERC Advanced Grant is for established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements in the last 10 years. PIs should be exceptional leaders in terms of originality and significance of their research contributions.
Award: € 2.5 million for a period of 5 years. An additional € 1 million can be requested to cover start-up costs, the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities.
Deadline: 29 August 2024, tentative deadline
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner

ERC Starting Grant

Summary: ERC grants support projects carried out by an individual researcher who can employ researchers of any nationality as team members. It is also possible to have one or more team members located in a non-European country. Researchers of any nationality with 2-7 years of experience since completion of PhD, a scientific track record showing great promise and an excellent research proposal can apply.
Award: € 1.5 million for a period of 5 years (pro-rata for project of shorter duration). An additional € 1 million can be requested to cover start-up costs, the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities.
Deadline: TBA November 2024, tentative deadline
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner

Leverhulme Visiting Professorship

Summary: For UK institutions to invite an eminent senior professor from overseas, to bring genuinely novel expertise and enhance the skills and knowledge of academic staff and students in an underrepresented area in the UK. Priority will be given to new or recent collaborations and visits with a variety of activities beyond research.
Award: Applications are invited for a minimum of £10,000 and a maximum of £150,000.
Deadline: 02 May 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship

Summary: For well-established, distinguished researchers in the humanities and social sciences to complete a piece of original research

Fellowships are particularly aimed at those who are or have been prevented by routine duties from completing a programme of original research.

Award: Replacement salary costs for duration of fellowship.
Deadline: 10 May 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Wellcome Trust Early Career Award

Summary: This scheme provides funding for early-career researchers from any discipline who are ready to develop their research identity. The researcher will deliver shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. By the end of the aware, they will be ready to lead their own independent research programme. Project duration is usually 5 years, but may be less for some disciplines and longer if held on a part-time basis.
Award: £400,000
Deadline: 21 May 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik 

British Academy Small Grants

Summary: All applications should demonstrate that Academy funds are sought for a clearly defined, discrete piece of research, which will have an identifiable outcome on completion of the Academy-funded component of the research.
Award: Up to £10,000 for projects between 1 and 24 months in duration.
Deadline: 05 June 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Leverhulme Trust Research Centres

Summary: For UK universities to set up a Leverhulme Research Centre for outstanding original research aspiring to achieve a step-change in scholarship

The Trust aims to encourage new approaches that may establish or reshape a field of study and so transform our understanding of a significant contemporary topic.

Given the Trust’s commitment to multiple existing research centres at Cambridge, the Trust is excluding Cambridge as a lead institution in the upcoming round of competition. *Cambridge may still partner in applications led by other universities.

Award: Up to £10,000,000 for 10 years.
Deadline: 07 June 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Wellcome Trust Career Development Awards

Summary: This scheme provides funding for mid-career researchers from any discipline who have the potential to be international research leaders. They will develop their research capabilities, drive innovative programmes of work and deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing.
Award: Provides a salary for the grantholder (if required) and research expenses. Please request for level and duration of funding that's justifiable for your proposed research.
Deadline: 25 July 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Wellcome Trust Discovery Awards

Summary: This scheme provides funding for established researchers and teams from any discipline who want to pursue bold and creative research ideas to deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. The award usually lasts for 8 years, but may be less for some disciplines, such as humanities and social science.
Award: Limit not specified. It is expected that the PI requests an amount that is appropriate to the project.
Deadline: 30 July 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Large Grant Contribution Fund

Summary: Research grant applications for funding over £1 million for AHSS subject areas can request financial contributions from this fund. Funding may be requested for activities that are complementary to the external funding and contributions from Departments / Schools / Non-school institutions. Activities that add value in the following areas are particularly encouraged: widening participation and inclusion; improving partnerships locally / nationally / internationally; capacity and capability building; working with less advantaged partners. Leveraging funding for existing grant awards is not in the remit of this fund. All applications must include one or more external partners and only applications led by Cambridge PIs are eligible.
Award: Up to 10% of the award value. PI buyout and equipment are not eligible costs for request.
Deadline: Minimum 4 weeks before funder deadline.
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik and

REF Impact Funding

Summary: Internal funding is available from the Research Strategy Office to support the development of the University’s REF impact submission. It is expected that successful applications will fund impact activities that may feed into potential impact case studies only where no other monies are available. Applications will be reviewed by the Impact and Knowledge Exchange Team. 

Submissions may include (but are not restricted to):

  • Support for gathering feedback from public engagement activities
  • Economic health monitoring
  • Surveying/engaging with research users to evaluate impact
  • Independent evaluation of impacts
  • Resource to collate citations in policy documents

Award: Up to £10,000.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Please contact your relevant member of the Impact and Knowledge Exchange Team.

All-Council Rapid Response Impact Acceleration Account Call

Summary: The All-Council Rapid Response Impact Acceleration Account Call is now open to support a wide range of impact activities when researchers are confronted by time-sensitive opportunities or need to test new ideas quickly. This call supports interdisciplinary projects, open to PIs and ECRs with PIs as co-applicants.

Proposed projects must support ‘on the ground’ impact and knowledge exchange activities, which enable researchers at all levels to engage with the public, private and third sectors, and provides a sustainable support structure within the University to promote wider and more effective engagement with external non-academic organisations.Project can be up to three months in duration.

Award: Up to £15,000 per application.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Lucy Sheerman

AHRC IAA Knowledge Exchange Fellowship Scheme

Summary: The AHRC IAA Knowledge Exchange Fellowship Scheme promotes strategic partnerships with non-HEI organisations across the arts and humanities at the University of Cambridge. The fund supports partnership building with specific organisations such as (but not limited to) museums, theatres, social enterprises, NGOs, and government departments. Funds are available for a range of activities including teaching replacement costs, costs for incoming fellowships from the partner organisation, postdoctoral or administrative support, travel and subsistence expenses, and workshops. The scheme aims to allow researchers to create new partnerships with external entities more generally, collaboratively shape research agendas, contribute to future research funding applications (including match-funding for studentships in the DTPs), and further facilitate impact generating activities.

Award: Up to £20,000 cover 100% of directly incurred costs.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Lucy Sheerman

RD Enhanced Funding

Summary: The applications for this term’s RD Enhanced Funding are now open. This fund is intended to enable Schools, Faculties and Departments to deliver Researcher Development events and programmes for their PhD students and postdocs. 
The application round for this Term is now open and can be found here: Enhanced Funding Application.  Applications will be accepted until midnight on Monday 8 April.

You can read more about the RD Enhanced Funding scheme, guidance, and application process on our website.
 Please note:

  • A copy of the application questions can be viewed on our website 
  • The deadline for receipt of applications is midnight on the 8 April
  • Successful applicants will have 12 months to spend awarded funds. 
  • Individual researchers are not eligible to apply for Enhanced Funding 
  • A short evaluation will be requested from all successful applicants (more information and evaluation form you can find on the website).

Award: varies
Deadline: 08 April 2024

KEN Pump Priming Fund Scheme

Summary: The KEN Pump Priming Fund Scheme is now open for applications, and KEN colleagues are invited to apply for up to £20k of ‘pump priming’ funding for challenge-led activities, to support collaborative research between the University and industry. Please find the application guidance attached. Please see below for some brief information.
Application process
Applications should be submitted by KEN colleagues as the lead applicant(s) via the Qualtrics application form at:
Important dates
The closing date for applications is Sunday 14th April 2024. The review panel will review all applications and shortlist projects that could potentially be funded. KEN colleagues submitting shortlisted projects will be invited to a review meeting to introduce their projects briefly, followed by a Q&A session. The review meeting will be held around the end of April.
Evaluation criteria
Please find the evaluation criteria (on slide 6) in the PDF call for application. For clarification, match-funding is desirable but not essential for the application. Match funding does not necessarily need to be cash, in-kind is also acceptable. The contribution does not need to be from industry, departmental matched-funding is also accepted.

Deadline: 14 April 2024

AI / ML Applications for Climate and Nature

Summary: Cambridge Zero is inviting your submissions of ideas for research projects within the broad space of Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning Applications for Climate and Nature
We are working in collaboration with partners across the University including AI@Cam, ICCS, CCI, and Conservation Evidence, and have already secured some initial seed funding through AI@Cam for a project in this space:
The ambition is to develop a much larger programme of research on this topic and attract funding on the order of > £10M, with support from CUDAR to develop a philanthropic pitch.
If you have an idea (either well-developed proposals or tentative concepts) for a research project you would like to develop within this field, please send us a title and 100-word description, plus the names and Departments of the researchers involved
Please send your ideas by Friday 26th April to
We will organise an in-person Town Hall meeting on Thursday 16th May, 13.00-15.00 to facilitate the brainstorming of ideas. Please RSVP when submitting your idea.

Deadline: 26 April 2024
Contact: Nik Petek-Sargeant at

Research Network Funding 

Summary: The Research Networks programme offers funding of up to £1,500 per academic year, plus an in-kind contribution in the form of administrative assistance, a platform for virtual and hybrid sessions, and help with running in-person or online events. The programme is open to Cambridge University’s academic staff (UTOs/CTOs), postdocs and postgraduate students, working together with a common interdisciplinary research interest.
Networks generally run throughout the academic year (October to June), with a minimum length of one term. Experimental forms of engagement are encouraged and we are keen to support new ideas for a wide range of activities and to encourage new collaborative initiatives that reach across disciplinary boundaries, including those between the sciences and the humanities.
The convenors of Research Networks must come from more than one Cambridge University faculty or department and they must have an interdisciplinary question at their core. Some Networks go on to form the basis of collaborative publications or grant applications. 

Award: Up to £1,500
Deadline: 03 May 2024

Cambridge Humanities Research Grants

Summary: The Cambridge Humanities Research Grants scheme (CHRG) supports research in the arts, humanities and social sciences across the University. The scheme welcomes applications from any independent researcher holding a current contract of employment at the point of application.

The Scheme is designed to enable researchers to conduct small-scale research activities, of the highest quality, that will enable them to bid successfully for larger-scale funding from external sponsors, and/or to generate publications, and/or to contribute materially in other ways towards the research objectives of their home institution.

Applications may be made at any time in the year, for the next available gathered field, with outcomes known approximately six weeks later. 

Award: varies depending on scheme between £1,500 and £20,000
Deadline: 07 May 2024

AI Cafe for Humanities and Social Science Research

25 April 2024, 12:00 to 14:30, Alison Richard Building

Are you using AI methods in your research, or considering doing so? Would you like to meet other researchers exploring the challenges and possibilities of deploying AI to answer humanities or social science research questions? Do you need practical advice and guidance on proposal writing, software, hardware, data collection methods, data security, privacy and compliance, selection and deployment of machine models and packages?
If the answer to any of these is yes and you’re a member of the University of Cambridge, please come along to the AI Cafe organised by Accelerate and CDH Learning Programme on 25 April.
There is a growing community of researchers in the arts, humanities and social sciences at Cambridge who are using AI. Join us to find out more about some of the research projects currently using AI to answer research questions and to discuss your ideas with our team.
The session will start with a series of short presentations on projects using AI methods to answer research questions in the humanities and social sciences. Following the presentations, there will be the opportunity to meet other researchers and to discuss your questions about AI with our teams.
Introduction and project showcase: 12pm – 1pm
Introducing Accelerate (Ryan Daniels / Catherine Breslin)
AI Researcher project lightning talks plus Q and A
AI Cafe: 1pm – 2.30pm
Join our experts for more informal discussion at cafe-style tables. We’ll also have tea and coffee available in the foyer. Researchers are welcome to join this as a drop-in and there is no requirement to attend the introduction from 12-1pm beforehand.

You're a Postdoc. What's Next?

07 May 2024, 9:00 to 16:00, West Hub
You’re a Postdoc. What’s next?
Want to have an impact beyond publishing? Curious about career options outside of academia? Interested in a legit ‘side-hustle’ as you further your research? Then this event is for you!
Come and explore the benefits and value of taking your research into real-world applications. Hear from former and current postdocs who have furthered their impact through company creation, consultancy, public engagement and policy, licensing IP or industry collaboration. Also hear practical advice from experts on how to boost employability and develop your skills.
The aim is that you leave with a much deeper understanding of all the options available to you and are inspired to take that next step in your career.
Join us on Tuesday 07 May from 09:00 to 16:00 at the West Hub. Register for the event here.

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 Call Information Webinar, Session 1

14 May 2024, 10:00 to 12:00, ZOOM
The UK Research Office (UKRO), in its capacity as UK National Contact Point (NCP) for the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), is holding two information webinars for organisations and individuals interested in applying to the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 call (deadline on 11 September 2024).

The webinars are aimed at researchers and other staff in UK academic and non-academic organisations, including industries and SMEs, who are interested in the 2024 MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship Call as a host organisation or potential supervisor. It is also intended for researchers from the UK, across Europe and beyond who intend to apply with a UK host institution.

The agenda for each webinar is to be confirmed shortly, however we strongly advise participants register for and attend both sessions.

The webinar is free to attend but registration is required.

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 Call Information Webinar, Session 2

15 May 2024, 10:00 to 12:00, ZOOM
The UK Research Office (UKRO), in its capacity as UK National Contact Point (NCP) for the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), is holding two information webinars for organisations and individuals interested in applying to the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 call (deadline on 11 September 2024).

The webinars are aimed at researchers and other staff in UK academic and non-academic organisations, including industries and SMEs, who are interested in the 2024 MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship Call as a host organisation or potential supervisor. It is also intended for researchers from the UK, across Europe and beyond who intend to apply with a UK host institution.

The agenda for each webinar is to be confirmed shortly, however we strongly advise participants register for and attend both sessions.

The webinar is free to attend but registration is required.

Creative Cambridge Annual Conference 2024

16 May 2024, 10:00 to 18:00, Storey’s Field Centre
We have opened early registration for Creative Cambridge 2024. This year we'll return to Storey's Field Centre on 16th May for a day conference dedicated to Cambridge's cultural and creative industries. The conference attracts around a hundred academics, students, artists and creatives, creative industry and heritage professionals, creative industry start-ups, investors, policy makers, third sector arts orgs and more. As well as the chaired panel discussions, we  are open and have space for displays, table-top demos, and informal stand-up pitches.
Creative Cambridge Annual Conference 2024 Tickets, Thu 16 May 2024 at 10:00 | Eventbrite
Please can you help us to get the right people in the room again this year? 

  1. Can you forward this invite to anyone in your networks in any discipline who is interested in promoting collaboration in the cultural and creative industries, or looking to expand their own networks.
  2. If you would like to display any aspects of your own work (recently funded collabs, new academic or KE funding opportunities etc) to the Creative Cambridge participants, just let Emma Salgard Cunha know at <>.
  3. And of course, please join us for the day!

MSCA Doctoral Networks Call Information Webinar, Session 1

02 July 2024, 10:00 to 12:00, Online

The UK Research Office (UKRO), in its capacity as UK National Contact Point for the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), is holding two information webinars for organisations and individuals interested in applying to the 2024 MSCA Doctoral Networks Call (call deadline 27 November 2024).

The MSCA Doctoral Networks Call

The Doctoral Networks scheme provides funding to a consortium of universities, research institutions, research infrastructures, businesses including SMEs, and other socio-economic actors to develop a doctoral programme in a research and innovation area. The consortium is free to identify the area in which the research and training programme is needed and can include partners from all over the world.

Doctoral Networks sets out to develop entrepreneurial, innovative doctoral candidates, by equipping the researchers with the right combination of research-related and transferable competencies. The Doctoral Network ultimately aims to enhance the recruited researchers’ long-term career perspectives, both within and outside academia.

Aim of the event

The webinars will provide attendees with a comprehensive overview over the 2024 MSCA Doctoral Networks Call. They will cover all the information needed to submit a successful application to this call, including the MSCA eligibility criteria, available budget, and submission and evaluation rules, as well as practical guidance on writing a proposal.

The call will close on 27 November 2024


MSCA Doctoral Networks Call Information Webinar, Session 2

03 July 2024, 10:00 to 12:00, Online

The UK Research Office (UKRO), in its capacity as UK National Contact Point for the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), is holding two information webinars for organisations and individuals interested in applying to the 2024 MSCA Doctoral Networks Call (call deadline 27 November 2024).

The MSCA Doctoral Networks Call

The Doctoral Networks scheme provides funding to a consortium of universities, research institutions, research infrastructures, businesses including SMEs, and other socio-economic actors to develop a doctoral programme in a research and innovation area. The consortium is free to identify the area in which the research and training programme is needed and can include partners from all over the world.

Doctoral Networks sets out to develop entrepreneurial, innovative doctoral candidates, by equipping the researchers with the right combination of research-related and transferable competencies. The Doctoral Network ultimately aims to enhance the recruited researchers’ long-term career perspectives, both within and outside academia.

Aim of the event

The webinars will provide attendees with a comprehensive overview over the 2024 MSCA Doctoral Networks Call. They will cover all the information needed to submit a successful application to this call, including the MSCA eligibility criteria, available budget, and submission and evaluation rules, as well as practical guidance on writing a proposal.

The call will close on 27 November 2024

AHSS Bulletin March 2024

AHSS Research and Impact Facilitation Bulletin

April 2023

If you want to discuss funding opportunities or you are working on an application for research funding and would like feedback on a draft, please do contact the School’s Research Facilitators – Anna Cieslik (UK Funding) and Elizabeth Penner (EU/International Funding).  For Impact related queries please contact Lucy Sheerman (Impact Facilitator).

You can find more information on the AHSS Research Website, search our External Funding Deadline Calendar and look at Previous Bulletins.  We are also now on Twitter! Follow us for updates on funding calls and information sessions.

UK Research Council Funding


EU Funding


Charity Funding


Internal Funding


ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship

Summary: The scheme is aimed at providing a career development opportunity for those in the immediately postdoctoral stage of their career, to provide the opportunity to consolidate their PhD through developing publications, their networks, and their research and professional skills.

For the majority this is likely to be a research career in academia; however, those with a clearly articulated programme of activities to support their transition to a research career outside of academia (eg a researcher in public, private, or civil society organisations) will also be considered.

The grants provide funding for up to one year full-time, or up to two years part-time to give fellows time to prepare for a successful career in research either within or beyond academia.

Fellowships must start of 1 October 2024.

Award: Fellow's salary and up to £10,000 for all other costs (to include costs such as mentoring costs, travel and subsistence, conference attendance, training, and fieldwork, for example).
Deadline: 21 March 2024 (Cambridge internal deadline); 16 May 2024 (funder deadline)
Research Facilitation ContactDr Anna Cieslik


The UKRI Ayrton challenge programme, outline

Summary: Work funded will span the Ayrton Fund themes: Low Carbon Supplies, Super-Efficient Demand, and Smart Delivery. The programme will target the Ayrton thematic challenges including:

  • next generation solar
  • zero-emissions generators
  • sustainable cooling for all
  • modern cooking
  • energy efficiency
  • industrial decarbonisation
  • clean transport
  • smart energy systems
  • energy storage
  • clean hydrogen
  • critical minerals
  • inclusive energy and leave no-one behind

The Ayrton challenge programme will fund interdisciplinary research projects helping to drive forward the clean energy transition in developing countries, by developing both innovative technologies and the knowledge needed to enable delivery of long-term sustainable change.

Projects will contribute to meeting the United Nations(UN) Sustainable Development Goals 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), or 13 (Climate Action) and lead to climate change mitigation in developing countries.

Award: Between £2 million and £4 million.
Deadline: 09 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Arts and humanities-led research commercialisation

Summary: This funding opportunity seeks to encourage innovative applications for enhancing inclusive engagement with research funded by UKRI through the application of arts and humanities-led methodologies in a commercial context. We are looking to build a portfolio of research commercialisation activities involving a wide variety of collaborations across a diverse range of stakeholders and partners including public, private and third sector organisations, the general public, and community groups. The outcomes and impacts of this funding opportunity will influence the development of future AHRC commercialisation programmes.
Award: £50,000
Deadline: 10 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Transforming data collections infrastructure for the social sciences

Summary: This funding opportunity aims to support innovative and ambitious initiatives with the potential to transform foundational social science data infrastructure, through the development of data collections generated specifically for research purposes. For more detail, see the ‘Scope’ section.

Applications are invited in any disciplinary areas of social and economic science (please also see the remit requirement for ESRC funding) under one or both of the following themes:

  • theme A: Initial scoping for a larger project to establish transformational data collection infrastructure, broadly defined
  • theme B: Facilitating development of innovative data collection methods that offer an alternative to mainstream survey approaches

Funding is available for up to 12 months. Projects can start from 1 June 2024 but must be completed by 30 June 2025. 

Award: Between £50,000 and £350,000 funded at 80% fEC.
Deadline: 16 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


UK-Germany Bilateral: Collaborative R&D Round 3

Summary: Innovate UK has announced the UK – Germany Bilateral: Collaborative R&D Round 3 call. In partnership with The German Federal Ministry For Economic Affairs And Climate Action (BMWK), Innovate is investing up to £4 million in innovation projects.

The aim of this competition is to enhance UK and German collaborations and capabilities in emerging fields of technology in our society. These fields of emerging technologies include but are not limited to: quantum, AI, semiconductor applications, engineering biology, future telecommunications, green technologies. There must be a clear route to market within 2 to 3 years of project completion. The UK side of the bid must be led by a UK registered business and the bid must involve at least one German registered small to medium sized enterprise (SME). UK partners' grant funding request must not exceed £500,000 in total. For more on the categories of research and development which Innovate UK fund, see here

For more information about the scheme, please visit the call page.  

University Internal selection:  

Institutions can collaborate on a maximum of 3 applications. Therefore, this call will be managed according to the University’s restricted calls procedure.

To take part in the internal selection, please complete our online form by 16th April (NB: if asked to log-in, please use your crsid/Raven details; note that a Form cannot be saved and returned to).  

You will need the following documents and information to complete the Form:  

  • a project summary that demonstrates what makes your project innovative, its impact, and how it fits the scope of the scheme
  • head of department support letter confirming the department is happy to host the grant
  • list of UK and German partners, including the lead UK business and German lead SME. 

Internal Assessment Criteria: 

Please note that the assessment of internal applications will focus on the following core funder criteria: 

  • Criterion 1: Fit to scope: how well does the project fit the scope of the competition? 
  • Criterion 2: Innovation: what is the technological challenge? What approach will be taken? And where will the focus of innovation be? 
  • Criterion 3: Impact:  What impact might this project have outside the project team, economically and socially?

Funder deadline: 3rd June, 2024.  

If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us at  

Award: Up to £500,000.
Deadline: 16 April 2024 (restricted call deadline); 3 June 2024 (funder deadline)
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


ACCESS Flexible Fund Round 2

Summary: We are looking to make three awards to projects that contribute to the ACCESS project's main goal to enhance the visibility, use and impact of climate and environmental social science. Projects will be expected to deliver at least TWO of the following outcomes:

  • New ideas or frameworks
  • New methods of translating evidence or insights (e.g. communication tools)
  • New networks
  • Development of new skills of capacities
  • Increased use of social science amongst specific target groups, for example people in diverse sectors (business/industry, civil society, public sector, journalists and media actors) or non-social scientist disciplinary experts (e.g. natural scientists, engineering and physical scientists).

Applications to Round 2 must have an early career researcher on the project team, either playing a Principal Investigator (Project Lead) or Co-Investigator role.
Award: Between £200,000 and £240,000 funded at 100% fEC for projects up to 2 years in duration.
Deadline: 26 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


AHRC Innovation Scholars secondments in design: second round

Summary: Apply for funding to develop your skills and exchange knowledge through the UKRI Innovation Scholars programme. This secondment opportunity is focused on design. For this AHRC opportunity, the aim is to enhance the skills and careers of individuals in design research and innovation. This will be achieved through funding individual secondments focused on research and innovation, with networking events for the secondees.

You must have a desire to proactively engage with design and the motivation to work within it. Interdisciplinary secondment proposals as well as practice-based ones will be welcomed.

Your secondment is expected to:

  • boost your skills, knowledge, networking opportunities and therefore career development
  • intensify knowledge exchange and create porosity between different sectors, resulting in innovative outputs
  • bring benefits to your host organisation
  • add value to the design sector and the UK economy

Projects can last between six months and 36 months and can be full or part-time, or hybrid (a combination of part-time and full-time).

Award: Up to £200,000 funded at 100% for eligible salary, travel and subsistence costs.
Deadline: 30 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


AHRC Catalyst Awards

Summary: Catalyst awards support researchers without prior experience of leading a significant research project to accelerate their trajectory as independent researchers, unlocking their potential and building leadership and convenor experience through the delivery of ambitious or complex projects.

The scheme takes a people-centred approach with funding available to support the development of researchers and their research ideas. It is flexible, and applications are welcomed from teams, networks and solo researchers.

Development is at the core of this scheme; projects must clearly articulate how the funding will contribute to the development of all those involved through the way that the project has been designed and will be managed, with appropriate support structures in place.

Award: Between £100,000 and £300,000 funded at 80% fEC.
Deadline: 30 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


AHRC Curiosity Award

Summary: Curiosity awards support early-stage ambitious and novel fundamental research which has the potential to act as a springboard towards new and exciting research agendas.

The funding opportunity celebrates the full diversity of the arts and humanities. It is flexible, and applications are welcomed from teams, networks, and solo researchers.

Projects can be single discipline, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary. The majority of the disciplinary focus of the project must fall within our subject remit; see section seven of the AHRC research funding guide for our remit coverage. Practice-based and practice-led research is supported by this funding opportunity.

Award: Up to £100,000 funded at 80% fEC.
Deadline: 30 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Amazon +10 Initiative: research expeditions to the Amazon

Summary: The funding opportunity aims to support research and technological development in Legal Amazonia, focusing on a deeper understanding of nature-society interactions for sustainable and inclusive development in the region.

We welcome multidisciplinary applications that span the remits of NERC and AHRC though it is not a requirement for funding. Details of the topics we cover can be found on the NERC and AHRC websites.

We invite applications that address the following funding opportunity objectives:

  • support the organisation of scientific expeditions aimed at expanding our knowledge about biodiversity or socio-cultural diversity in the Amazon
  • build institutional research partnerships between organisations in the Amazon and outside the region, and connect researchers with different affiliations
  • foster the strengthening of local research infrastructure and training of professionals in taxonomy, systematics, museology and ethnobiology, under the coordination of teams based in the Amazon
  • encourage scientific research in remote and understudied parts of the Amazon
  • encourage scientific research that proposes ways to surmount the challenges of studying less well-known and less studied taxonomic groups
  • encourage co-creation of applications with traditional knowledge holders from local indigenous peoples, quilombolas, and riparian communities
  • promote activities involving education, popularisation and scientific diffusion to different kinds of audience in all sectors of society, and involving specialists, groups and institutions engaged in formal and non-formal education (for example schools, extension units, museums, science centres, zoos, botanic gardens, aquariums, conservation unit visitor centres and non-governmental organisations)

Award: Up to £1 million for the UKRI component of collaborative projects with Brazilian partners. We will fund 80% of the full economic cost for UK organisation costs. We encourage applications of different sizes. The duration of this award is up to three years. Projects must start by 1 November 2024.
Deadline: 30 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


ADR UK research fellowships

Summary: ADR UK (Administrative Data Research UK) invites applications for Research Fellowships to conduct research and analysis demonstrating the policy impact potential of ADR England flagship datasets. These datasets are held within the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Secure Research Service or other ADR UK trusted research environments

We are looking for fellowship proposals that meet the following four objectives:

  • useful research: proposals that will act as ‘pathfinders’ for conducting research and deriving insights from the dataset, and which showcase the potential for policy impact and public benefit
  • useful data: proposals that will develop the data as a useful research resource for future users
  • useful engagement: proposals that will foster opportunities between academia, government, the voluntary and community sector, and the public to allow fresh thinking to flourish and maintain public acceptance of the use of data for research purposes
  • community building: proposals that will greatly boost the applicant’s development as a research leader in their field and include activities promoting the development of a wider community around a particular dataset or theme

Award: Up to £200,000 funded at 80% fEC. Fellowship can last up to 18 months in duration and must begin by 15 October 2024.
Deadline: 30 April 2024
Research Facilitation ContactDr Anna Cieslik


UKRI NSF-SBE Lead Agency, round 2

Summary: We're looking for individual researchers with proposals for well-defined collaborative research projects. However, you may include elements of individual research if you can show how this will add value.

Collaborations can involve:

  • a single institution or a combination of institutions
  • researchers working in different research areas
  • disciplines within the arts and humanities, or between an arts and humanities discipline and another subject area. In such collaborations the arts and humanities element of the project should lead in shaping the research questions, methods and so on
  • researchers working in other sectors
  • researchers based abroad

The proposed collaboration should be appropriate for the specific needs of the research project.

We expect the project lead and any project co-leads to devote an average of at least four hours per week to the project.

Award: Between £300,000 and £1.5 million fEC for the UK hosted element of the project. AHRC will fund 80% fEC. The maximum duration of this award is five years.
Deadline: 27 June 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


Collaborate with researchers in Luxembourg, round 2

Summary: This funding opportunity funds work with researchers in Luxembourg. Collaborative work is governed by an agreement between UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR).

You can submit collaborative research proposals in any area of arts and humanities within the remit of both Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and FNR.

Award: Between £300,000 and £1.5 million fEC for the UK hosted element of the project. AHRC will fund 80% fEC. The maximum duration of this award is five years.
Deadline: 27 June 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


Working with Brazilian Researchers, round 2

Summary: You can apply to work with overseas researchers in the State of São Paulo, Brazil.

Collaborative work is governed by an agreement between UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and State of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).

Submit a collaborative research proposal in any area of the arts and humanities within the remit of Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and FAPESP.

Award: Between £300,000 and £1.5 million fEC for the UK hosted element of the project. AHRC will fund 80% fEC. The maximum duration of this award is five years.
Deadline: 27 June 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


Horizon Europe Update: UK Eligibility Update

Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023 (and previous years)
Successful UK applicants to calls under the Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023 (and previous years) will be funded under the UKRI Guarantee Funding. This Guarantee Funding has recently been extended to cover successful applications made by UK-based businesses and researchers to calls under the Horizon Europe 2021, 2022 or 2023 work programmes. 
Horizon Europe 2024 Work Programme Calls
Successful UK applicants will be funded by the EU, under the Horizon Europe Programme.
Updates on Association: Please visit the Research Operation Office’s EU pages


Horizon Europe Main Work Programme

This PDF offers further details on calls relevant to SAHSS.  This list is not exhaustive so please refer the Horizon Europe Portal for full details. UKRO also have some very useful Factsheets that outline the thematic clusters that make up the three pillars of research support offered.
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner
Highlighted notices:
Radicalisation and gender
Deadline: 20 November 2024

Combating hate speech online and offline

Deadline: 20 November 2024

Digital solutions to foster participative design, planning and management of buildings, neighbourhoods and urban districts (Built4People Partnership)

Deadline: 21 January 2025


Proof of Concept Grant

Summary: The ERC Proof of Concept Grants aim at facilitating exploration of the commercial and social innovation potential of ERC funded research, by funding further work (i.e. activities which were not scheduled to be funded by the original ERC frontier research grant) to verify the innovation potential of ideas arising from ERC funded projects. Proof of Concept Grants are therefore on offer only to Principal Investigators whose proposals draw substantially on their ERC funded research.
Award: up to € 150,000 for a period of 18 months.
Deadline: 17 September 2024 (tentative deadline)
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


ERC Advanced Grant

Summary: The ERC Advanced Grant is for established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements in the last 10 years. PIs should be exceptional leaders in terms of originality and significance of their research contributions.
Award: € 2.5 million for a period of 5 years. An additional € 1 million can be requested to cover start-up costs, the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities.
Deadline: 29 August 2024, tentative deadline
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


ERC Starting Grant

Summary: ERC grants support projects carried out by an individual researcher who can employ researchers of any nationality as team members. It is also possible to have one or more team members located in a non-European country. Researchers of any nationality with 2-7 years of experience since completion of PhD, a scientific track record showing great promise and an excellent research proposal can apply.
Award: € 1.5 million for a period of 5 years (pro-rata for project of shorter duration). An additional € 1 million can be requested to cover start-up costs, the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities.
Deadline: TBA November 2024, tentative deadline
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


British Academy ODA Challenge-Oriented Research Grants 2024

Summary: The British Academy is inviting proposals on specific global challenges from researchers based in the UK, Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Malaysia, Philippines, South Africa, Turkey, Thailand, Vietnam and/or Least Developed Countries.

The aim of this call is to support ODA-eligible international research collaborations between humanities and social sciences researchers in the UK and researchers in Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Malaysia, Philippines, South Africa, Turkey, Thailand, Vietnam and/or Least Developed Countries on the following themes:

The Academy wishes to support diverse policy-relevant thinking related to these challenges. The Academy does not have any pre-determined ideas regarding the exact type of project, outputs, and dissemination of the research other than that it must be policy-relevant.

Applications must demonstrate a dedicated focus on Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Malaysia, Philippines, South Africa, Turkey, Thailand, Vietnam and/or Least Developed Countries.

Award: Up to £200,000 for 18 months in duration with Full Economic Costing (FEC) at 80%.
Deadline: 10 April 2024
Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


Wellcome Trust Career Development Awards

Summary: This scheme provides funding for mid-career researchers from any discipline who have the potential to be international research leaders. They will develop their research capabilities, drive innovative programmes of work and deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing.
Award: Provides a salary for the grantholder (if required) and research expenses. Please request for level and duration of funding that's justifiable for your proposed research.
Deadline: 11 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Wellcome Trust Discovery Awards

Summary: This scheme provides funding for established researchers and teams from any discipline who want to pursue bold and creative research ideas to deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. The award usually lasts for 8 years, but may be less for some disciplines, such as humanities and social science.
Award: Limit not specified. It is expected that the PI requests an amount that is appropriate to the project.
Deadline: 16 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


British Council International Collaboration Grant

Summary: Our International Collaboration Grants encourage new bilateral and multilateral partnerships, providing funding to enable organisations to make and develop creative artwork with their international peers, and help individual artists find innovative ways of collaborating.  

Applications must demonstrate genuine international collaboration and deliver explicit benefit to participating UK artists and organisations and their international partners. Projects can address any theme and we ask applicants to share their approach to diversity, inclusion and environmental sustainability in the delivery of their project. 

Each project should include at least one UK-based organisation and one organisation based in the countries listed below as part of the partnership.

Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Bangladesh, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Mainland China, Colombia, Cuba, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kosovo, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Montenegro, Mexico, Morocco, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Serbia, Senegal, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Syria, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen and Zimbabwe.

Award: Between £25,000 and £75,000.
Deadline: 30 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


Leverhulme Visiting Professorship

Summary: For UK institutions to invite an eminent senior professor from overseas, to bring genuinely novel expertise and enhance the skills and knowledge of academic staff and students in an underrepresented area in the UK. Priority will be given to new or recent collaborations and visits with a variety of activities beyond research.
Award: Applications are invited for a minimum of £10,000 and a maximum of £150,000.
Deadline: 02 May 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship

Summary: For well-established, distinguished researchers in the humanities and social sciences to complete a piece of original research

Fellowships are particularly aimed at those who are or have been prevented by routine duties from completing a programme of original research.

Award: Replacement salary costs for duration of fellowship.
Deadline: 10 May 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


British Academy Small Grants

Summary: All applications should demonstrate that Academy funds are sought for a clearly defined, discrete piece of research, which will have an identifiable outcome on completion of the Academy-funded component of the research.
Award: Up to £10,000 for projects between 1 and 24 months in duration.
Deadline: 05 June 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Leverhulme Trust Research Centres

Summary: For UK universities to set up a Leverhulme Research Centre for outstanding original research aspiring to achieve a step-change in scholarship

The Trust aims to encourage new approaches that may establish or reshape a field of study and so transform our understanding of a significant contemporary topic.

Given the Trust’s commitment to multiple existing research centres at Cambridge, the Trust is excluding Cambridge as a lead institution in the upcoming round of competition. *Cambridge may still partner in applications led by other universities.

Award: Up to £10,000,000 for 10 years.
Deadline: 07 June 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Large Grant Contribution Fund

Summary: Research grant applications for funding over £1 million for AHSS subject areas can request financial contributions from this fund. Funding may be requested for activities that are complementary to the external funding and contributions from Departments / Schools / Non-school institutions. Activities that add value in the following areas are particularly encouraged: widening participation and inclusion; improving partnerships locally / nationally / internationally; capacity and capability building; working with less advantaged partners. Leveraging funding for existing grant awards is not in the remit of this fund. All applications must include one or more external partners and only applications led by Cambridge PIs are eligible.
Award: Up to 10% of the award value. PI buyout and equipment are not eligible costs for request.
Deadline: Minimum 4 weeks before funder deadline.
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik and


REF Impact Funding

Summary: Internal funding is available from the Research Strategy Office to support the development of the University’s REF impact submission. It is expected that successful applications will fund impact activities that may feed into potential impact case studies only where no other monies are available. Applications will be reviewed by the Impact and Knowledge Exchange Team. 

Submissions may include (but are not restricted to):

  • Support for gathering feedback from public engagement activities
  • Economic health monitoring
  • Surveying/engaging with research users to evaluate impact
  • Independent evaluation of impacts
  • Resource to collate citations in policy documents

Award: Up to £10,000.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Please contact your relevant member of the Impact and Knowledge Exchange Team.


All-Council Rapid Response Impact Acceleration Account Call

Summary: The All-Council Rapid Response Impact Acceleration Account Call is now open to support a wide range of impact activities when researchers are confronted by time-sensitive opportunities or need to test new ideas quickly. This call supports interdisciplinary projects, open to PIs and ECRs with PIs as co-applicants.

Proposed projects must support ‘on the ground’ impact and knowledge exchange activities, which enable researchers at all levels to engage with the public, private and third sectors, and provides a sustainable support structure within the University to promote wider and more effective engagement with external non-academic organisations.Project can be up to three months in duration.

Award: Up to £15,000 per application.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Lucy Sheerman


AHRC IAA Knowledge Exchange Fellowship Scheme

Summary: The AHRC IAA Knowledge Exchange Fellowship Scheme promotes strategic partnerships with non-HEI organisations across the arts and humanities at the University of Cambridge. The fund supports partnership building with specific organisations such as (but not limited to) museums, theatres, social enterprises, NGOs, and government departments. Funds are available for a range of activities including teaching replacement costs, costs for incoming fellowships from the partner organisation, postdoctoral or administrative support, travel and subsistence expenses, and workshops. The scheme aims to allow researchers to create new partnerships with external entities more generally, collaboratively shape research agendas, contribute to future research funding applications (including match-funding for studentships in the DTPs), and further facilitate impact generating activities.

Award: Up to £20,000 cover 100% of directly incurred costs.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Lucy Sheerman


Cambridge Humanities Research Grants

Summary: The Cambridge Humanities Research Grants scheme (CHRG) supports research in the arts, humanities and social sciences across the University. The scheme welcomes applications from any independent researcher holding a current contract of employment at the point of application.

The Scheme is designed to enable researchers to conduct small-scale research activities, of the highest quality, that will enable them to bid successfully for larger-scale funding from external sponsors, and/or to generate publications, and/or to contribute materially in other ways towards the research objectives of their home institution.

Applications may be made at any time in the year, for the next available gathered field, with outcomes known approximately six weeks later. 

Award: varies depending on scheme between £1,500 and £20,000
Deadline: 25 March 2024
Contact: AHSS Research Strategy at:


Returning Carers' Scheme

Summary: The latest round of the University’s Returning Carers’ Scheme is now open for applications until 4 April 2024. The fund provides grants of up to £10,000 to support employees who have taken a career break or a period of leave for caring responsibilities. Full details, including the eligibility criteria, examples of what the grant can be used for and how to apply can be found on the HR website.

Award: Up to £10,000
Deadline: 04 April 2024


RD Enhanced Funding

Summary: The applications for this term’s RD Enhanced Funding are now open. This fund is intended to enable Schools, Faculties and Departments to deliver Researcher Development events and programmes for their PhD students and postdocs. 
The application round for this Term is now open and can be found here: Enhanced Funding Application.  Applications will be accepted until midnight on Monday 8 April.

You can read more about the RD Enhanced Funding scheme, guidance, and application process on our website.
 Please note:

  • A copy of the application questions can be viewed on our website 
  • The deadline for receipt of applications is midnight on the 8 April
  • Successful applicants will have 12 months to spend awarded funds. 
  • Individual researchers are not eligible to apply for Enhanced Funding 
  • A short evaluation will be requested from all successful applicants (more information and evaluation form you can find on the website).

Award: varies
Deadline: 08 April 2024


Registrations for European Research and Innovation Week 2024

registration open
event dates: 18 to 21 March 2024, Brussels

Registrations are now open for the EC’s annual flagship Research and Innovation event which will take place between 18th – 21st March 2024 in Belgium. This event brings together policymakers, researchers and entrepreneurs for debates, workshops and networking opportunities. For further details including the programme and registration, please go to the European Commission website.


Towards a National Collection: Designing and Co-Designing Experiences for Digital Collections

06 March 2024, 2:00-3:30pm

This Towards a National Collection (TaNC) webinar provides a platform for researchers from our Unpath’d Waters and Our Heritage, Our Stories Discovery Projects to share unique insights into co-designing virtual reality environments, transcribing co-design, working with community generated digital content (CGDC) and more.

  • Jonathan Combey, Royal Museums Greenwich: To err is human: Transcription accuracy in co-design
  • Ashleigh Hawkins, The National Archives: The UK General Data Protection Regulation and the re-use of community generated digital content (CGDC): Capturing the people of today in the cultural heritage data of tomorrow
  • Scott Carballo, Glasgow School of Art: Unpath’d Waters: The co-design of the Unpath Navigator


Ideas Incubator Final Event

08 March 2024, 15:45 - 18:30
Hauser Forum, 3 Charles Babbage Road, Cambridge CB3 0GT

To conclude our second edition of the CRoSS Ideas Incubator, we invite you to “Pitch In!” as part of a welcoming and constructive audience for our outstanding teams.
Our Ideas Incubator programme focuses on research-based social innovations from the University of Cambridge. It has been invigorating to support 13 exciting teams from across the social sciences as they ramp up their ambitions, design and refine their plans, develop entrepreneurial skills and make meaningful connections to the Cambridge ecosystem.
Will you join us to give these teams a boost as they enter Cambridge’s wider innovation community?
We are asking our audience to join us in the spirit of “Pitching In” – whether through your feedback, introductions, support, mentoring, funding or encouragement. Help us to transform these ideas into high-impact products, services and ventures.
Any questions?
If you have any questions about this event, please contact



Towards a National Collection: Language & Access. Machine Learning for Digital Collections

13 March 2024, 2:00 - 3:30pm

This Towards a National Collection (TaNC) webinar will explore how machine learning technologies may enhance discoverability of digital collection content and contribute to a better understanding of biased language, bringing together researchers from two of our Discovery Projects, Our Heritage, Our Stories and Transforming Collections.

  • Tehmina Goskar, Decolonising Arts Institute, UAL: Learning the biased languages of benevolence, equity and the machine
  • Youcef Benkhedda, University of Manchester: Unlocking community-generated digital content: enhancing discoverability with advanced NLP and knowledge graphs

The webinar will begin with Tehmina Goskar, discussing her collaboration with the Creative Computing Institute to experiment with machine learning to better understand biased languages of benevolence and equity in organisational texts of public art collections, and how this might inform long-standing and systemic concerns about bias and discrimination. Youcef Benkhedda will talk about cutting-edge natural language processing (NLP) techniques and how they may be used to enhance the discoverability of community-generated digital content (CGDC) in digital collections. There will then be an open Q&A session.


Towards a National Collection Project Webinar: Heritage Data Practices & Decentralisation

19 March 2024, 2:00 - 3:30pm

This Towards a National Collection (TaNC) webinar will focus on navigating responsible data practices and decentralization in digital cultural heritage, bringing together researchers from two of our Discovery Projects, The Congruence Engine and The Sloane Lab.

  • Foteini Valeonti, University College London: Decentralising Digital Humanities
  • Anna-Maria SichaniUniversity of London: From collections-as-data to responsible data: data-driven approaches and ethics in digital cultural heritage

The webinar will begin with Foteini Valeonti, discussing a synthesis of web3-related technologies for digital humanities infrastructures, exploring opportunities of decentralisation and open access data storage, as well as associated risks and challenges. Anna-Maria Sichani will talk about data-related infrastructure requirements in cultural heritage institutions, exploring data-specific issues, from legacy and inconsistent datasets’ descriptions, resistance to standardisation to hidden bias and positionality in various data-related processes.


Ideas to reality - Spring 2024 Programme

26 March – 13 June 2024
If you are an academic, researcher or PhD student based within the University of Cambridge, and would like to learn more about how to commercialise the outcome of your research or how to use your existing skills and resources to make an impact, this is the place to start!
The programme focuses on the different routes to commercialisation open to you, including using your expertise as a consultant, collaborating with external companies, and creating a new company or social enterprise.

AHSS Bulletin February 2024

AHSS Research and Impact Facilitation Bulletin

February 2024


If you want to discuss funding opportunities or you are working on an application for research funding and would like feedback on a draft, please do contact the School’s Research Facilitators – Anna Cieslik (UK Funding) and Elizabeth Penner (EU/International Funding). 

 You can find more information on the AHSS Research Website, search our External Funding Deadline Calendar and look at Previous Bulletins.  We are also now on Twitter! Follow us for updates on funding calls and information sessions.


UK Research Council Funding

EU Funding

Charity Funding

Internal Funding



Pre-announcement: Future Leaders Fellowships, round 9

Summary: Applications are encouraged from the entirety of the UKRI remit. Fellowships can also lead and develop innovation. We define innovation as the practical translation of disruptive ideas into novel, relevant and valued products, services, processes, systems or business models, making them readily available to markets, government and society, creating economic or social value from ideas.

Future Leaders Fellowships are personal awards to support fellows to develop as impactful and influential research or innovation leaders.

You are encouraged to think broadly about the type of activities you may pursue as part of your research or innovation objectives. This could include:

  • time for work in other environments
  • developing international links
  • developing new skills (for example, in policy or commercialisation)

You should also consider what career development support opportunities are appropriate. This could include mentoring and professional training and development, and relevant training courses that will underpin your future career ambitions and learning. A clear programme of skills development is an essential component of this fellowship.

For this scheme there are match funding requirements for the fellow's salary and a commitment to an open ended position at the end of the Fellowship. Early career academics already in a permanent position can apply, provided they can show they need funding to "transition to research independence".

Award: There is no minimum or maximum project cost
Deadline: TBA internal restricted deadline; 18 June 2024 funder deadline
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


International Fellowships for Doctoral and Early Career Researchers 2024

Summary: The International Placement Scheme (IPS) provides early career researchers, and AHRC-funded and ESRC-funded doctoral students, with inclusive and dedicated access to the internationally renowned collections, programmes and expertise held at IPS host institutions. Fellowships are available at:


  • Harry Ransom Center
  • Huntington Library
  • Library of Congress
  • Smithsonian Institution
  • Yale Centre for British Art


  • National Institutes for the Humanities (NIHU)


  • Shanghai Theatre Academy

You will receive £1,000 for travel and visa costs (£1,200 for travel to Japan and China) and £1,925 for each month of the fellowship. You can apply for two to six months of funding.

Award: Between £4,850 and £12,750.
Deadline: 12 March 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Strengthening the resilience of the UK food system

Summary: The objectives of this funding opportunity are to support interdisciplinary research and innovation which will:

  • improve the resilience of the UK food system to cascading risks and systemic shocks
  • develop interventions to increase the resilience of the UK food system. This can include measures focused on robustness and recovery (such as, a food system actors ability to resist and quickly recover from a shock), but we would strongly encourage measures focused on reorientation (such as, where food system actors adapt their activities leading to alternative food system outcomes, either before or after disruption. For more information, please refer to the ‘Additional information’ section
  • inform policy and practice by working with stakeholders (government, business and the third sector) on interventions
  • increase interdisciplinary research capability and capacity in resilient UK food systems

Award: Up to £1.75 million fEC funded at 80% for projects 36 months in duration. Projects must start by 01 September 2024.
Deadline: 19 March 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


AHRC follow-on funding for impact and engagement, round 3

Summary: The proposed activities should enhance the value and wider benefit of your original research project, and have a significant economic, social, cultural or policy impact.

The follow-on funding for impact and engagement aims to:

  • explore unforeseen pathways to impact either within the lifespan of an AHRC research project or resulting from a completed research project
  • enhance the value and benefits of AHRC-funded research beyond academia
  • encourage and enable a range of interactions and creative engagements between arts and humanities research and a variety of user communities, including business, third sector and heritage sector, public policy, voluntary and community groups, or the general public

Award: Between £30,000 and £100,000 fEC funded at 80%. Project duration is up to 12 months.
Deadline: 26 March 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


AHRC Responsive Mode: Standard Research Grant - Round Three

Summary: We’re looking for individual researchers with proposals for well-defined collaborative research projects. However, you may include elements of individual research if you can show how this will add value.

Collaborations can involve:

  • a single institution or a combination of institutions
  • researchers working in different research areas
  • disciplines within the arts and humanities, or between an arts and humanities discipline and another subject area. In such collaborations the arts and humanities element of the project should lead in shaping the research questions, methods and so on
  • researchers working in other sectors
  • researchers based abroad

The proposed collaboration should be appropriate for the specific needs of the research project.

We expect the project lead and any project co-leads to devote an average of at least four hours per week to the project.

Award: Between £300,000 and £1,500,00 fEC funded at 80% for projects up to five years in duration.
Deadline: 26 March 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


UKRI systems approaches to advance the UK's transition to Net Zero

Summary: The opportunity will focus on the delivery of world leading cross-cutting research into the development and implementation of systems approaches to advance the UK’s transition to Net Zero.

Research programmes will:

  • deliver a stakeholder co-created programme of research that directly advances the UK’s Net Zero transition
  • set the transition in a broader context focussing on the interactions between Net Zero drivers and broader environmental, social, political, economic and security outcomes to deliver an equitable, prosperous, sustainable and resilient Net Zero future
  • deliver world leading transdisciplinary, collaborative, cross-cutting research into the development and implementation of integrated quantitative or qualitative (or both) systems approaches which will deliver actionable insights for key stakeholders from the increased understanding and analysis of multiple complex systems and the interactions between them to support the UK’s transition to Net Zero
  • collaborate with stakeholders, including government (local and national), businesses and individuals, to understand, consider, and support the adoption of the developed approaches
  • prioritise research and innovation challenges with the greatest potential to support evidence-based decision making by stakeholders and future planning under uncertainty to support the removal of barriers to delivery, identify and mitigate unintended consequences and drive a coordinated transition to Net Zero
  • demonstrate the opportunity, benefits, barriers, and limitations to taking a systems approach and deliver actionable insights and real-world impact on the pathway to Net Zero within the life of the programme in one or more test case areas which have been co-created with relevant stakeholders.

There is no single way of ‘taking a systems approach’. Systems approaches are frameworks or methodologies focussed on understanding the whole system and exploring the interconnections within and between systems. Systems approaches recognise the complexity of the interactions between different unpredictable and ever-changing elements, actors and drivers at different scales from a sector to a business, a region or a country. They enable a new way of approaching the complexity of how technology, infrastructure, economics, governance and, crucially, individual and social behaviours and attitudes shape the world around us.

Award: Up to £5.78 million fEC, funded at 80% for projects up to 60 months in duration.
Deadline: 26 March 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


The UKRI Ayrton challenge programme, outline

Summary: Work funded will span the Ayrton Fund themes: Low Carbon Supplies, Super-Efficient Demand, and Smart Delivery. The programme will target the Ayrton thematic challenges including:

  • next generation solar
  • zero-emissions generators
  • sustainable cooling for all
  • modern cooking
  • energy efficiency
  • industrial decarbonisation
  • clean transport
  • smart energy systems
  • energy storage
  • clean hydrogen
  • critical minerals
  • inclusive energy and leave no-one behind

The Ayrton challenge programme will fund interdisciplinary research projects helping to drive forward the clean energy transition in developing countries, by developing both innovative technologies and the knowledge needed to enable delivery of long-term sustainable change.

Projects will contribute to meeting the United Nations(UN) Sustainable Development Goals 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), or 13 (Climate Action) and lead to climate change mitigation in developing countries.

Award: Between £2 million and £4 million.
Deadline: 09 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Arts and humanities-led research commercialisation

Summary: This funding opportunity seeks to encourage innovative applications for enhancing inclusive engagement with research funded by UKRI through the application of arts and humanities-led methodologies in a commercial context. We are looking to build a portfolio of research commercialisation activities involving a wide variety of collaborations across a diverse range of stakeholders and partners including public, private and third sector organisations, the general public, and community groups. The outcomes and impacts of this funding opportunity will influence the development of future AHRC commercialisation programmes.
Award: £50,000
Deadline: 10 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


ACCESS Flexible Fund Round 2

Summary: We are looking to make three awards to projects that contribute to the ACCESS project's main goal to enhance the visibility, use and impact of climate and environmental social science. Projects will be expected to deliver at least TWO of the following outcomes:

  • New ideas or frameworks
  • New methods of translating evidence or insights (e.g. communication tools)
  • New networks
  • Development of new skills of capacities
  • Increased use of social science amongst specific target groups, for example people in diverse sectors (business/industry, civil society, public sector, journalists and media actors) or non-social scientist disciplinary experts (e.g. natural scientists, engineering and physical scientists).

Applications to Round 2 must have an early career researcher on the project team, either playing a Principal Investigator (Project Lead) or Co-Investigator role.
Award: Between £200,000 and £240,000 funded at 100% fEC for projects up to 2 years in duration.
Deadline: 26 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


AHRC Innovation Scholars secondments in design: second round

Summary: Apply for funding to develop your skills and exchange knowledge through the UKRI Innovation Scholars programme. This secondment opportunity is focused on design. For this AHRC opportunity, the aim is to enhance the skills and careers of individuals in design research and innovation. This will be achieved through funding individual secondments focused on research and innovation, with networking events for the secondees.

You must have a desire to proactively engage with design and the motivation to work within it. Interdisciplinary secondment proposals as well as practice-based ones will be welcomed.

Your secondment is expected to:

  • boost your skills, knowledge, networking opportunities and therefore career development
  • intensify knowledge exchange and create porosity between different sectors, resulting in innovative outputs
  • bring benefits to your host organisation
  • add value to the design sector and the UK economy

Projects can last between six months and 36 months and can be full or part-time, or hybrid (a combination of part-time and full-time).

Award: Up to £200,000 funded at 100% for eligible salary, travel and subsistence costs.
Deadline: 30 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


AHRC Catalyst Awards

Summary: Catalyst awards support researchers without prior experience of leading a significant research project to accelerate their trajectory as independent researchers, unlocking their potential and building leadership and convenor experience through the delivery of ambitious or complex projects.

The scheme takes a people-centred approach with funding available to support the development of researchers and their research ideas. It is flexible, and applications are welcomed from teams, networks and solo researchers.

Development is at the core of this scheme; projects must clearly articulate how the funding will contribute to the development of all those involved through the way that the project has been designed and will be managed, with appropriate support structures in place.

Award: Between £100,000 and £300,000 funded at 80% fEC.
Deadline: 30 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


AHRC Curiosity Award

Summary: Curiosity awards support early-stage ambitious and novel fundamental research which has the potential to act as a springboard towards new and exciting research agendas.

The funding opportunity celebrates the full diversity of the arts and humanities. It is flexible, and applications are welcomed from teams, networks, and solo researchers.

Projects can be single discipline, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary. The majority of the disciplinary focus of the project must fall within our subject remit; see section seven of the AHRC research funding guide for our remit coverage. Practice-based and practice-led research is supported by this funding opportunity.

Award: Up to £100,000 funded at 80% fEC.
Deadline: 30 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Amazon +10 Initiative: research expeditions to the Amazon

Summary: The funding opportunity aims to support research and technological development in Legal Amazonia, focusing on a deeper understanding of nature-society interactions for sustainable and inclusive development in the region.

We welcome multidisciplinary applications that span the remits of NERC and AHRC though it is not a requirement for funding. Details of the topics we cover can be found on the NERC and AHRC websites.

We invite applications that address the following funding opportunity objectives:

  • support the organisation of scientific expeditions aimed at expanding our knowledge about biodiversity or socio-cultural diversity in the Amazon
  • build institutional research partnerships between organisations in the Amazon and outside the region, and connect researchers with different affiliations
  • foster the strengthening of local research infrastructure and training of professionals in taxonomy, systematics, museology and ethnobiology, under the coordination of teams based in the Amazon
  • encourage scientific research in remote and understudied parts of the Amazon
  • encourage scientific research that proposes ways to surmount the challenges of studying less well-known and less studied taxonomic groups
  • encourage co-creation of applications with traditional knowledge holders from local indigenous peoples, quilombolas, and riparian communities
  • promote activities involving education, popularisation and scientific diffusion to different kinds of audience in all sectors of society, and involving specialists, groups and institutions engaged in formal and non-formal education (for example schools, extension units, museums, science centres, zoos, botanic gardens, aquariums, conservation unit visitor centres and non-governmental organisations)

Award: Up to £1 million for the UKRI component of collaborative projects with Brazilian partners. We will fund 80% of the full economic cost for UK organisation costs. We encourage applications of different sizes. The duration of this award is up to three years. Projects must start by 1 November 2024.
Deadline: 30 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


Pre-announcement: ADR UK research fellowships

Summary: ADR UK (Administrative Data Research UK) invites applications for Research Fellowships to conduct research and analysis demonstrating the policy impact potential of ADR England flagship datasets. These datasets are held within the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Secure Research Service or other ADR UK trusted research environments

We are looking for fellowship proposals that meet the following four objectives:

  • useful research: proposals that will act as ‘pathfinders’ for conducting research and deriving insights from the dataset, and which showcase the potential for policy impact and public benefit
  • useful data: proposals that will develop the data as a useful research resource for future users
  • useful engagement: proposals that will foster opportunities between academia, government, the voluntary and community sector, and the public to allow fresh thinking to flourish and maintain public acceptance of the use of data for research purposes
  • community building: proposals that will greatly boost the applicant’s development as a research leader in their field and include activities promoting the development of a wider community around a particular dataset or theme

Award: Up to £200,000 funded at 80% fEC. Fellowship can last up to 18 months in duration and must begin by 15 October 2024.
Deadline: 30 April 2024
Research Facilitation ContactDr Anna Cieslik


UKRI NSF-SBE Lead Agency, round 2

Summary: We're looking for individual researchers with proposals for well-defined collaborative research projects. However, you may include elements of individual research if you can show how this will add value.

Collaborations can involve:

  • a single institution or a combination of institutions
  • researchers working in different research areas
  • disciplines within the arts and humanities, or between an arts and humanities discipline and another subject area. In such collaborations the arts and humanities element of the project should lead in shaping the research questions, methods and so on
  • researchers working in other sectors
  • researchers based abroad

The proposed collaboration should be appropriate for the specific needs of the research project.

We expect the project lead and any project co-leads to devote an average of at least four hours per week to the project.

Award: Between £300,000 and £1.5 million fEC for the UK hosted element of the project. AHRC will fund 80% fEC. The maximum duration of this award is five years.
Deadline: 27 June 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


Collaborate with researchers in Luxembourg, round 2

Summary: This funding opportunity funds work with researchers in Luxembourg. Collaborative work is governed by an agreement between UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR).

You can submit collaborative research proposals in any area of arts and humanities within the remit of both Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and FNR.

Award: Between £300,000 and £1.5 million fEC for the UK hosted element of the project. AHRC will fund 80% fEC. The maximum duration of this award is five years.
Deadline: 27 June 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


Working with Brazilian Researchers, round 2

Summary: You can apply to work with overseas researchers in the State of São Paulo, Brazil.

Collaborative work is governed by an agreement between UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and State of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).

Submit a collaborative research proposal in any area of the arts and humanities within the remit of Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and FAPESP.

Award: Between £300,000 and £1.5 million fEC for the UK hosted element of the project. AHRC will fund 80% fEC. The maximum duration of this award is five years.
Deadline: 27 June 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


Horizon Europe Update: UK Eligibility Update

Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023 (and previous years)
Successful UK applicants to calls under the Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023 (and previous years) will be funded under the UKRI Guarantee Funding. This Guarantee Funding has recently been extended to cover successful applications made by UK-based businesses and researchers to calls under the Horizon Europe 2021, 2022 or 2023 work programmes. 
Horizon Europe 2024 Work Programme Calls
Successful UK applicants will be funded by the EU, under the Horizon Europe Programme.
Updates on Association: Please visit the Research Operation Office’s EU pages


Horizon Europe Main Work Programme

This PDF offers further details on calls relevant to SAHSS.  This list is not exhaustive so please refer the Horizon Europe Portal for full details. UKRO also have some very useful Factsheets that outline the thematic clusters that make up the three pillars of research support offered.
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner
Highlighted notices:
Radicalisation and gender
Deadline: 20 November 2024

Combating hate speech online and offline

Deadline: 20 November 2024

Digital solutions to foster participative design, planning and management of buildings, neighbourhoods and urban districts (Built4People Partnership)

Deadline: 21 January 2025


Proof of Concept Grant

Summary: The ERC Proof of Concept Grants aim at facilitating exploration of the commercial and social innovation potential of ERC funded research, by funding further work (i.e. activities which were not scheduled to be funded by the original ERC frontier research grant) to verify the innovation potential of ideas arising from ERC funded projects. Proof of Concept Grants are therefore on offer only to Principal Investigators whose proposals draw substantially on their ERC funded research.
Award: up to € 150,000 for a period of 18 months.
Deadline: 14 March 2024 and 17 September 2024 (tentative deadlines)
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


ERC Advanced Grant

Summary: The ERC Advanced Grant is for established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements in the last 10 years. PIs should be exceptional leaders in terms of originality and significance of their research contributions.
Award: € 2.5 million for a period of 5 years. An additional € 1 million can be requested to cover start-up costs, the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities.
Deadline: 29 August 2024, tentative deadline
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


Nuffield Foundation Research, Development and Analysis Fund

Summary: Our main focus is on Education, Welfare and Justice but many of our projects cut across and go beyond these broad domains. In particular, we are interested in funding research that takes account of the trends that are shaping today’s increasingly complex society, such as those set out in our 2017-2022 strategy:

  • How do digital technologies and digital communications alleviate, exacerbate and shift vulnerability, and affect concepts of trust, evidence and authority?
  • In what ways do factors such as socio-economic status, gender, ethnicity, community and geography affect the vulnerability of people to different types of risk, and how can this be mitigated?
  • What interventions might promote opportunity and reduce adversity through different life stages, and promote social inclusion between and across generations?
  • What are the social and economic implications of physical and mental disability and chronic illness? 
  • How can social policy institutions make better use of research, evidence and data in order to understand better the needs of those they serve, and improve services and outcomes?
  • How might the data infrastructure be used or improved to better understand and explain outcomes for individuals and society?

Examples of specific topics that interest us at present include:

  • Early childhood
  • Skills and employment
  • The cost of living
  • Geographical inequalities
  • Quality of life in later life
  • The quality of and access to public services
  • The long-term implications of COVID-19

Award: Up to £750,000. Please note, the majority of grants the Foundation awards are less than £300,000.
Deadline: 11 March 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


British Academy International Fellowship

Summary: The overarching aim of the International Fellowships programme is to attract and retain emerging talent in the UK and build a globally connected, mobile research and innovation workforce. The objectives are to:

  • Attract talented international early career researchers to establish and conduct their research in the UK;
  • Support early career researchers to pursue high-quality and innovative lines of research;
  • Provide opportunities to acquire and transfer new skills and knowledge through training and career development;
  • Foster long-term relationships through networking opportunities and the International Fellowships alumni programme.

Award: This round of Fellowships will be for a duration of two years and the award is offered at 80% FEC. Applicants may apply for research expenses of up to £12,000 and relocation costs of up to £8,000.
Deadline: 13 March 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Wellcome Trust Career Development Awards

Summary: This scheme provides funding for mid-career researchers from any discipline who have the potential to be international research leaders. They will develop their research capabilities, drive innovative programmes of work and deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing.
Award: Provides a salary for the grantholder (if required) and research expenses. Please request for level and duration of funding that's justifiable for your proposed research.
Deadline: 11 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Wellcome Trust Discovery Awards

Summary: This scheme provides funding for established researchers and teams from any discipline who want to pursue bold and creative research ideas to deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. The award usually lasts for 8 years, but may be less for some disciplines, such as humanities and social science.
Award: Limit not specified. It is expected that the PI requests an amount that is appropriate to the project.
Deadline: 16 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


British Council International Collaboration Grant

Summary: Our International Collaboration Grants encourage new bilateral and multilateral partnerships, providing funding to enable organisations to make and develop creative artwork with their international peers, and help individual artists find innovative ways of collaborating.  

Applications must demonstrate genuine international collaboration and deliver explicit benefit to participating UK artists and organisations and their international partners. Projects can address any theme and we ask applicants to share their approach to diversity, inclusion and environmental sustainability in the delivery of their project. 

Each project should include at least one UK-based organisation and one organisation based in the countries listed below as part of the partnership.

Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Bangladesh, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Mainland China, Colombia, Cuba, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kosovo, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Montenegro, Mexico, Morocco, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Serbia, Senegal, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Syria, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen and Zimbabwe.

Information Webinar
To find out more about the International Collaboration Grants and the application process, and hear from previous grantees about their experiences and their top tips, join us online for an information session on Tuesday 13 February 2024.

You can register for the sessions via the link here.

Tuesday 13 February, 09.00–10.00 (GMT)  

Tuesday 13 February, 16.00–17.00 (GMT) 

The deadline for registration is Friday 12 February 2024.

Award: Between £25,000 and £75,000.
Deadline: 30 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


Leverhulme Visiting Professorship

Summary: For UK institutions to invite an eminent senior professor from overseas, to bring genuinely novel expertise and enhance the skills and knowledge of academic staff and students in an underrepresented area in the UK. Priority will be given to new or recent collaborations and visits with a variety of activities beyond research.
Award: Applications are invited for a minimum of £10,000 and a maximum of £150,000.
Deadline: 02 May 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


British Academy Small Grants

Summary: All applications should demonstrate that Academy funds are sought for a clearly defined, discrete piece of research, which will have an identifiable outcome on completion of the Academy-funded component of the research.
Award: Up to £10,000 for projects between 1 and 24 months in duration.
Deadline: 05 June 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Large Grant Contribution Fund

Summary: Research grant applications for funding over £1 million for AHSS subject areas can request financial contributions from this fund. Funding may be requested for activities that are complementary to the external funding and contributions from Departments / Schools / Non-school institutions. Activities that add value in the following areas are particularly encouraged: widening participation and inclusion; improving partnerships locally / nationally / internationally; capacity and capability building; working with less advantaged partners. Leveraging funding for existing grant awards is not in the remit of this fund. All applications must include one or more external partners and only applications led by Cambridge PIs are eligible.
Award: Up to 10% of the award value. PI buyout and equipment are not eligible costs for request.
Deadline: Minimum 4 weeks before funder deadline.
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik and


REF Impact Funding

Summary: Internal funding is available from the Research Strategy Office to support the development of the University’s REF impact submission. It is expected that successful applications will fund impact activities that may feed into potential impact case studies only where no other monies are available. Applications will be reviewed by the Impact and Knowledge Exchange Team. 

Submissions may include (but are not restricted to):

  • Support for gathering feedback from public engagement activities
  • Economic health monitoring
  • Surveying/engaging with research users to evaluate impact
  • Independent evaluation of impacts
  • Resource to collate citations in policy documents

Award: Up to £10,000.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Please contact your relevant member of the Impact and Knowledge Exchange Team.


All-Council Rapid Response Impact Acceleration Account Call

Summary: The All-Council Rapid Response Impact Acceleration Account Call is now open to support a wide range of impact activities when researchers are confronted by time-sensitive opportunities or need to test new ideas quickly. This call supports interdisciplinary projects, open to PIs and ECRs with PIs as co-applicants.

Proposed projects must support ‘on the ground’ impact and knowledge exchange activities, which enable researchers at all levels to engage with the public, private and third sectors, and provides a sustainable support structure within the University to promote wider and more effective engagement with external non-academic organisations.Project can be up to three months in duration.

Award: Up to £15,000 per application.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Lucy Sheerman


AHRC IAA Knowledge Exchange Fellowship Scheme

Summary: The AHRC IAA Knowledge Exchange Fellowship Scheme promotes strategic partnerships with non-HEI organisations across the arts and humanities at the University of Cambridge. The fund supports partnership building with specific organisations such as (but not limited to) museums, theatres, social enterprises, NGOs, and government departments. Funds are available for a range of activities including teaching replacement costs, costs for incoming fellowships from the partner organisation, postdoctoral or administrative support, travel and subsistence expenses, and workshops. The scheme aims to allow researchers to create new partnerships with external entities more generally, collaboratively shape research agendas, contribute to future research funding applications (including match-funding for studentships in the DTPs), and further facilitate impact generating activities.

Award: Up to £20,000 cover 100% of directly incurred costs.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Lucy Sheerman


West Hub Researchers Fund

Summary: For Postdocs and Researchers who want to foster collaboration and socialisation through relaxed events with guest speakers, discussions and casual socials. Funding covers speaker fees, travel costs and catering.
Award: Up to £2,000
Deadline: 15 February 2024


West Hub Community Fund

Summary: Funding open to ALL University of Cambridge community members who want to organise engaging and inclusive events for the local community, such as exhibitions, concerts, sports activities, wellbeing seminars, arts and craft classes for children's events.
Award: Up to £1,000
Deadline: 15 February 2024


Cambridge Humanities Research Grants

Summary: The Cambridge Humanities Research Grants scheme (CHRG) supports research in the arts, humanities and social sciences across the University. The scheme welcomes applications from any independent researcher holding a current contract of employment at the point of application.

The Scheme is designed to enable researchers to conduct small-scale research activities, of the highest quality, that will enable them to bid successfully for larger-scale funding from external sponsors, and/or to generate publications, and/or to contribute materially in other ways towards the research objectives of their home institution.

Applications may be made at any time in the year, for the next available gathered field, with outcomes known approximately six weeks later. 

Award: varies depending on scheme between £1,500 and £20,000
Deadline: 25 March 2024
Contact: AHSS Research Strategy at:


Grant Writing: Basics
Tuesday, 6 February, 2024 - 10:00 to 11:30, ZOOM

This session is designed to cover the basic elements of developing a successful grant proposal. It is a concentrated, comprehensive introduction to the art of grant writing. We will talk about: 

  • Formulating a research problem
  • Choosing the right funder
  • Key elements of a successful proposal
  • Writing style
  • Common pitfalls

The session is suitable for all career stages. 

Register to attend, follow this link

*registration closes 5 February 2024


AHSS Research Strategy Clinic: Deep Dive into Research Culture in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Monday 12 February 2024, 12-1pm via Zoom.

Please register here and the Zoom link will be sent ahead of the session. (If you are unable to attend the session, please use the registration form to flag questions and signal issues to the speakers to help inform discussions).

Research culture is an increasingly important agenda, particularly given the recent inclusion of people, culture and environment as 25% of REF 2029 . The University of Cambridge is setting institutional priorities for our work in this area. This is an opportunity to hear about the work that has been done so far, to help shape our emerging research culture priorities, and also to reflect on how individual researchers and departments across the arts, humanities and social sciences can start to think about how to drive change in their own spaces.  

Discussion will be lead by the Head of Research Culture at the University, Liz Simmonds, and our ECR Assembly Representatives, Dr Joshua Fitzgerald (SHSS) and Dr Georgina Wilson (SAH).


Team Building for Social Innovators

15 February 2024, 5pm-8pm
Hauser Forum, 3 Charles Babbage Road, West Cambridge Site, CB3 0GT

The Centre for Global Equality (CGE), Judge Business School (JBS), Cambridge Social Ventures and Cambridge Enterprise invite you to join us for a networking and matchmaking event: Team Building for Social Innovators.

The event will be held from 5 – 8 pm at the Hauser Forum in West Cambridge and will include short case studies from people working on social enterprises, start-ups, tech for good and other innovative projects. If you would like to sign up to present your own project to find new collaborators, please email

There will also be plenty of opportunities for all attendees to connect with potential new team members and collaborators.

Register here


Grant Writing: Advanced

05 March 2024, 10 am - 12 pm, ZOOM
This interactive workshop is a follow-up to the “Grant Writing Basics” session. It consists of two parts. In the first half of the session will focus on presenting your research problem in a succinct but engaging way. In the second part of the session, we will review abstracts of successful proposals and identify some strategies to use when writing a grant proposal. 

Register to attend, please follow this link

*registration closes 04 March 2024


AHSS Bulletin January 2024

AHSS Research and Impact Facilitation Bulletin

January 2024


If you want to discuss funding opportunities or you are working on an application for research funding and would like feedback on a draft, please do contact the School’s Research Facilitators – Anna Cieslik (UK Funding) and Elizabeth Penner (EU/International Funding). 

You can find more information on the AHSS Research Website, search our External Funding Deadline Calendar and look at Previous Bulletins.  We are also now on Twitter! Follow us for updates on funding calls and information sessions.


UK Research Council Funding


EU Funding


Charity Funding


Internal Funding




Pre-announcement: Future Leaders Fellowships, round 9

Summary: Applications are encouraged from the entirety of the UKRI remit. Fellowships can also lead and develop innovation. We define innovation as the practical translation of disruptive ideas into novel, relevant and valued products, services, processes, systems or business models, making them readily available to markets, government and society, creating economic or social value from ideas.

Future Leaders Fellowships are personal awards to support fellows to develop as impactful and influential research or innovation leaders.

You are encouraged to think broadly about the type of activities you may pursue as part of your research or innovation objectives. This could include:

  • time for work in other environments
  • developing international links
  • developing new skills (for example, in policy or commercialisation)

You should also consider what career development support opportunities are appropriate. This could include mentoring and professional training and development, and relevant training courses that will underpin your future career ambitions and learning. A clear programme of skills development is an essential component of this fellowship.

For this scheme there are match funding requirements for the fellow's salary and a commitment to an open ended position at the end of the Fellowship. Early career academics already in a permanent position can apply, provided they can show they need funding to "transition to research independence".

Award: There is no minimum or maximum project cost
Deadline: TBA internal restricted deadline; 18 June 2024 funder deadline
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Pre-announcement: Future data services: pilots to enhance data services for the future, ESRC

Summary: This is a pre-announcement for the ‘Future Data Services: pilots to enhance data services for the future ’ funding opportunity.
This funding opportunity aims to launch a series of pilot solutions which address current and future data service delivery challenges. These pilots should demonstrate how these challenges could be resolved, an evaluation about how effective they are, and how they could be scaled up with additional funding from April 2025 onwards.
The challenges that the pilots should address fall into the following themes:

  • federation of data services
  • data discovery using machine learning or other AI technologies
  • increasing skills capacity for data service professionals

Award: Between £150,000 and £1 million
Deadline: tentative deadline mid-February 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik




ESRC responsive mode: research grants round two

Summary: This flexible opportunity funds basic, applied and strategic research from any disciplines and on any topics within ESRC’s remit. Ambitious and novel proposals addressing new concepts and techniques are encouraged, as are those with the potential for significant scientific or societal and economic impact.

There are no thematic or methodological priorities; we will fund the highest quality proposals received, regardless of focus or approach.

Award: Between £350,000 to £1 million fEC funded at 80% for projects up to five years in duration.
Deadline: Open Call
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


ESRC responsive mode: working with Luxembourg researchers round two

Summary: You can submit a collaborative research proposal in any area of the social sciences within the remit of ESRC and FNR.

UK and Luxembourg applicants should ensure that their joint applications are well balanced, with clear roles and objectives attributed to both sides of the collaboration. Within the joint applications, the UK collaborator should be the lead applicant contributing with a slightly higher research effort.

We will fund basic, applied and strategic research from any disciplines and on any topics within ESRC’s remit. Ambitious and novel proposals addressing new concepts and techniques are encouraged, as are those with the potential for significant scientific or societal and economic impact. There are no thematic or methodological priorities; we will fund the highest quality proposals received, regardless of focus or approach.

Award: Between £350,000 to £1 million fEC funded at 80%. Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR) will pay all justified costs for Luxembourg submitted through their system.
Deadline: Open Call
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


ESRC responsive mode: secondary data analysis round two

Summary: This funding opportunity supports research that exploits existing data resources for social and economic research. Applicants have considerable flexibility to focus on any subject area or topic providing that it falls within the ESRC’s remit.

This funding opportunity also aims to develop the capacity and skills of social sciences communities in using large and complex existing data resources. We encourage partnerships with non-academic stakeholders to ensure generation of high-impact, policy and practitioner-relevant research.

Award: Up to £300,000 fEC funded at 80% for projects up to 24 months.
Deadline: Open Call
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik



ESRC responsive mode: UKRI-SBE lead agency opportunity round two

Summary: You can submit a collaborative research proposal in any area of the social sciences within the remits of ESRC and NSF-SBE.

ESRC will fund basic, applied and strategic research from any disciplines and on any topics within our remit. Ambitious and novel proposals addressing new concepts and techniques are encouraged, as are those with the potential for significant scientific or societal and economic impact. There are no thematic or methodological priorities; we will fund the highest quality proposals received, regardless of focus or approach.

Award: Between £350,000 to £1 million fEC funded at 80% for the UK part of the budget.
Deadline: Open Call
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


AHRC: DFG research grants round six (2023 to 2024)

Summary: Both AHRC and DFG are aware that some of the best research can only be achieved by working with the best researchers internationally. Accordingly, the aims of the funding opportunity are:

  • to support academic research of the highest quality in the humanities undertaken by UK-German teams, whose primary aim is to make fundamental advances in human knowledge
  • to deepen and strengthen cooperation between UK and German researchers in the humanities, and to foster the growth of a transnational UK-German research culture

The funding opportunity will be open to applications addressing any research topic where there is significant potential to advance knowledge through collaborative research bringing together arts and humanities researchers in the UK, whose research falls within the remit of the AHRC, and humanities researchers in Germany.

Award: Up to £420,000 fEC funded at 80% for projects between 24 and 36 months in duration.
Deadline: 20 February 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik



International Fellowships for Doctoral and Early Career Researchers 2024

Summary: The International Placement Scheme (IPS) provides early career researchers, and AHRC-funded and ESRC-funded doctoral students, with inclusive and dedicated access to the internationally renowned collections, programmes and expertise held at IPS host institutions. Fellowships are available at:


  • Harry Ransom Center
  • Huntington Library
  • Library of Congress
  • Smithsonian Institution
  • Yale Centre for British Art


  • National Institutes for the Humanities (NIHU)


  • Shanghai Theatre Academy

You will receive £1,000 for travel and visa costs (£1,200 for travel to Japan and China) and £1,925 for each month of the fellowship. You can apply for two to six months of funding.

Award: Between £4,850 and £12,750.
Deadline: 12 March 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Strengthening the resilience of the UK food system

Summary: The objectives of this funding opportunity are to support interdisciplinary research and innovation which will:

  • improve the resilience of the UK food system to cascading risks and systemic shocks
  • develop interventions to increase the resilience of the UK food system. This can include measures focused on robustness and recovery (such as, a food system actors ability to resist and quickly recover from a shock), but we would strongly encourage measures focused on reorientation (such as, where food system actors adapt their activities leading to alternative food system outcomes, either before or after disruption. For more information, please refer to the ‘Additional information’ section
  • inform policy and practice by working with stakeholders (government, business and the third sector) on interventions
  • increase interdisciplinary research capability and capacity in resilient UK food systems

Award: Up to £1.75 million fEC funded at 80% for projects 36 months in duration. Projects must start by 01 September 2024.
Deadline: 19 March 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik



AHRC follow-on funding for impact and engagement, round 3

Summary: The proposed activities should enhance the value and wider benefit of your original research project, and have a significant economic, social, cultural or policy impact.

The follow-on funding for impact and engagement aims to:

  • explore unforeseen pathways to impact either within the lifespan of an AHRC research project or resulting from a completed research project
  • enhance the value and benefits of AHRC-funded research beyond academia
  • encourage and enable a range of interactions and creative engagements between arts and humanities research and a variety of user communities, including business, third sector and heritage sector, public policy, voluntary and community groups, or the general public

Award: Between £30,000 and £100,000 fEC funded at 80%. Project duration is up to 12 months.
Deadline: 26 March 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


AHRC Responsive Mode: Standard Research Grant - Round Three

Summary: We’re looking for individual researchers with proposals for well-defined collaborative research projects. However, you may include elements of individual research if you can show how this will add value.

Collaborations can involve:

  • a single institution or a combination of institutions
  • researchers working in different research areas
  • disciplines within the arts and humanities, or between an arts and humanities discipline and another subject area. In such collaborations the arts and humanities element of the project should lead in shaping the research questions, methods and so on
  • researchers working in other sectors
  • researchers based abroad

The proposed collaboration should be appropriate for the specific needs of the research project.

We expect the project lead and any project co-leads to devote an average of at least four hours per week to the project.

Award: Between £300,000 and £1,500,00 fEC funded at 80% for projects up to five years in duration.
Deadline: 26 March 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Pre-announcement: UKRI systems approaches to advance the UK's transition to Net Zero

Summary: The opportunity will focus on the delivery of world leading cross-cutting research into the development and implementation of systems approaches to advance the UK’s transition to Net Zero.

Research programmes will:

  • deliver a stakeholder co-created programme of research that directly advances the UK’s Net Zero transition
  • set the transition in a broader context focussing on the interactions between Net Zero drivers and broader environmental, social, political, economic and security outcomes to deliver an equitable, prosperous, sustainable and resilient Net Zero future
  • deliver world leading transdisciplinary, collaborative, cross-cutting research into the development and implementation of integrated quantitative or qualitative (or both) systems approaches which will deliver actionable insights for key stakeholders from the increased understanding and analysis of multiple complex systems and the interactions between them to support the UK’s transition to Net Zero
  • collaborate with stakeholders, including government (local and national), businesses and individuals, to understand, consider, and support the adoption of the developed approaches
  • prioritise research and innovation challenges with the greatest potential to support evidence-based decision making by stakeholders and future planning under uncertainty to support the removal of barriers to delivery, identify and mitigate unintended consequences and drive a coordinated transition to Net Zero
  • demonstrate the opportunity, benefits, barriers, and limitations to taking a systems approach and deliver actionable insights and real-world impact on the pathway to Net Zero within the life of the programme in one or more test case areas which have been co-created with relevant stakeholders.

There is no single way of ‘taking a systems approach’. Systems approaches are frameworks or methodologies focussed on understanding the whole system and exploring the interconnections within and between systems. Systems approaches recognise the complexity of the interactions between different unpredictable and ever-changing elements, actors and drivers at different scales from a sector to a business, a region or a country. They enable a new way of approaching the complexity of how technology, infrastructure, economics, governance and, crucially, individual and social behaviours and attitudes shape the world around us.

Award: Up to £5.78 million fEC, funded at 80% for projects up to 60 months in duration.
Deadline: 26 March 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Pre-announcement: The UKRI Ayrton challenge programme, outline

Summary: Work funded will span the Ayrton Fund themes: Low Carbon Supplies, Super-Efficient Demand, and Smart Delivery. The programme will target the Ayrton thematic challenges including:

  • next generation solar
  • zero-emissions generators
  • sustainable cooling for all
  • modern cooking
  • energy efficiency
  • industrial decarbonisation
  • clean transport
  • smart energy systems
  • energy storage
  • clean hydrogen
  • critical minerals
  • inclusive energy and leave no-one behind

The Ayrton challenge programme will fund interdisciplinary research projects helping to drive forward the clean energy transition in developing countries, by developing both innovative technologies and the knowledge needed to enable delivery of long-term sustainable change.

Projects will contribute to meeting the United Nations(UN) Sustainable Development Goals 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), or 13 (Climate Action) and lead to climate change mitigation in developing countries.

Award: Between £2 million and £4 million.
Deadline: 09 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


ACCESS Flexible Fund Round 2

Summary: We are looking to make three awards to projects that contribute to the ACCESS project's main goal to enhance the visibility, use and impact of climate and environmental social science. Projects will be expected to deliver at least TWO of the following outcomes:

  • New ideas or frameworks
  • New methods of translating evidence or insights (e.g. communication tools)
  • New networks
  • Development of new skills of capacities
  • Increased use of social science amongst specific target groups, for example people in diverse sectors (business/industry, civil society, public sector, journalists and media actors) or non-social scientist disciplinary experts (e.g. natural scientists, engineering and physical scientists).

Applications to Round 2 must have an early career researcher on the project team, either playing a Principal Investigator (Project Lead) or Co-Investigator role.
Award: Between £200,000 and £240,000 funded at 100% fEC for projects up to 2 years in duration.
Deadline: 26 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


AHRC Innovation Scholars secondments in design: second round

Summary: Apply for funding to develop your skills and exchange knowledge through the UKRI Innovation Scholars programme. This secondment opportunity is focused on design. For this AHRC opportunity, the aim is to enhance the skills and careers of individuals in design research and innovation. This will be achieved through funding individual secondments focused on research and innovation, with networking events for the secondees.

You must have a desire to proactively engage with design and the motivation to work within it. Interdisciplinary secondment proposals as well as practice-based ones will be welcomed.

Your secondment is expected to:

  • boost your skills, knowledge, networking opportunities and therefore career development
  • intensify knowledge exchange and create porosity between different sectors, resulting in innovative outputs
  • bring benefits to your host organisation
  • add value to the design sector and the UK economy

Projects can last between six months and 36 months and can be full or part-time, or hybrid (a combination of part-time and full-time).

Award: Up to £200,000 funded at 100% for eligible salary, travel and subsistence costs.
Deadline: 30 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


UKRI NSF-SBE Lead Agency, round 2

Summary: We're looking for individual researchers with proposals for well-defined collaborative research projects. However, you may include elements of individual research if you can show how this will add value.

Collaborations can involve:

  • a single institution or a combination of institutions
  • researchers working in different research areas
  • disciplines within the arts and humanities, or between an arts and humanities discipline and another subject area. In such collaborations the arts and humanities element of the project should lead in shaping the research questions, methods and so on
  • researchers working in other sectors
  • researchers based abroad

The proposed collaboration should be appropriate for the specific needs of the research project.

We expect the project lead and any project co-leads to devote an average of at least four hours per week to the project.

Award: Between £300,000 and £1.5 million fEC for the UK hosted element of the project. AHRC will fund 80% fEC. The maximum duration of this award is five years.
Deadline: 27 June 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


Collaborate with researchers in Luxembourg, round 2

Summary: This funding opportunity funds work with researchers in Luxembourg. Collaborative work is governed by an agreement between UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR).

You can submit collaborative research proposals in any area of arts and humanities within the remit of both Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and FNR.

Award: Between £300,000 and £1.5 million fEC for the UK hosted element of the project. AHRC will fund 80% fEC. The maximum duration of this award is five years.
Deadline: 27 June 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


Working with Brazilian Researchers, round 2

Summary: You can apply to work with overseas researchers in the State of São Paulo, Brazil.

Collaborative work is governed by an agreement between UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and State of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).

Submit a collaborative research proposal in any area of the arts and humanities within the remit of Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and FAPESP.

Award: Between £300,000 and £1.5 million fEC for the UK hosted element of the project. AHRC will fund 80% fEC. The maximum duration of this award is five years.
Deadline: 27 June 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


Doctoral focal awards in the arts and humanities

Summary: Formerly pre-announced as focused Centres for Doctoral Training, this is the same funding opportunity but under a new name to align it with other upcoming UKRI doctoral funding opportunities.

To be the lead applicant, you must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for AHRC funding with capacity in the arts and humanities for creative economy or for a healthy planet, people, and place.

Each proposal must include:

  • doctoral training and professional development
  • mechanisms for increasing representation of students from underrepresented groups

Webinars for potential applicants 
AHRC will hold two information webinars for potential applicants and partners, and two online surgery events for applicants who are in the process of preparing their proposals. This will provide more information about the funding opportunity and a chance to ask questions.

These online events will last 60 minutes each and take place on the following dates:

Deadline: 02 July 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Horizon Europe Update: UK Eligibility Update

Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023 (and previous years)
Successful UK applicants to calls under the Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023 (and previous years) will be funded under the UKRI Guarantee Funding. This Guarantee Funding has recently been extended to cover successful applications made by UK-based businesses and researchers to calls under the Horizon Europe 2021, 2022 or 2023 work programmes. 
Horizon Europe 2024 Work Programme Calls
Successful UK applicants will be funded by the EU, under the Horizon Europe Programme.
Updates on Association: Please visit the Research Operation Office’s EU pages


Horizon Europe Main Work Programme

This PDF offers further details on calls relevant to SAHSS.  This list is not exhaustive so please refer the Horizon Europe Portal for full details. UKRO also have some very useful Factsheets that outline the thematic clusters that make up the three pillars of research support offered.
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner
Highlighted notices:
Arts and cultural awareness and expression in education and training

Deadline: 07 February 2024

Cultural and creative industries for a sustainable climate transition
Deadline: 07 February 2024

Combating hate speech online and offline

Deadline: 20 November 2024

Digital solutions to foster participative design, planning and management of buildings, neighbourhoods and urban districts (Built4People Partnership)

Deadline: 21 January 2025


Proof of Concept Grant

Summary: The ERC Proof of Concept Grants aim at facilitating exploration of the commercial and social innovation potential of ERC funded research, by funding further work (i.e. activities which were not scheduled to be funded by the original ERC frontier research grant) to verify the innovation potential of ideas arising from ERC funded projects. Proof of Concept Grants are therefore on offer only to Principal Investigators whose proposals draw substantially on their ERC funded research.
Award: up to € 150,000 for a period of 18 months.
Deadline: 14 March 2024 and 17 September 2024 (tentative deadlines)
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


ERC Advanced Grant

Summary: The ERC Advanced Grant is for established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements in the last 10 years. PIs should be exceptional leaders in terms of originality and significance of their research contributions.
Award: € 2.5 million for a period of 5 years. An additional € 1 million can be requested to cover start-up costs, the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities.
Deadline: 29 August 2024, tentative deadline
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner



BA Horizon Europe Pump Priming Collaboration between UK and EU Partners

Summary: The British Academy with the support of the Royal Society, the Academy of Medical Sciences, and the Royal Academy of Engineering are inviting proposals from UK and EU/Associated Countries-based researchers to pump prime collaborations to support the effective uptake of the opportunities provided by the UK’s association to Horizon Europe.
Proposals are welcome in all disciplines – engineering, natural sciences, medical and health sciences, humanities, and social sciences.
The aim of the call is to develop collaborative activity between UK and EU/Associated Countries’ entities in Pillar 2 of Horizon Europe. Applicants will need to identify a specific upcoming call and topic in this Pillar as the focus of their proposed collaboration with the goal of submitting an application to that upcoming call building on this pump priming funding.
The scheme is a particular opportunity for those less experienced with applying to EU Framework Programmes, such as early career researchers and non-academic organisations. Applications from those wishing to engage with EU Framework Programmes for the first time are strongly encouraged.

Award: Up to £10,000.
Deadline: 17 January 2024 (round 1) and 21 February 2024 (round 2)
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner


Leverhulme Medal and Prize

Summary: The award is made in partnership with The Leverhulme Trust. The first award was in 2002, to mark the Academy's centenary. In 2024 nominations are accepted for individuals who have made a significant contribution to the social sciences. Any individual can be nominated for the prize (they do not need to be a Fellow of the British Academy). Nominations can be made by any individual (they do not need to be a Fellow of the British Academy).

How to nominate
Nominations for this award are open from 1 December 2023 to 31 January 2024. Entries should be submitted electronically to

In the body of the email, clearly state:

  • Name of the prize or medal
  • Name of nominee
  • Nominee’s position/institution and email address
  • Nominee’s principal area of academic distinction
  • Supporting statement (250 words)
  • Nominator’s name and your British Academy section (if applicable)
  • Declaration of any institutional or personal interest

The deadline for submissions is 31 January each year. Nominations will be reviewed, and the winner selected, by the relevant panel.

If you have any queries submitting a nomination, please email

Award: £5,000
Deadline: 31 January 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Wellcome Trust Early-Career Awards

Summary: This scheme provides funding for early-career researchers from any discipline who are ready to develop their research identity. The researcher will deliver shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. By the end of the aware, they will be ready to lead their own independent research programme. Project duration is usually 5 years, but may be less for some disciplines and longer if held on a part-time basis.
Award: £400,000
Deadline: 15 February 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


British Academy Innovation Fellowships Scheme (Policy led): Route B - Local Policy and Innovation Partnership

Summary: Route B: Policy-led Innovation Fellows will work with policy partners specified by the British Academy, which in this case is the LPIP Strategic Coordination Hub based at the City-Region Economic Development Institute (City-REDI) at the University of Birmingham.

Through the Innovation Fellowships scheme, you will have the opportunity to work in a deeply embedded way with policy and analytical teams at local, regional and national levels, across the breadth of the LPIPs, which will enable you to develop outcomes that enhance our understanding of, and response to, societal challenges, and offer solutions to shape policy and practice. You will be able to draw on the expertise and insights of policymakers, researchers across disciplines and practitioners across sectors, and benefit from their continued engagement in the project. This is an opportunity for all participants to form new collaborations and draw on the insights these bring to inform and influence future policy and research.
Award: A maximum award value of £120,000 on an 80% fEC basis. The Applicant must commit between 0.6 and 0.8 FTE time to the Fellowship.
Deadline: 28 February 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Nuffield Foundation Research, Development and Analysis Fund

Summary: Our main focus is on Education, Welfare and Justice but many of our projects cut across and go beyond these broad domains. In particular, we are interested in funding research that takes account of the trends that are shaping today’s increasingly complex society, such as those set out in our 2017-2022 strategy:

  • How do digital technologies and digital communications alleviate, exacerbate and shift vulnerability, and affect concepts of trust, evidence and authority?
  • In what ways do factors such as socio-economic status, gender, ethnicity, community and geography affect the vulnerability of people to different types of risk, and how can this be mitigated?
  • What interventions might promote opportunity and reduce adversity through different life stages, and promote social inclusion between and across generations?
  • What are the social and economic implications of physical and mental disability and chronic illness? 
  • How can social policy institutions make better use of research, evidence and data in order to understand better the needs of those they serve, and improve services and outcomes?
  • How might the data infrastructure be used or improved to better understand and explain outcomes for individuals and society?

Examples of specific topics that interest us at present include:

  • Early childhood
  • Skills and employment
  • The cost of living
  • Geographical inequalities
  • Quality of life in later life
  • The quality of and access to public services
  • The long-term implications of COVID-19

Award: Up to £750,000. Please note, the majority of grants the Foundation awards are less than £300,000.
Deadline: 11 March 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Wellcome Trust Career Development Awards

Summary: This scheme provides funding for mid-career researchers from any discipline who have the potential to be international research leaders. They will develop their research capabilities, drive innovative programmes of work and deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing.
Award: Provides a salary for the grantholder (if required) and research expenses. Please request for level and duration of funding that's justifiable for your proposed research.
Deadline: 11 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Wellcome Trust Discovery Awards

Summary: This scheme provides funding for established researchers and teams from any discipline who want to pursue bold and creative research ideas to deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. The award usually lasts for 8 years, but may be less for some disciplines, such as humanities and social science.
Award: Limit not specified. It is expected that the PI requests an amount that is appropriate to the project.
Deadline: 16 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Leverhulme Visiting Professorship

Summary: For UK institutions to invite an eminent senior professor from overseas, to bring genuinely novel expertise and enhance the skills and knowledge of academic staff and students in an underrepresented area in the UK. Priority will be given to new or recent collaborations and visits with a variety of activities beyond research.
Award: Applications are invited for a minimum of £10,000 and a maximum of £150,000.
Deadline: 02 May 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik


Large Grant Contribution Fund

Summary: Research grant applications for funding over £1 million for AHSS subject areas can request financial contributions from this fund. Funding may be requested for activities that are complementary to the external funding and contributions from Departments / Schools / Non-school institutions. Activities that add value in the following areas are particularly encouraged: widening participation and inclusion; improving partnerships locally / nationally / internationally; capacity and capability building; working with less advantaged partners. Leveraging funding for existing grant awards is not in the remit of this fund. All applications must include one or more external partners and only applications led by Cambridge PIs are eligible.
Award: Up to 10% of the award value. PI buyout and equipment are not eligible costs for request.
Deadline: Minimum 4 weeks before funder deadline.
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik and


REF Impact Funding

Summary: Internal funding is available from the Research Strategy Office to support the development of the University’s REF impact submission. It is expected that successful applications will fund impact activities that may feed into potential impact case studies only where no other monies are available. Applications will be reviewed by the Impact and Knowledge Exchange Team. 

Submissions may include (but are not restricted to):

  • Support for gathering feedback from public engagement activities
  • Economic health monitoring
  • Surveying/engaging with research users to evaluate impact
  • Independent evaluation of impacts
  • Resource to collate citations in policy documents

Award: Up to £10,000.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Please contact your relevant member of the Impact and Knowledge Exchange Team.


All-Council Rapid Response Impact Acceleration Account Call

Summary: The All-Council Rapid Response Impact Acceleration Account Call is now open to support a wide range of impact activities when researchers are confronted by time-sensitive opportunities or need to test new ideas quickly. This call supports interdisciplinary projects, open to PIs and ECRs with PIs as co-applicants.

Proposed projects must support ‘on the ground’ impact and knowledge exchange activities, which enable researchers at all levels to engage with the public, private and third sectors, and provides a sustainable support structure within the University to promote wider and more effective engagement with external non-academic organisations.Project can be up to three months in duration.

Award: Up to £15,000 per application.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Lucy Sheerman


AHRC IAA Knowledge Exchange Fellowship Scheme

Summary: The AHRC IAA Knowledge Exchange Fellowship Scheme promotes strategic partnerships with non-HEI organisations across the arts and humanities at the University of Cambridge. The fund supports partnership building with specific organisations such as (but not limited to) museums, theatres, social enterprises, NGOs, and government departments. Funds are available for a range of activities including teaching replacement costs, costs for incoming fellowships from the partner organisation, postdoctoral or administrative support, travel and subsistence expenses, and workshops. The scheme aims to allow researchers to create new partnerships with external entities more generally, collaboratively shape research agendas, contribute to future research funding applications (including match-funding for studentships in the DTPs), and further facilitate impact generating activities.

Award: Up to £20,000 cover 100% of directly incurred costs.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Lucy Sheerman


MathWorks-CUED Small Grant Programme

Summary: Cambridge University Engineering Department (CUED) seeks proposals for short-term projects for developing innovative education curricula and/or research programme. The selected projects will be funded based on the donation from The MathWorks Ltd., and a total of £50k is available for this funding round to fund up to five projects. This call seeks small proposals for projects starting any time after February 1st, 2022, and ending before January 31, 2023. The MathWorks-CUED Small Grant Programme plans to install three similar calls in the next few years.

Award: Maximum £15,000.
Deadline: 14 January 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Fumiya Iida


Cambridge Humanities Research Grants

Summary: The Cambridge Humanities Research Grants scheme (CHRG) supports research in the arts, humanities and social sciences across the University. The scheme welcomes applications from any independent researcher holding a current contract of employment at the point of application.

The Scheme is designed to enable researchers to conduct small-scale research activities, of the highest quality, that will enable them to bid successfully for larger-scale funding from external sponsors, and/or to generate publications, and/or to contribute materially in other ways towards the research objectives of their home institution.

Applications may be made at any time in the year, for the next available gathered field, with outcomes known approximately six weeks later. 

Award: varies depending on scheme between £1,500 and £20,000
Deadline: 15 January 2024
Contact: AHSS Research Strategy at:


University Diversity Fund (UDF) 2023-2024

Summary: The latest round of the University Diversity Fund (UDF) is now open to applications from University staff and students. The UDF provides grants of up to £1,500 to projects across the University that meet at least one of the four objectives:  

  1. Raise awareness about issues related to equality and inclusion, and challenge inequalities such as racism, gender inequality, disablism or homophobia 
  2. Increase the representation of women, racially minoritised staff and students and other underrepresented groups 
  3. Address barriers faced by particular groups 
  4. Facilitate the implementation of good practice in equality and inclusion. 

Additionally, there will be funding (£1,500 each) for three projects focusing specifically on anti-racism. 
The closing date for applications is Monday 22 January 2024 at 5pm. Full details can be found on the Race Equality website, which includes examples of previous projects that have been supported by the fund.  

Award: £1,500
Deadline: 22 January 2024
Contact: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Section


Social Venture Support

Summary: Cambridge Enterprise is looking to invest £20k into two innovative social ventures and would like to hear from any self-identifying social ventures so that they can understand your challenges and co-create the support offering.
Cambridge Enterprise is looking to:

  • Invest £20k in two amazing social ventures
  • Hear from as many social ventures in the ecosystem so we can co-create how we approach social venture support

Register your interest if your company has (1) a social or environmental mission at its core, (2) has a legal structure limited by shares, and (3) has a strong connection to UCam

Register your interest here! Please register by January 31st to be considered.

Award: varies depending on project
Deadline: 31 January 2024
Contact: Emily Arnold


West Hub Researchers Fund

Summary: For Postdocs and Researchers who want to foster collaboration and socialisation through relaxed events with guest speakers, discussions and casual socials. Funding covers speaker fees, travel costs and catering.
Award: Up to £2,000
Deadline: 15 February 2024


West Hub Community Fund

Summary: Funding open to ALL University of Cambridge community members who want to organise engaging and inclusive events for the local community, such as exhibitions, concerts, sports activities, wellbeing seminars, arts and craft classes for children's events.
Award: Up to £1,000
Deadline: 15 February 2024



CRoSS Programme: Ideas Incubator

12 January 2024, deadline for Expressions of Interest
29 January 2024 to 08 March 2024


Do you have an idea for a social innovation with its roots in your research? You might be developing new methods or interventions, partnerships or networks, tools, platforms or services which could create real-world impact whether on a local or global scale. 

Want to learn more about how to make your idea a reality? Interested in meeting like-minded researchers and getting some tailored and practical support to propel your project beyond the research phase? 

We invite Expressions of Interest in the CRoSS Ideas Incubator programme, a support programme for researchers and their collaborators who are committed to creating social impact and are interested in exploring socially responsible innovation models and/or social entrepreneurship.  

This incubator is focussed on establishing new products and services which can deliver measurable and scalable social or environmental impact, whether enabled by research evidence, practice, lived experience, technologies, or expertise.  

All disciplines are welcome: we will prioritise applications with a strong emphasis on understanding and tackling societal and environmental challenges. 

We especially welcome applications from researchers in arts, humanities and social sciences and from inter/multi-disciplinary projects; and from researchers who have previously been involved in public engagement or policy engagement and are curious about entrepreneurial and innovation pathways.


Engaged Researcher - Introduction to Policy Engagement

15 January 2024, 10:00 to 12:00. West Hub, West Room 1

In this session Dr Holmes-Henderson (Durham University) and Owen Garling (Bennett Institute for Public Policy at the University of Cambridge) will explain routes into policy engagement for researchers in Humanities and Social Sciences disciplines. They will explain the benefits for academics and their institutions of sharing academic research with policymakers in government, parliament and the devolved nations. This will be a practical and interactive session, with the opportunity to ask questions and design a strategy for getting started.


Engaged Researcher Online - Working with Schools

16 January 2024, 10:00 to 11:30. Online

Engaging young people with your research can be very worthwhile and rewarding. This training session will support you with your public engagement work with schools by introducing you to the UK school system and discussing how public engagement work can fit with existing school priorities. We will consider ways in which your work can make an impact and briefly consider how public engagement can work with underrepresented groups and contribute to diversity and inclusion initiatives. You’ll be introduced to ways in which the University already works with schools to provide you with ideas for collaboration. Lastly, we’ll begin to think about how to plan and design activities suitable for school audiences.


Engaged Researcher Online - Introduction to Public Engagement

16 January 2024, 11:00 to 12:00. Online

We’ll be looking at the what, why and how of public engagement and introducing you to ways to plan an effective public engagement project. Topics:

  • The what: definitions of public engagement, who are the public, what activities count as engagement, what are the goals?
  • The why: University commitment to PE, REF, Funders
  • The how: the Logic Model approach to planning PE, practical considerations, moving engagement online and opportunities at the University.


Engaged Researcher Online - Evaluation of Public Engagement

17 January 2024, 10:00 to 12:00. Online

Successful public engagement can benefit research, researchers and the public – but how do you go about demonstrating this change? This workshop will guide you through the best evaluation processes showing you when, why and crucially how, to use evaluation to give you reliable and clear data. Demonstrate success to funders; record Impact for REF; learn how to improve your processes and have a better understanding of the people you are connecting with.



Engaged Researcher Online - Video training: Shooting and Editing

19 January 2024. Online
26 January 2024. Online
2 February 2024. Online

Why is YouTube popular? Because people love watching videos. A research video can be a great way to get your message across to your collaborators, your friends, and the wider world as well as being a condition of some funding bodies.

But it isn't easy to do well - and this is where this course will make a difference. Come along and learn the skills needed to plan, shoot & edit high quality footage for research videos so that your video can stand out from the crowd. You just need yourself, a camera phone and your enthusiasm!


Engaged Researcher - The Conversation media training

24 January 2024, 14:00 to 16:00. Online

Are you an academic, researcher or PhD candidate who would like to build a media profile and take your research to a global public audience by writing for The Conversation?

The Conversation is a news analysis and opinion website with content written by academics working with professional journalists. It is an open access, independent media charity funded by more than 80 UK and European universities.
In this interactive session we'll take you through what The Conversation is - our origins and aims; what we do and why.

We’ll look at why you should communicate your research to the public and take you through The Conversation’s unique, collaborative editorial process. We’ll give you tips on style, tone and structure (with examples), look at how to pitch (with examples) and look at different approaches and article types.


Engaged Researcher - Working with Museums

26 January 2-24, 10:00 to 11:15. Babington Room, MAA

The eight University of Cambridge Museums (UCM) and Botanic Garden represent the UK’s highest concentration of internationally important collections outside London. With more than five million works of art, artefacts, and specimens, the collections have supported nearly 300 years of investigation into the world around us. Today, we work to deepen understanding of our world, inspire new thinking, and address local and global challenges.

How can researchers get involved with the work of the museums? Or make links to the varied collections? This training session will introduce participants to museums in general as well as work and collections of the UCM.

AHSS Bulletin December 2023

AHSS Bulletin: December 2023

 UK Research Council Funding 

•    ESRC responsive mode: research grants round two (Open Call) ESRC
•    ESRC responsive mode: working with Luxembourg researchers round two (Open Call) ESRC
•    ESRC responsive mode: secondary data analysis round two (Open Call) ESRC
•    ESRC responsive mode: UKRI-SBE lead agency opportunity round two (Open Call) ESRC
•    National Crime and Justice Laboratory Academic Lead (11 January 2024) ESRC and Home Office
•    Apply to become the Hub for Public Engagement with Music Research (16 January 2024) AHRC
•    AHRC responsive mode: Catalyst Award: round two (30 January 2024) AHRC
•    AHRC responsive mode: Curiosity Award: round two (30 January 2024) AHRC
•    AHRC: DFG research grants round six (2023 to 2024) (20 February 2024) AHRC
•    International Fellowships for Doctoral and Early Career Researchers 2024 (12 March 2024) AHRC
•    AHRC Responsive Mode: Standard Research Grant - Round Three (26 March 2024) AHRC
•    ACCESS Flexible Fund Round 2 (26 April 2024) ESRC
•    AHRC Innovation Scholars secondments in design: second round (30 April 2024) AHRC
•    Doctoral focal awards in the arts and humanities (2 July 2024) AHRC


    EU/International Funding 

•    Horizon Europe Update: UK Eligibility Update
•    Horizon Europe Main Work Programme (various dates)
•    Proof of Concept Grant (expected deadlines: 14 March 2024 and 17 September 2024)
•    ERC Advanced Grant (expected deadline: 20 August 2024)


Charity Funding 

•    Leverhulme Study Abroad Studentships (09 January 2024)
•    The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and The British Academy Knowledge Frontiers Symposium (24 January 2024)
•    British Academy Conferences (24 January 2024)
•    Leverhulme Medal and Prize (31 January 2024)
•    Wellcome Trust Early-Career Award (15 February 2024)
•    Wellcome Trust Career Development Award (11 April 2024)
•    Wellcome Trust Discovery Awards (16 April 2024)
•    Leverhulme Visiting Professorship (2 May 2024)


 Internal Funding 

•    Large Grant Contribution Fund (rolling deadline; minimum 4 weeks before funder deadline)
•    REF Impact Fund (rolling deadline)
•    All-Council Rapid Impact Acceleration Account Call (rolling deadline)
•    AHRC Knowledge Exchange Fellowship Scheme (rolling deadline)
•    Social Science Impact Fund Collaborations Call 2023-2024 (20 December 2023)
•    MathWorks-CUED Small Grant Programme (14 January 2024)
•    Cambridge Humanities Research Grants (15 January 2024)
•    University Diversity Fund (UDF) 2023-2024 (22 January 2024)
•    Social Venture Support (31 January 2024)



•    Horizon Europe Information Session (6 and 7 December 2023)
•    Engaged Researcher Online - Mastering TED style Research Talks (7 December 2023)
•    Engaged Researcher - Introduction to Policy Engagement (15 January 2024)
•    Engaged Researcher Online - Working with Schools (16 January 2024)
•    Engaged Researcher Online - Introduction to Public Engagement (16 January 2024)
•    Engaged Researcher Online - Evaluation of Public Engagement (17 January 2024)
•    Engaged Researcher Online - Video training: Shooting and Editing (19 and 26 January 2024 and 2 February 2024)
•    Engaged Researcher - The Conversation media training (24 January 2024)
•    Engaged Researcher - Working with Museums (26 January 2024)

ESRC responsive mode: research grants round two

Summary: This flexible opportunity funds basic, applied and strategic research from any disciplines and on any topics within ESRC’s remit. Ambitious and novel proposals addressing new concepts and techniques are encouraged, as are those with the potential for significant scientific or societal and economic impact. 
There are no thematic or methodological priorities; we will fund the highest quality proposals received, regardless of focus or approach.
Award: Between £350,000 to £1 million fEC funded at 80% for projects up to five years in duration.
Deadline: Open Call
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

ESRC responsive mode: working with Luxembourg researchers round two

Summary: You can submit a collaborative research proposal in any area of the social sciences within the remit of ESRC and FNR. 
UK and Luxembourg applicants should ensure that their joint applications are well balanced, with clear roles and objectives attributed to both sides of the collaboration. Within the joint applications, the UK collaborator should be the lead applicant contributing with a slightly higher research effort.
We will fund basic, applied and strategic research from any disciplines and on any topics within ESRC’s remit. Ambitious and novel proposals addressing new concepts and techniques are encouraged, as are those with the potential for significant scientific or societal and economic impact. There are no thematic or methodological priorities; we will fund the highest quality proposals received, regardless of focus or approach.
Award: Between £350,000 to £1 million fEC funded at 80%. Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR) will pay all justified costs for Luxembourg submitted through their system.
Deadline: Open Call
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

ESRC responsive mode: secondary data analysis round two

Summary: This funding opportunity supports research that exploits existing data resources for social and economic research. Applicants have considerable flexibility to focus on any subject area or topic providing that it falls within the ESRC’s remit.

This funding opportunity also aims to develop the capacity and skills of social sciences communities in using large and complex existing data resources. We encourage partnerships with non-academic stakeholders to ensure generation of high-impact, policy and practitioner-relevant research.

Award: Up to £300,000 fEC funded at 80% for projects up to 24 months.
Deadline: Open Call
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

ESRC responsive mode: UKRI-SBE lead agency opportunity round two

Summary: You can submit a collaborative research proposal in any area of the social sciences within the remits of ESRC and NSF-SBE. 
ESRC will fund basic, applied and strategic research from any disciplines and on any topics within our remit. Ambitious and novel proposals addressing new concepts and techniques are encouraged, as are those with the potential for significant scientific or societal and economic impact. There are no thematic or methodological priorities; we will fund the highest quality proposals received, regardless of focus or approach.
Award: Between £350,000 to £1 million fEC funded at 80% for the UK part of the budget.
Deadline: Open Call
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

National Crime and Justice Laboratory Academic Lead

Summary:  Apply for a 12-month opportunity for a senior academic to provide leadership and strategic guidance to the National Crime and Justice Laboratory at the Home Office. You will advance efforts to derive new insights from Home Office data to guide criminal justice system policy and shape the direction of research, and explore how to make this data available to the academic community.
Award: Up to £120,000 fEC funded at 80%.
Deadline: 11 January 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Apply to become the Hub for Public Engagement with Music Research

Summary:  AHRC is funding one research organisation to become the Hub for Public Engagement with Music Research between 2024 and 2026. Through a framework of devolved funding, the hub will be expected to award, coordinate and support a cohort of four spoke projects across the UK that will engage new and diverse public audiences in participatory music research and engagement activities that are innovative, inspiring and impactful. 
The Hub will have oversight of all of the projects and will act in a coordinating capacity. The Hub is not permitted to award funding to spoke projects based at any of the organisations where members of the Hub Leadership Team are based.
Award: Up to £812,500 fEC funded at 80%.
Deadline: 16 January 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

AHRC responsive mode: Catalyst Award: round two

Summary: Catalyst awards support researchers without prior experience of leading a significant research project to accelerate their trajectory as independent researchers, unlocking their potential and building leadership and convenor experience through the delivery of ambitious or complex projects. 
The scheme takes a people-centred approach with funding available to support the development of researchers and their research ideas. It is flexible, and applications are welcomed from teams, networks and solo researchers.
Development is at the core of this scheme; projects must clearly articulate how the funding will contribute to the development of all those involved through the way that the project has been designed and will be managed, with appropriate support structures in place.
Award: Up to £300,000 fEC funded at 80%.
Deadline: 30 January 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

AHRC responsive mode: Curiosity Award: round two

Summary: Curiosity awards support early-stage ambitious and novel fundamental research which has the potential to act as a springboard towards new and exciting research agendas.  
The funding opportunity is intentionally flexible. An indicative list of examples of the activities we will fund are provided as follows. You are encouraged to request and justify costs for activities that best meet the aims of your project. This may include:
•    idea generation
•    seed corn funding
•    high risk and high potential concepts
•    novel research
•    networking activity
•    partnership building
•    knowledge exchange
•    public engagement
•    international collaboration
•    scoping and piloting, for example, early-stage proof of concept for ideas or change of direction
•    pivots in research focus at any career stage
•    mentoring for members of the research team
NB: this is not a prescriptive or exhaustive list.
Award: Up to £100,000 fEC funded at 80% for projects up to five years in duration.
Deadline: 30 January 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

AHRC: DFG research grants round six (2023 to 2024)

Summary: Both AHRC and DFG are aware that some of the best research can only be achieved by working with the best researchers internationally. Accordingly, the aims of the funding opportunity are: 
•    to support academic research of the highest quality in the humanities undertaken by UK-German teams, whose primary aim is to make fundamental advances in human knowledge
•    to deepen and strengthen cooperation between UK and German researchers in the humanities, and to foster the growth of a transnational UK-German research culture
The funding opportunity will be open to applications addressing any research topic where there is significant potential to advance knowledge through collaborative research bringing together arts and humanities researchers in the UK, whose research falls within the remit of the AHRC, and humanities researchers in Germany.

Award: Up to £420,000 fEC funded at 80% for projects between 24 and 36 months in duration.
Deadline: 20 February 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

International Fellowships for Doctoral and Early Career Researchers 2024

Summary: The International Placement Scheme (IPS) provides early career researchers, and AHRC-funded and ESRC-funded doctoral students, with inclusive and dedicated access to the internationally renowned collections, programmes and expertise held at IPS host institutions. Fellowships are available at: 
o    Harry Ransom Center
o    Huntington Library
o    Library of Congress
o    Smithsonian Institution
o    Yale Centre for British Art

o    National Institutes for the Humanities (NIHU)

o    Shanghai Theatre Academy

You will receive £1,000 for travel and visa costs (£1,200 for travel to Japan and China) and £1,925 for each month of the fellowship. You can apply for two to six months of funding.
Award: Between £4,850 and £12,750.
Deadline: 12 March 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

AHRC Responsive Mode: Standard Research Grant - Round Three

Summary: We’re looking for individual researchers with proposals for well-defined collaborative research projects. However, you may include elements of individual research if you can show how this will add value. 
Collaborations can involve:
•    a single institution or a combination of institutions
•    researchers working in different research areas
•    disciplines within the arts and humanities, or between an arts and humanities discipline and another subject area. In such collaborations the arts and humanities element of the project should lead in shaping the research questions, methods and so on
•    researchers working in other sectors
•    researchers based abroad
The proposed collaboration should be appropriate for the specific needs of the research project.
We expect the project lead and any project co-leads to devote an average of at least four hours per week to the project.

Award: Between £300,000 and £1,500,00 fEC funded at 80% for projects up to five years in duration.
Deadline: 26 March 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

ACCESS Flexible Fund Round 2

Summary: We are looking to make three awards to projects that contribute to the ACCESS project's main goal to enhance the visibility, use and impact of climate and environmental social science. Projects will be expected to deliver at least TWO of the following outcomes: 
•    New ideas or frameworks
•    New methods of translating evidence or insights (e.g. communication tools)
•    New netowrks
•    Development of new skills of capacities
•    Increased use of social science amongst specific target groups, for example people in diverse sectors (business/industry, civil society, public sector, journalists and media actors) or non-social scientist disciplinary experts (e.g. natural scientists, engineering and physical scientists).
Applcations to Round 2 must have an early career researcher on the project team, either playing a Principal Investigator (Project Lead) or Co-Investigator role.
Award: Between £200,000 and £240,000 funded at 100% fEC for projects up to 2 years in duration.
Deadline: 26 March 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

AHRC Innovation Scholars secondments in design: second round

Summary: Apply for funding to develop your skills and exchange knowledge through the UKRI Innovation Scholars programme. This secondment opportunity is focused on design. For this AHRC opportunity, the aim is to enhance the skills and careers of individuals in design research and innovation. This will be achieved through funding individual secondments focused on research and innovation, with networking events for the secondees. 
You must have a desire to proactively engage with design and the motivation to work within it. Interdisciplinary secondment proposals as well as practice-based ones will be welcomed.
Your secondment is expected to:
•    boost your skills, knowledge, networking opportunities and therefore career development
•    intensify knowledge exchange and create porosity between different sectors, resulting in innovative outputs
•    bring benefits to your host organisation
•    add value to the design sector and the UK economy
Projects can last between six months and 36 months and can be full or part-time, or hybrid (a combination of part-time and full-time).
Award: Up to £200,000 funded at 100% for eligible salary, travel and subsistence costs.
Deadline: 30 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Doctoral focal awards in the arts and humanities

Summary: Formerly pre-announced as focused Centres for Doctoral Training, this is the same funding opportunity but under a new name to align it with other upcoming UKRI doctoral funding opportunities. 
To be the lead applicant, you must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for AHRC funding with capacity in the arts and humanities for creative economy or for a healthy planet, people, and place.
Each proposal must include:
•    doctoral training and professional development
•    mechanisms for increasing representation of students from underrepresented groups

Webinars for potential applicants 
AHRC will hold two information webinars for potential applicants and partners, and two online surgery events for applicants who are in the process of preparing their proposals. This will provide more information about the funding opportunity and a chance to ask questions. 

These online events will last 60 minutes each and take place on the following dates:
•    Tuesday 5 December 2023 11:00am UK time, webinar for all interested parties
•    Wednesday 28 February 2024 2:00pm UK time, webinar for small specialist institutions
•    Wednesday 20 March 2024 2:00pm UK time, online surgery for all applicants
•    Thursday 20 June 2024 10:00am UK time, online surgery for all applicants
Deadline: 2 July 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Horizon Europe Update: UK Eligibility Update

Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023 (and previous years)
Successful UK applicants to calls under the Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023 (and previous years) will be funded under the UKRI Guarantee Funding. This Guarantee Funding has recently been extended to cover successful applications made by UK-based businesses and researchers to calls under the Horizon Europe 2021, 2022 or 2023 work programmes. 
Horizon Europe 2024 Work Programme Calls
Successful UK applicants will be funded by the EU, under the Horizon Europe Programme.
Updates on Association: Please visit the Research Operation Office’s EU pages.

Horizon Europe Main Work Programme

This PDF offers further details on calls relevant to SAHSS.  This list is not exhaustive so please refer the Horizon Europe Portal for full details. UKRO also have some very useful Factsheets that outline the thematic clusters that make up the three pillars of research support offered.
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner
Highlighted notices:
Arts and cultural awareness and expression in education and training

Deadline: 07 February 2024

Cultural and creative industries for a sustainable climate transition

Deadline: 07 February 2024

Combating hate speech online and offline

Deadline: 20 November 2024

Digital solutions to foster participative design, planning and management of buildings, neighbourhoods and urban districts (Built4People Partnership)

Deadline: 21 January 2025 

Proof of Concept Grant

Summary: The ERC Proof of Concept Grants aim at facilitating exploration of the commercial and social innovation potential of ERC funded research, by funding further work (i.e. activities which were not scheduled to be funded by the original ERC frontier research grant) to verify the innovation potential of ideas arising from ERC funded projects. Proof of Concept Grants are therefore on offer only to Principal Investigators whose proposals draw substantially on their ERC funded research.
Award: up to € 150,000 for a period of 18 months.
Deadline: 14 March 2024 and 17 September 2024 (tentative deadlines)
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner

ERC Advanced Grant

Summary: The ERC Advanced Grant is for established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements in the last 10 years. PIs should be exceptional leaders in terms of originality and significance of their research contributions.
Award: € 2.5 million for a period of 5 years. An additional € 1 million can be requested to cover start-up costs, the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities.
Deadline: 29 August 2024, tentative deadline
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner

Leverhulme Study Abroad Studentships

Summary: For students to study or undertake research at a centre of learning in any country except the UK or USA. Studentships are tenable for between 12 and 24 months. The Trust offers approximately 25 Study Abroad Studentships each year.
Award: Students receive a basic annual maintenance allowance of £23,040.
Deadline: 09 January 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and The British Academy Knowledge Frontiers Symposium

Summary: The symposium will bring together around fifteen early career researchers from the UK and fifteen from Germany (understood as up to ten years after obtaining a PhD) from across the humanities and social sciences to discuss key questions around the theme of ‘Natures, Cultures and Communities’. The symposium is designed specifically to encourage collaboration and networking.

In order to incentivise long-term collaboration and networking, seed funding will be made available for which participants can apply. These collaborations must be international in their makeup, and can be either partnerships or groups. This funding is designed to facilitate collaborations that are formed directly from the symposium.

Award: The symposium will take place in Berlin, Germany, from the 5-8 June 2024. The costs of travel, visas and accommodation for participants will be covered. Participants should attend the entire symposium programme and be available to travel on transport options chosen by the British Academy.

Deadline: 24 January 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

British Academy Conference

Summary: The Academy expects to fund up to 18 conferences each year. The Academy will host a maximum of three conferences at its own premises in London, alongside offering awards for conferences to be held at other UK venues or online. In some instances where the proposer has indicated that the British Academy would be their preferred venue, the Academy may instead offer funds to enable a conference to be held elsewhere.

For conferences that are hosted by the Academy, the Academy will: handle the administration and delivery of the event (including venue hire, catering, ticketing and registration), technical facilitation (including set-up and delivery), financial transactions (including speaker travel and accommodation).

Award: Up to £20,000. Many awards will be made at a lower level, such the sums in the region of £8,000-£15,000 likely.
Deadline: 24 January 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Leverhulme Medal and Prize

Summary: The award is made in partnership with The Leverhulme Trust. The first award was in 2002, to mark the Academy's centenary. In 2024 nominations are accepted for individuals who have made a significant contribution to the social sciences. Any individual can be nominated for the prize (they do not need to be a Fellow of the British Academy). Nominations can be made by any individual (they do not need to be a Fellow of the British Academy).

How to nominate
Nominations for this award are open from 1 December 2023 to 31 January 2024. Entries should be submitted electronically to

In the body of the email, clearly state: 
•    Name of the prize or medal
•    Name of nominee
•    Nominee’s position/institution and email address
•    Nominee’s principal area of academic distinction
•    Supporting statement (250 words)
•    Nominator’s name and your British Academy section (if applicable)
•    Declaration of any institutional or personal interest
The deadline for submissions is 31 January each year. Nominations will be reviewed, and the winner selected, by the relevant panel.

If you have any queries submitting a nomination, please email

Award: £5,000
Deadline: 31 January 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Wellcome Trust Early-Career Awards

Summary: This scheme provides funding for early-career researchers from any discipline who are ready to develop their research identity. The researcher will deliver shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. By the end of the aware, they will be ready to lead their own independent research programme. Project duration is usually 5 years, but may be less for some disciplines and longer if held on a part-time basis.
Award: £400,000
Deadline: 15 February 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Wellcome Trust Career Development Awards

Summary: This scheme provides funding for mid-career researchers from any discipline who have the potential to be international research leaders. They will develop their research capabilities, drive innovative programmes of work and deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing.
Award: Provides a salary for the grantholder (if required) and research expenses. Please request for level and duration of funding that's justifiable for your proposed research.
Deadline: 11 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Wellcome Trust Discovery Awards

Summary: This scheme provides funding for established researchers and teams from any discipline who want to pursue bold and creative research ideas to deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. The award usually lasts for 8 years, but may be less for some disciplines, such as humanities and social science.
Award: Limit not specified. It is expected that the PI requests an amount that is appropriate to the project.
Deadline: 16 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Leverhulme Visiting Professorship

Summary: For UK institutions to invite an eminent senior professor from overseas, to bring genuinely novel expertise and enhance the skills and knowledge of academic staff and students in an underrepresented area in the UK. Priority will be given to new or recent collaborations and visits with a variety of activities beyond research.
Award: Applications are invited for a minimum of £10,000 and a maximum of £150,000.
Deadline: 02 May 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Large Grant Contribution Fund

Summary: Research grant applications for funding over £1 million for AHSS subject areas can request financial contributions from this fund. Funding may be requested for activities that are complementary to the external funding and contributions from Departments / Schools / Non-school institutions. Activities that add value in the following areas are particularly encouraged: widening participation and inclusion; improving partnerships locally / nationally / internationally; capacity and capability building; working with less advantaged partners. Leveraging funding for existing grant awards is not in the remit of this fund. All applications must include one or more external partners and only applications led by Cambridge PIs are eligible.
Award: Up to 10% of the award value. PI buyout and equipment are not eligible costs for request.
Deadline: Minimum 4 weeks before funder deadline.
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik and

REF Impact Funding

Summary: Internal funding is available from the Research Strategy Office to support the development of the University’s REF impact submission. It is expected that successful applications will fund impact activities that may feed into potential impact case studies only where no other monies are available. Applications will be reviewed by the Impact and Knowledge Exchange Team. 

Submissions may include (but are not restricted to): 
•    Support for gathering feedback from public engagement activities
•    Economic health monitoring
•    Surveying/engaging with research users to evaluate impact
•    Independent evaluation of impacts
•    Resource to collate citations in policy documents
Award: Up to £10,000.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Please contact your relevant member of the Impact and Knowledge Exchange Team.

All-Council Rapid Response Impact Acceleration Account Call

Summary: The All-Council Rapid Response Impact Acceleration Account Call is now open to support a wide range of impact activities when researchers are confronted by time-sensitive opportunities or need to test new ideas quickly. This call supports interdisciplinary projects, open to PIs and ECRs with PIs as co-applicants.

Proposed projects must support ‘on the ground’ impact and knowledge exchange activities, which enable researchers at all levels to engage with the public, private and third sectors, and provides a sustainable support structure within the University to promote wider and more effective engagement with external non-academic organisations.Project can be up to three months in duration.

Award: Up to £15,000 per application.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Lucy Sheerman

AHRC IAA Knowledge Exchange Fellowship Scheme

Summary: The AHRC IAA Knowledge Exchange Fellowship Scheme promotes strategic partnerships with non-HEI organisations across the arts and humanities at the University of Cambridge. The fund supports partnership building with specific organisations such as (but not limited to) museums, theatres, social enterprises, NGOs, and government departments. Funds are available for a range of activities including teaching replacement costs, costs for incoming fellowships from the partner organisation, postdoctoral or administrative support, travel and subsistence expenses, and workshops. The scheme aims to allow researchers to create new partnerships with external entities more generally, collaboratively shape research agendas, contribute to future research funding applications (including match-funding for studentships in the DTPs), and further facilitate impact generating activities.

Award: Up to £20,000 cover 100% of directly incurred costs.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Lucy Sheerman

Social Science Impact Fund Collaborations Call 2023-2024

Summary: The Social Science Impact Fund aims to support the transfer of social science research and expertise to non-academic partners and collaborators. Social Science research areas can be found here. This funding is specifically aimed at undertaking knowledge exchange opportunities and activities in collaboration with an external partner. 

What activities can be funded? 
Applicants should focus on formulating a robust proposal that supports collaborative efforts with external research users. This can include business, public and third sector organisations, community bodies and the wider public. Proposals should detail activities designed to exchange research, knowledge, and expertise.  
This can include:  
•    Travel and subsistence to meet potential stakeholders outside of Cambridge; 
•    Attendance at conferences or events at which the applicant aims to connect with potential research users and collaborators; 
•    Seed funding for building new partnerships and projects that may lead to larger research funding opportunities; 
•    Or funding for the co-design and co-production of outputs or materials for knowledge exchange and impact.
Earliest start date is 1 February 2024 and projects must end by 31 July 2024 at the latest.

Award: Up to £10,000 cover 100% of directly incurred costs for projects up to 6 months in duration.
Deadline: 20 December 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Tina Basi

MathWorks-CUED Small Grant Programme

Summary: Cambridge University Engineering Department (CUED) seeks proposals for short-term projects for developing innovative education curricula and/or research programme. The selected projects will be funded based on the donation from The MathWorks Ltd., and a total of £50k is available for this funding round to fund up to five projects. This call seeks small proposals for projects starting any time after February 1st, 2022, and ending before January 31, 2023. The MathWorks-CUED Small Grant Programme plans to install three similar calls in the next few years.

Award: Maximum £15,000.
Deadline: 14 January 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Fumiya Iida

Cambridge Humanities Research Grants

Summary: The Cambridge Humanities Research Grants scheme (CHRG) supports research in the arts, humanities and social sciences across the University. The scheme welcomes applications from any independent researcher holding a current contract of employment at the point of application.
The Scheme is designed to enable researchers to conduct small-scale research activities, of the highest quality, that will enable them to bid successfully for larger-scale funding from external sponsors, and/or to generate publications, and/or to contribute materially in other ways towards the research objectives of their home institution.
Applications may be made at any time in the year, for the next available gathered field, with outcomes known approximately six weeks later. 
Award: varies depending on scheme between £1,500 and £20,000
Deadline: 15 January 2024
Contact: AHSS Research Strategy at:

University Diversity Fund (UDF) 2023-2024

Summary: The latest round of the University Diversity Fund (UDF) is now open to applications from University staff and students. The UDF provides grants of up to £1,500 to projects across the University that meet at least one of the four objectives:  
1.    Raise awareness about issues related to equality and inclusion, and challenge inequalities such as racism, gender inequality, disablism or homophobia 
2.    Increase the representation of women, racially minoritised staff and students and other underrepresented groups 
3.    Address barriers faced by particular groups 
4.    Facilitate the implementation of good practice in equality and inclusion. 
Additionally, there will be funding (£1,500 each) for three projects focusing specifically on anti-racism. 
The closing date for applications is Monday 22 January 2024 at 5pm. Full details can be found on the Race Equality website, which includes examples of previous projects that have been supported by the fund.  
Award: £1,500
Deadline: 22 January 2024
Contact: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Section

Social Venture Support

Summary: Cambridge Enterprise is looking to invest £20k into two innovative social ventures and would like to hear from any self-identifying social ventures so that they can understand your challenges and co-create the support offering.
Cambridge Enterprise is looking to:
•    Invest £20k in two amazing social ventures
•    Hear from as many social ventures in the ecosystem so we can co-create how we approach social venture support
Register your interest if your company has (1) a social or environmental mission at its core, (2) has a legal structure limited by shares, and (3) has a strong connection to UCam

Register your interest here! Please register by January 31st to be considered.

Award: varies depending on project
Deadline: 31 January 2024
Contact: Emily Arnold

Horizon Europe Information Session

6 and 7 December 2023

Following the long-awaited UK association to Horizon Europe, the Research Office invites academic and professional services staff across the University on 6 and 7 December 2023 to information sessions led by representatives of the UK Research Office Brussels (UKRO). 
Cambridge researchers' participation in Horizon Europe calls has continued throughout the uncertainties after Brexit. The overall success rates of the University have remained high throughout Horizon 2020 and even improved for Horizon Europe to date. University’s average success rate across H2020 and Horizon Europe is between 1:4 and 1:5. On 7 September 2023, the UK Government and the EU announced the UK’s association to the Horizon Europe and Copernicus Programmes, to enter into force on 1 January 2024. Cambridge’s increased success rate indicates great potential for researchers following the UK’s full association to Horizon Europe.
The in-person and online information sessions address important legal and financial changes under Horizon Europe, upcoming funding opportunities, advice on consortia building, proposal development and assessment criteria as well as available support. They will cover the European Research Council (ERC) as well as collaborative, interdisciplinary funding calls under the seven thematic clusters (1) health, (2) culture, creativity, inclusive society, (3) civil security for society, (4) digital, industry and space, (6) climate, energy and mobility and (7) food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment. 

The dedicated European Advisor for the University of Cambridge and the UK Marie Sklodowska Curie National Contact Point (UKRO) will present latest updates. The events will be held at the WestHub as well as online. In-person participation is encouraged where possible.
1.    Horizon Europe Funding Opportunities for Researchers – Thursday 7 December 2023, WestHub, East Room 2,- for academic and professional services staff. Visit the event page for more information on the agenda and how to book your place.  
2.    Horizon Europe Programme, Legal and Financial Matters (including Horizon 2020) - Wednesday 6 December 2023, WestHub, West 1 Meeting Room, – for professional services staff. Visit the event page for more information on the agenda and how to book your place
Contact: Selda Ulutas Aydogan

Engaged Researcher Online - Mastering TED style Research Talks

7 December 2023, 10:00 to 13:00. Online 
Unlock the power of captivating research presentations with our exclusive online course: Mastering TED-Style Research Talks. In just 3 hours, gain essential skills to engage, inspire, and leave a lasting impact on any audience.

Discover the art of attention-grabbing hooks that make your research impossible to ignore. Learn captivating storytelling techniques to create a narrative arc that keeps listeners on the edge of their seats. Unleash the heroes within your research, emotionally connecting your audience to your work.

Our expert instructor will guide you through delivering complex research to a lay audience with clarity and depth. Master the use of simple visuals to make your data come alive and leave a lasting impression.
Delve into the personal side of research, revealing why audiences want to see a glimpse of the person, not just the research findings. Forge an authentic connection that elevates your talk from informative to unforgettable.
Receive personalised guidance on your talk, honing your content, delivery, structure, and engagement skills.

Enroll in Mastering TED-Style Research Talks today and revolutionise how you share your transformative discoveries with the world. Join now and give your science communication skills a boost!

Engaged Researcher - Introduction to Policy Engagement

15 January 2024, 10:00 to 12:00. West Hub, West Room 1 
In this session Dr Holmes-Henderson (Durham University) and Owen Garling (Bennett Institute for Public Policy at the University of Cambridge) will explain routes into policy engagement for researchers in Humanities and Social Sciences disciplines. They will explain the benefits for academics and their institutions of sharing academic research with policymakers in government, parliament and the devolved nations. This will be a practical and interactive session, with the opportunity to ask questions and design a strategy for getting started.

Engaged Researcher Online - Working with Schools

16 January 2024, 10:00 to 11:30. Online 
Engaging young people with your research can be very worthwhile and rewarding. This training session will support you with your public engagement work with schools by introducing you to the UK school system and discussing how public engagement work can fit with existing school priorities. We will consider ways in which your work can make an impact and briefly consider how public engagement can work with underrepresented groups and contribute to diversity and inclusion initiatives. You’ll be introduced to ways in which the University already works with schools to provide you with ideas for collaboration. Lastly, we’ll begin to think about how to plan and design activities suitable for school audiences.

Engaged Researcher Online - Introduction to Public Engagement

16 January 2024, 11:00 to 12:00. Online 
We’ll be looking at the what, why and how of public engagement and introducing you to ways to plan an effective public engagement project. Topics:
•    The what: definitions of public engagement, who are the public, what activities count as engagement, what are the goals?
•    The why: University commitment to PE, REF, Funders
•    The how: the Logic Model approach to planning PE, practical considerations, moving engagement online and opportunities at the University.

Engaged Researcher Online - Evaluation of Public Engagement

17 January 2024, 10:00 to 12:00. Online 
Successful public engagement can benefit research, researchers and the public – but how do you go about demonstrating this change? This workshop will guide you through the best evaluation processes showing you when, why and crucially how, to use evaluation to give you reliable and clear data. Demonstrate success to funders; record Impact for REF; learn how to improve your processes and have a better understanding of the people you are connecting with.

Engaged Researcher Online - Video training: Shooting and Editing

19 January 2024. Online
26 January 2024. Online
2 February 2024. Online 

Why is YouTube popular? Because people love watching videos. A research video can be a great way to get your message across to your collaborators, your friends, and the wider world as well as being a condition of some funding bodies.

But it isn't easy to do well - and this is where this course will make a difference. Come along and learn the skills needed to plan, shoot & edit high quality footage for research videos so that your video can stand out from the crowd. You just need yourself, a camera phone and your enthusiasm!

Engaged Researcher - The Conversation media training

24 January 2024, 14:00 to 16:00. Online 
Are you an academic, researcher or PhD candidate who would like to build a media profile and take your research to a global public audience by writing for The Conversation?

The Conversation is a news analysis and opinion website with content written by academics working with professional journalists. It is an open access, independent media charity funded by more than 80 UK and European universities.
In this interactive session we'll take you through what The Conversation is - our origins and aims; what we do and why.

We’ll look at why you should communicate your research to the public and take you through The Conversation’s unique, collaborative editorial process. We’ll give you tips on style, tone and structure (with examples), look at how to pitch (with examples) and look at different approaches and article types.

Engaged Researcher - Working with Museums

26 January 2-24, 10:00 to 11:15. Babington Room, MAA 
The eight University of Cambridge Museums (UCM) and Botanic Garden represent the UK’s highest concentration of internationally important collections outside London. With more than five million works of art, artefacts, and specimens, the collections have supported nearly 300 years of investigation into the world around us. Today, we work to deepen understanding of our world, inspire new thinking, and address local and global challenges.

How can researchers get involved with the work of the museums? Or make links to the varied collections? This training session will introduce participants to museums in general as well as work and collections of the UCM.


AHSS Bulletin November 2023

AHSS Research and Impact Facilitation Bulletin

November 2022


If you want to discuss funding opportunities or you are working on an application for research funding and would like feedback on a draft, please do contact the School’s Research Facilitators – Anna Cieslik (UK Funding) and Elizabeth Penner (EU/International Funding). 

You can find more information on the AHSS Research Website, search our External Funding Deadline Calendar and look at Previous Bulletins.  We are also now on Twitter! Follow us for updates on funding calls and information sessions.


UK Research Council Funding 

•    Maximising UK adaption to climate change hub, Notification of Intent (21 November 2023) URKI
•    Levelling Up sandpit (27 November 2023) ESRC
•    Expression of Interest: Adolescent Health Study call for study sites (04 December 2023) MRC and ESRC
•    AHRC responsive mode: working with Brazilian Researchers: round one (07 December 2023) AHRC
•    AHRC responsive mode: follow-on funding for impact and engagement: round two (07 December 2023) AHRC
•    AHRC responsive mode: standard research grant - round two (07 December 2023) AHRC
•    AHRC responsive mode: collaborate with researchers in Luxembourg - round one (07 December 2023) AHRC
•    AHRC responsive mode: UKRI NSF-SBE lead agency - round one (07 December 2023) AHRC
•    Synthesising research on evolving narratives of histories and cultures (15 December 2023) AHRC
•    Apply to become the Hub for Public Engagement with Music Research (16 January 2024) AHRC
•    ESRC responsive mode: research grants round two (25 January 2024) ESRC
•    ESRC responsive mode: working with Luxembourg researchers round two (25 January 2024) ESRC
•    ESRC responsive mode: secondary data analysis round two (25 January 2024) ESRC
•    ESRC responsive mode: UKRI-SBE lead agency opportunity round two (25 January 2024) ESRC
•    AHRC responsive mode: Catalyst Award: round two (30 January 2024) AHRC
•    AHRC responsive mode: Curiosity Award: round two (30 January 2024) AHRC
•    AHRC: DFG research grants round six (2023 to 2024) (20 February 2024) AHRC
•    AHRC Innovation Scholars secondments in design: second round (30 April 2024) AHRC


EU/International Funding 

•    Horizon Europe Update: UK Eligibility Update
•    Horizon Europe Main Work Programme (various dates)
•    ERC Consolidator Grant (12 December 2023)


Charity Funding 

•    British Academy Innovation Fellowships Scheme 2023-24 – Route B: Policy-led (Central Government) (22 November 2023)
•    ISRF Flexible Grants for Small Groups (30 November 2023)
•    BA International Writing Workshop (06 December 2023)
•    British Academy JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships for Overseas Researchers 2024 (13 December 2023)
•    Leverhulme Study Abroad Studentships (09 January 2024)
•    Wellcome Trust Early-Career Award (15 February 2024)
•    Wellcome Trust Career Development Award (11 April 2024)
•    Wellcome Trust Discovery Awards (16 April 2024)


 Internal Funding 

•    Large Grant Contribution Fund (rolling deadline; minimum 4 weeks before funder deadline)
•    REF Impact Fund (rolling deadline)
•    All-Council Rapid Impact Acceleration Account Call (rolling deadline)
•    AHRC Knowledge Exchange Fellowship Scheme (rolling deadline)
•    Cambridge Humanities Research Grants (15 January 2024)



•    Social Science Impact: Cutting-Edge Methods for Knowledge Exchange and Frontiers of Societal Readiness - day workshop and training (8 November)
•    Early Career Researcher Assembly (Deadline to apply as School Representative: 10 November 2023)

Maximising UK adaption to climate change hub

Summary:  This funding opportunity will fund the creation of a climate change adaptation hub to provide evidence around how to increase the resilience of people, ecosystems and infrastructure in the UK to cascading climate impacts. 
The hub will coalesce the skills and expertise needed from across relevant sectors, to aid the development and where possible, implementation, of a national climate change adaptation plan. Working closely with policy stakeholders the hub will synthesise relevant research, evidence and impact relating to climate change risk and vulnerability and translate this into information on what works in terms of climate adaptation at the local and national scale.

Award: Up to £4.5 million fEC funded at 80%.
Deadline: 21 November 2023 (Mandatory notification of intent); 1 February 2024 (Full application deadline)
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Levelling Up sandpit

Summary: Apply to attend a four-day interactive sandpit to develop novel projects that can address multifaceted questions related to levelling up and inform policymaking. 
You will be asked to complete an expression of interest form to apply for the sandpit.
The sandpit will take place over four days. The first day will be in-person while the rest of the sandpit will be held remotely via Zoom. Attendance for the full four days will be mandatory for selected participants.

The overall aim of this sandpit is to commission novel, interdisciplinary, challenge-led research projects that can address multifaceted questions related to levelling up. The research commissioned will be used by members of the Levelling Up Advisory Council (LUAC) to inform expert advice to ministers.
More widely, the sandpit will also act as thought leadership, stimulating debate and driving greater understanding of levelling up policy amongst the public, local authorities, think tanks and the private sector. We need to build new evidence, and draw together existing evidence from other disciplines, to guide this policy agenda.

Award: ESRC expect to fund up to £1.4 million at 80% FEC for all research projects arising from the sandpit.
Deadline: 27 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Tina Basi

ISRF Flexible Grants for Small Groups

Summary:  The Independent Social Research Foundation wishes to support independent-minded researchers to explore and present original research ideas which take new approaches, and suggest new solutions, to real world social problems. Such work would be unlikely to be funded by existing funding bodies. 
The ISRF supports innovative research which crosses established disciplinary boundaries and critically challenges incumbent theories and approaches, so as to address afresh empirical problems with no currently adequate theory or investigative methodology. Innovation may also come from controversial theoretical approaches motivated by critical challenge of incumbent theories. Projects ranging across the breadth of the social scientific disciplines and interdisciplinary research fields are welcome, and relevant applications from scholars working within the humanities are also encouraged.

Award: Maximum of 8,100 Euros or up to £7,000 
Deadline: 30 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Expression of interest: Adolescent Health Study call for study sites

Summary:  The MRC and ESRC are inviting expressions of interest from eligible UK institutions to lead an AHS study site. 
AHS will be a new longitudinal population study, with associated data platform, focusing on studying the critical biological, interpersonal and environmental factors influencing adolescent development. AHS aims to recruit 100,000 young people aged 8 to 18 at enrolment, primarily through schools, and will follow their health and wellbeing for a period of 12 years (two year pilot plus 10 year main phase). The study will use an accelerated longitudinal design, where all age groups are recruited simultaneously, to allow the different transitions occurring during adolescence to be studied in a rapid timeframe.

Award: Between £4.2 and £7.5 million fEC, funded at 80% for projects 12 years in duration.
Deadline: 04 December 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

AHRC responsive mode: working with Brazilian researchers: round one

Summary:  Apply for funding to work with overseas researchers in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Collaborative work is governed by an agreement between UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and State of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). 
Collaborations can involve:
•    a single institution or a combination of institutions
•    researchers working in different research areas
•    disciplines within the arts and humanities, or between an arts and humanities discipline and another subject area. In such collaborations the arts and humanities element of the project should lead in shaping the research questions and methods
•    researchers working in other sectors
•    researchers based abroad
The proposed collaboration should be appropriate for the specific needs of the research project.
Award: Between £300,000 and £1,500,000 fEC, funded at 80% by AHRC. FAPESP will accept proposals of up to £1.5 million from Brazilian Researchers. The maximum duration of this award is five years.
Deadline: 07 December 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner

AHRC responsive mode: follow-on Funding for impact and engagement: round two

Summary:  Follow-on funding supports unforeseen knowledge exchange, public engagement, active dissemination and commercialisation activities that arise during the lifespan of, or following, an AHRC-funded project. 
Award: Up to £100,000 fEC and smaller grants of up to £30,000 for shorter or higher-risk activities. Project duration up to one year.
Deadline: 07 December 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

AHRC responsive mode: standard research grant - round two

Summary:  We’re looking for individual researchers with proposals for well-defined collaborative research projects. However, you may include elements of individual research if you can show how this will add value. 
Collaborations can involve:
•    a single institution or a combination of institutions
•    researchers working in different research areas
•    disciplines within the arts and humanities, or between an arts and humanities discipline and another subject area. In such collaborations the arts and humanities element of the project should lead in shaping the research questions, methods and so on
•    researchers working in other sectors
•    researchers based abroad
The proposed collaboration should be appropriate for the specific needs of the research project.
We expect the project lead and any project co-leads to devote an average of at least four hours per week to the project.
Award: Between £300,000 to £1,500,000 fEC for projects up to five years in duration.
Deadline: 07 December 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

AHRC responsive mode: collaborate with researchers in Luxembourg - round one

Summary:  You can submit a collaborative research proposal in any area of the arts and humanities within the remit of AHRC and FNR. 
UK and Luxembourg applicants should ensure that their joint applications are well balanced, with clear roles and objectives attributed to both sides of the collaboration. Within the joint applications, the UK collaborator should be the project lead contributing with a slightly higher research effort.
We’re looking for researchers with proposals for well-defined collaborative research projects. However, you may include elements of individual research if you can show how this will add value.

Collaborations can involve:
•    a single institution or a combination of institutions
•    researchers working in different research areas
•    disciplines within the arts and humanities, or between an arts and humanities discipline and another subject area. In such collaborations the arts and humanities element of the project should lead in shaping the research questions and methods
•    researchers working in other sectors
•    researchers based abroad

The proposed collaboration should be appropriate for the specific needs of the research project.
We expect the project leads and any co-leads to devote an average of at least four hours per week to the project.
Award: For the UK part, between £300,000 to £1,500,000 fEC (funded at 80%) for projects up to five years in duration.
Deadline: 07 December 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

AHRC responsive mode: UKRI NSF-SBE lead agency - round one

Summary:  You can submit a collaborative research proposal within the remit of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and US National Science Foundation, Social, Behavioural and Economic Sciences Directorate (NSF-SBE). 
We’re looking for researchers with proposals for well-defined collaborative research projects. However, you may include elements of individual research if you can show how this will add value.

Collaborations can involve:
•    a single institution or a combination of institutions
•    researchers working in different research areas
•    disciplines within the arts and humanities, or between an arts and humanities discipline and another subject area. In such collaborations the arts and humanities element of the project should lead in shaping the research questions and methods
•    researchers working in other sectors
•    researchers based abroad

The proposed collaboration should be appropriate for the specific needs of the research project.
We expect the project leads and any co-leads to devote an average of at least four hours per week to the project.
Award: For the UK part, between £300,000 to £1,500,000 fEC (funded at 80%) for projects up to five years in duration.
Deadline: 07 December 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Synthesising research on evolving narratives of histories and cultures

Summary:  SSHRC, Canadian Heritage, Genome Canada and AHRC have partnered on this funding opportunity to support research that will foster a deeper understanding of the state of knowledge about the global challenge of evolving narratives of cultures and histories. This opportunity contains two streams. UK applicants are eligible for Stream Two only: 
Stream two

Stream two is reserved for applications jointly submitted by two applicants or project directors, one based in Canada and the other in the UK, who are affiliated with eligible institutions in their respective countries.
Up to 20 projects will be jointly funded by SSHRC and AHRC.

The resulting knowledge syntheses will:
•    identify roles that the academic, public, private and not-for-profit sectors can play in promoting more inclusive and equitable societies
•    inform the development of effective tools and technologies, robust policies, and sustainable practices required to support the path toward a diverse and inclusive future for all
Award: Funding is available for one-year projects. The UK-Canada teams can apply for up to C$ 30,000 from SSHRC and AHRC. Budgets cannot exceed a maximum 60%/40% split across the two agencies (for example, C$ 18,000/£7,000 or £10,000/C$ 12,000). AHRC will fund 80% of the UK budget’s full economic cost.
Deadline: 15 December 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Apply to become the Hub for Public Engagement with Music Research

Summary:  AHRC is funding one research organisation to become the Hub for Public Engagement with Music Research between 2024 and 2026. Through a framework of devolved funding, the hub will be expected to award, coordinate and support a cohort of four spoke projects across the UK that will engage new and diverse public audiences in participatory music research and engagement activities that are innovative, inspiring and impactful. 
The Hub will have oversight of all of the projects and will act in a coordinating capacity. The Hub is not permitted to award funding to spoke projects based at any of the organisations where members of the Hub Leadership Team are based.
Award: Up to £812,500 fEC funded at 80%.
Deadline: 16 January 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

ESRC responsive mode: research grants round two

Summary: This flexible opportunity funds basic, applied and strategic research from any disciplines and on any topics within ESRC’s remit. Ambitious and novel proposals addressing new concepts and techniques are encouraged, as are those with the potential for significant scientific or societal and economic impact. 
There are no thematic or methodological priorities; we will fund the highest quality proposals received, regardless of focus or approach.
Award: Between £350,000 to £1 million fEC funded at 80% for projects up to five years in duration.
Deadline: 25 January 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

ESRC responsive mode: working with Luxembourg researchers round two

Summary: You can submit a collaborative research proposal in any area of the social sciences within the remit of ESRC and FNR. 
UK and Luxembourg applicants should ensure that their joint applications are well balanced, with clear roles and objectives attributed to both sides of the collaboration. Within the joint applications, the UK collaborator should be the lead applicant contributing with a slightly higher research effort.
We will fund basic, applied and strategic research from any disciplines and on any topics within ESRC’s remit. Ambitious and novel proposals addressing new concepts and techniques are encouraged, as are those with the potential for significant scientific or societal and economic impact. There are no thematic or methodological priorities; we will fund the highest quality proposals received, regardless of focus or approach.
Award: Between £350,000 to £1 million fEC funded at 80%. Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR) will pay all justified costs for Luxembourg submitted through their system.
Deadline: 25 January 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

ESRC responsive mode: secondary data analysis round two

Summary: This funding opportunity supports research that exploits existing data resources for social and economic research. Applicants have considerable flexibility to focus on any subject area or topic providing that it falls within the ESRC’s remit.

This funding opportunity also aims to develop the capacity and skills of social sciences communities in using large and complex existing data resources. We encourage partnerships with non-academic stakeholders to ensure generation of high-impact, policy and practitioner-relevant research.

Award: Up to £300,000 fEC funded at 80% for projects up to 24 months.
Deadline: 25 January 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

ESRC responsive mode: UKRI-SBE lead agency opportunity round two

Summary: You can submit a collaborative research proposal in any area of the social sciences within the remits of ESRC and NSF-SBE. 
ESRC will fund basic, applied and strategic research from any disciplines and on any topics within our remit. Ambitious and novel proposals addressing new concepts and techniques are encouraged, as are those with the potential for significant scientific or societal and economic impact. There are no thematic or methodological priorities; we will fund the highest quality proposals received, regardless of focus or approach.
Award: Between £350,000 to £1 million fEC funded at 80% for the UK part of the budget.
Deadline: 25 January 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

AHRC responsive mode: Catalyst Award: round two

Summary: Catalyst awards support researchers without prior experience of leading a significant research project to accelerate their trajectory as independent researchers, unlocking their potential and building leadership and convenor experience through the delivery of ambitious or complex projects. 
The scheme takes a people-centred approach with funding available to support the development of researchers and their research ideas. It is flexible, and applications are welcomed from teams, networks and solo researchers.
Development is at the core of this scheme; projects must clearly articulate how the funding will contribute to the development of all those involved through the way that the project has been designed and will be managed, with appropriate support structures in place.
Award: Up to £300,000 fEC funded at 80%.
Deadline: 30 January 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

AHRC responsive mode: Curiosity Award: round two

Summary: Curiosity awards support early-stage ambitious and novel fundamental research which has the potential to act as a springboard towards new and exciting research agendas.  
The funding opportunity is intentionally flexible. An indicative list of examples of the activities we will fund are provided as follows. You are encouraged to request and justify costs for activities that best meet the aims of your project. This may include:
•    idea generation
•    seed corn funding
•    high risk and high potential concepts
•    novel research
•    networking activity
•    partnership building
•    knowledge exchange
•    public engagement
•    international collaboration
•    scoping and piloting, for example, early-stage proof of concept for ideas or change of direction
•    pivots in research focus at any career stage
•    mentoring for members of the research team
NB: this is not a prescriptive or exhaustive list.
Award: Up to £100,000 fEC funded at 80% for projects up to five years in duration.
Deadline: 30 January 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

AHRC: DFG research grants round six (2023 to 2024)

Summary: Both AHRC and DFG are aware that some of the best research can only be achieved by working with the best researchers internationally. Accordingly, the aims of the funding opportunity are: 
•    to support academic research of the highest quality in the humanities undertaken by UK-German teams, whose primary aim is to make fundamental advances in human knowledge
•    to deepen and strengthen cooperation between UK and German researchers in the humanities, and to foster the growth of a transnational UK-German research culture
The funding opportunity will be open to applications addressing any research topic where there is significant potential to advance knowledge through collaborative research bringing together arts and humanities researchers in the UK, whose research falls within the remit of the AHRC, and humanities researchers in Germany.

Award: Up to £420,000 fEC funded at 80% for projects between 24 and 36 months in duration.
Deadline: 20 February 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

AHRC Innovation Scholars secondments in design: second round

Summary: Apply for funding to develop your skills and exchange knowledge through the UKRI Innovation Scholars programme. This secondment opportunity is focused on design. For this AHRC opportunity, the aim is to enhance the skills and careers of individuals in design research and innovation. This will be achieved through funding individual secondments focused on research and innovation, with networking events for the secondees. 
You must have a desire to proactively engage with design and the motivation to work within it. Interdisciplinary secondment proposals as well as practice-based ones will be welcomed.
Your secondment is expected to:
•    boost your skills, knowledge, networking opportunities and therefore career development
•    intensify knowledge exchange and create porosity between different sectors, resulting in innovative outputs
•    bring benefits to your host organisation
•    add value to the design sector and the UK economy
Projects can last between six months and 36 months and can be full or part-time, or hybrid (a combination of part-time and full-time).
Award: Up to £200,000 funded at 100% for eligible salary, travel and subsistence costs.
Deadline: 30 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Horizon Europe Update: UK Eligibility Update

UK Association
On Thursday 7th September 2023, it was announced that the UK Government and the European Commission have agreed in principle on the UK’s association to the Horizon Europe and Copernicus programmes under the Trade and Co-operation Agreement (TCA). What now remains is for the relevant protocols to be signed, which will allow the UK to formally associate to Horizon Europe from 1st January 2024.

UK organisations should continue applying to all open and upcoming 2023 and 2024 Horizon Europe calls as a Beneficiary (either as Co-ordinator or partner) even before association formally takes effect. However, the source of funding will differ depending on the Work Programme year of the call.

Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023 (and previous years)
Successful UK applicants to calls under the Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023 (and previous years) will be funded under the UKRI Guarantee Funding. This Guarantee Funding has recently been extended to cover successful applications made by UK-based businesses and researchers to calls under the Horizon Europe 2021, 2022 or 2023 work programmes. 

Horizon Europe 2024 Work Programme Calls

Successful UK applicants will be funded by the EU, under the Horizon Europe Programme.

Updates on Association: Please visit the Research Operation Office’s EU pages.

Horizon Europe Main Work Programme

This PDF offers further details on calls relevant to SAHSS.  This list is not exhaustive so please refer the Horizon Europe Portal for full details. UKRO also have some very useful Factsheets that outline the thematic clusters that make up the three pillars of research support offered.
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner
Highlighted notices:
Protest politics and cultures of opposition in democracy 

Deadline: 07 February 2024

Social dialogue in the new world of work 

Deadline: 07 February 2024

Radicalisation and gender 

Deadline: 20 November 2024 

ERC Consolidator Grants

Summary: The ERC Consolidator Grant is for researchers of any nationality with 7-12 years of experience since completion of their PhD. This programme is for PIs who will consolidate their own independent research team or programme. PIs must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their research proposal.
Award: up to € 2 million for a period of 5 years. An additional € 1 million can be requested to cover start-up costs, the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities.
Deadline: 12 December 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner

British Academy Innovation Fellowships Scheme 2023–24 -- Route B: Policy-led (Central Government)

Summary: This scheme provides funding and support for established early-career and mid-career researchers in the Humanities and Social Sciences (the SHAPE disciplines) to partner with organisations and businesses in the creative and cultural, public, private, commercial, or policy sectors that have a base in the UK, to address challenges that require innovative approaches and solutions that are relevant to the UK. Through the Innovation Fellowships, our researchers in the SHAPE community are supported to create new and deeper links beyond academia, enabling knowledge mobilisation and translation, as well as individual skills development. 
This call will enable researchers to partner with a range of central government departments for 12 months. Successful applicants will work within specific policy areas set out by the departments. These policy areas broadly correlate to the British Academy’s own policy programmes of work, which cover similar themes.

The Academy and the government departments invite applications for Fellowships in any of the following areas:
•    Evaluation of Local Growth Policies (Cabinet Office).
•    Evaluation of Net Zero Policies (Cabinet Office).
•    Business Investment in the UK (His Majesty’s Treasury/Department for Business and Trade).
•    Productivity in the UK (His Majesty’s Treasury/Department for Business and Trade).
•    The UK Operating in the New World Economic System (His Majesty’s Treasury/Department for Business and Trade).
•    Loneliness (Department for Culture, Media and Sport).
•    Assessing the quality and value of services provided by the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector (Department for Culture, Media and Sport).
Award: up to £120,000 fEC funded at 80%. The Lead Applicant must commit between 0.4 and 0.8 FTE time to the Fellowship.
Deadline: 22 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

BA International Writing Workshops

Summary: The intention of the Writing Workshops is to support early career researchers in developing countries, working to stimulate professional networks, develop research partnerships, encourage skills development, provide advice on career development, and promote the uptake of research emanating from developing countries. 
Through the Writing Workshops programme, the British Academy aims to encourage and support early career researchers in developing countries to publish in high impact journals in the fields of the humanities and social sciences, and enable them to develop connections with academics and journal editors based nationally and internationally. The writing workshops are in affect making a career intervention, instilling and aiming to change long term academic culture, and engaging with the wider ecosystem researchers inhabit.
These workshops are required to take place in Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Malaysia, Philippines, South Africa, Turkey, Thailand, Vietnam and/or Least Developed Countries.
Award: Maximum £30,000. Funding must be used in the direct delivery of the workshops, and can cover travel and related expenses, subsistence costs, clerical assistance and consumables, childcare support (including for participants), networking, meeting and/or conference costs.
Deadline: 06 December 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

British Academy JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships for Overseas Researchers 2024

Summary: The scheme provides funding for early career postdoctoral researchers to conduct cooperative research in Japan, with leading research groups in Japanese universities and other institutions, under the guidance of a Japanese host.

Award: Awards are for a period of between 12 months minimum to 24 months maximum. JSPS provides the following support: 
•    A round-trip air ticket for the Fellow;
•    A monthly maintenance stipend of ¥362,000;
•    A settling-in allowance of ¥200,000;
•    A research grant ('Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research') for cooperative research-related expenses, applied for by the Japanese host researcher through his / her host institution.
Deadline: 13 December 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner

Leverhulme Study Abroad Studentships

Summary: For students to study or undertake research at a centre of learning in any country except the UK or USA. Studentships are tenable for between 12 and 24 months. The Trust offers approximately 25 Study Abroad Studentships each year.
Award: Students receive a basic annual maintenance allowance of £23,040.
Deadline: 09 January 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Wellcome Trust Early-Career Awards

Summary: This scheme provides funding for early-career researchers from any discipline who are ready to develop their research identity. The researcher will deliver shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. By the end of the aware, they will be ready to lead their own independent research programme. Project duration is usually 5 years, but may be less for some disciplines and longer if held on a part-time basis.
Award: £400,000
Deadline: 15 February 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Wellcome Trust Career Development Awards

Summary: This scheme provides funding for mid-career researchers from any discipline who have the potential to be international research leaders. They will develop their research capabilities, drive innovative programmes of work and deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing.
Award: Provides a salary for the grantholder (if required) and research expenses. Please request for level and duration of funding that's justifiable for your proposed research.
Deadline: 11 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Wellcome Trust Discovery Awards

Summary: This scheme provides funding for established researchers and teams from any discipline who want to pursue bold and creative research ideas to deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. The award usually lasts for 8 years, but may be less for some disciplines, such as humanities and social science.
Award: Limit not specified. It is expected that the PI requests an amount that is appropriate to the project.
Deadline: 16 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Large Grant Contribution Fund

Summary: Research grant applications for funding over £2 million for AHSS subject areas can request financial contributions from this fund. Funding may be requested for activities that are complementary to the external funding and contributions from Departments / Schools / Non-school institutions. Activities that add value in the following areas are particularly encouraged: widening participation and inclusion; improving partnerships locally / nationally / internationally; capacity and capability building; working with less advantaged partners. Leveraging funding for existing grant awards is not in the remit of this fund. All applications must include one or more external partners and only applications led by Cambridge PIs are eligible.
Award: Up to 10% of the award value. PI buyout and equipment are not eligible costs for request.
Deadline: Minimum 4 weeks before funder deadline.
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik and

REF Impact Funding

Summary: Internal funding is available from the Research Strategy Office to support the development of the University’s REF impact submission. It is expected that successful applications will fund impact activities that may feed into potential impact case studies only where no other monies are available. Applications will be reviewed by the Impact and Knowledge Exchange Team. 

Submissions may include (but are not restricted to): 
•    Support for gathering feedback from public engagement activities
•    Economic health monitoring
•    Surveying/engaging with research users to evaluate impact
•    Independent evaluation of impacts
•    Resource to collate citations in policy documents

Award: Up to £10,000.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Please contact your relevant member of the Impact and Knowledge Exchange Team.

All-Council Rapid Response Impact Acceleration Account Call

Summary: The All-Council Rapid Response Impact Acceleration Account Call is now open to support a wide range of impact activities when researchers are confronted by time-sensitive opportunities or need to test new ideas quickly. This call supports interdisciplinary projects, open to PIs and ECRs with PIs as co-applicants.

Proposed projects must support ‘on the ground’ impact and knowledge exchange activities, which enable researchers at all levels to engage with the public, private and third sectors, and provides a sustainable support structure within the University to promote wider and more effective engagement with external non-academic organisations.Project can be up to three months in duration.

Award: Up to £15,000 per application.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Lucy Sheerman

AHRC IAA Knowledge Exchange Fellowship Scheme

Summary: The AHRC IAA Knowledge Exchange Fellowship Scheme promotes strategic partnerships with non-HEI organisations across the arts and humanities at the University of Cambridge. The fund supports partnership building with specific organisations such as (but not limited to) museums, theatres, social enterprises, NGOs, and government departments. Funds are available for a range of activities including teaching replacement costs, costs for incoming fellowships from the partner organisation, postdoctoral or administrative support, travel and subsistence expenses, and workshops. The scheme aims to allow researchers to create new partnerships with external entities more generally, collaboratively shape research agendas, contribute to future research funding applications (including match-funding for studentships in the DTPs), and further facilitate impact generating activities.

Award: Up to £20,000 cover 100% of directly incurred costs.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Lucy Sheerman

Cambridge Humanities Research Grants

Summary: The Cambridge Humanities Research Grants scheme (CHRG) supports research in the arts, humanities and social sciences across the University. The scheme welcomes applications from any independent researcher holding a current contract of employment at the point of application.
The Scheme is designed to enable researchers to conduct small-scale research activities, of the highest quality, that will enable them to bid successfully for larger-scale funding from external sponsors, and/or to generate publications, and/or to contribute materially in other ways towards the research objectives of their home institution.
Applications may be made at any time in the year, for the next available gathered field, with outcomes known approximately six weeks later. 
Award: varies depending on scheme between £1,500 and £20,000
Deadline: 15 January 2024
Contact: AHSS Research Strategy at:

Social Science Impact: Cutting-Edge Methods for Knowledge Exchange and Frontiers of Societal Readiness

You are warmly invited to Murray Edwards College, University of Cambridge on 8th November 2023, 9:30-5:00 for an exciting morning of talks and afternoon of interactive training opportunities.

For further information, please contact: Dr Tina Basi

Early Career Researcher Assembly

All early career researchers at the University of Cambridge in subjects related to the arts, humanities and social sciences (AHSS ECRs) are warmly invited to join the new Assembly and consider issues that could and should form the focus of the group's engagement. The Assembly aims to provide AHSS ECRs with more opportunities to form interdisciplinary communities and to develop advocacy for important issues, such as reward and career progression.
**Sign up to the ECR Assembly Teams Channel**
We are also looking for individuals willing to take on the role of School Representatives, attending meetings of School Council and advocating for issues that emerge from the Assembly as a whole. AHSS ECRs can apply to serve as a School Rep by filling out this **Expression of Interest form**. Deadline: Friday 10 November. 
In Lent Term 2024 we will host the inaugural meeting of the Assembly. Full details about the Assembly are available here.
The Assembly is supported by the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences & the School of Arts and Humanities, and involves collaboration with the University's Postdoc Academy. The Assembly will be hosted by the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH). We would be grateful for all recipients to share information about this initiative among their colleagues.

Contact: AHSS Research Strategy at:


If you want to discuss funding opportunities or you are working on an application for research funding and would like feedback on a draft, please do contact the School’s Research Facilitators – Anna Cieslik (UK Funding) and Elizabeth Penner (EU/International Funding). 


You can find more information on the AHSS Research Website, search our External Funding Deadline Calendar and look at Previous Bulletins.  We are also now on Twitter! Follow us for updates on funding calls and information sessions.

AHSS Bulletin October 2023

AHSS Research and Impact Facilitation Bulletin

October 2023

UK Research Council Funding

EU Funding

Charity Funding

Internal Funding




Restricted call: AHRC Centre for Law and Social Justice


Full details for this round are not yet available as the call will open in September 2023. The purpose of this communication is to bring the scheme to your attention and to allow candidates sufficient time to prepare strong applications. The University’s internal selection process for this round will be confirmed once the call opens. This information is subject to change. 

AHRC has announced the Centre for Law and Social Justice call

AHRC will fund one Centre for Law and Social Justice and offer £5M (at 80% fec) over 5 years. The Centre will deliver collaborative, interdisciplinary, challenge-led research on social justice, champion the arts and humanities, strengthen and diversify the research community and foreground equitable partnerships, equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI), and public engagement. 

AHRC expects consortia-based applications which will bring together diverse people, institutions, expertise, experiences, places, and wider stakeholders. The Centre will champion arts and humanities methods and approaches to legal scholarship in a way which enhances the interdisciplinary nature of the discipline. AHRC therefore expects to see interdisciplinary teams which extend across the arts and humanities and social sciences and beyond.

For more information about the call, and the four broad research themes AHRC expects successful centres to work on, please see the call page. Please note that as the call has only been pre-announced by the funder, this information is subject to change. Finally, AHRC strongly advises that teams preparing a bid consult their scoping report and blog post on creating opportunities in law.


University Internal selection:  

The funder expects to implement some form of demand management. This will likely mean that each institution will only be able submit one application where it is the lead applicant. Therefore, we expect that this call will be managed according to the University’s restricted calls procedure.

We anticipate asking interested departments to complete an online selection form by mid-October, 2023. This Form will be circulated when the call opens. You will likely need the following documents and information to complete the Form (again, this will be  confirmed once the call opens): 

  • Basic details about the PI and collaborators
  • a project summary addressing the assessment criteria (see below)
  • a head of department support letter confirming their support for the project and that the respective Department is happy to host it

Internal Assessment Criteria: 

We anticipate that the assessment of internal applications will focus on the following core funder criteria: 

  • Fit to the funding opportunity and how well it addresses the three core objectives (see Scope section in the call page for the three core objectives)
  • Consortium, including the partners involved, how they have contributed to the proposal and how they will contribute to the Centre 
  • Consideration of equality, diversity, and inclusion across the full remit of the Centre, including your plans for public engagement

Funder deadline: January, 2024 (for outline stage; exact date TBA) and July, 2024 (for full proposal stage; exact date TBA)

Award: £5 Million funded at 80% over 5 years
Deadline: mid-October 2023
Research Facilitation Contact:
Dr Anna Cieslik and

T-AP funding opportunity on democracy, governance and trust

Summary: We invite interdisciplinary (understood here as the integration of information, data, techniques, tools, perspectives, methodologies, concepts, or theories from two or more disciplines or bodies of specialised knowledge) and innovative research proposals that promise advances in one or several of the following ways:

  • improve and innovate our conceptualisation and theorisation of DGT
  • address topics aimed at collective responses to global challenges for DGT
  • empirically define and describe the opportunities, challenges and crises relevant to DGT from a historical, contemporary, or prospective perspective
  • offer diverse methodological, disciplinary, and cross-national perspectives on these topics
  • study or test interventions (meaning improving outcomes and making a difference) aimed at enhancing democratic processes, improving governance, and rebuilding trust in formal and informal political systems, economic structures, cultural associations, education and public institutions
  • advance knowledge through co-developing work programmes with communities, educators, and key stakeholders in civil society, education and government
  • examine the role of digital media, tools, and technologies in eroding or strengthening DGT and the roles of education, cultural institutions and the law in shaping, facilitating and restraining this role of digital media

These objectives aim to leverage expertise from social sciences and humanities, and relevant related disciplines, to tackle prominent challenges facing societies today. They may make use of theoretical and empirical insights and recognise the value of co-production and practice fostering initiatives and projects conducive to supporting democratic experimentations and experiences, governance improvements and trust.

Award: Between £200,000 and £400,000 fEC, funded at 80%. UKRI funds UK partners at 80% FEC. Projects start September 2024 and will last between 24 and 36 months.
Deadline: 06 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact:
Dr Elizabeth Penner

Research the social sciences in the Open Research Area

Summary:  Apply for funding for international research in any area of the social sciences.

Your project must be a collaboration between researchers based in at least three of the participating countries:

  • UK
  • France
  • Germany
  • Canada

You may also seek partnerships with researchers based in Japan.

SSHRC will coordinate this funding opportunity.

Award: Between £200,000 and £600,000 fEC, funded at 80% by ESRC. The other research councils will fund: ANR: Up to EUR 450,00; DFG: no maximum limit; SSHR: up to $600,000 (maximum $200,000 per year). Project duration is between 24 and 36 months.
Deadline: 14 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner

AHRC responsive mode: working with Brazilian researchers: round one

Summary:  Apply for funding to work with overseas researchers in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Collaborative work is governed by an agreement between UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and State of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).

Collaborations can involve:

  • a single institution or a combination of institutions
  • researchers working in different research areas
  • disciplines within the arts and humanities, or between an arts and humanities discipline and another subject area. In such collaborations the arts and humanities element of the project should lead in shaping the research questions and methods
  • researchers working in other sectors
  • researchers based abroad

The proposed collaboration should be appropriate for the specific needs of the research project.
Award: Between £300,000 and £1,500,000 fEC, funded at 80% by AHRC. FAPESP will accept proposals of up to £1.5 million from Brazilian Researchers. The maximum duration of this award is five years.

Deadline: 07 December 2023
Research Facilitation Contact:
Dr Elizabeth Penner

AHRC responsive mode: follow-on Funding for impact and engagement: round two

Summary:  Follow-on funding supports unforeseen knowledge exchange, public engagement, active dissemination and commercialisation activities that arise during the lifespan of, or following, an AHRC-funded project.

Award: Up to £100,000 fEC and smaller grants of up to £30,000 for shorter or higher-risk activities. Project duration up to one year.

Deadline: 07 December 2023
Research Facilitation Contact:
Dr Anna Cieslik

AHRC responsive mode: standard research grant - round two

Summary:  We’re looking for individual researchers with proposals for well-defined collaborative research projects. However, you may include elements of individual research if you can show how this will add value.

Collaborations can involve:

  • a single institution or a combination of institutions
  • researchers working in different research areas
  • disciplines within the arts and humanities, or between an arts and humanities discipline and another subject area. In such collaborations the arts and humanities element of the project should lead in shaping the research questions, methods and so on
  • researchers working in other sectors
  • researchers based abroad

The proposed collaboration should be appropriate for the specific needs of the research project.

We expect the project lead and any project co-leads to devote an average of at least four hours per week to the project.

Award: Between £300,000 to £1,500,000 fEC for projects up to five years in duration.

Deadline: 07 December 2023
Research Facilitation Contact:
Dr Anna Cieslik

AHRC responsive mode: collaborate with researchers in Luxembourg - round one

Summary:  You can submit a collaborative research proposal in any area of the arts and humanities within the remit of AHRC and FNR.

UK and Luxembourg applicants should ensure that their joint applications are well balanced, with clear roles and objectives attributed to both sides of the collaboration. Within the joint applications, the UK collaborator should be the project lead contributing with a slightly higher research effort.

We’re looking for researchers with proposals for well-defined collaborative research projects. However, you may include elements of individual research if you can show how this will add value.

Collaborations can involve:

  • a single institution or a combination of institutions
  • researchers working in different research areas
  • disciplines within the arts and humanities, or between an arts and humanities discipline and another subject area. In such collaborations the arts and humanities element of the project should lead in shaping the research questions and methods
  • researchers working in other sectors
  • researchers based abroad

The proposed collaboration should be appropriate for the specific needs of the research project.

We expect the project leads and any co-leads to devote an average of at least four hours per week to the project.

Award: For the UK part, between £300,000 to £1,500,000 fEC (funded at 80%) for projects up to five years in duration.

Deadline: 07 December 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

AHRC responsive mode: UKRI NSF-SBE lead agency - round one

Summary:  You can submit a collaborative research proposal within the remit of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and US National Science Foundation, Social, Behavioural and Economic Sciences Directorate (NSF-SBE).

We’re looking for researchers with proposals for well-defined collaborative research projects. However, you may include elements of individual research if you can show how this will add value.

Collaborations can involve:

  • a single institution or a combination of institutions
  • researchers working in different research areas
  • disciplines within the arts and humanities, or between an arts and humanities discipline and another subject area. In such collaborations the arts and humanities element of the project should lead in shaping the research questions and methods
  • researchers working in other sectors
  • researchers based abroad

The proposed collaboration should be appropriate for the specific needs of the research project.

We expect the project leads and any co-leads to devote an average of at least four hours per week to the project.

Award: For the UK part, between £300,000 to £1,500,000 fEC (funded at 80%) for projects up to five years in duration.

Deadline: 07 December 2023
Research Facilitation Contact:
Dr Anna Cieslik

Synthesising research on evolving narratives of histories and cultures

Summary:  SSHRC, Canadian Heritage, Genome Canada and AHRC have partnered on this funding opportunity to support research that will foster a deeper understanding of the state of knowledge about the global challenge of evolving narratives of cultures and histories. This opportunity contains two streams. UK applicants are eligible for Stream Two only:

Stream two

Stream two is reserved for applications jointly submitted by two applicants or project directors, one based in Canada and the other in the UK, who are affiliated with eligible institutions in their respective countries.

Up to 20 projects will be jointly funded by SSHRC and AHRC.

The resulting knowledge syntheses will:

  • identify roles that the academic, public, private and not-for-profit sectors can play in promoting more inclusive and equitable societies
  • inform the development of effective tools and technologies, robust policies, and sustainable practices required to support the path toward a diverse and inclusive future for all

Award: Funding is available for one-year projects. The UK-Canada teams can apply for up to C$ 30,000 from SSHRC and AHRC. Budgets cannot exceed a maximum 60%/40% split across the two agencies (for example, C$ 18,000/£7,000 or £10,000/C$ 12,000). AHRC will fund 80% of the UK budget’s full economic cost.

Deadline: 15 December 2023
Research Facilitation Contact:
Dr Anna Cieslik

Pre-announcement: Apply to become the Hub for Public Engagement with Music Research

Summary:  AHRC is funding one research organisation to become the Hub for Public Engagement with Music Research between 2024 and 2026. Through a framework of devolved funding, the hub will be expected to award, coordinate and support a cohort of four spoke projects across the UK that will engage new and diverse public audiences in participatory music research and engagement activities that are innovative, inspiring and impactful.

The Hub will have oversight of all of the projects and will act in a coordinating capacity. The Hub is not permitted to award funding to spoke projects based at any of the organisations where members of the Hub Leadership Team are based.

Award: Up to £812.500 fEC funded at 80%.
Deadline: 16 January 2024
Research Facilitation Contact:
Dr Anna Cieslik

AHRC Innovation Scholars secondments in design: second round

Summary: Apply for funding to develop your skills and exchange knowledge through the UKRI Innovation Scholars programme. This secondment opportunity is focused on design. For this AHRC opportunity, the aim is to enhance the skills and careers of individuals in design research and innovation. This will be achieved through funding individual secondments focused on research and innovation, with networking events for the secondees.

You must have a desire to proactively engage with design and the motivation to work within it. Interdisciplinary secondment proposals as well as practice-based ones will be welcomed.

Your secondment is expected to:

  • boost your skills, knowledge, networking opportunities and therefore career development
  • intensify knowledge exchange and create porosity between different sectors, resulting in innovative outputs
  • bring benefits to your host organisation
  • add value to the design sector and the UK economy

Projects can last between six months and 36 months and can be full or part-time, or hybrid (a combination of part-time and full-time).

Award: Up to £200,000 funded at 100% for eligible salary, travel and subsistence costs.
Deadline: 30 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact:
Dr Anna Cieslik

Pre-announcement: Centre for Law and Social Justice

Summary: AHRC is looking to fund a Centre for Law and Social Justice which will, over five years:

  • deliver collaborative, interdisciplinary, challenge-led research in the area of social justice on themes including trust, accountability, vulnerability, and citizens’ rights and which leads to positive changes including in local, national, and, where relevant, international policy and practice
  • champion arts and humanities methods and approaches to legal scholarship in a way which enhances the interdisciplinary nature of the discipline
  • develop support for legal scholars at all career stages and following diverse career routes to strengthen and diversify the existing, vibrant, community of scholars

Award: Up to £5 million fEC funded at 80% by AHRC.
Deadline: TBA
Research Facilitation Contact:
Dr Anna Cieslik

Horizon Europe Update: UK Eligibility Update

UK Association
On Thursday 7th September 2023, it was announced that the UK Government and the European Commission have agreed in principle on the UK’s association to the Horizon Europe and Copernicus programmes under the Trade and Co-operation Agreement (TCA). What now remains is for the relevant protocols to be signed, which will allow the UK to formally associate to Horizon Europe from 1st January 2024.

UK organisations should continue applying to all open and upcoming 2023 and 2024 Horizon Europe calls as a Beneficiary (either as Co-ordinator or partner) even before association formally takes effect. However, the source of funding will differ depending on the Work Programme year of the call.

Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023 (and previous years)
Successful UK applicants to calls under the Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023 (and previous years) will be funded under the UKRI Guarantee Funding. This Guarantee Funding has recently been extended to cover successful applications made by UK-based businesses and researchers to calls under the Horizon Europe 2021, 2022 or 2023 work programmes.

Horizon Europe 2024 Work Programme Calls
Successful UK applicants will be funded by the EU, under the Horizon Europe Programme.

Updates on Association: Please visit the Research Operation Office’s EU pages.

Horizon Europe Main Work Programme

This PDF offers further details on calls relevant to SAHSS.  This list is not exhaustive so please refer the Horizon Europe Portal for full details. UKRO also have some very useful Factsheets that outline the thematic clusters that make up the three pillars of research support offered.
Research Facilitation Contact:
Dr Elizabeth Penner

Highlighted notices:

Processing of large, complex and unstructured datasets resulting from criminal investigations, while reconciling big data analysis and data protection
Deadline: 23 November 2023

A new framework to improve traffic safety culture in the EU 
Deadline: 05 September 2024

Leverage the digital transition for competitive European cultural and creative industries 
Deadline: 07 February 2024

ERC Synergy Grant

Summary: The aim is to provide support for a small group of two to four Principal Investigators to jointly address ambitious research problems that could not be addressed by the individual Principal Investigators and their teams working alone. Synergy projects should enable substantial advances at the frontiers of knowledge, stemming, for example, from the cross-fertilization of scientific fields, from new productive lines of enquiry, or new methods and techniques, including unconventional approaches and investigations at the interface between established disciplines. The transformative research funded by Synergy Grants should have the potential of becoming a benchmark on a global scale.

Award: A maximum of € 10 million for a period of 6 years (pro rata for projects of shorter duration). An additional € 4 million can be requested in the proposal in total to cover eligible 'start-up' costs for Principal Investigators moving to the EU or an Associated Country from elsewhere as a consequence of receiving an ERC grant and/or the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities.
Deadline: 8 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner

ERC Consolidator Grants

Summary: The ERC Consolidator Grant is for researchers of any nationality with 7-12 years of experience since completion of their PhD. This programme is for PIs who will consolidate their own independent research team or programme. PIs must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their research proposal.
Award: up to € 2 million for a period of 5 years. An additional € 1 million can be requested to cover start-up costs, the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities.
Deadline: 12 December 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner

Knowledge Frontiers: International Interdisciplinary Research Projects 2024

Summary: The purpose of each project will be to develop new international interdisciplinary research in the humanities and social sciences. Research may be problem-focused, creatively innovative and exploratory, and should bring together relevant disciplines in both the humanities and social sciences, where appropriate, for maximum impact/effect. The Academy requires all applications to fundamentally involve and integrate both the humanities and the social sciences.

The aim of this call is to support international collaborations between early career researchers in the UK and elsewhere on internationally focused research projects of an interdisciplinary nature involving the humanities AND social sciences. Other than this framing of international interdisciplinary research led by early career researchers, the research itself can be focused on any issue or topic. There are no themes to this call. It is open to any research focus if it meets the international interdisciplinary focus.

Award: Awards of 24 months in duration and up to £300,000. Funding can be used to support the time of the Principal Investigator and Co-Applicants; postdoctoral (or equivalent) research assistance; travel, fieldwork and related expenses; and networking costs. Awards are offered on an 80% full economic costing basis. Projects must begin in March/April 2024.
Deadline: 1 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact:
Dr Anna Cieslik

Global Innovation Fellowships: The German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)

Summary: The objective of the Global Innovation Fellowships is to provide opportunities to UK-based early- and mid-career researchers from across the humanities and social sciences to develop their skills, networks and careers in the creative and cultural, public, private and policy sectors to address challenges that require innovative approaches and solutions. Through the Global Innovation Fellowships, researchers in the SHAPE community will be supported to create new and deeper links beyond academia, so enabling knowledge mobilisation and translation, as well as individual skills development.

This is a new programme for the British Academy and in this pilot phase we are delighted to be offering opportunities for Global Innovation Fellowship award holders to embed themselves and be based in the office of the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) in Berlin.

Applications are invited in any of the following areas:

  • Technology and International Affairs.
  • Global Order and Disorder
  • Eastern and South-eastern Europe.
  • Sustainability, Nature & Climate.

Award: The Academy is offering up to three one-year fellowships hosted in DGAP's offices in Berlin. These are offered as awards for up to £150,000 for 12 months in duration (with Full Economic Costing at 80%).
Deadline: 1 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact:
Dr Elizabeth Penner

Global Innovation Fellowships: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Summary: The objective of the Global Innovation Fellowships is to provide opportunities to UK-based early- and mid-career researchers from across the humanities and social sciences to develop their skills, networks and careers in the creative and cultural, public, private and policy sectors to address challenges that require innovative approaches and solutions. Through the Global Innovation Fellowships, researchers in the SHAPE community will be supported to create new and deeper links beyond academia, so enabling knowledge mobilisation and translation, as well as individual skills development.

This is a new programme for the British Academy and in this pilot phase we are delighted to be offering opportunities for Global Innovation Fellowship award holders to embed themselves and be based in the offices of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

The aim is to have a mutually beneficial partnership between the fellowship award holder and Carnegie with each able to take advantage of fresh perspectives and expand their networks and reach. It will enable the award holder to strengthen and create new links across policy and academia, enabling knowledge mobilisation and translation, and the opportunity to develop new approaches and solutions to policy challenges through providing a different perspective. 

Applications are invited in any of the following five areas:

  • Sustainability, Climate and Geopolitics.
  • Technology and International Affairs.
  • Democracy, Conflict & Governance.
  • Global Order and Institutions.
  • Nuclear Policy.

Award: The Academy is offering up to three one-year fellowships hosted in Carnegie’s offices in the USA (Washington DC or California). These are offered as awards for up to £150,000 for 12 months in duration (with Full Economic Costing at 80%).
Deadline: 1 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact:
Dr Elizabeth Penner

British Academy Innovation Fellowships Scheme 2023-24 – Route B: Policy-Led

Summary: The Innovation Fellowships scheme will provide funding and support for established early-career and mid-career researchers in the Humanities and Social Sciences to partner with organisations and business in the creative and cultural, public, private and policy sectors, to address challenges that require innovative approaches and solutions. Through the Innovation Fellowships, our researchers in the SHAPE community will be supported to create new and deeper links beyond academia, so enabling knowledge mobilisation and translation, as well as individual skills development.

The Innovation Fellowships scheme has two routes: Route A: Researcher-led and Route B: Policy-led. This call is for Route B with the Academy working with the FCDO.

The Academy and the FCDO invite applications for Fellowships in any of the following four areas.

  1. The Impact of Serious and Organised Crime on Future UK Foreign Policy
  2. The History of International Development and Aid Policy
  3. Iran
  4. India and other South Asian states

Award: The Academy is offering awards up to £120,000 for 12 months in duration, funded at 80% FEC. Awards are expected to commence no earlier than 1 January 2023 and no later than 31 March 2024.
Deadline: 1 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact:
Dr Anna Cieslik

ODA International Interdisciplinary Research Projects 2024

Summary: The purpose of each project will be to develop new international interdisciplinary research in the humanities and social sciences that is ODA-eligible. Research may be problem-focused, creatively innovative and exploratory, and should bring together relevant disciplines in both the humanities and social sciences, where appropriate, for maximum impact/effect. The Academy requires all applications to fundamentally involve and integrate both the humanities and the social sciences.

The aim of this call is to support international collaborations between early career researchers in the UK and early career researchers in Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Malaysia, Philippines, South Africa, Turkey, Thailand, Vietnam and/or Least Developed Countries on internationally focused ODA-eligible research projects of an interdisciplinary nature involving the humanities AND social sciences. Other than this framing of international interdisciplinary research led by early career researchers that is ODA-eligible, the research itself can be focused on any issue or topic. There are no themes to this call other than the research must be ODA-eligible.

Award: Up to £300,000 fEC (funded at 80%) for awards of 24 months in duration. Projects must begin March/April 2024.
Deadline: 01 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact:
Dr Anna Cieslik

APEX Awards

Summary: The APEX award (Academies Partnership in Supporting Excellence in Cross-disciplinary research award) scheme offers established independent researchers, with a strong track record in their respective area, an exciting opportunity to pursue genuine interdisciplinary and curiosity-driven research to benefit wider society.

The objectives of this scheme are to:

  • promote collaboration across disciplines, with a particular emphasis on the boundary between science, engineering and the social sciences and humanities
  • support outstanding interdisciplinary research which is unlikely to be supported through conventional funding programmes
  • support researchers with an outstanding track record, in developing their research in a new direction through collaboration with partners from other disciplines
  • enable outstanding researchers to focus on advancing their innovative research through seed funding

Award: Up to £100,000 for awards up to 24 months in duration. Successful applicants will have the opportunity to separately apply for up to £10,000 to create and lead public engagement projects linked to thier APEX Award.
Deadline: 01 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact:
Dr Anna Cieslik

British Academy Small Research Grant

Summary: The BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants are available to support primary research in the humanities and social sciences. Funds are available to facilitate initial project planning and development; to support the direct costs of research; and to enable the advancement of research through workshops or conferences, or visits by or to partner scholars. Grants are tenable for a between 1 and 24 months.
Award: Up to £10,000
Deadline: 08 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact:
Dr Anna Cieslik

Leverhulme Trust International Fellowships

Summary: For established researchers to develop new knowledge, skills and ideas in one of more research centres outside the UK.

The scheme may be used for: 

  • developing new lines of research through overseas collaboration
  • making ‘discipline-hopping excursions’ into new areas of research
  • developing innovations in teaching
  • preparing for collaborative grant applications
  • observing and sharing ground-breaking techniques or practices 

Award: Maximum value of £50,000. Fellowships are tenable for between 3 and 24 months.
Deadline: 09 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact:
Dr Anna Cieslik

Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowships

Summary: Research Fellowships are open to experienced researchers, particularly those who are or have been prevented by routine duties from completing a programme of original research. Priority will be given to applicants whose teaching and administrative duties have significantly impacted their ability to undertake research in the three years prior to their application.

For experiences researchers in any discipline, to complete a piece of research.

Award: Maximum value of £65,000. Fellowships are tenable for between 3 and 24 months.
Deadline: 09 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

Wellcome Trust Mental Health Award: Understanding how anxiety- and trauma-related problems develop, persist and resolve

Summary: This award will fund researchers to investigate the causal mechanisms through which brain, body and environment interact over time in the development, persistence and resolution of anxiety- and trauma-related disorders. Knowing more about these mechanisms will help us find better ways to identify these problems and intervene at an early stage.
Award: Up to £4 million. Project duration up to 5 years.
Deadline: 14 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik

BA/Leverhulme Senior Research Fellowship

Summary: The BA/Leverhulme Senior Research Fellowships are intended to enable established scholars, needing relief from teaching and administration, to have the time to bring to completion a significant piece of research, through sustained period of leave for one year.
Award: The salary of a replacement lecturer.
Deadline: 16 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact:
Dr Anna Cieslik

Wellcome Trust Career Development Awards

Summary: This scheme provides funding for mid-career researchers from any discipline who have the potential to be international research leaders. They will develop their research capabilities, drive innovative programmes of work and deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. Projects are usually 8 years in duration, but may be less for some disciplines and may only be longer if held on a part-time basis.
Award: Limit not specified. It is expected that the PI requests an amount that is appropriate to the project.
Deadline: 16 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact:
Dr Anna Cieslik

BA International Writing Workshops

Summary: The intention of the Writing Workshops is to support early career researchers in developing countries, working to stimulate professional networks, develop research partnerships, encourage skills development, provide advice on career development, and promote the uptake of research emanating from developing countries.

Through the Writing Workshops programme, the British Academy aims to encourage and support early career researchers in developing countries to publish in high impact journals in the fields of the humanities and social sciences, and enable them to develop connections with academics and journal editors based nationally and internationally. The writing workshops are in affect making a career intervention, instilling and aiming to change long term academic culture, and engaging with the wider ecosystem researchers inhabit.

These workshops are required to take place in Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Malaysia, Philippines, South Africa, Turkey, Thailand, Vietnam and/or Least Developed Countries.

Award: Maximum £30,000. Funding must be used in the direct delivery of the workshops, and can cover travel and related expenses, subsistence costs, clerical assistance and consumables, childcare support (including for participants), networking, meeting and/or conference costs.
Deadline: 06 December 2023
Research Facilitation Contact:
Dr Anna Cieslik

Leverhulme Study Abroad Studentships

Summary: For students to study or undertake research at a centre of learning in any country except the UK or USA. Studentships are tenable for between 12 and 24 months. The Trust offers approximately 25 Study Abroad Studentships each year.
Award: Students receive a basic annual maintenance allowance of £23,040.
Deadline: 09 January 2024
Research Facilitation Contact:
Dr Anna Cieslik

Wellcome Trust Early-Career Awards

Summary: This scheme provides funding for early-career researchers from any discipline who are ready to develop their research identity. The researcher will deliver shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. By the end of the aware, they will be ready to lead their own independent research programme. Project duration is usually 5 years, but may be less for some disciplines and longer if held on a part-time basis.
Award: £400,000
Deadline: 15 February 2024
Research Facilitation Contact:
Dr Anna Cieslik

Wellcome Trust Discovery Awards

Summary: This scheme provides funding for established researchers and teams from any discipline who want to pursue bold and creative research ideas to deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. The award usually lasts for 8 years, but may be less for some disciplines, such as humanities and social science.
Award: Limit not specified. It is expected that the PI requests an amount that is appropriate to the project.
Deadline: 16 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact:
Dr Anna Cieslik

Large Grant Contribution Fund

Summary: Research grant applications for funding over £2 million for AHSS subject areas can request financial contributions from this fund. Funding may be requested for activities that are complementary to the external funding and contributions from Departments / Schools / Non-school institutions. Activities that add value in the following areas are particularly encouraged: widening participation and inclusion; improving partnerships locally / nationally / internationally; capacity and capability building; working with less advantaged partners. Leveraging funding for existing grant awards is not in the remit of this fund. All applications must include one or more external partners and only applications led by Cambridge PIs are eligible.
Award: Up to 10% of the award value. PI buyout and equipment are not eligible costs for request.
Deadline: Minimum 4 weeks before funder deadline.
Research Facilitation Contact: 
Dr Anna Cieslik and

REF Impact Funding

Summary: Internal funding is available from the Research Strategy Office to support the development of the University’s REF impact submission. It is expected that successful applications will fund impact activities that may feed into potential impact case studies only where no other monies are available. Applications will be reviewed by the Impact and Knowledge Exchange Team. 

Submissions may include (but are not restricted to):

  • Support for gathering feedback from public engagement activities
  • Economic health monitoring
  • Surveying/engaging with research users to evaluate impact
  • Independent evaluation of impacts
  • Resource to collate citations in policy documents

Award: Up to £10,000.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact:
Please contact your relevant member of the Impact and Knowledge Exchange Team.

All-Council Rapid Response Impact Acceleration Account Call

Summary: The All-Council Rapid Response Impact Acceleration Account Call is now open to support a wide range of impact activities when researchers are confronted by time-sensitive opportunities or need to test new ideas quickly. This call supports interdisciplinary projects, open to PIs and ECRs with PIs as co-applicants.

Proposed projects must support ‘on the ground’ impact and knowledge exchange activities, which enable researchers at all levels to engage with the public, private and third sectors, and provides a sustainable support structure within the University to promote wider and more effective engagement with external non-academic organisations.Project can be up to three months in duration.

Award: Up to £15,000 per application.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Lucy Sheerman

Vice Chancellors Awards for Research Impact and Engagement

Summary: Organised by the Public Engagement Team and the Research Strategy Impact Team, these awards recognise outstanding achievement, innovation and creativity in devising and implementing ambitious engagement and impact plans which have the potential to create significant impact from and engagement with, research.

Deadline: 05 October 2023
Research Facilitation Contact:

AI-deas: challenge-led AI funding scheme

Summary: An ambitious, multidisciplinary programme of challenge-led, AI-enabled innovation supported by AI@Cam will spin up new research teams, develop collaborations with business, policymakers and civil society, and take innovative ideas from the lab to application. Research teams supported by AI@Cam’s AI-deas scheme will have access to funding and research support to scale their work and impact.
To start, we’re inviting researchers across the University of Cambridge to submit concept papers setting out their idea for how AI could serve science, citizens, and society by 09:00 on 6 October 2023. We’ll convene researchers working on connected themes together to establish a challenge-led research programme to drive a step-change in AI research, policy, and practice. We’ll provide start-up funding and will work with challenge teams to support their progress.
Award: Start-up funding of £150k
Deadline: 06 October 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Jess Montgomery at

Tsinghua-Cambridge Joint Research Initiative Fund Call for proposals 2023

Summary: The Tsinghua University - Cambridge University Joint Research Initiative has released the 2023 call for proposals, which is broadly focused on approaches to a sustainable future. Projects can address any aspect of sustainability and associated research challenges. Examples of potential key themes include, but are not limited to climate change, pathways to net zero and climate repair; sustainable use of natural resources; pathways to zero pollution; sustainable agriculture; conservation of biodiversity; achieving the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals; climate/environmental justice, and so on. Each research proposal must be jointly prepared by PIs from both institutions.
Award: Projects should not exceed £12,500 for the Cambridge partners and  RMB 125,000 for Tsinghua partners for a project duration up to 12 months.
Deadline: 20 October 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Jingchen Hou at

AHRC IAA Impact Fund Call

Summary: The overall purpose of this fund is to support ‘on the ground’ impact and knowledge exchange activities. Awards will be made available to fund work that will significantly increase the probability of the ideas and findings generated by the research having a non-academic impact on the private, public and third sectors. Collaborative, innovative and co-funded projects are encouraged.
Award: Up to £15,000 covering 100% of directly incurred costs but not indirect costs.
Deadline: 20 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact:, include ‘AHRC IAA funding for Impact Projects’ in the subject line.  

AHRC Early Career Researcher Impact Fund Call

Summary: The overall purpose of this fund is to support ‘on the ground’ impact and knowledge exchange activities. Awards will be made available to fund work that will significantly increase the probability of the ideas and findings generated by the research having a non-academic impact on the private, public and third sectors. Collaborative, innovative and co-funded projects are encouraged.
Award: Between £5,000 and £10,000 covering 100% of directly incurred costs. Up to two awards will be made per year.
Deadline: 20 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact:, include ‘AHRC IAA funding for Impact Projects’ in the subject line.  

AHSS Grants Academy

This 3 day in-person series of workshops is specifically designed for research staff. Participants who are relatively new to proposal writing will develop the skills and expertise needed to tackle this process with increased confidence and knowledge of what is required. Participants who have more experience of writing grants will acquire new techniques and knowledge which will enable them to develop stronger, more competitive research funding applications.

  • Days 1-2 (1st and 2nd November): This two-day workshop is designed for individuals who have a research idea and a funder in mind. The workshop is a blend of facilitator input, exercises, discussion, and feedback.
  • Day 3 (3rd November): This grant writing day is designed to allow participants to consolidate the learning from the Grants Academy and make progress on their research proposal. There will be dedicated time and space to work intensively on their funding application in a supportive environment. 

There are 15 spaces available for AHSS researchers.  In order to express interest in participating, please fill out 
this form by 02 October 2023. We will be in touch the following week regarding availability of spaces. 

**In order to take part in the programme you must be of postdoctoral status and have an existing contract with the University of Cambridge or one of the colleges.

Climate change debate and spokesperson masterclass

Course 1:  

  • Introductory workshop (online): Friday 13th October, 13:00-15:00 
  • In-person debate training (Imperial College, Kensington Campus): Monday 16th Oct, 9:30-17:00 

 Course 2: 

  • Introductory workshop (online): Thursday 16th Nov 10:00-12:00 
  • In-person debate training (Imperial College, Kensington Campus): Friday 17th Nov, 9:30-17:00 

The total amount of time for each training course is 10 hours, split across different sessions in one week:

  • One online introductory workshop facilitated by the Grantham Institutes, focused on expanding expertise and communicating comprehensive narratives on climate science and economics. This workshop will also review narratives based on misinformation on climate change and the elements of successful rebuttal.
  •  Full-day, in-person training session run by debating and communications experts at the consultancy Purpose Union. These sessions focus on practical debate training for public and media communication, including debating strategies and techniques; understanding and persuading audiences; and choosing the most effective framing for an argument. These trainings are focused on general tools and techniques that you yourself can apply in any situation.

Training course is free and open to participants working across academic climate change research, including climate science, economics and policy. Each course has 10 places.

Register your interest here.


Rising Stars engaging communications and public engagement training course

Summary: Our Rising Stars course is open to postgraduates, post-docs and early career academics at Cambridge. In five lunch and learn sessions, we’ll take you through the steps involved in planning, organising and delivering a public engagement activity with the opportunity to run the activity you have developed at the Cambridge Festival. The festival runs from 14-28 March 2024 with our family weekend on 23-24 March. 

Applications close Monday 9 October and the course starts on Wednesday 18 October.

More details and to apply:

The Impact and Innovation of Research

Summary: Have you ever wondered how your research might have impact on the world beyond the academy? Join us at our upcoming gathering ‘The impact and innovation of research’ which will offer a unique opportunity to delve into the invaluable insights and experiences of esteemed academics who have effectively translated their work into real-world impact.

Topics covered include:

  • What impact is and how it relates to research
  • Pathways and routes to Impact
  • How research underpins real-world impact
  • How to define an audience
  • What success looks like

Time: 15:30 
Date: 19 October 2023
Register here


AHSS Bulletin September 2023

AHSS Research and Impact Facilitation Bulletin

September 2023


If you want to discuss funding opportunities or you are working on an application for research funding and would like feedback on a draft, please do contact the School’s Research Facilitators: Anna Cieslik (UK Funding) and Elizabeth Penner (EU/International Funding).  For Impact related queries please contact Lucy Sheerman (Impact Facilitator).

UK Research Council Funding
ESRC responsive mode: Secondary data analysis round one (28 September 2023) ESRC
Understanding geohazard processes and their impacts across India (3 October 2023) UKRI
BRAID: Ecosystem Scoping to Embed Responsible AI in Context (5 October 2023)
ADR UK Research Fellowships 2023 (10 October 2023) ESRC
Restricted Call: Pre-announcement – Centre for Law and Social Justice (internal deadline: mid-October) AHRC
AHRC responsive mode: Curiosity Award (19 October 2023) AHRC
AHRC responsive mode: Catalyst Award (19 October 2023) AHRC
Creating Opportunities Evaluation Development Fund (31 October 2023) UKRI
Creating Opportunities Trial Accelerator Fund (31 October 2023) UKRI
Research the social sciences in the Open Research Area (14 November 2023) URKI
AHRC responsive mode: working with Brazilian Researchers: round one (07 December 2023) AHRC
Pre-announcement: Apply to become the Hub for Public Engagement with Music Research (16 January 2024) AHRC
Pre-announcement: AHRC Innovation Scholars secondments in design (TBA February 2024) AHRC

EU/International Funding
Horizon Europe Update: UK Eligibility Update
Horizon Europe Main Work Programme (various dates)
ERC Starting Grant (24 October 2023)
ERC Synergy Grant (8 November 2023)
Charity Funding
Leverhulme Visiting Professorships (5 October 2023)
Wellcome Trust Early-Career Award (5 October 2023)
British Academy Innovation Fellowship - Route A: Researcher-Led (11 October 2023)
Knowledge Frontiers: International Interdisciplinary Research Projects 2024 (1 November 2023)
Global Innovation Fellowships: The German Council on Foreign Relations (1 November 2023)
Global Innovation Fellowships: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (1 November 2023)
British Academy Innovation Fellowships Scheme 2023-24 - Route B: Policy-Led (01 November 2023)
British Academy Small Research Grant (8 November 2023)
Wellcome Trust Mental Health Award: Understanding how anxiety- and trauma-related problems develop, persist and resolve (14 November 2023)
BA/Leverhulme Senior Research Fellowships (16 November 2023)
Wellcome Trust Career Development Awards (16 November 2023)
Wellcome Trust Discovery Awards (16 April 2024)
Internal Funding
Large Grant Contribution Fund (rolling deadline; minimum 4 weeks before funder deadline)
REF Impact Fund (rolling deadline)
All-Council Rapid Impact Acceleration Account Call (rolling deadline, until 4 September 2023)
Cambridge Africa ALBORADA Research Fund 2023 (04 September 2023)
Public Engagement Starter Fund (05 September 2023)
DAAD Cambridge Funding (07 September 2023)
Keynes Fund (29 September 2023)
Vice Chancellors Awards for Research Impact and Engagement (5 October 2023)
Tsinghua-Cambridge Joint Research Initiative Fund Call for proposals (20 October 2023)
Rising Star engaging communications and public engagement training course (18 October)
The Impact and Innovation of Research (19 October 2023)
ESRC responsive mode: secondary data analysis round one
Summary: This funding opportunity supports research that exploits existing data resources for social and economic research. Applicants have considerable flexibility to focus on any subject area or topic providing that it falls within the ESRC’s remit.
Proposed research is not required to use ESRC-funded data resources, though this is encouraged.

This funding opportunity also aims to develop the capacity and skills of social sciences communities in using large and complex existing data resources. We encourage partnerships with non-academic stakeholders to ensure generation of high-impact, policy- and practitioner-relevant research.

Award: Up to £300,000, funded at 80%.
Deadline: 28 September 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik
Understanding geohazard processes and their impacts across India
Summary: Building resilience to geohazards presents a major challenge that requires collaborative international action by researchers, policymakers, governments, private sectors, and civil societies.
The Understanding geohazard processes and their impacts across India programme will fund interdisciplinary research that:

seeks to understand the contextual fundamental physics of earthquake and landslide processes behind geohazard events in India and its neighbouring countries
explores the social, cultural and environmental impacts of cascading geohazards within India and its neighbouring countries in order to enhance environmental and community resilience at the local, regional and national scale by devising novel risk reduction and mitigation strategies
It is expected that project teams will need to incorporate researchers from a range of disciplines.

Projects should further understanding of and address knowledge gaps in the fundamental properties and physics of earthquake and landslide processes through appropriate methods.

Research should be informed by local knowledge and understanding of disaster events. Projects should therefore employ a participatory approach from the outset in order to co-develop tools and approaches with local communities, that will have direct impact on the ground.

Award: Up to £1,000,000, funded at 80%. Matched funding will be available from the Ministry of Earth Sciences, India. 
Deadline: 03 October 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner
BRAID: Ecosystem Scoping to Embed Responsible AI in Context
Summary: Funding to support projects that will undertake scoping and preparation work, building partnerships and mapping parts of the AI ecosystem that could be the focus of a future responsible AI demonstrator project.
All proposals must clearly outline the rationale for their chosen context, including why a deeper understanding of what ‘responsible AI’ means in that context is important, and who would benefit from it. When thinking about the project’s outcomes, you should consider:

the potential for adoption and translation of existing responsible AI research, tools and practices into this context (for example, algorithmic audits, impact assessments, red-teaming exercises, model cards, ethics review boards)
the potential for new responsible AI knowledge, tools or practices to be developed in this context, or adapted for this AI context from other domains or histories
the barriers, opportunities and incentives to Responsible AI in this context
the network of actors, stakeholders, powers and interests in this context
achievable goals and action-guiding criteria for Responsible AI in this context
Note we expect funded projects to explore at least three of these.

Award: Between £187,500 to £312,500 FEC funded at 80%
Deadline: 05 October 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik
ADR UK Research Fellowships 2023
Summary: Applications must make use of ADR England flagship linked datasets, held in the Office for National Statistics Secure Research Service or other ADR UK trusted research environments. These datasets are detailed in the ADR England flagship dataset brochure (PDF, 1.5MB), which will be updated when the funding opportunity opens for applications on 5 July 2023.
We are looking for fellowship proposals that meet the following four objectives:

useful research: proposals that will act as ‘pathfinders’ for conducting research and deriving insights from the dataset, and which showcase the potential for policy impact and public benefit
useful data: proposals that will develop the data as a useful research resource for future users
useful engagement: proposals that will foster opportunities between academia, government, the third sector and the public to allow fresh thinking to flourish and maintain public acceptance of the use of data for research purposes
community building: proposals that will greatly boost the applicant’s development as a research leader in their field and include activities promoting the development of a wider community around a particular dataset or theme
Award: Up to £175,000 funded at 80% fEC for a period of up to 18 months.
Deadline: 10 October 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner
Restricted call: AHRC Centre for Law and Social Justice
Full details for this round are not yet available as the call will open in September 2023. The purpose of this communication is to bring the scheme to your attention and to allow candidates sufficient time to prepare strong applications. The University’s internal selection process for this round will be confirmed once the call opens. This information is subject to change. 

AHRC has announced the Centre for Law and Social Justice call. 

AHRC will fund one Centre for Law and Social Justice and offer £5M (at 80% fec) over 5 years. The Centre will deliver collaborative, interdisciplinary, challenge-led research on social justice, champion the arts and humanities, strengthen and diversify the research community and foreground equitable partnerships, equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI), and public engagement. 

AHRC expects consortia-based applications which will bring together diverse people, institutions, expertise, experiences, places, and wider stakeholders. The Centre will champion arts and humanities methods and approaches to legal scholarship in a way which enhances the interdisciplinary nature of the discipline. AHRC therefore expects to see interdisciplinary teams which extend across the arts and humanities and social sciences and beyond.

For more information about the call, and the four broad research themes AHRC expects successful centres to work on, please see the call page. Please note that as the call has only been pre-announced by the funder, this information is subject to change. Finally, AHRC strongly advises that teams preparing a bid consult their scoping report and blog post on creating opportunities in law.

University Internal selection:  

The funder expects to implement some form of demand management. This will likely mean that each institution will only be able submit one application where it is the lead applicant. Therefore, we expect that this call will be managed according to the University’s restricted calls procedure.

We anticipate asking interested departments to complete an online selection form by mid-October, 2023. This Form will be circulated when the call opens. You will likely need the following documents and information to complete the Form (again, this will be  confirmed once the call opens): 

Basic details about the PI and collaborators
a project summary addressing the assessment criteria (see below)
a head of department support letter confirming their support for the project and that the respective Department is happy to host it

Internal Assessment Criteria: 

We anticipate that the assessment of internal applications will focus on the following core funder criteria: 

Fit to the funding opportunity and how well it addresses the three core objectives (see Scope section in the call page for the three core objectives)
Consortium, including the partners involved, how they have contributed to the proposal and how they will contribute to the Centre 
Consideration of equality, diversity, and inclusion across the full remit of the Centre, including your plans for public engagement
Funder deadline: January, 2024 (for outline stage; exact date TBA) and July, 2024 (for full proposal stage; exact date TBA)

Award: £5 Million funded at 80% over 5 years
Deadline: mid-October 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik and
AHRC responsive mode: Curiosity Award
Summary: Curiosity awards support early-stage ambitious and novel fundamental research which has the potential to act as a springboard towards new and exciting research agendas.
The scheme is intentionally flexible. An indicative list of examples of the activities we will fund are provided below. You are encouraged to request and justify costs for activities that best meet the aims of your project. This may include:

idea generation
seed corn funding
high risk / high potential concepts
novel research
networking activity
partnership building
knowledge exchange
public engagement
international collaboration
scoping and piloting, for example, early-stage proof of concept for ideas or change of direction
pivots in research focus at any career stage
mentoring for members of the research team
NB: this is not a prescriptive or exhaustive list.

Projects can last up to five years in duration. The earliest permissible start date is 1 March 2024.

Award: Up to £100,000 FEC funded at 80%
Deadline: 19 October 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik
AHRC responsive mode: Catalyst Award
Summary: Catalyst awards support researchers without prior experience of leading a significant research project to accelerate their trajectory as independent researchers, unlocking their potential and building leadership and convenor experience through the delivery of ambitious and/or complex projects.
The scheme takes a people-centred approach with funding available to support the development of researchers and their research ideas. It is flexible, and applications are welcomed from teams, networks and solo researchers.

Projects can last up to five years in duration. The earliest permissible start date is 1 June 2024.

Award: Between £100,000–£300,000 FEC funded at 80%
Deadline: 19 October 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik
Creating Opportunities Evaluation Development Fund
Summary: The Creating Opportunities Development Evaluation Fund is aimed at enabling the research and innovation community to test interventions on the ground, primarily using robust counterfactual impact evaluation methods. In doing so, grant holders will help address gaps and weaknesses in the existing evidence base underpinning the thematic areas covered by the UKRI creating opportunities, improving outcomes strategic theme.
This fund will support small-scale evaluation activity that is focused on tackling persistent local and regional inequalities within the UK. Awards will last up to 12 months.

Award: Between £100,000 and £250,000 funded at 80% fEC.
Deadline: 31 October 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik
Creating Opportunities Trial Accelerator Fund
Summary:  The UKRI Creating Opportunities Trial Accelerator Fund is aimed at enabling the research and innovation community to test interventions that will spread opportunities and reduce spatial disparities in economic, health and social outcomes for people and places across the UK by using, primarily, robust counterfactual impact evaluation methods.
In doing so, grant holders will help address gaps and weaknesses in the existing evidence base underpinning the thematic areas covered by the UKRI “Creating Opportunities, Improving Outcomes” strategic theme.

The overarching objectives are to:
generate causal evidence on what works to spread opportunities and reduce spatial disparities in outcomes for people and places across the UK
accelerate the development of innovative and ethical methods for robustly testing and evaluating the impact of interventions related to the thematic areas outlined below
build the capacity of the research and innovation system to forge interdisciplinary collaborations and lasting partnerships with local communities (including those with lived experience) in designing and delivering robust research trials and related evaluation activity
provide actionable evidence that responds to the needs of decision makers and informs policy or practice at a local, regional, national, or international scale
Award: Between £1 million and £2.5 million funded at 80% fEC. Projects should last between 13 and 48 months.
Deadline: 31 October 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik
Research the social sciences in the Open Research Area
Summary:  Apply for funding for international research in any area of the social sciences.
Your project must be a collaboration between researchers based in at least three of the participating countries:

You may also seek partnerships with researchers based in Japan.

SSHRC will coordinate this funding opportunity.

Award: Between £200,000 and £600,000 fEC, funded at 80% by ESRC. The other research councils will fund: ANR: Up to EUR 450,00; DFG: no maximum limit; SSHR: up to $600,000 (maximum $200,000 per year). Project duration is between 24 and 36 months.
Deadline: 14 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner
AHRC responsive mode: working with Brazilian researchers: round one
Summary:  Apply for funding to work with overseas researchers in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Collaborative work is governed by an agreement between UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and State of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).
Collaborations can involve:

a single institution or a combination of institutions
researchers working in different research areas
disciplines within the arts and humanities, or between an arts and humanities discipline and another subject area. In such collaborations the arts and humanities element of the project should lead in shaping the research questions and methods
researchers working in other sectors
researchers based abroad
The proposed collaboration should be appropriate for the specific needs of the research project.
Award: Between £300,000 and £1,500,000 fEC, funded at 80% by AHRC. FAPESP will accept proposals of up to £1.5 million from Brazilian Researchers. The maximum duration of this award is five years.

Deadline: 07 December 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner
Pre-announcement: Apply to become the Hub for Public Engagement with Music Research
Summary:  AHRC is funding one research organisation to become the Hub for Public Engagement with Music Research between 2024 and 2026. Through a framework of devolved funding, the hub will be expected to award, coordinate and support a cohort of four spoke projects across the UK that will engage new and diverse public audiences in participatory music research and engagement activities that are innovative, inspiring and impactful.
The Hub will have oversight of all of the projects and will act in a coordinating capacity. The Hub is not permitted to award funding to spoke projects based at any of the organisations where members of the Hub Leadership Team are based.

Award: Up to £812.500 fEC funded at 80%.
Deadline: 16 January 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik
Pre-announcement: AHRC Innovation Scholars secondments in design
Summary: Apply for funding to develop your skills and exchange knowledge through the UKRI Innovation Scholars programme. This secondment opportunity is focused on design. For this AHRC opportunity, the aim is to enhance the skills and careers of individuals in design research and innovation. This will be achieved through funding individual secondments focused on research and innovation, with networking events for the secondees.
You must have a desire to proactively engage with design and the motivation to work within it. Interdisciplinary secondment proposals as well as practice-based ones will be welcomed.

Your secondment is expected to:

boost your skills, knowledge, networking opportunities and therefore career development
intensify knowledge exchange and create porosity between different sectors, resulting in innovative outputs
bring benefits to your host organisation
add value to the design sector and the UK economy
Projects can last between six months and 36 months and can be full or part-time, or hybrid (a combination of part-time and full-time).

Award: Up to £200,000 funded at 100% for eligible salary, travel and subsistence costs.
Deadline: TBA February 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik
Horizon Europe Update: UK Eligibility Update
UKRI Guarantee Guidance

The scope of UKRI’s Horizon Europe Guarantee Funding has been extended. It now covers all eligible, successful applicants to Horizon Europe calls with final submission deadlines on or before 30th September 2023. Previously, it covered Horizon Europe calls with a final submission deadline on or before 31st March 2023.

Other updates introduced include i) additional notes on associated partner obligations (page 6 of guidance) and ii) revision to IFS post-award monitoring (Q&A question 8). These updates and their implications will be reviewed by EU and International Team and communicated in due course.
Future applications: The UK is still eligible to apply for EU funding and applications made through Cambridge must still apply as if the UK is already an Associated Country.  This is because:
The EC states in the General Annexes (page 7) “…third countries negotiating association to Horizon Europe will be treated as entities established in an Associated Country…”  
Applicants will not be eligible for the UK government funding if they are unable demonstrate that the sole reason they need funding is because the UK’s association has not been completed by the time the grant agreement needs to be signed – see page 4 in the Guidance.

Updates on Association: Please visit the Research Operation Office’s EU pages.
Horizon Europe Main Work Programme
This PDF offers further details on calls relevant to SAHSS.  This list is not exhaustive so please refer the Horizon Europe Portal for full details. UKRO also have some very useful Factsheets that outline the thematic clusters that make up the three pillars of research support offered.
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner
Highlighted notices:
Europe’s cultural heritage and arts – promoting our values at home and abroad 
Deadline: 07 February 2024

Political participation in multilingual spaces 
Deadline: 07 February 2024

Thematic networks to compile and share knowledge ready for practice 
Deadline: 28 February 2024
ERC Starting Grant
Summary: The ERC Starting Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are starting their own independent research team or programme. Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition, and feasibility of their research proposal.

Researchers of any nationality with 2-7 years of experience since completion of PhD, a scientific track record showing great promise and an excellent research proposal can apply.

Award: Up to € 1.5 million for a period of 5 years (pro rata for projects of shorter duration). An additional € 1 million can be made available to cover eligible “start-up” costs for researchers moving from a third country to the EU or an associated country and/or the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities and/or other major experimental and field work costs.
Deadline: 24 October 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner
ERC Synergy Grant
Summary: The aim is to provide support for a small group of two to four Principal Investigators to jointly address ambitious research problems that could not be addressed by the individual Principal Investigators and their teams working alone. Synergy projects should enable substantial advances at the frontiers of knowledge, stemming, for example, from the cross-fertilization of scientific fields, from new productive lines of enquiry, or new methods and techniques, including unconventional approaches and investigations at the interface between established disciplines. The transformative research funded by Synergy Grants should have the potential of becoming a benchmark on a global scale.

Award: A maximum of € 10 million for a period of 6 years (pro rata for projects of shorter duration). An additional € 4 million can be requested in the proposal in total to cover eligible 'start-up' costs for Principal Investigators moving to the EU or an Associated Country from elsewhere as a consequence of receiving an ERC grant and/or the purchase of major equipment and/or access to large facilities.
Deadline: 8 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner
Leverhulme Visiting Professorships
Summary: For UK institutions to invite an eminent senior professor from overseas, to bring genuinely novel expertise and enhance the skills and knowledge of academic staff and students in an underrepresented area in the UK. Priority will be given to new or recent collaborations and visits with a variety of activities beyond research. A Visiting Professorship may last for between 3 and 12 months, and tenures of 6 months or more can be spread over 2 or more visits.
Award: Between £10,000 and £150,000
Deadline: 5 October 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner
Wellcome Trust Early-Career Awards
Summary: This scheme provides funding for early-career researchers from any discipline who are ready to develop their research identity. The researcher will deliver shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. By the end of the aware, they will be ready to lead their own independent research programme. Project duration is usually 5 years, but may be less for some disciplines and longer if held on a part-time basis.
Award: £400,000
Deadline: 5 October 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik
British Academy Innovation Fellowships Scheme – Route A: Researcher-led
Summary: The British Academy is inviting applications for funding for researcher-led Innovation Fellowships (Route A), through which applicants must apply with a partner which they have identified. 
Through the Innovation Fellowships, our researchers in the SHAPE community will be supported to create new and deeper links beyond academia, so enabling knowledge mobilisation and translation, as well as individual skills development. These Fellowships will forge innovative place-based partnerships to create new intellectual, cultural, community and economic opportunities that will address key societal challenges. This includes, but is not limited to:

developing new approaches for supporting innovation across the economy, regions, and society;
contributing to and leading on challenges targeted at increasing links with industry and business, broadly defined;
improving direct connection of researchers with policymakers, leaders and innovators at local and regional levels.
Award: Up to £120,000. The Lead Applicant must commit between 0.4 and 0.8 FTE. Project duration is between 6–12 months.
Deadline: 11 October 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik
Knowledge Frontiers: International Interdisciplinary Research Projects 2024
Summary: The purpose of each project will be to develop new international interdisciplinary research in the humanities and social sciences. Research may be problem-focused, creatively innovative and exploratory, and should bring together relevant disciplines in both the humanities and social sciences, where appropriate, for maximum impact/effect. The Academy requires all applications to fundamentally involve and integrate both the humanities and the social sciences.
The aim of this call is to support international collaborations between early career researchers in the UK and elsewhere on internationally focused research projects of an interdisciplinary nature involving the humanities AND social sciences. Other than this framing of international interdisciplinary research led by early career researchers, the research itself can be focused on any issue or topic. There are no themes to this call. It is open to any research focus if it meets the international interdisciplinary focus.

Award: Awards of 24 months in duration and up to £300,000. Funding can be used to support the time of the Principal Investigator and Co-Applicants; postdoctoral (or equivalent) research assistance; travel, fieldwork and related expenses; and networking costs. Awards are offered on an 80% full economic costing basis. Projects must begin in March/April 2024.
Deadline: 1 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik
Global Innovation Fellowships: The German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)
Summary: The objective of the Global Innovation Fellowships is to provide opportunities to UK-based early- and mid-career researchers from across the humanities and social sciences to develop their skills, networks and careers in the creative and cultural, public, private and policy sectors to address challenges that require innovative approaches and solutions. Through the Global Innovation Fellowships, researchers in the SHAPE community will be supported to create new and deeper links beyond academia, so enabling knowledge mobilisation and translation, as well as individual skills development.

This is a new programme for the British Academy and in this pilot phase we are delighted to be offering opportunities for Global Innovation Fellowship award holders to embed themselves and be based in the office of the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) in Berlin.
Applications are invited in any of the following areas:

  • Technology and International Affairs.
  • Global Order and Disorder
  • Eastern and South-eastern Europe.
  • Sustainability, Nature & Climate.

Award: The Academy is offering up to three one-year fellowships hosted in DGAP's offices in Berlin. These are offered as awards for up to £150,000 for 12 months in duration (with Full Economic Costing at 80%).
Deadline: 1 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner
Global Innovation Fellowships: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Summary: The objective of the Global Innovation Fellowships is to provide opportunities to UK-based early- and mid-career researchers from across the humanities and social sciences to develop their skills, networks and careers in the creative and cultural, public, private and policy sectors to address challenges that require innovative approaches and solutions. Through the Global Innovation Fellowships, researchers in the SHAPE community will be supported to create new and deeper links beyond academia, so enabling knowledge mobilisation and translation, as well as individual skills development.

This is a new programme for the British Academy and in this pilot phase we are delighted to be offering opportunities for Global Innovation Fellowship award holders to embed themselves and be based in the offices of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
The aim is to have a mutually beneficial partnership between the fellowship award holder and Carnegie with each able to take advantage of fresh perspectives and expand their networks and reach. It will enable the award holder to strengthen and create new links across policy and academia, enabling knowledge mobilisation and translation, and the opportunity to develop new approaches and solutions to policy challenges through providing a different perspective. 

Applications are invited in any of the following five areas:

  • Sustainability, Climate and Geopolitics.
  • Technology and International Affairs.
  • Democracy, Conflict & Governance.
  • Global Order and Institutions.
  • Nuclear Policy.

Award: The Academy is offering up to three one-year fellowships hosted in Carnegie’s offices in the USA (Washington DC or California). These are offered as awards for up to £150,000 for 12 months in duration (with Full Economic Costing at 80%).
Deadline: 1 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Elizabeth Penner
British Academy Innovation Fellowships Scheme 2023-24 – Route B: Policy-Led
Summary: The Innovation Fellowships scheme will provide funding and support for established early-career and mid-career researchers in the Humanities and Social Sciences to partner with organisations and business in the creative and cultural, public, private and policy sectors, to address challenges that require innovative approaches and solutions. Through the Innovation Fellowships, our researchers in the SHAPE community will be supported to create new and deeper links beyond academia, so enabling knowledge mobilisation and translation, as well as individual skills development.

The Innovation Fellowships scheme has two routes: Route A: Researcher-led and Route B: Policy-led. This call is for Route B with the Academy working with the FCDO.
The Academy and the FCDO invite applications for Fellowships in any of the following four areas.

  1. The Impact of Serious and Organised Crime on Future UK Foreign Policy
  2. The History of International Development and Aid Policy
  3. Iran
  4. India and other South Asian states

Award: The Academy is offering awards up to £120,000 for 12 months in duration, funded at 80% FEC. Awards are expected to commence no earlier than 1 January 2023 and no later than 31 March 2024.
Deadline: 1 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik
British Academy Small Research Grant
Summary: The BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants are available to support primary research in the humanities and social sciences. Funds are available to facilitate initial project planning and development; to support the direct costs of research; and to enable the advancement of research through workshops or conferences, or visits by or to partner scholars. Grants are tenable for a between 1 and 24 months.
Award: Up to £10,000
Deadline: 8 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik
Wellcome Trust Mental Health Award: Understanding how anxiety- and trauma-related problems develop, persist and resolve
Summary: This award will fund researchers to investigate the causal mechanisms through which brain, body and environment interact over time in the development, persistence and resolution of anxiety- and trauma-related disorders. Knowing more about these mechanisms will help us find better ways to identify these problems and intervene at an early stage.
Award: Up to £4 million. Project duration up to 5 years.
Deadline: 14 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik
BA/Leverhulme Senior Research Fellowship
Summary: The BA/Leverhulme Senior Research Fellowships are intended to enable established scholars, needing relief from teaching and administration, to have the time to bring to completion a significant piece of research, through sustained period of leave for one year.
Award: The salary of a replacement lecturer.
Deadline: 16 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik
Wellcome Trust Career Development Awards
Summary: This scheme provides funding for mid-career researchers from any discipline who have the potential to be international research leaders. They will develop their research capabilities, drive innovative programmes of work and deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. Projects are usually 8 years in duration, but may be less for some disciplines and may only be longer if held on a part-time basis.
Award: Limit not specified. It is expected that the PI requests an amount that is appropriate to the project.
Deadline: 16 November 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik
Wellcome Trust Discovery Awards
Summary: This scheme provides funding for established researchers and teams from any discipline who want to pursue bold and creative research ideas to deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. The award usually lasts for 8 years, but may be less for some disciplines, such as humanities and social science.
Award: Limit not specified. It is expected that the PI requests an amount that is appropriate to the project.
Deadline: 16 April 2024
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik
Large Grant Contribution Fund
Summary: Research grant applications for funding over £2 million for AHSS subject areas can request financial contributions from this fund. Funding may be requested for activities that are complementary to the external funding and contributions from Departments / Schools / Non-school institutions. Activities that add value in the following areas are particularly encouraged: widening participation and inclusion; improving partnerships locally / nationally / internationally; capacity and capability building; working with less advantaged partners. Leveraging funding for existing grant awards is not in the remit of this fund. All applications must include one or more external partners and only applications led by Cambridge PIs are eligible.
Award: Up to 10% of the award value. PI buyout and equipment are not eligible costs for request.
Deadline: Minimum 4 weeks before funder deadline.
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Anna Cieslik and
REF Impact Funding
Summary: Internal funding is available from the Research Strategy Office to support the development of the University’s REF impact submission. It is expected that successful applications will fund impact activities that may feed into potential impact case studies only where no other monies are available. Applications will be reviewed by the Impact and Knowledge Exchange Team. 

  • Submissions may include (but are not restricted to):
  • Support for gathering feedback from public engagement activities
  • Economic health monitoring
  • Surveying/engaging with research users to evaluate impact
  • Independent evaluation of impacts
  • Resource to collate citations in policy documents

Award: Up to £10,000.
Deadline: Rolling basis
Research Facilitation Contact: Please contact your relevant member of the Impact and Knowledge Exchange Team.
All-Council Rapid Response Impact Acceleration Account Call
Summary: The All-Council Rapid Response Impact Acceleration Account Call is now open to support a wide range of impact activities when researchers are confronted by time-sensitive opportunities or need to test new ideas quickly. This call supports interdisciplinary projects, open to PIs and ECRs with PIs as co-applicants.

Proposed projects must support ‘on the ground’ impact and knowledge exchange activities, which enable researchers at all levels to engage with the public, private and third sectors, and provides a sustainable support structure within the University to promote wider and more effective engagement with external non-academic organisations.Project can be up to three months in duration.

Award: Up to £15,000 per application.
Deadline: Rolling basis until 4 September 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Dr Lucy Sheerman
Cambridge Africa ALBORADA Research Fund 2023
Summary: The Cambridge-Africa programme is pleased to announce that the call for proposals to the ALBORADA Research Fund is now open. Applications are invited from pairs of researchers (post-doctoral level and above) from the University of Cambridge or an affiliated institution and sub-Saharan African institutions, across all disciplines, to initiate and/or strengthen research collaborations. For this round, we may be able to consider applications from North Africa.
The Cambridge-Africa ALBORADA Research Fund competitively awards grants for:
research costs (such as reagents, fieldwork and equipment)
research-related travel between Cambridge and Africa
conducting research training activities in Africa (e.g. workshops/courses)
Award: Between £1,000 and £20,000.
Deadline: 04 September 2023
Research Facilitation Contact:
Public Engagement Starter Fund
Summary: The Public Engagement Starter Fund is an exciting opportunity for University of Cambridge researchers to apply for small grants to undertake innovative public engagement with research activities. Applications to the 2023 Public Engagement Starter Fund, for grants of up to £2000, can be submitted until 05 September 2023.  The fund supports novel projects based on contemporary research at the University of Cambridge. Further guidance, including detailed application guidelines, is available online.

A completed online application form must be submitted by the deadline of 5 September 2023.

You can book a drop-in session with the public engagement team to learn more about the fund. 

Award: Up to £2,000.
Deadline: 05 September 2023
Research Facilitation Contact:
DAAD Cambridge Research Hub Funding
Summary: This fund offers three strands of funding to support 1) Workshops and Seed Funding for Projects 2) Visits to Cambridge by German scholars 3) Public Engagement Activities.
Award: Up to £5,000, varies between strands.
Deadline: 07 September 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Ingrid Hobbis,
Keynes Fund
Summary: The Keynes Fund supports research into: capital market mispricing; the design of incentive systems and mechanisms to reduce the incidence and significance of institutional or general economic failure as well as into responsive public policies. The scope of work to be funded shall include interactions between the financial markets and the real economy.

The Fund encourages academics to extend the frontiers of traditional economics in order to raise Cambridge's profile in the critical area between economic theory, best private sector practice and public policy, with a bias towards promoting long-term thinking, dampened pro-cyclicality, improved economic growth and reduced income/wealth disparities.
Award: Standard grants up to £50,000; Large grants in excess of £50,000.
Deadline: 29 September 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Marion Reusch, Keynes Fund Administrator,
Vice Chancellors Awards for Research Impact and Engagement
Summary: Organised by the Public Engagement Team and the Research Strategy Impact Team, these awards recognise outstanding achievement, innovation and creativity in devising and implementing ambitious engagement and impact plans which have the potential to create significant impact from and engagement with, research.

Deadline: 05 October 2023
Research Facilitation Contact:
Tsinghua-Cambridge Joint Research Initiative Fund Call for proposals 2023
Summary: The Tsinghua University - Cambridge University Joint Research Initiative has released the 2023 call for proposals, which is broadly focused on approaches to a sustainable future. Projects can address any aspect of sustainability and associated research challenges. Examples of potential key themes include, but are not limited to climate change, pathways to net zero and climate repair; sustainable use of natural resources; pathways to zero pollution; sustainable agriculture; conservation of biodiversity; achieving the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals; climate/environmental justice, and so on. Each research proposal must be jointly prepared by PIs from both institutions.
Award: Projects should not exceed £12,500 for the Cambridge partners and  RMB 125,000 for Tsinghua partners for a project duration up to 12 months.
Deadline: 20 October 2023
Research Facilitation Contact: Jingchen Hou at
Rising Stars engaging communications and public engagement training course
Summary: Our Rising Stars course is open to postgraduates, post-docs and early career academics at Cambridge. In five lunch and learn sessions, we’ll take you through the steps involved in planning, organising and delivering a public engagement activity with the opportunity to run the activity you have developed at the Cambridge Festival. The festival runs from 14-28 March 2024 with our family weekend on 23-24 March. 

Applications close Monday 9 October and the course starts on Wednesday 18 October.

More details and to apply:

The Impact and Innovation of Research
Summary: Have you ever wondered how your research might have impact on the world beyond the academy? Join us at our upcoming gathering ‘The impact and innovation of research’ which will offer a unique opportunity to delve into the invaluable insights and experiences of esteemed academics who have effectively translated their work into real-world impact.
Topics covered include:

  • What impact is and how it relates to research
  • Pathways and routes to Impact
  • How research underpins real-world impact
  • How to define an audience
  • What success looks like

Time: 15:30 
Date: 19 October 2023
Register here

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