Got an idea? How can we help?
Arts and Humanities Impact Facilitation
The Arts and Humanities Impact Facilitator is available to:
- Meet with researchers one-to-one, to identify and explore impact opportunities arising from current and prospective research plans
- Provide specialist advice and support to researchers who are preparing funding applications with impact components, including feedback services for those writing impact sections in AHRC and ESRC bids
- Advise on designing and evaluating public engagement events for maximum impact
- Help connect researchers with interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral organisations and networks, to add breadth and variety to impact work
- Deliver bespoke impact training sessions for Faculties and Departments
- Facilitate applications to internal funding schemes such as the AHRC Impact Acceleration Account and Flexi Scheme
For more information, contact Dr Lucy Sheerman:
Social Science Impact Facilitation
The University of Cambridge has been awarded another round of funding for an Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) from the Economic Social Research Council (ESRC) to run from 2019-2023.
The ESRC IAA will be used to support a number of activities focussed on generating impact from social science research, some of which include:
- Support researchers making applications to the Social Science Impact Fund
- One-to-one impact support to researchers;
- Events, training, and online materials for devising impact plans;
- Commercialisation and technology transfer support from Cambridge Enterprise;
- Policy engagement through The Centre for Science and Policy;
- Enterprise training for researchers looking to commercialise their research, provided by the Entrepreneurship Centre at Judge Business School and the Maxwell Centre Impulse Programme and;
- Recognition for impact and public engagement through the annual Vice Chancellor’s Awards for Impact and Public Engagement.
For more information contact Dr Tina Basi, Social Science Impact Facilitator:
Spotlight on Research Impact
This film is part of the 'Impact through Engagement' series on how ESRC-funded researchers collaborate with non-academic partners to generate impact from their research in the social sciences and economics.
Professor Catherine Barnard, Professor of European Law and Labour Law, engaged local Cambridgeshire communities with her ESRC-funded research on EU migrants, social benefits and working law. The work undertaken through this project was awarded the University of Cambridge Vice-Chancellor's Public Engagement with Research Award in 2017.
Professor Abigail Brundin, Professor of Italian, shares her experience of participating in exciting collaborations with heritage organisations.