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Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Research Funding and Strategic Initiatives

Research Culture Professional Training Development Programme for Research Enabling Staff, Grades 4 to 6

The aim of the programme is for research enabling staff to build a sense of professional identity, become familiar with rapid developments in the funding landscape and develop professional networks within and external to Cambridge.  Cohort participation will run from April 2025-March 2027 to maximise access to these opportunities.

We are offering professional training and development opportunities for colleagues in research support roles, Grades 4-6.  We are recruiting a training cohort of 18 participants, who will be offered the opportunity to:

  • Obtain Association of Research Managers and Administrators (ARMA) membership
  • Apply to attend the ARMA Annual Conference (4 funded places available, including registration, travel and accommodation)
  • Apply to take professional training courses (10 funded opportunities/year, up to £300 pp).


Association of Research Managers and Administrators (ARMA)

ARMA is the UK’s professional association for research leadership, management and administration. We have over 3000 members from across the UK, from higher education institutions, research funders and charities. Our work focuses on creating opportunities for our members to develop their professional skills and play their part in a positive and dynamic research culture

ARMA is an amazing connected community of research services professionals working in partnership with the UK’s most talented academics and researchers, delivering new game-changing discoveries every day. We have representatives in the UK’s largest and smallest research institutions and are not aligned to any mission group. All our members have access to a great range of opportunities and benefits, such as:

And more!


What is the expected time commitment?

Time committed to the Programme is set by each individual with a suggested commitment of 1 hour a month until January 2027.


Application Process: extended deadline - 31 January 2025

This opportunity is available to staff supporting CSAH and CSHSS researchers in the first instance.  You can apply if you are in Grades 4-6 and support funding applications (either in pre- or post- award capacity, in either School, or the Cambridge Research Office) and your employment contract extends to at least January 2027.  If places are available, the opportunity will be extended to staff supporting other Schools and non-school institutions. In order to apply, please fill out this online application form by 31 January 2025. Participants will be selected based on the following criteria:

  • Lack of comparable funding sources available through their institution
  • Willingness to engage with other cohort participants and share knowledge (two online knowledge sharing events will be planned in 2025)
  • Willingness to contribute to the evaluation of the initiative (feedback at the end of the programme)
  • Statement of motivation (300 words)
  • Support from your line manager
  • Distribution of funding (we will attempt to share the funding equitably between institutions of the applicants)

We will notify you of the outcome of your application by 20 February 2025. Your ARMA membership will commence on 01 April 2025.


Any queries?

Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions at: