Information for award holders and departments
Financial arrangements
- Awards are available immediately;
- Awards must be spent within a month of the project end date;
- The funds will be transferred to your department by the School Finance Advisor – please ask the department accounts team to notify us of the dedicated Cost Centre where funds should be transferred to, by emailing;
- The source of funds for the award will be ALBN;
- Expenditure may only be incurred through a host Faculty or Department;
- All expenditure should be coded directly to the Cost Centre provided by the host department;
- Award holders should not make direct payments for services under any circumstances;
- Any overspend will be the responsibility of the Faculty or Department concerned;
- Any unspent award will be journalled back to the Scheme at the end of the academic year.
Changes to awards
- CHRG awards are strictly cash-limited and no follow-on funding is available.
- No-cost extensions are normally granted only on the basis of unavoidable delay such as a change in personnel or other circumstances outside the control of the researcher.
- Repurposing of funds may be possible, depending on the circumstances, and must be approved in advance by submitting a change request.
- Changes to awards must be requested online.
- Expenditure must be completed within one month of the project end date.
- Any underspend will be transferred back to the Scheme at the end of the academic year.
- Any overspend will be the responsibility of the host Faculty or Department.
Reporting requirements
- As a condition of the award, each awardee will be asked to submit a brief report (using the template provided) on the outcomes of the project and the extent to which the specific aims/outputs have been achieved, along with a statement of expenditure.
- Reports are due within thirty days of the project end-date.
- Failure to submit a report may result in the funds being recalled.
- Final reports should be on the template provided and submitted online
If you have any queries, please contact the CHRG Administration at