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Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Research Funding and Strategic Initiatives
  • 04Feb

    We love a plan! In our Introduction to Public Engagement course, we introduced you to planning using a logic model. In this practical session, we’ll use this tool in exercises that will allow you to think about why you want to engage, the outcomes and impact you want to achieve, who you want to engage with and how to reach them.

  • 05Feb

    Are you curious about how to improve Research Culture in your department or research group? Looking for inspiration? Do want some guidance on initiatives you are planning? Or ways to improve those you are already running?

  • 06Feb
  • 11Feb

    Successful public engagement can benefit research, researchers and the public – but how do you go about demonstrating this change? This workshop will guide you through the best evaluation processes showing you when, why and crucially how, to use evaluation to give you reliable and clear data.

  • 12Feb

    Are you curious about how to improve Research Culture in your department or research group? Looking for inspiration? Do want some guidance on initiatives you are planning? Or ways to improve those you are already running?

  • 26Feb

    Are you curious about how to improve Research Culture in your department or research group? Looking for inspiration? Do want some guidance on initiatives you are planning? Or ways to improve those you are already running?