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Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Research Funding and Strategic Initiatives

Successful public engagement can benefit research, researchers and the public – but how do you go about demonstrating this change? This workshop will guide you through the best evaluation processes showing you when, why and crucially how, to use evaluation to give you reliable and clear data. Demonstrate success to funders; record Impact for REF; learn how to improve your processes and have a better understanding of the people you are connecting with.

The workshop will be followed by the option of a one-to-one consultation to discuss individual and project specific evaluation approaches. These will take place after the workshop and last for 20 min. Please contact the ER team for information on how to book this session.

Dr Jamie Gallagher is an award-winning engagement professional with over ten years’ experience in the delivery and evaluation of quality engagement projects. Working across dozens of institutions and subject areas he has improved the reach, profile and impact of research engagement in almost every academic discipline.

As a specialist in evaluation Jamie provides consultancy services to charities and universities helping them to demonstrate their impact and to understand their audiences and stakeholders. He consulted on dozens of REF impact case studies in the latest round and works regularly with the vast majority of the Russell Group Universities.

Target audience

  • PhD students
  • Post-docs
  • Researchers
  • Public Engagement Professionals



At the end of the workshop participants will be able to: Understand the purposes, uses and limitations of evaluation Apply event-appropriate evaluation methods in multiple scenarios Prepare useful, answerable and relevant evaluation questions Devise and deliver your own evaluation plan Interpret and report evaluation data.




Tuesday, 11 February, 2025 - 10:00 to 12:00
Event location: 