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Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Research Funding and Strategic Initiatives


Lead name: Dr Bronwen Everill  

Department: Centre of African Studies


  • Area Studies, Global inequality and Economic Development
  • Social, cultural, economic transformations 
  • Conflict, Conservation, Environmental Policy and Climate Justice 
  • Legacies of the Past or Historical Transitions  

The Consortium for the Global South, led by Dr. Bronwen Everill, serves as a dynamic hub for multidisciplinary exploration within the University. Its core themes are "Ecologies in Place" and "Labour in Motion," driving research into global inequality, historical transitions, socio-cultural transformations, conflict resolution, environmental policy, and climate justice

The Consortium aims to deepen engagement with these themes through a series of interactive events, including away days, workshops, and lunchtime discussions fostering dialogue and collaboration across various disciplines and career stages. We’re expanding our research network beyond the University, collaborating with Cambridge University Museums and CRASSH. Weekly Wednesday lunches have served as productive forums for reading discussions and works-in-progress presentations, generating valuable connections among Consortium members. Collaborative efforts with CRASSH have led to workshops and podcast recordings, enriching the intellectual discourse within and beyond the university community. 

Looking ahead, the Consortium has a robust line-up of events planned, including an upcoming away day at King's College, a Consortium-sponsored Film Festival, as well as the annual Consortium lecture, scheduled for April 2024. 

In tandem with these activities, the Consortium is expanding its collaboration with CRASSH and nurturing the growth of reading groups focused on topics such as the Social Life of Work and Modern Middle East Studies. Regular meetings with the Cambridge Global Challenges group further underscore the Consortium's commitment to addressing pressing global issues through collaborative action. 

The Consortium for the Global South is not merely a forum for academic discourse but a vibrant community of scholars dedicated to advancing knowledge and understanding of critical issues facing the global south. Through its multifaceted approach to research, collaboration, and engagement, the Consortium is poised to make meaningful contributions to scholarship and societal transformation on a global scale.