HSS Interactive Mapping Tool
The HSS Research Framework thematic focus groups held in May 2022 highlighted a widespread desire to understand our ‘post-COVID’ research landscape at Cambridge and the opportunities for further HSS collaboration and leadership.
Researchers flagged the benefits of having a ‘living map’ of research interests, expertise and collaborations to support (re)connecting researchers and to (re)invigorate research activity across the Humanities and Social Sciences, and potentially beyond.
Initial seed funding to explore the creation of a mapping tool was agreed by the Council of the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences in late June 2022. After background research and conversations with developers (Greater Than the Sum using Kumu Inc.), development has commenced and we are now working on a prototype HSS Interactive Mapping Tool.
Scan the QR code access the tool and read more about it here: HSS Interactive Mapping Tool for Networks and Research Collaborations
How to join the HSS Mapping Tool
Continue the conversation on Teams
The School welcomes UTOs, research staff and affiliate or College-based researchers, particularly those at an early-career stage, to become involved in the further development of these research themes.
Each thematic group has a dedicated Teams channel on our Microsoft Teams Framework site where researchers can connect, share materials, and develop the profile of the group and strands of activity within it.
- Area studies, global inequality and economic development
- Understanding social, culture and economic transformation
- Conflict, conservation, environmental policy and climate justice
- Technology, knowledge and human development
- Legacies of the past/historical transitions
- Healthy lives
[Clicking a link above will take you to Teams]
Researchers are welcome to join as many thematic groups as they would find useful and there is no expectation that each theme takes just one unified direction; themes may be made of several strands of activity involving the same or different constellations of researchers.
Each strand should be led by a researcher or researchers based in HSS, but the Framework is open to those beyond the School too and we welcome creative engagement across disciplines to organically develop the themes in the most productive and distinctive ways possible.
To join a Team please request access using the links above or by emailing the School Research Facilitation Team (ahss-srf-administrator@admin.cam.ac.uk).
Researchers are also invited to join in the development of the HSS Research Framework themes via our 'Ideas Bucket'